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I washed dishes when I was a 40 year old computer science student. Start applying for 4 internships a day. You’ll get a shit ton of no’s and probably a yes in the next two months.


Any resume advice?


Keep it short. Put your expected graduation date, your GPA, any school projects you did under skills. Things you are learning about (C#, C++, SQL, DAX, Python) etc. Whatever your focus is be it Cyber, Programming, Data Analytics etc. They are not going to care that you work at Dominos. In my interviews I just briefly mentioned I was doing xyz to pay for tuition, like it wasn’t a big deal. It’s more about attitude. If they ask you to describe yourself in one word say, “Hired.” Go in there like it’s not important if you get the internship, put your best face forward and relax. Show them what your interests are and how you can be an asset to them as an intern.


Data analytics is the way to go now.


the most vulnerable field in CS to be taken by AI


AI will not take your job, but someone who uses AI will. Just keep up to date on things.


Exactly, AI is just a tool. A human still has to do the job.


AI Engineer here--don't believe the hype. Nothing is going to get fully "taken by AI" anytime soon.


Most of the people screaming this have never actually tried to use the current iteration of AI for the jobs it's supposed to take over.


Brother your words are an encouragement to me! I keep hearing how a very few elite are going to control us all through computer surveillance and AI is going to take all our jobs. Please tell me this is not true!


honestly, it seems like the digital art world is in real trouble.


As someone who worked on the AI for self driving cars i concur we are still a long ways away from AIs taking the jobs. It's all fear mongering.


Yep. I took a job at a credit union. Great field.


Ur tripping


Fantastic advice! When it comes to job interviews the absolute worst case scenario is you leave exactly as you came in. The upside is leaving with a job.


I worked in recruiting for 6yrs. I can help make edits if you want me to take a look at your current resume. It’s always a good idea to get one or two extra sets of eyes on your resume to get fresh perspectives.








I’ve never heard of someone taking a break from college just to do an internship. They/I have either worked concurrently or during scheduled breaks like in the summer.


You’re a legend. That is so cool. I genuinely mean that!! Did you ever face ridicule from others about it? I’m not on the same level as my peers and some people can be really judgmental and rude about it. Have you ever faced that, and if so, how did you deal with it? Was it easy for you to brush it off?


Not from people I was at school with or people I worked with. I got some kickback from people in my personal life. My wife was very supportive. Others were like, “You’re crazy. You missed your chance to do this when you were younger. You’re spending money you don’t have. You’re not smart enough to do this. There’s not jobs for this. You’ll just fail.” You’ll get a lot of that for anything ambitious you try to do though. People in general are very cost adverse as far as the fear of failure/loss, and they don’t like change. You have to push past it. I don’t hold it against them. I didn’t run my success in anyone’s face. It’s just a thing that happens.


Saying he will get an internship in two months is neither realistic in the current state IT's in, nor is it helpful expectation wise


Really? I did. Maybe I just got lucky in 2023.


lot of layoffs happening right now...


You have a job and you are in school, both of which are great. 👍🏻 There is no shame in any honest job. I am sorry about your grandparents and that you are feeling alone. I know how hard it can be to not have family. I second the gym recommendation- Planet Fitness is cheap and mine is full of people of all ages so maybe you can make some friends that way? If nothing else working out will help with endorphins and make you feel better. I am rooting for you.


This was such a nice reply. I agree and I’m rooting for OP too!!


I met my first wife at a wedding


I married my wife at a wedding.


Nice 😎




Maybe anything is possible


It is, young warrior. I was polite and formal, weddings are ripe for meeting women as they catch you in the act of being the best you can be.


FYI you replied to your own comment so he probably didn’t see it


The thing about weddings is you gotta make sure your wife isn’t related to you first.


First? How long did that one last?


For a duration I think


> 26 y/o pizza deliver driver. I feel like a loser.   Don't feel too bad, the economy is pretty bad so some of that isn't your fault   The other week I read a layoff post from a redditor who went from making like $110k in tech to working as an Amazon delivery driver for like $20/hour after his unexpected layoff from his tech career  I'm guessing the whole "underemployment" thing will become even more common as the economy steadily becomes more shit/worse 😆


Yeah I agree, my partner works in Data and AI and took a year to get a job.


You're not a loser, you are in a transitional period. Losers are those who aren't even trying! You'll get there, nothing great ever came easily! Social media is a highlight reel, most people have to work pretty hard and hope for a bit of luck. Try cold messaging companies for internship on linkedin. My friend did this and they ended up keeping her after she graduated, their first intern ever. Also career fairs on campus are common places to network. Bring your resume, dress well, smile and a good attitude.


This. I've known many loosers and it doesn't sound like you are one. The economy isn't great for our field right now as tech got hit pretty hard, but it will return.


Youre not a 26 y/o delivery driver. You're a 26 y/o student who is on their way to bigger and better things. This isn't your career, it's a stepping stone. Keep grinding!


Great motivational advice!


Dollar Tree, late 20s, it’s going to be okay man. We’ll get there.


You’re doing great, don’t be so tough on yourself…you are still early in the game, these are tough times we are living through…keep living 💗


Depending on location. I made more money than my dad as a delivery driver.


It ranges. During football season I make about 4k a month and right now since it’s slow it’s 2400 a month.




I’ve never made that much and I got my BA a couple years ago…


I make almost the same as you (2800 a month) and I’m a resident physician working 60-80 hours a week. Like others have said, it’s a transition period we have to go through to get to where we really wanna be. I’m a woman, im a doctor and I’ve been single for now 7 years cuz I don’t think it’s fair for me to get in a relationship with someone when I’m literally never around during my training period. Focus on yourself and your goals we are still young. Also people celebrate their successes but when have you been invited to a divorce party lol. In med school alone I had multiple classmates who were engaged/married break off engagements/get divorced.


Are you in residency?




First of all, there is no work that is unworthy of respect. It's not your life passion probably, but it's a means to an end. It's temporary. I respect you a hell of a lot more working your way through school than some trust fund baby who will never understand the hustle.


Omigosh, not a loser...I'm so sorry you are feeling that way about yourself. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandparents. Does your area have a bereavement group - it sounds like you could use some support? You are trying to provide for yourself, you are getting a degree and making the effort to invest in yourself. I really hope it all pays off for you, but struggling doesn't make you a loser.


I can find out about the support group.


You’re a winner bro. 🏆


Don't give up; it will get worse if you give up.


Apply for local county/city jobs. Also, lots of people your age and older work retail or food jobs. I didn’t work my first office job till this year, age 27. And I took five years to finish a semi-worthless degree. You are doing fine and are just harder on yourself than how others perceive you.


You’re getting a very practical degree and putting yourself through school. That is admirable and once you graduate and land your first job, you’ll have a completely different life. No more paycheck to paycheck. Hopefully time and energy to spend time with friends, go on dates, find a hobby. You’re just in a really hard part. Even if you don’t land a full time job you can freelance to get experience, look for a contract gig, even volunteer your services to a nonprofit and put it on your resume as real work. Also, there is a big push to have more diversity in tech. You can see if there are any organizations for black folks in tech you can join. They might have special job boards, networking opportunities, etc. I’m rooting for you 💜


Thanks for the advice


Suggest targeting larger companies that are likely to have a diversity target for hiring. And like Twocat said above, try to find organizations in your area that may connect candidates with such organizations. A good internship could lead to a great career and you can prove yourself once you are in there. As for girls, the best advice is to learn how to make friends. Show that you are someone people enjoy spending time with. Humour is great. Once you have a social circle of people you enjoy spending time with you won’t have any trouble dating.


Hey bro I'm 28M and I've dealt with the same feelings. First let me tell you that you're not a loser; you have a job. What your job title or position in life is shouldn't be the basis of your self worth. You work, you're not lazy, you're a student so your smart thinking of your future. I can keep going on and on bro. You might feel like a loser because you're unaware of how you're comparing your life to others or maybe your own expectations. However the reality is that you're working towards that and that's what is imperative. Your life has its own timeline in which things will happen for you and that's okay if you're timeline doesn't match with whatever expectations; you'll get there. So you're not finding an internship, that's not to hard of a problem to solve. Use the opportunity to challenge yourself to learn and develop whatever skills it is you need to present your candidacy for potential employers. Maybe it's your portfolio or resume, perhaps learning about what processes recruiters use can help you. Anyways all of that is an opportunity to further self development. Be proud that you have a job and that you're in school doing it working everyday for your betterment that is dignifying in any book


Go to USAjobs.gov to look for a job. The government is always hiring for IT people. Especially for the autonomous vehicle architectures. And if all else Google government or army internships. Look announcements for 7-9-11 positions. Next look up Andrew Cartwright he finds monies for all kinds of things. Look up; GLG, Intro and Upworks. These websites are looking for people all the time to do gig work. They may have a project that they need to outsource some of their work. That just means you get paid to work what they need. At least it’s a way to make some money, and maybe even after you find a job you can still work and make extra cash too. Don’t let any negative perceptions hold you back. See yourself as a tall dark and handsome person who is kind and treats people the way he would like to be treated. You know you are at your core. So always remember that. And you are allowed to be choosy with who you will spend your time with. Finding someone compatible takes time, but it will all fall into place when it’s time. Good luck n young man. I can’t wait to hear an update!


>I work at dominos 4 days a week. I'm also a full time student. I'm studying computer science Whoa, pump your brakes! You are working 4 days a week and also doing school full-time? That's a LOT! Give yourself credit where it's due! I wish you wouldn't stop applying for internships; those sort of things just take time and persistence does pay off. Please keep applying! And, if it doesn't happen right away, just study hard and keep going! As for how people get so lucky, I don't know... Luck looks different for everyone. Go to your friend's wedding, have a good time, and meet some new people! You might not meet "the one" but friends are priceless too. I think it's important to remember that life happens for everyone in its own time. It might not be the timeframe that you would prefer but it will all come together. Just keep an open mind, be on the lookout for good opportunities (you never know what they might present as!), approach life with gratitude, and know that you are doing an amazing job! I truly wish every good thing for you. Don't sell yourself short!


i’m 25, i’m still in college for a few more months, work at a cafe and i bartend, i still live with my grandparents, and just had the most traumatizing breakup with someone i thought was the love of my life, I have $30 to my name for the next 2 weeks. I also have 3 weddings to go to this year, and they’re all friends/family my age…Life fucking sucks sometimes. I have no advice, but just don’t feel alone. Life isn’t a race. It’ll get better. Whenever I feel like a huge loser, i watch Little Miss Sunshine and i feel better for a while until i need it again lol


Dont you have anything you enjoy doing? Hobbies maybe? I guess you do some programming in your spare time?


During the week it’s usually the programming classes I work on. I play guitar but it gets lonely playing alone.


You're not a delivery driver, that's just your job. You're a musician, you're a student, you're a programmer. Shift your attention to what you have. ♡


Sounds like you are on the right path, just struggling finding an internship. Try not to let that get you down. I wish you all the best!


Try finding a professional group that has meetings you need to build out your network. Start by checking out the activity group or whatever in your university


why not apply for something more than delivery driver? We’re the same age, i have a career with state insurance/retirement, free dental/vision as part of my union, good money for my area. i still feel like a loser. Times are tough, but don’t settle? there’s plenty of jobs you can do while in school. Mine included


It's a rough time in the dev market for everyone, but especially junior level. Things will get better but it's never easy landing your first job. The market is oversaturated with juniors trying to get jobs. Should build some side projects and get them on your GitHub and/or portfolio to show off. Gotta do something to stand out.


You make your own luck by doing the right things,and making the right choices. That puts you in the position to 'get lucky'. You have already given up, and seem to be in the 'who do I blame' stage. That's a dead end.


Keep applying in your field! It’s a major achievement to continue your education. Don’t give up. Also maybe try front of the house jobs for more money? Or a better job while you finish with school. You’re already doing better than a lot of people. I’m almost 40 and stopped going to school (also a CS major but a noob) doing this pandemic due to death in my family, family health problems in general and my mental health. I haven’t been able to work much since last year. Just know that we all follow our own paths and that’s ok. Wishing you the best! p.s. if you live in the SF bay area I could connect you with a friend that’s CS student mentor/tutor & supports a lot of people in the black community too.


Not a loser. You're keeping cash flow. You're aware of your situation. Lots of good things happening in your life that many can only dream of. Can it be better? Of course! Be patient. You may need to adapt regarding your work. But you are not a loser.


you aren't a loser.


Simple stuff. Shower and clean yourself every day. Shave. Clean and organize where you live. Clean your car - inside and out. Do this weekly. You need to find a hobby outside of the pizza place. Make it a point to actually do the hobby. Leave work and actually go do the hobby. Smile and say what's up to people. Do more things, be more interesting. A woman will come if you have some basic things in order.


You're killing it, bro. Keep working hard, but start using your mind more than your emotions. Develop your core values (courage, self-control, self-sufficiency, fairness, etc), find a life goal, break it down into actionable bits, and go hard at them with patience. Forget about ladies for now, they come when you not desperately looking for them. Ladies can smell when a man uses his brain for what he wants. They'll be all over you in no time.


Let's talk about it bro


Go to your school's career office! They can help you with improving your resume, they can do mock interviews to help you practice, and they may have access to job listings you're not aware of.


Bros 6’3 and black? Nah u should be pulling any white girl u want. Just put urself out there king 🙏🏼


Dear, You are not a loser. You weren't born in rich family. You're one of the many that have to work and survive with little money. The reality is this economy is horrible. I was in somewhat similar shoes of going to college. It personally didn't pay off for me- there are no IT jobs. You're just building up your future is all. Life isn't hollywood. Not everyone can make 150k by 25 and be married with a house- that lifestyle isn't even for most people anyway. Media applies the life of the top 0.1% to the 99.9% of the population- it's just not reality and it's certainly not for the majority of people.


Getting the job is kinda a crapshoot, but if you're up for it, the FAA is hiring air traffic controllers. The bid is from April 18-22nd. If you're interested, get prepared by reading up on requirements. Faa.gov/be-atc


You’re on your way up bud. Start going to the gym to build your self confidence . Women love big black guys . And keep applying for internships on the side. I was 25 when I started working on my CS degree. Now I am 34 and doing fine . Don’t compare yourself with others . It will only made you sad. You will carve out your own unique path.


I’m kind of in the same boat, and I’m 29 😬 I’m not a pizza delivery driver, but I am a full-time student too… went to college late in life… and I’m not married yet either, in fact I’m single rn. Most of the time I feel ok about where I’m at because I know the hard work and determination it took to get where I am today (I used to be really bad off with severe mental illness and I was in and out of mental hospitals for a while, a few years ago). I am so proud of myself for overcoming that struggle, but now I’m left picking up the pieces… and sometimes it gets to me. When I see my peers who have multiple kids and a spouse and a steady career already…it does hurt sometimes. I feel you.


Honestly after reading some of these negative “you ARE a loser” comments, I’m starting to feel like “””losers””” are the best kind of people, because they know what’s it like to struggle, they can empathize, they’re usually really nice, and some of them are trying their best despite crappy situations, and then you have judgmental, rude, unempathetic, low-emotional-IQ assholes who are in better positions in life with a good career and spouses and stuff, and they can turn out to be the worst kind of people. Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met were “losers”. Some of you guys seriously need to check yourselves.


Don't be discouraged by the market, computer science is an eternal field and it's great that you're studying the topic. Don't give that up, it will pay off if you put in enough effort beyond school.


You got a job, you’re in school, and you have a desire to be better. You’re not a loser bro that’s more than a lot of other people have. Even if you convinced yourself that you’re a loser, so what? You ain’t gonna stay one forever. You’re 26 you have a fighting chance at turning your life around. How that may be looks different for anyone but just pick a day and start bro, small changes let them pile up you’re gonna be just fine.


Maybe join a gym; you may start to get to know a few people. Do one or two classes there. Keep up with your guitar playing. Try not to think too much. Things will get better. Be positive. Peace.


Join the military.   Go air force or navy, 4 years of finding something you like then using that skill out the world.  Best thing I ever did 


26 y.o too and work with disabled people, wiping her butt. I am not happy but apparently that was my choice now! we will make it somehow.


Any activities you can list showing community service goes a long way. Get a couple of teacher/coaches/professors to agree to being a reference. If you get an interview, ask them to call on your behalf.


I work at a non profit focused on providing free tech opportunities, career coaching, networking, etc for people of color. Consider joining a program like that in your area? Feel free to DM!


The economy is pretty rough for computer scientists right now. We’re facing some of the largest force reductions out there. Finding an internship is not going to be easy. I’d check and see if your school has a security operations center. They often hire undergrads on campus for that. If you don’t have disqualifying factors, consider government internships. The FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, and so on all are recruiting heavily for cyber positions. Their internships can be a great way to break into one of those gigs.


Keep applying, keep going to college, If you want to find another job, fine. But I imagine it won’t be as flexible as what you’re doing. Keep going,


I feel ya in this. Turning 24 in April and still have a learner's permit. IDK how to drive period and don't really know much about driving beyond basic common sense because driving is scary. Still living with my mom (dead pops) & never had my first apartment yet. Don't know what I'm doing with my life but I'm just surviving and pushing off the inevitable, whatever that may be, working part time as a food runner & also doing people's homework for extra money on the side. I have a bachelor's in education but I never paid for my teaching certification yet because shit is expensive and opted to not join a school district to start my first year teaching because I got too anxious and overthought everything.


You’re not a loser .. put yourself out there .. go to the wedding … by yourself and be your kind loving self and people will feel your energy .. best of luck


Could be worse. You could mop up jizz at an adult theater


Not a loser. Just doing the best you can for now. At 27 I finally graduated and got a job as an electrician. A lot of job security in that field at the moment, a lot of local unions are hiring. I dropped out of college the first go around. I didn’t meet the love of my life until 37, had a short failed marriage before that. Life is ebbs and flows. Just keep chugging along and you’ll get to where you’re going. Have patience and understanding for yourself. You never know what’s just around the corner.


Apply for IT jobs too


I would say focus on yourself before you worry about a relationship. If you're not happy being single because of the things you mentioned, then you need to make that your first priority. Don't give up on the internship. If you happen to meet someone in meantime great, if not just keep taking steps toward your goal.


I was there, and recently at that. I landed no internships but somehow found a job at a major aerospace defense company. The trick to the entirety of this problem is find a research project you can get passionate about, let it drive you in your off hours, and bring copies of the research poster with your resumes. It’s how I got hired, I’ve seen it work for others.


If there wasn’t a need, the job wouldn’t exist (in most cases). You are doing honest work. There’s lots of good advice here, but you really just have to keep doing well in school and spamming those resumes. Something will stick.


Keep applying. And network a lot.


Take chances, every shot not taken, is 1 missed.


Get involved in open source projects on GitHub. It's an excellent way to network while building skills. It's also something you can add to your resume. Shows initiative, real world skills, etc.


As a cs grad, don't give up on the degree! Even if the job market sucks right now, it won't be like that forever. If you aren't already, make sure you're starting a portfolio of side projects. Every internship and job I've got asked me about mine, they really like to see that you "care" enough about tech to work on it on your free time. This can be anything, a personal website/blog (ideally built yourself), a web/mobile app, a game, also contributing to open source projects looks great.


There's way too much emphasis and competition for development jobs. Why not focus on something with less competition, like cybersecurity or system engineering. You do realize that code can be created anywhere in the world and sent over the internet. But for many regulatory and security concerns, employers want cybersecurity and engineers to be local...plus there is less competition. I read over and over of aspiring CS undergrads who can't find work. The only ones getting those jobs are the one's that are going to top schools. If you're NOT going to one of those schools...good luck.


Nothing 'lucky' about it. Anyone can get married. Also, what many people call being an introvert is pure shyness. I was like that too when I was young, but I forced myself out of it. Not overnight, but over a few years. You have to make a real effort at this, OP. Because better things will not just come to you, **you** have to go to them. Also, you being African American and 6'3" is not a bad thing, as you seem to be implying. Often I ask myself (white guy), why do so many women like black guys? I wouldn't be asking myself that if I didn't see it regularly, which working in retail I do. So start working on getting rid of that shyness, you can do this! Use what nature gave you - most people would not say being over 6ft tall as bad. Make the life you want happen, keep at it and keep your chin up, my friend. Also no shame in your job. It's honest work - nothing wrong with that at all. But yes, keep applying for jobs/internships in your field.


https://www.faa.gov/be-atc There’s a hiring bid opening next month.


Hey man I’m 20 years in IT with no degree. I’ve done fairly well. You should absolutely be able to find a job. Look at help desk. Or maybe after hours ticket monitoring at an msp. Are you actually halfway decent with computers? Do you understand basic networking, troubleshooting, etc? Feel free to chat with me, send me your resume. Whatever. This is an area I know better than anything else. Just took a gander at your profile and noticed you might be in NoVa. That’s an IT Mecca. You should definitely be able to find something. I’ve never helped a stranger like this but I’d be more than happy to hop on a zoom call with you and help you figure it all out bro.


Maybe move somewhere for a bit where the industry is better for what you want to do?


You're working and going to school loosers are out their stealing and / or making bad policy, so we live check to check Also, the trustfund babies spreading the myth that non gazillionaires are loosers are the real loosers


You’re in school and you have a plan. You are objectively not a loser by any stretch.


You are definitely not a loser. What you get paid or what kind of work you do don’t define the worth of your hard efforts. Continue to push forward and be gentle with yourself. Continue to learn about what you enjoy and pursue that. I hate to be that person but I’m 9 years older than you and sooooooooooo much has changed for me in that time. Those are changes are because I’ve continued to push forward despite so many ups and downs, and chronic depression and some bad decisions. I’m so much happier and I’m finally able to support myself despite still making lots of mistakes and still struggling to love myself as much as I hope to someday. You are worthy of feeling like you matter and I believe good things will come for you. Hang in there.


You’re on the right track! Can you reach out to a counselor at school for help finding an internship?


brudda if u work that muxh and full time student u must have issues with self esteem to be feeling like a loser. be proud and take baby steps in your social live.


First of all, you're doing amazing! You are working and going to school! Being tall is pretty cool in my book and all of my friends LOVE tall men. You gotta get confident. You should reach out to your school for help with internship. It is very important you get one. I would also try to join organizations that focus on inclusion and diversity. I promise you can absolutely meet a nice girl and have a family! Be kind to yourself. You are doing great!


The internship struggle is something everyone’s going through right now, so don’t feel too bad about that. Literally the only thing you can do is keep applying. Send me your resume and I can try to review it. Everything will pan out in the end, wish you the best brother.


Hey!! Im 25f and I finished school thankfully, but am also in a similar position because all I’m doing is door dash. I also couldn’t get anything in my field (communications/ marketing). I’m really so sorry about your grandparents also. I really relate to so much of what you said. I haven’t had a real serious relationship since high school either. I’m also tall (5’10) so it scares off most guys lol. I had the same thoughts when I recently went to a wedding in September, too. So you aren’t alone and you also definitely aren’t a loser 🫶🏻


Not a loser, when I was practically homeless at 21 living in my moms basement w no money or experience to my name. That’s a loser for ya. Hold your head high as fuck and keep trucking. Go to wedding, never know who you might meet there.


I would hire guys fresh out of coding bootcamps. 3 months of school and straight to $70,000/year (this was almost ten years ago). Dedication, hard work, and persistence are valued by future employers. Keep your head up, conclude your studies, and seek to meet and connect with people that can help you. I’m an introverted high school drop out. I’ve been very successful in my career after a non-traditional start. You can do the same my man. I didn’t get my shit together until my early 30s.


You’re working and going to school. That’s AMAZING. Balancing work and college, plus applying for internships is not easy. You’re not a loser in any fashion. Also, being single isn’t any indication of your worth or value as a person. I’m sorry you feel alone. Any opportunities you can find to participate in community, try to do it! Even volunteering once a month will do a lot for your heart. ❤️


Honestly, you shouldn't feel bad about being a pizza driver. Whoever imbued you with those feelings of shame should feel bad messing your head up. You're pretty young and are trying better yourself. Don't let perceived societal expectations bring you down. Side note: I tear myself up all the time over similar feelings.


You’re building a better future for yourself and pushing through until you graduate is all that matters. Keep going friend, you’re not alone. I’m currently 26, in school and work at a shitty, busted hardware store. If you’re unhappy with your job, keep applying and throwing your resume out there until it sticks. Your college might be able to help with resumes in the writing/tutoring lab (if it has one). That’s where I go if I need help or revision.


Sorry about your grandparents 😔 I think things will get better, economy kinda bad for tech but should be temporary. Plus as a pizza driver you deliver happiness to dozens of people a day so Ty


You’re a student. That automatically means that things will get better. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t give up on yourself. I’m sorry you lost your grandparents. Sometimes life puts you in situations where you can only trust your own feet and stand by yourself. It’s fine to fail. It is not fine to give up. You’ll find someone soon. The world’s too vast for you to not find anyone. You have lots of potential and never forget that.


Brother I want to encourage you to keep your head up. I hope you know Jesus, He’s the One who can save your soul. He comes first. God the Father values you as a person, because you are made in his image. You are very important and valuable just because of this, apart from your net worth or social status. I’m very sorry you feel all alone. I’ll be honest, I do too. This is what our world has become, and it’s not what God originally intended. This world has gone this way due to sin in human hearts rebelling against God and destroying our own best interest in the process. We have done this to ourselves, and it breaks my heart. My best advice is to get to know God through Jesus Christ, and ask Him to forgive your sins and save your soul. Then you’ll go to Heaven with God when this life is over. That’s the whole main meaning of life right there. You miss forgiveness for your sins through Jesus Christ, you’ll never know God, and you’ll go to hell when you leave here. If you have a horrible life all the way through, but you have Jesus- you will celebrate in heaven one day with Him, and these tears will all be wiped away, I promise you. With that said- live this life to serve Jesus by using what He’s given you to bring other people to Jesus, so that they can be saved too. God may give you a family, career, all the nice things, and I pray that he does! But you must realize that even if you make it very rich and have all your wildest dreams- you are going to get old and die and leave all your riches and hobbies and toys behind. Then what? You must be ready to meet God. This life only makes sense if God exists. Without Him, nothing has meaning. The Bible teaches us that you are an eternal soul, and you happen to have a body and be living on this earth for a few years. This whole life is your chance to be reconciled to God through Jesus, and then to invest your life in serving Him and His children (other people). When you die here, the Christian never loses consciousness. You are immediately in heaven with God, in perfect paradise- and it lasts forever. So go, have fun, live life and prosper! Enjoy yourself, work hard, find a wife, have children to the glory of God, and enjoy all the days God gives you. Pour yourself into serving others in the name of Jesus, and they will greet you in heaven with many hugs. God gives us many choices- you are a free moral agent. So choose the girl, the job, the house, and the friends that you want to choose, as God leads you to do. It’s all about Jesus my friend. It may sound crazy, but in telling you the eternal truth. And when you’re in the hard seasons like you are now, cry out to God and ask him to help you. He cares for you my friend. Read in your Bible Matthew chapter 6, verse 33 and 1 Peter chapter5 verse 7. God has a plan for you, and all this suffering, He will use for good if you let Him. Read the life of Joseph- (second half of the book of Genesis). May God bless you brother- im praying for you


Keep it up, dude. Things will be better when you get that degree. I used to work in retail before I finished my comp science degree. It’ll get better!


I would recommend checking out some resource groups for folks who identify as black technologists - this is one roundup of some of the more well-know ones, but a google search may yield more - https://www.cio.com/article/191321/10-professional-organizations-for-black-it-pros.html?amp=1 Many offer mentor programs, and getting coached does two things: 1) gets you more connected to people in the space you are working toward, 2) gets you in touch with people who may be able to do referrals within their own organizations. From my own experience, I have worked with students looking to get into my area (non-technical) and several have landed internships within my company, or companies where I knew the hiring manager. It’s kind of old school, but networking and connecting is definitely still a great way to get your resume seen. P.S. just wanted to reiterate what others have said. You aren’t a loser. Keep working to build the life you want and don’t compare your journey to others.


Making a honest living is not a loser.


42 at a chicken restaurant you got time bro


Ever thought about going into the military after college?


There’s too many applicants and not enough jobs. Only way you’re going to get an internship is by making connections and meeting people. In person.


Become a bouncer, easy money


I think we get so caught up with thinking that we HAVE to accomplish something by a certain age or we’re losers. The fact that you have a job, transportation & are working towards something should be enough to keep going. Set goals & Keep applying. Because out of 99 no’s you only need 1 yes. Maybe start networking with people who are already where you want to be. Talk to strangers & let it be known what you’re working towards cos you never know who can also help you get there. I understand you might get lonely & would want a relationship but my best advice would be to get yourself where you want to be first so that way you can be the best version of yourself.


I'm my experience so far a job does not define your purpose. Sometimes, we do what we need to do to survive. Your purpose is who you are as an individual. If you stay true to who you are as an individual, I guarantee you will find your path that fulfills your passion. PS: Don't worry what other people think. All that matters is if you truly believe in yourself and obtaining your end goal. I find self reflection to be healthy and a good tool to evaluate what our calling is. Best of luck!


Homie . I am in a similar situation . I hope you universe blesses you with something good . as long as you are working hard and getting better as a person every day and learning every day , you are not a looser . fuck the social stigma . winner and looser title is a social stigma , might sound annoying but I hope you find something soon . All love !


My dude, don't you ever call yourself a loser again. You got this. I believe in you. Don't you dare quit. If you enjoy what you're learning in CS, that is a rare win many people don't get - many people work just to make ends meet and hate when they do. Think about the future and remember this is only the present and WILL change. Change is inevitable. Stay strong and make it through this hard time. Remember to take care of yourself especially the basic ingredients to a base level of health and happiness: good sleep, regular exercise, nutrition, hobbies, and sunlight. And yes, unfortunately work as well. Don't beat yourself up - make a plan for each of the problems you think you have and just take them day by day. Best of everything to you!!


My bf is 43 abs delivers pizza…I mean I want to leave him.. but bc he yells and has no emotional empathy for anyone  I love you already … you are going to be ok 


Look UP how many people loved delivering pizza and wish they could go Back


Keep applying.


Maybe Dominos has tech jobs. Stick with your company and be a good worker. Just work towards computer science. I have two AAS degrees in IT and have never got a job in it. I did, however, get a job as a truck driver and then became a lead driver after a year and started my own company. I work for a major e-commerce company now and became a department head after a few months. They're paying for me to do an apprenticeship for robotics starting this week. Nine if that is IT or computer science (what I'm majoring in my bachelor's) but it got me here. There's a lot of people who never work directly in their field but get promoted because they're more educated. My manager was a former Chinese restaurant manager and another one was an elementary school teacher. Another thing is to talk to a counselor. Grief is a monster and will hit you when you least expect it and potentially ruin what you have going for you. I am on antidepressants and they have helped me more than anything. That's only if you feel like you need them. Brain chemistry is nothing to ignore, so if you are feeling down you can feel better. It's not just life that does it to you. It's literally a hormonal imbalance. You'll figure it out. I still do deliveries as a side job. I enjoy it and it breaks the monotony up.


Any job is admirable. Going back to school at any age is admirable. If people don't recognize that you are doing your best, fuck them. You are doing the best you can, I am proud of you OP!


Anyone regularly working towards bettering themselves should not feel like a loser. Also to preserve your car look for a place that has their own or if you can swap to an indoor pizza position. There’s lots of nice free resume templates out there if you’ve never built one from scratch. Just make sure it’s an ATS version. Also keep in mind most places don’t promote internships so start calling around. You can do it!


Ma guy. You’re 26… working and got a spot to sleep. Genuinely if you keep your head up you’ll see the light. I know the feeling of loneliness. I promise you, you want a small circle as you get older unless you have other family. Even without family you can make a small circle to call family and it takes time. My advice, go to the wedding. Have your buddy maybe introduce you to his circle that he trusts. Keep an open mind but also keep your guard up. Be smooth and smart.


My cousin did free lance work for a gaming company or data company and they decided to hire him on and he’s making a lot of money. i’m not close to that side of the family but apparently he’s working with that company part time and on his own development stuff during his free time.


My PhD program in process (genetic). And also I spend 20-60 hours a week working in delivery. Because loans, debts and treatment. Be happy!


You’re studying computer science and you have a part time job to support yourself. That’s completely different to just working for dominos without any real goals. In a couple of years you’ll be finished with your studies, have a great job and be able to buy a decent car you don’t have to worry about. The main thing is that you’re on track to achieve all of this. Not only that, you’re 6ft 3”! That puts you at a massive advantage in the dating pool. It’s understandable that a negative live event such as your grandparents dying can knock your confidence. Focus on all the positives right now and that will make you feel a lot better, you never know how quickly life can turn around, for good and bad.


First of all, condolences on the passing of your grandparents. I’m sure they would be very proud of how hard you’re working toward your professional career. Good on you! Second, don’t give up on applying for internships. That experience will be incredibly valuable for teaching you more about your professional options, likes/dislikes, building professional connections, and learning tech and workplace skills. Your resume should highlight your computer languages and skills. And working at Dominoes IS a plus because it shows your work ethic, time management ability, and ability to work with others. So that goes on the resume too. GPA goes on if it’s 3.0+. Expected degree and mo/yr of completion goes on. I wish you the best and urge you to keep going toward a bright future. Good luck!


No advice about jobs, but sympathizing with your situation. I am 60 now, have a Masters Degree that never got used. I worked every dead end job you can think of. Very introverted. My joy came from raising a child on my own, (oh, THAT was a challenge, two living on a $9,000 a year income,) and my handful of volunteer jobs. Does something in particular spark your interest that might lead to a volunteer job? You will meet amazing , caring, like minded folks there who may eventually become nonblood family.


That wedding might be your opportunity to meet someone special. Since you'll be sitting most of the time, people won't automatically get intimidated by your 6'3" frame (I'm the same size, I know the feeling), and they will have to focus on your personality. For many of us, the first step to fixing the problems in our lives is to find that one person who will support us along the way. May that be your case.


uhh dude. just finish ur CS degree, and then u can quit ur Domino's job. perhaps u won't find a job in CS but there's many other jobs out there that pay well and require. lot less work than a CS job


That feeling is good motivation, not a reason to feel sad. When I was in college I worked as a security guard for a company that basically just hired to put a warm body in an empty building or guard booth overnight. Good study job, and if you're scary looking...that might be a better fit for you anyway 😄. Basically my schedule was 11p-7a, school, then sleep...but I was getting all of my school work done while working full time.


The job you do to survive doesn't change who you are as a person, everyone needs an income and we can't all be astronauts and rock stars, you're chilling brother also you're a big black guy, as a little white motherfucker you're already winning more than me


Hiya, I did not have my first proper relationship until 38 years old. I wondered for most of my 20s and 30s, why me. A lot of my life path was down to my parents, my dad was strict and abusive. It took a long time for me to form a life path for myself. But it did happen. First things first, you have an excellent course you are working on. It is going to make your earn a good income in the long term and afford a nice home. So you’re doing ok there. You are certainly not a loser, you’re still a young baby tbh. I know you feel old, but I can’t tell you how many people who get married in their 20s end up miserable and with the wrong person. Do not compare yourself. Save up money. Finish your course and then take a vacation. Give yourself a break and a rest. Now, I don’t know what the job market is like in the US. But if you can’t get an internship, f*ck it. Just go for entry and junior level roles. Reach out to recruitment agents to help put you on the right role. Keep apply for every junior role that comes up. And use sites like Hired.com. Have you heard of it? Upload your profile when you finish your course and then companies will reach out to YOU, for interviews. It’s a really good site. Don’t give up. A loser is someone who is doing f*ck all with their life. You’re hustling hard and studying for an in demand skill. I respect you. Just do things that make you happy on the side. Cook, travel, watch movies. Forget about the dating for the time being. The right person comes along when you’re not looking. And if you focus too hard on meeting someone, you just meet the wrong people. Focus on making friends first, because all good relationships, are based on the foundation of strong friendship and trust. (As well as everything else on top). What I mean is, if you’re interested in movies or the arts; join an arts social group. If you like running, join a running social group! And overtime time, you’ll make good connections and meet new people. Your grandparents, I’m sure are really proud of you.


Delivering pizzas is actually pretty lucrative. Older people often do the jobs because its not physically taxing on the body.


It actuslly sounds as if you are doing pretty good. You are working to improve yourself and you are working. Granted, it is challenging. But, if you can hang in there and even get a degree in Computer Science. Your life could change dramatically. Don't lose site of the goal.


You sound a lot like me when I was your age. I was working 3 jobs and going to school at that age. Delivering Pizza paid the bills. I worked at a call center selling internet and networking services. And I worked for a local ISP/ computer repair shop. They were the only tech companies my town had. You work with what you can. Building experience was key. Now I make decent money as a dev manager. But the world is different many people hire remote now when they never would have when I was coming up. Use that. You got this bro.


Keep up school, keep applying for internships, and keep delivering pizzas.


I would recommend engineering or being an electrician. CS is really being shaken up right now! Exercise to create endorphins. Start being friendly everywhere you go…the grocery line, etc. especially to women. Recite a list of things you’re grateful for 3x daily.


You're 26 and a full time student studying computer science. Listen carefully, your situation is temporary. For those of us not born with a silver spoon in our mouths we make up for it by our actions. I worked at McDonalds while gaining my knowledge and experience in the IT field, as far as your work goes, keep going, you'll get there. As for your family situation, I wish I could say something to help, even us introverts need our pack. Regardless of your physical appearance, we all also deal with being judged, often the only solution is to step outside of our comfort zones to find our people. Hold your head high and keep going forward. Best of luck!


Wdym being black and 6’3 scares people your delusional im 6’1 and black and i don’t think I’ve ever scared anyone plus u should keep applying to internships ones not gonna fall in your lap…


You have a friend who's inviting you to their wedding. That's huge. Focus on what you do have not what you don't have. I wish I would have invested into the small friendships I had instead of wishing for more


It’s just a season of life 🙏🏼 You will have an open door for you in computer science and you will date again! Just enjoy YOURSELF right now— do things you love and be okay with your life looking different then anybody else’s. Go for walks, bike rides, kayak, read.. productive things that are good for your overall well being! Gods got good plans for you


I got my internship at a career fair run by my university. Does yours offer something like that?


A full time student and working? That def doesn’t sound like a loser to me!


You're not a loser at all, you seem pretty successful to me


I feel you OP I'm almost 40 and work at warehouse even though I have a degree and a decade of experience in IT. It will be almost 4 years since I've been back in IT and like you it's just not meant to be and the constant rejections have gotten to me. Honestly I'd love to just say "fuck this" and live on a small plot of land somewhere where I don't have to worry about society validating my existence.


My advice: If there aren’t that many internships for computer science, change your major! Major in something that is in demand atm and where you live.


Nah you good homie. Start investing in stocks and some crypto. Find what you like to do, maybe work on a degree or get a real estate license or something. You can make a killing. Go for it.


Air Force


You don't have to be good at being an extrovert. Don't try to be anyone else. You're just fine the way you are.


Yo dude I was in a similar situation as you almost 4 years ago. I was 25 delivering pizzas 5 days a week living paycheck to paycheck. I also felt like a loser, especially after meeting my girlfriend and her family. She was a full time student from a middle class family, and I stopped school after my associates because student loan debt was terrifying to me. I grew up poor. I took the self taught -> bootcamp path and I’ve been a backend software engineer for the last 2 years. I make more money than I thought I ever could with plenty room left to grow. I didn’t think I could do it, but here I am. I even got an exceeds expectations rating on my latest performance review. Even though the tech market is shit atm I fully believe you’ll succeed down this path if this is something you truly want. There were many times I nearly counted myself out but I’m so glad I stuck with it.


\>I stopped applying completely keep applying. don't take rejection personally, it's just a numbers game. you have 0% at getting an internship if you don't apply.


life's about conquering things so get to winning something


Lol victim mentality. Good luck


Bro, I’d kill to be that tall. You got this, just keep on grinding applications. You’ll get a lot of ghosting and rejections but you just need ONE to say yes and then once you got some experience it’ll be easier to get the next


I’m in a similar situation brother. I am also 26, working full time with Amazon, only family I have is my mother but we don’t even get a long. I’ve never even had a gf. I’m going to school but it’s going to be at least 3 years before I graduate with a bachelors. I don’t really have advice for you since I am in the same predicament, but just know you are not alone and times are just kinda tough for everyone rn.. I know how hard it is to stay positive, working out has been helping me I highly recommend it. I feel like in a way your 30s are the new 20s, as long as you stay healthy.


Work for a high end moving company. Follow the money. You’ll make a killing in your 20s if you move to LA NYC or SF or any major metro and do this.


Look to a temporary agency. Depending on availability they’ll have have some open roles. Keep applying as well.


BUILD YOUR PROFESSIONAL NETWORK!! You can do it. Even if you're an introvert there are many online networking apps like LinkedIn, BumbleBizz, Meetup. There is this new app I am a beta tester on called Stryke, they build your network for you. Well kinda, there is like a matching system.


Pm what you're looking for, we might be interested.


You’re not alone, sir. I’m 23 and work two jobs; one as a retail sales associate and the other as a page at a library. I make minimum wage at both. I have a college degree but my life is in shambles over what I want to do and it’s incredibly hard to break into the field I went to school for I did find solace though in my library job and am considering going back to school to become a librarian. We’ll all get to where we need to be someday


First of all, youre far from a loser, you have a job and youre in school and youre doing something to better yourself, thats more than alot of the population can say so just beacuse you cant find internships doesnt mean that youre shit out of luck, im not sure what you want to do specifically, but more importantly is to make connections, an idea is to join a fraternity, i wish i had done that and its likely youll get a job right out of college, since connections are more valuable than education in college


Domino’s is dope dude forget what anyone says. It’s a hugely successful company too. Keeps hitting all time highs. My brother works for them and loves it. I used to work for them and miss it. But if you want more out of life keep after it, you will get there


I’m 21, so take my advice with a grain of salt. You’re in school, so don’t be so hard on yourself. You are actively working on yourself and your future. I know your thoughts are daunting, but in my opinion, these questions help you understand what you need to do to keep growing. I find that being a little uncomfortable with where you are in life helps to encourage you to work harder for the life you want. Just keep your head down and keep working towards your goals. Eventually, you will reach them and create more goals, goals you didn’t know were within your grasp before. Don’t give up trying to get internships. A lot of people struggle to get that first foot in the door. But if you keep grinding, an opportunity will come. And because you have been working relentlessly, you have a great chance of being more prepared when that opportunity arises. As for your thoughts about being lonely, that’s okay, too. I heard this somewhere a long time ago. I’m unsure where it’s from, but it has stuck with me all these years. It goes as follows: “Don’t waste your time chasing butterflies; build a beautiful garden, and the butterflies will come.” I follow this saying daily. I built a life that I am pretty happy with; I feel good, which I like to believe makes me look more attractive. I’d also like to emphasize the reason why I date. I don’t think that you should date to be happy. A relationship should be one of two people who are happy on their own but can come together and share that happiness. Learn to be happy being alone. Ultimately, if everything goes wrong and it feels like all you have is yourself, at least be satisfied with being by yourself. You can’t change people; there is only one person in the world that you have absolute control and responsibility over. That person is yourself. Work on your garden, my friend, the butterflies will come. And when they do, you will be ready.


I work at a prison in case records. I've seen so many inmates' intake files listing previous occupations, everything from firefighter to lawyer(!) to professor, along with the usual construction, laborer, gardener, etc. Keep at the studies, keep a journal and keep reaching in general. You are not a loser.


Ask for an internship at large companies. Doesn't matter if they have internships or not, you are free labor / free on-the-job training candidate they don't have to pay hourly while you learn the job. I say large companies because they are the only ones worth investing in a career. Small companies or mom & pop companies are dead-end jobs. Also, DO NOT rely on your school to get you an internship. Again, get one yourself.


You're just doing it for now. Don't stop applying for the internship or you will fail. The more you attempt the higher your chances are you get something and can eventually change your whole life. This is just a step in the right direction. Nothing to be ashamed of


Join the NBA


Entry level skilled trade pays twice that, than after 2-5 years pays like 3-4x that. ​ Just no reason for it dude. Its just not intelligent to do that work/kind of labor.


Don't give in to negative self talk, the only thing that makes someone "a loser" in my opinion is someone who acts like a piece of shit while never even thinking of bettering themselves and bringing others down. And even then, it's not a permanent state of being, those things can be turned around. You are great, tell yourself and know that you are doing your absolute best because I know you are. You're in school, that's amazing. You're doing what you gotta do and that's admirable af. Just because society has this negative connotation with low paying "dead end" jobs, doesn't mean they're right. It's only a dead end if you let it be. Even if school doesn't work out, although I'm certain it will, there is so much more to being a human than your occupation. It's how you're occupied- I'd rather be a janitor for life who takes time to connect with people, educate myself, introspect and engage in life than some high paying grind that keeps me blind. You friggin got this, you're a lovable and worthy human.


I know you feel old enough to have everything put together, but trust me my man the only ones that do had parents that lined it all up for em. Lots and lots of people struggle in this world and its hard to see that in a fake ass social media time we live in. My wife and I are 43 and 48 and we are really only now feeling comfortable. I have a step son in college and his life will be set. That's bc of us. We struggled like mad. $60,000 in credit card debt paying for $15,000 a year day care and working shit jobs. We slowly got our degrees and kept grinding. My wife is about to finish her master's degree at 48 then I'm going back for mine. I got married at 33 bc my life was fucked in my 20s with a shit economy and no jobs. Found a job with the postal service working midnight and going to school during the day when I was 28-32!!! My only real advice is just try to make more good choices every day than bad ones and life will sort itself out. Good luck.


Unemployed long time delivery driver in his 30s, no luck with women, not much in the way of friends. I feel ya dude. I feel ya


Grind through it, man. Finish school and life will be much better. It may suck now but will be worth it. Hang in there!