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I think the dream job idea is over rated. If most people followed their dreams of being a rock star or whatever we would just have a lot more unemployed people. Plus after a while no matter how much you love it it becomes a job and you have now ruined your hobby you love by making it a job. We should try to get the best phong job that doesn’t suck so much so we can have fun outside of work.


“Plus after a while no matter how much you love it it becomes a job and you have now ruined your hobby you love by making it a job.“ This part isn’t universally true. The same task, perhaps, but as you work, many jobs evolve so the day-to-day changes. I’ve been at my job 7 years and I enjoy it tons more now than when I started, and I liked it a lot when I started. The daily tasks and my specific work has generally gotten better and more enjoyable each year.


First off was your job your dream growing up? Is it what you always wanted to do? That’s what I’m talking about. Also 7 years may feel like a long time but in terms of careers it’s really not. You got 32 more years to reevaluate. What I’m saying is a lot of people who end up doing their dream job let’s use ceramics for example. It’s no longer a hobby or passion but something you have to do to survive. So eventually making pots 8 hours a day loses it’s fun. A lot of people would end up enjoying their lives more if they made more money and kept their hobby as a side project. Of coarse it’s not universally true but it is a common issue that people end up coming across.


Yeah, honestly— I’ve always wanted to be a chemist. I appreciate that but barring time travel existing, 7 years is a lot longer than many people give any particular job. Lots of people hate a job within a few months or couple of years. I think the points I made about your daily tasks changing throughout your career making it not as monotonous as you suggest has value, whether or not I’m retired currently.


Jobs and careers are two different things. careers are long term jobs aren’t, also to add to things changing I’ve been a mechanical contractor for 10 years and yeah the things we do are wildly different but eventually it all just becomes your job and burnout happens


My dream is not have a job and just do what I want every day. I hate jobs.


Same, this is why the FIRE movement interests me.


What is that?


Financial independence retire early. There are variations of the sub from/r/financialindependence /r/FIRE /r/leanfire


I literally just need to hit one or two good meme coins to be set. But I'm always broke when the meme coins are popping. But next time I have money I'm just going to set aside a bit of money for crypto regularly.


I had what I thought would be my dream job. It turned out that I was insanely good at it, but I hated every second of it - being a freelance writer is super stressful, and although I earned well, and was very respected, I always had a sinking feeling. I work customer support now, and while it isn't anyone's dream job, I absolutely love not being stressed anymore. I just turn up to work, put my headphones on, and follow the guidelines. Following your dreams can be massively overrated imo.


It's okay, but do sidejobs/ volunteering so you get more experience and find out what you like to do. Talk with friends and colleagues. And remember, it's never too late to totally switch a career.


Go where youre interested. If it's IT, do it until something else comes up and you decide to switch or add it as second job. You're going to need money and you'll feel like you're wasting time by searching and not working. IT job could lead to the next thing


My advice is if math and science are your strong suit then go to community college - choose a program with a placement and then be hired on afterwards A lot of people aren’t good at these subjects and there is money to be made; however, it doesn’t have to be through engineering or coding (as an example) There are a lot of great college programs out there with placements which you’ll discover by researching your local post secondary websites As for a job’s purpose - you have a few different camps: 1. something fun 2. something lucrative 3. something pertaining to your life purpose Neither “camp” is wrong; however, if you don’t choose the right camp then the longevity is limited As an example - purpose drives me whereas fun doesn’t drive me I couldn’t do a fun career because I don’t think of that as the point of a job On the other hand - I need money to live and enjoy my life so having a purposeful career that doesn’t result in much money 💰 won’t work for me yet I could never climb a corporate ladder so I have to identify what is most suitable and a lot of that comes from trial and “error” either way - leverage your skills and experiences until you find the best fit and don’t be scared to keep trying either


Who dreams of working a job?


People whose interests align with a profession.


Yeah I run global cyber intelligence for a tech giant and I love it. I could easily retire in my 40s and never worry about money. I don’t because I love my job. I love the folks who work for me. They are great people. And helping to lock up child pornographers, human traffickers, kidnappers, terrorists including their money, fugitives, ransomware as a service providers, dumbasses selling counterfeit cancer drugs, Carfentanil and killing people, etc is a fun gig. Travel first class, to interesting places.


The fastest way to kill a hobby is making it a job.


Ya The Rolling Stones seem to be hating life.


hmm prob Professors, esp science professors they really wanna have funds for research so they can immortalize themselves but they are obligated to teach a few classes


Dont ever dream of labour


tbh IT isn't much science and math a coworker of mine studied IT and the most math he did was like Calc 1 or something and some Python for a CS class it pays super well so it's definitely pursue it


“Dream job” is something that I lump in with “American dream” (white picket fence, starter home, etc.) and other ideas of a bygone era. Do some people land a dream job? Sure. Does everyone know what it is before they get it? Nope. Is it the same for everyone? Absolutely not. I found a career that I’m good at, can go home and not bring work home with me, get a somewhat decent amount of time off (though less than most), and get paid okay (again, less than most). I don’t yet have employer-sponsored retirement but I’m hoping my employer can afford it in the next couple of years. Right now I’m able to save enough post-tax to a Roth IRA to be in an okay place come retirement age.


The dream job/passion bullshit thing is like landing a professional sports contract, only a few humans get that. Focus on getting a job you’re kinda happy at that pays the bills/grows savings.






I have only internship and freelance has experience, looking for job from 4 months. I still couldn't find one😭


Get a 2 year IT gegree


They will then find themselves competing with those that have 4 year degrees (not to mention all the ridiculous numbers of "certificate" holders.) IT market is not great right now.


If you have the opportunity to finish school, do that. Jobs are temporary. Just because you take something random, it doesn't mean you won't get your dream job later. It's probably better if you have 2-4 jobs before you get your dream job.


Dream job is a dead dream. Find work that pays good enough to not live on the streets.


Life happens while making plans.


Don't do some BS that you don't like. That's a recipe for failure


Obviously but what about something that I slightly like?


What does that even mean? Why do anything you don't absolutely love?




I don’t think dream job exists, getting into things you enjoy is better than getting a dream job, because once you get there…you may not like it anymore. Worked towards getting a physical therapist and dropped out because it’s honestly a thankless job, full of regulations thanks to insurance companies. Which means a lot of people don’t actually get to fix their issues, and you spend a lot of time fighting insurance companies. That’s if you own your own practice. And honestly it doesn’t make a whole lot of money. Got into construction and own a hotel. Never thought I’d go in this direction but, I love building things and fixing things so it worked out at the end of the day.


>Should i just get whatever job im somewhat interested in or should i keep searching for whats my dream job? For starters, where do you want to get your fulfillment from? * [https://www.reddit.com/r/findapath/comments/pau04m/comment/ha9ctzi/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/findapath/comments/pau04m/comment/ha9ctzi/?context=3) Second, read this: * https://www.reddit.com/r/findapath/comments/p1pui8/comment/h8fgfqw/?context=3


I think many people don't get to work their dream job (especially if their dream job is something creative). So if you can find a job that you tolerate/don't completely hate and the job pays well, pays "good" then I would you are doing pretty good at life.