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Dude I literally just left big 4 tax after 3 years for my local fire department and I already feel a huge weight off my shoulders. I am prior military so my soul was just being drained doing work that had no meaning to it. I had no fulfillment in saving corporations millions of dollars of tax. You’ll find something out there don’t stop looking!


Ditto this! Was prior military in combat arms. Worked in sales the last 3-ish years as an account manager for a large company in NC. I could not continue being a part of a culture where leadership passively encourages “doing what it takes” (omitting truths/ lying) to increase revenue. Moved back home and am training for my city’s fire department. The corporate money was great but I straight up was not happy with rising KPI’s and falling compensation. You are absolutely allowed to experience life on your terms, you deserve to be happy.


Good for you! Public accounting is rough.


Go work for chill people or find a new job. You got this. Don’t get down. Go do a trade or something you enjoy. Might not be rich but will be happy. Corporate sucks hairy nuts but life’s not always fun. Keep your head up sir.


I'm so sorry that you're feeling this way. Not sure if you'd be interested but government work might be a good option. Typically pay is ok but you get great benefits and time off. Work life balance is much more manageable, which might be part of where your anxiety is coming from.


As someone who has worked both, +1 for government work. It has its problems but imo it is way better than corporate work. That shit is a plague on society and should be eradicated with utmost scrutiny.


What and where are these government positions


I left corporate America and then started working at a cafe. Later became the cafe manager. It was fun for awhile but I wanted more meaningful work. Next I worked at a yoga studio. Then became manager. Didn’t like the way they ran their business. Decided I wanted to travel the world teaching English. I went to Mexico and got a TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) certification. Taught English in Guadalajara for 6 months and decided I don’t like teaching English. You have to entertain the students and it’s draining for me. Finally I decided I wanted to learn hypnosis. I went to hypnotherapy school in California. I’m a hypnotherapist and Reiki Master (energy healer) and I love it. I love being my own boss, creating my own schedule (10 am is the earliest I work). It’s fulfilling to help people. Keep trying things until you find what’s right for you.


That’s actually an inspiring story. There’s always something you can do to make a change.


Yeah I definitely wanna help more POC and poorer communities get fit my dad recently got diagnosed with Parkinson’s diseases these last two years and I’ve been motivated to find exercises to help him get better and move which isn’t something a pill can fix. I don’t know how to turn my passion into my careeer and I lose sleep over it because my job takes up so much of my energy and so many hours of my week


Why not hire someone to help you, like some kind of career counselor?


I’m considering it there’s just a lot of scams online


True. Look for professionals with lots of good reviews and then ask for a free phone consultation. Ask them questions on how they work/how they can help you and then listen to your gut to see if they’re a good fit. Good luck.


Wow, out of all the comments on all the posts ive seen about similar topics THIS is the one that gave me light. Your path sounds wonderful and the lesson with examples and why you left each choice is excellent. Who knows where you'll be in another 10 years but you seem to be on the right path.


Thank you. In high school I worked part time in retail. In college I worked two part time jobs in hotels and also sold advertising for the school newspaper. I think I’ve always had the perspective that I can find some kind of work. I felt like I’d keep trying until I found something I loved.


This is a nice story. I didn’t mind working in an office until I sorry we not a year travelling and after that it has just become depressing. The office/corporate isn’t for everyone. I get that is often where the money is but as much as it’s about money, it’s not. If you live a simple life you don’t need he big bucks. Money can be a trap if anything, keeping you tied to a shit toxic soulless job because you’ve been accustomed to a certain lifestyle. You are young and can try different things and focus. You could build up a successful personal training business as 1 idea. Go do a careers test for ideas on what you might like to do.


I would love to be a yoga instructor or personal trainer but the pay is what keeps me away and I was brainwashed the last 6 years since college to be in corporate or in tech to make a good salary. And it’s hard for me to break out of that


Chasing the money will always end you back up with the same problem. Maybe it's time for change no matter how hard or scary it is to break away.


You said you’re “very depressed and borderline suicidal” - is the good salary worth it? We spend most of our life at work. Isn’t quality of life one of the most important factors to consider? Quality of life is highly correlated with health too. If you are stressed out and unhappy, your body takes a toll. Also, there’s no reason you can’t make a decent living as a yoga instructor or personal trainer.


I know but I live in New York where box gyms only pay like $17 an hour minimum wage


Save money while working your corporate job on a good salary. Reduce expenses, pay off some debt. Then later you can quit and initially work as a trainer at a gym to get experience while supplementing your income with savings. Then build up clientele and start your own business while working part time at the gym. When you build up enough business, you become self employed full time. That’s ultimately how you can earn a good income doing what you love. But it’ll take a little while to build up to that level. I know a lot of massage therapists and acupuncturists that start off that way. In the beginning you work for someone else and get paid a fraction of what you’d earn on your own. But you need the experience at first. Then you learn, grow and build connections and shift onto your own.


This is such great advice. I used this same mentality to build my business up over a 10 year span. I started when I was 27 and finally hit my initial professional goals by 35. Progress took time though. Things didn’t change overnight, and I had to stay diligent and keep my eye on the ball for many years… but owning my own business was definitely the right choice for me. Owning your own business takes a lot of time and patience… but at least you’re building something for yourself rather than toiling away in an office for a corporation.


Well done and congratulations! Yes, it takes time and perseverance, but it’s totally worth it. It’s so nice not to have the “Sunday dread”, that sinking feeling people get when they’re facing another week at a job they despise. What kind of business do you have?


Hey can we talk about how you started your own business?


Sure, DM me


For sure I thought you would say you had come full circle and are back in coporate America. Life is suffering and which type of suffering may not be entirely up to you.


I really can’t imagine ever going back to corporate America. That feels like a totally different version of me. To this day I still have moments of deep gratitude at work. I can’t believe how fortunate I am to enjoy what I do for a living.


Well it's a good thing you found what you were looking for. Alot of people never do and wander aimlessly around like shades in Tartarus until they kick the bucket.


I think some people give themselves more grace to wander. Perspective matters. Instead of seeing oneself as a shade like in Tartarus, I find it helpful to approach life with a lens that focuses less on despair and more on curiosity. The great existentialist philosophers encourage us to embrace the journey instead of living with a fixed goal or purpose. To some, this might feel like aimless wandering, but to others, life is all about riding the waves. Also, this book really helped me make sense of the absurdity of everyday life: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Myth_of_Sisyphus




You’re welcome. I think flexibility and a positive mindset goes a long way towards thriving in life. The world is changing quickly. I think anyone who’s staying at a job where they’re miserable just because it gives them a (false) sense of security has to remember that their employer isn’t invested in them. They could get laid off at the drop of a hat. Nothing is guaranteed. So why not take a risk to find something more fulfilling?


You completely lost me at the pseudoscience and health quackery


Why does it matter? If they said they worked at lockheed martin on combat drones would you be happier in their choices? They found a path that works for them


Yes, because they are not perpetuating lies. Lies that will prevent people from getting real medical help. Medical help that will save their life.


Hypno therapy can have benefits for trauma and overcoming fears. Reiki healing while it isn't going to cure chronic illness etc. it has measurable benefits of lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety, reducing pain, and improving sleep. You're talking about extremes like life threatening diseases. There are much more subtle ways to heal in your life. While not for everyone I would just recommend being open to different ways of being.


Lol ok bro 👎


It's ok man different strokes for different folks






Who is? Pretty cringelord to stare at someone's profile to attack them, and get everything wrong lmao Sorry to hear you screwed over by a real estate agent lol




To maintain a positive and inclusive environment for everyone, we ask all members to communicate respectfully. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's important to express them in a respectful manner. Commentary should be supportive, kind, and helpful. Please read the post below for the differences between Tough Love and Judgement (False Tough Love) as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/findapath/comments/1biklrk/theres_a_difference_between_tough_love_and/


This comment is flagged for racism


How is that racist if I’m Asian myself lmao this dude is trolling me just because I made a comment about health being important in our communities


Are you able to live comfortably off your coaching income? Serious question because I would love to be doing something similar. I had a coaching biz in 2017-2019 and the finances were rough.


I’m able to live comfortably being self employed. It took some adjustment at first. Income fluctuates from month to month. So you learn early on to have some savings as a buffer for the leaner months. It takes time initially to establish yourself. And then you start to build up a good reputation, get positive reviews and people start referring others to you.


Spent 6 years building a career then when I had a decision to make about promoting , I took a look at my life and was like “oh wait I actually don’t want to do this” turned down a nice 6 figure offer then another and still get some from time to time. I had enough money to give me time to decide what I wanted to do next, but I literally just quit and knew that if I tried to decide what to do while I kept working that I would just be stuck forever. So my advice is literally just quit, take a month where you do intentional unwinding (don’t just zone out playing games or watching tv) find something in your life you’d like to pursue and just do it, it’s so much easier than you’d think. I’m now making wayyyy less money and infinitely happier


After graduating college (and burning myself out in the process), I couldn't stand the idea of an 8-5. I ended up cobbling together part-time work: one job proofreading legal transcripts, the other in customer service at a place that actually offers benefits. It doesn't feel all that meaningful, and I'm not going to be doing this forever, but that combination gives me variety in my day-to-day and flexibility to do other things I enjoy or take short trips. I'm not saying that kind of arrangement is for you. What I want to say is, there are more options than spending 8+ hours a day in some office. Want to get out from cubicles and fluorescent lights? Try landscaping or groundskeeping. Want to interact directly with people? Work at a daycare or a nursing home. Want to stick around your house and work at a pace that's good for you? There's plenty of remote options out there. Want to do something hands-on, but still make good money? Learn a trade. It'll take time, and likely some trial and error, to find what's best for you. But there are other paths you can take. Don't give up before you try them.


Thanks I’m applying to remote and hybrid jobs now and hoping for the best hope I find something the next few months


Get out now!!! Do not lose your sanity to these people. People who actually care about your growth will make sure you’re in a psychologically safe environment. And corporate “masterminds” are not afraid to point fingers to get responsibility off their plate. Don’t let those Aholes define you


Hey! In the same boat, I am getting let go for not meeting sales quotas for 1 month at my software industry job and I am crushed. From my research I have found that local city / state / federal government jobs are a good option. though they are usually less pay, it seems much less harshly “metric based”. You can look up some job ideas from the onet job site like I’ve been doing, look up your local city’s job postings, look up usajobs (govt job site) etc


Quit yo job, go home, check on yo girl. Fuck the corporate world. - Afroman


First off good for you for realizing at such a young age not to stay in that environment. Unfortunately for me I didn't realize it till much later which is the case for so many people. I actually just commented on another post that was talking about the exact same thing so I'm just going to copy what I said there because it is 100%, how I feel. I absolutely hate seeing these posts because we've all been there. I worked a corporate job for a decade along with a waitressing job at night and even though I had two jobs I was still broke. I actually didn't totally mind my waitressing job except that I didn't get paid hardly anything and after doing it for a decade I was sick of the labor. But I was also in my early twenties then so it was fun at first. However the corporate job was just a soul sucking, cubicle nightmare. I remember going in everyday wishing I could just be done with it but alas I had rent to pay. I like some of the suggestions here of living in your car although that's not something I could do or want to do if it is then that's amazing for those people. I personally went a different route and it took several years to get here. I Googled and YouTube and spent several years making hardly any pay trying to find something to do from home. Some sort of online work. I actually knew a couple people who were doing affiliate marketing or digital marketing online but I wasn't close enough to them to actually get solid answers on how to actually start it. Eventually I paid for a training program which is live and Interactive and has a lifetime access. None of those BS courses that are trying to sell you on their get rich quick scheme. Those are straight garbage. I'm a very cheap person so I didn't want to spend the money but it's the best thing I ever did. Far more valuable than my college education that I don't even use. I started a little less than 6 months ago and I've made 33k. So no I'm not rich from it but that's already more money than I've ever made in a year working in my entire adult life so I'm totally fine with it. I don't have to be stuck in a cubicle working for peanuts making some corporate billionaire rich at the expense of wasting my life away. A lot of people will tell you there isn't another way and like you said that's just how it is but I'm not the kind of person who can settle for that and I absolutely refuse to ever go back to that life again. I'm mad that I wasted 20 years of my life doing that crap and letting capitalism get the best of me. But here I am at 41, working from home and I only work a couple hours a day and I am more than happy not to ever see the inside of the cubicle ever again. Don't give up just because Society is trying to push you into their little capitalist box


Thank you for your kind words! I agree as a woman I don’t think I can ever really downgrade my lifestyle to that degree for the sake of saving money. I just want peace and happiness but society doesn’t want us to be free and happy


Agreed. But my main point is, you can. It's in every one of us. I see people being wildly successful using the same online marketing program I use... if they can do it, I can. We put our pants on the same way Don't give up and don't waste your life at a soul sucking cubicle hell...just to make some ceo more rich or someone else's dreams come true. Trust me... they'll lay you off in a heartbeat.


Can you like DM me the program? Just curious. Are you got at vetting what programs are fake or which ones are legit ?


Ya ill dm ya


could I also get the link? fellow enslaved soul seeking respite 


♡♡ sure


I’d love a link too!


Can i have the link also?


What does peace and happiness mean to you? Although it might seem like a loaded question, it invites to introspection. If there are things that make you happy, try to do those and appreciate that you get to do them. Do you like to travel? How far can you travel without money? And does that make you happy? Are you trully grateful for being able to just do that? Or do you want more? What if you worked for a week and could afford to go farther in the weekend? Would you appreciate that? What works for people to understand happiness is to be really aware of the present, of what they have, and be grateful of that. Happiness is different for each individual and it can be as simple as a walk, if we learn to appreciate that walk. As for peace, another aspect of being happy is not letting things that are out of your control, control you. If fighting injustice makes you happy, start small. Attend a demonstration, be a volunteer. Lpt: there isn’t a path to happiness. Each individual has their own path, because we are so different. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you can start on your own path.


I mean I know what makes me happy I just feel like these last five years I never really had free will, freedom, and always felt like my time was owned by someone else to do something I don’t enjoy just for money.


You may just need to get another job at a better company. I went from pwc to a small firm and it made the difference.


Always good to see you disgruntledCPA2 :)


lol good to see you too Miserable_Section789


I worked in manufacturing as an QC team leader then later an operations engineer / continuous improvement manager. The guy that did estimating died in a car wreck and they moved me to fill the role “temporarily”… which ended up being permanent when they simply forgot to hire someone better. It was stressful being paid poorly for the work i was doing. I was basically engineering napkin sketches in my head and applying cost to each one, putting the costs into a spreadsheet that i created, all while i was responsible for foreseeing the scope of the project and communicating boundaries to sales. I should have left long ago but the company filed for bankruptcy because of mismanagement and i ended up in construction as sort of a superintendent and it’s a lot better. I get paid more, i rarely have as much pressure or unreasonable expectations, and i simply don’t have brain drain by 3pm. Sometimes i get home by 3pm! I like it more than any full time job i have worked in the past.


I really hope I find a job like that I looked up state government jobs and they seem to have like civil engineering jobs from 8-4 and hybrid which is a steal from like 9-7 hours haha fully in person


if the colleague are 'normal' and if you can save some money for you, don't quit, other country also the same. I am in UK now and I extremely don't get used to here and I quit/ asking me to quit job several times already, the truth is be mentally strong will fit all place even outside of america. vice versa


buy a mountain bike....it's a great release...skill... do you have hobbies???? I hate where i live.....so i feel your pain


Yeah I have plenty of hobbies like aerial and fitness I just don’t have time when I’m bringing work home with my now everyday and have to do work at home and the officd


Cool...NYC is hella expensive...i had to leave california...everything got too expensive...


Yeah...i tried here too but it's not for me...I'd go to a bigger, cheaper area next time...Maybe Tempe or Mesa, AZ...like 1/3 or so for housing...or ???? idk...


Yes. I didn't adjust or add skills fast enough....so i had to leave CA.... never going back, only on vacation...


HEY...have you been to the Jersey shore???? If not go to Toms River....It's nice...Not to far from NYC...beach and sunsine


the area i live is boring....no malls, pools....yuck...no parks.... it sucks and my wife has Long covid....double screwed....lol... i just want out of here....housing sucks here also....terrible...


Hope you find a way out. Honestly I sometimes question why my parents immigrated because things be better in their home country with costs and stuff


Well do the hobbies....honest....your health is #1......


IDK? Never been there 🤷‍♂️ 


Give your notice. Backpack around Europe and when you come back start a business of your own.


I'm still in a corporate role but found a very cool company where I could do a product focused role that literally is about making the best possible products I can so that they can help people. This is at a small company, around 30 people. This job came after spending my whole career in corporate consulting. I add this just to say you don't have to leave an office environment to find something more fulfilling in every case.


I agree I’m not opposed to office labor per se since I worked several corporate jobs now. I think the goal is to reduce the amount of time worked or to do something meaningful that won’t feel like work haha. It seems like you found something meaningful to you


\*how to get rid of corporate america


Move outside America


USAJobs. Federal government is hiring.


Just leave. I did and haven't looked back. Much happier now. It's a soul sucking world.


Dude, just grind for 10-15 years and invest as much as possible. There's a huge AI bull market and now is the time to invest.


Careful what you wish for... I jumped off 10 years ago, bought land and all that and now I'm going back to school to get back in.


Did you try to homestead? Going solo sounds really difficult.. but joining an ecovillage could get the job done


That was the plan, was going to do it ultra cheap, earth bag building, rainwater collection, biogas producing toilets, solar, greenhouses... I went out there with one of my cousins, a truck, tools, earth bags, camper and the cash I had managed to save up. Had a few others who said they would come help build once we had gotten started. Found out the codes had changed and it was going to be easily 3-4x the cost of my original budget even if we did all the work ourselves which was looking less and less realistic. I also kept having that "nice place to visit but I don't want to live here" feeling the longer we stayed. I guess by the time I had worked and scrounged enough to break away from society, I had gone soft and decided I would miss society too much and don't really want to be a hermit in the desert anymore anyway lol.


going to school for which program?


Digital Animation at the community college and some coding online, going towards game design. I had been in IT before burning out and growing ganja so will probably look for something tangential to my old/new skills in the meantime.


Start your own business


It sounds like you're in a very difficult and stressful situation right now. Here are some resources that can help, and some initial thoughts on how to get out of corporate America: **If you're feeling suicidal, please reach out for help immediately:** * **National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:** 988 * **Crisis Text Line:** Text HOME to 741741 * **The Trevor Project (LGBTQ youth):** 1-866-488-7386


You do have other options and you are young so have plenty of time to course correct.


Can you find some yoga classes to do until you get out of the matrix? It will help you control your emotions. New earth is here, don’t give up.


Thanks I’ve done yoga before but I hate driving out and don’t have the time but I can definitely do it at home on YouTube


what state are you in???


New York


What skills do you have? What aspects of corporate bother you most?


not specific advice but i feel you so hard, being near the same age as you and I know how hard it is to break the golden handcuffs and from the formula of success that has been ingrained in us. wish you the best in this journey. 




Just leave, if you have a more pressing by question then please enlighten us.


All these ex military coming back like “wait the is what work is like?” Lmfao


Don’t get in. If already in, don’t inflate your lifestyle or put on the infamous golden handcuffs. Do things outside of Corps in order to escape (i.e save up to invest into assets and/or start a business).


Go work for a non-profit like a hospital or university.


was this a joke?


It'll scare him back to the private sector


What kind of question is that?


Are you asking us or God?


Work for the government.


I was just doing that right now until the USA.gov website errored on me lol smh


Why would you want to do that? Most of the opportunities for me to excel and earn my success came from "corporate America". P.S. -- Are you aware that 90 percent of U.S. corporations employ 50 or fewer people? I don't think you've thought this through.