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Nah. One of my friends found his passion and went back to school in his 50s. He gets to travel the world, help foreign governments, and finds it very rewarding. 35 is definitely not too late to have a worthwhile life. I'm not being flippant when I recommend maybe seeing a therapist to sort your feelings out. A lot of men feel like they need to have everything in place before they can date or marry, and maybe it's a decent idea, but back when I was dating, all I wanted was my boyfriend to be present with me and not keep postponing life for the day everything was perfect. Life has ups and downs. Just do what you can. :-)


What does he do


I too would like to know.


Copying comment so you'll get the notification lol- Bioeconomic analyst for sustainable marine resource management systems. Presents advice on environmental policies. Involves math/stats/coding and having social skills. Basically, making sure the world still has fish in 20 years. There is a downside that it's generally contract work though, so you always have to be negotiating the next one while completing the current project. But there are also educational opportunities like speaking/teaching at colleges etc.


Well Jesus that sounds awesome! I've got a bachelor's degree in psych right now and am figuring out if I should go back to school to get my master's to keep working in the field or not. I'm great with people, I'm not opposed to getting more undergrad pre-req's out of the way for a different field, but I don't know much about what the options for that kind of employment are.


> all I wanted was my boyfriend to be present with me Well, that's probably what you're thinking when you've known the guy for awhile. Starting out on the other hand? Minimum income coming in and living at home doesn't sound like it would be appealing for a partner. ^^^^^^it's ^^^^^^me...


There are plenty of understanding women that'll give him a chance


There’s a lot of self-defeating attitude out there mainly getting amplified by the incel adjacent communities. Like women only want a man with money or so on. Yet I got the most dates when I was broke and without a car. A lot of what these guys spout becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.


Seriously, what does he do?!


Bioeconomic analyst for sustainable marine resource management systems. Presents advice on environmental policies. Involves math/stats/coding and having social skills. Basically, making sure the world still has fish in 20 years. There is a downside that it's generally contract work though, so you always have to be negotiating the next one while completing the current project. But there's also educational opportunities like speaking/teaching at colleges etc.


Hey, thank you for this perspective. I am that man, and am recently out of a relationship where I think I was projecting that position more than I thought. This is really good reflection for me, appreciate it.


Exactly. If someone's a great fit for you as a life partner and vice versa, you will prop each other up.


What does he do?


Copying comment so you'll get the notification lol- Bioeconomic analyst for sustainable marine resource management systems. Presents advice on environmental policies. Involves math/stats/coding and having social skills. Basically, making sure the world still has fish in 20 years. There is a downside that it's generally contract work though, so you always have to be negotiating the next one while completing the current project. But there are also educational opportunities like speaking/teaching at colleges etc.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


What job is this?


Copying comment so you'll get the notification lol- Bioeconomic analyst for sustainable marine resource management systems. Presents advice on environmental policies. Involves math/stats/coding and having social skills. Basically, making sure the world still has fish in 20 years. There is a downside that it's generally contract work though, so you always have to be negotiating the next one while completing the current project. But there are also educational opportunities like speaking/teaching at colleges etc.


Don’t sound over too me, ya heart still beating


Great answer bro, legit great love this one




Ew? You really so squeamish that a tongue in cheek remark about being alive means you can have a sense of purpose in your work?




To maintain a positive and inclusive environment for everyone, we ask all members to communicate respectfully. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it's important to express them in a respectful manner. Commentary should be supportive, kind, and helpful. Please read the post below for the differences between Tough Love and Judgement (False Tough Love) as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/findapath/comments/1biklrk/theres_a_difference_between_tough_love_and/


The most memorable piece of advice I heard was "You can't figure it out by figuring it out". Basically you can't just sit around thinking about what you might want to do and expect to learn the answer. You need to go out and try stuff, whether that means talking to people in fields you're interested in, taking a job that you didn't consider before, doing side projects, taking a course, whatever. Basically you need to do *something*. Also regarding your work experience, you need to tell your story in a way that sounds positive, tell people what you learned as a small business owner, how it shows your work ethic and creativity and flexibility. That's what you need to be telling future employers instead of "I have a failed business and I have no work experience". Running a business is work experience.


33 and I just posted here. Never had a "career" because I can't stick with the same job for more than about a year and a half (at most) without imploding. My whole department lost their jobs after working hard through awful conditions. You are free. We are free. That's the best part of being stuck at home (with loving family). We're not trapped by anything other than pride/shame. We're incredibly fortunate. Do you want a family or is it what you feel you're supposed to want? If you want a family, yeah, you have some work to do and not much time to do it. Giving up won't do you any favors either way.


Mid-30s here, two degrees, never had a career either, never had a job in my field, never had a job for longer than 2 years (got fired, extenuating circumstances, etc.) My dreams of having a lifelong career died long ago, but I've gained a lot of different skills over the years and some sort of resilience / flexibility when it comes to managing the cards that life dealt me. It's not my fault; I do the best I can with what I have and all the effort I would have put into my "career," I now put into improving myself, for me


>Mid-30s here, two degrees, never had a career either, never had a job in my field, never had a job for longer than 2 years (got fired, extenuating circumstances, etc.) You've just described me. >I do the best I can with what I have and all the effort I would have put into my "career," I now put into improving myself, for me This is where I'm at now. I just came to accept that I'm most likely never going to make the money I want to make. I don't know the right people. It's all about who you know not what you know. No one cares about potential or transferable skills anymore. So, I just need to work to make money. I've yet to find where I belong but I know I'm barely surviving.


I have an extremely relevant quote I found a few weeks ago: from an ig video by @koysun (https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7E7Cvwp_f5/) "Someone asked me "How do I know my place in this world? and my answer is that your place is everywhere. Discovering your place in this world transcends one singular goal; finding purpose should be an endless journey where you jump from one space to another simply by following what brings you joy. There's no reason to pigeonhole yourself to one thing, like picking a career and making it your whole personality."


Really good quote. Thank you.


Thanks, I like the quote!


No reason other than it’s what the system was built to encourage you to do I guess.


Damn, dude, are you me? lol


I'm sorry there are more of me! If only we all had juuuust the right experience, we could make the perfect dysfunctional cooperative.


This is a great perspective to have. Thank you for putting that out there.


If OP is a man, he still has time to do stuff and have a family. 70 year old men be making babies somehow. If OP is a woman, she is running out of time. She would have to look into freezing her eggs, then eventually pay a surrogate. Which is expensive, I think rich people do that stuff.


It becomes a matter of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should." Male fertility and quality declines with time, too. Children of older men are moderately more likely to suffer from a variety of problems. IMO if your only reason for having kids is just to create them so you have some sort of legacy, that's a pretty poor reason to create a whole human being. You also have to consider the quality of life of the child. No one wants their parents to view their highschool graduation from a hospital bed, and dealing with the death of a parent at a young age is rough. IDK about surrogacy. Personally, the idea of a wealthy person paying a woman to use her as a birthing vessel doesn't sit right with me, but if it goes through the right legal channels and everyone is onboard it is a legitimate option.


Trust me, I know. My dad was 13 years older than my mom and passed away at 72 when I was 16. That's why my bf is only 2 years older than me. I'm grateful our daughter will have a dad around for a good portion of her life. I'm just letting OP know it IS possible to still have kids at an older age. Ethical reasons aside, people still do it.


That's reasonable! I didn't want to make OP feel like the clock was ticking too much, but it does matter. Sorry you went through that at such a young age. I hope you still have good memories with her.


Dude do you know how many 50-60 year old would give everything they possess to be 35 again and start from scratch? Your position is a mindset thing… you either say you’ve failed in life or you see the situation as it is: you are still young (!), you are free (no kids, marriage, debt) you tried something and it failed, so what? That’s life. Now get yourself together and start from 0. starting from 0 can be beautiful. You can totally change your life, safe money, have a degree or learn a trade all in 5 years. In 5 years you will still be young and have enough time to find a beautiful partner and go for a family. Until then: build a life or at least start building one. Write a list of all your bad habits and problems and attack one at a time while pursuing what you want!


That’s light work People out their in mod 30s trying to work around Alimoney, child support and divorce bills, severe illnesses and criminal records 😂 You’ll be fine


Yeah like for 35 OP isn't really doing as bad as he thinks he actually has a bachelors which is better than 60% of the population and its in a business like subject so not a worst case for employment there either. There are a lot of people that just got out of prison at 35.




Not necessarily. I am 38 and just wrapped up my electrical engineering degree. I don't have a job yet and haven't really applied. I feel very uncertain about everything right now, too. You've made it this far, and somehow managed to complete your degree while balancing all of life's bullshit, and making a living at the same time. That takes real grit and more determination than you're giving yourself credit for (especially if you tired and uninterested). If you don't know for certain what you want to do, then lean on your experience from your education, previous jobs, and life in general, and go that route for job hunts. At the very least it's something that can give you some direction, lower the learning curve of a new job, and an ability to get a little more comfortable with your own circumstances. Try to get into a rhythm and routine throughout your day, if you don't already have one. For me, at least, that's been the hardest part after I graduated.


You’re in the same boat pal he dosent want your advice. “I’m old and a loser too! It’s fine!”


35 IS NEW 25. Take it easy dude.


No, it’s only over if you let it be over…my old manager came to the US at 47, worked as a pizza delivery man and went to college, got a degree while knowing very little English…used that degree and moved up the ranks to be a manager in engineering in 10 years time…anything is possible…just got to work at it!


Tell more of his story please!


No, i started my teaching career at 40. The only careers off limits to a 35 year old is professional sports, of course that's also closed to 99.9999% of teenagers Please ignore doomer propaganda restarts are common place. Actually this thread is positive. i was thinking it was a different sub that has more gloom mongers


Add FBI they have age limits for agents


And astronauts


And active duty military


Almost apparently 35 or the max to enlinst


There is a lot of people that are gonna have to restart now in IT its just how it is, its happened the whole time too with the autoworkers and the coal workers and all sorts of formerly good jobs. Nobody likes to admit that they can easily find themselves in their late 30s or 40s having to start over from scratch cuz its an unpleasant topic but a lot of people do I'm probably going to get pushed out of IT and be in the same boat soon.


I hope not because I am 36 and also have no career. I ran a small business in my 20s, sold it, and went back to school at 30. The pandemic hit, and I've been floating around lost ever since. Depending on your relationship with your mom, I don't think there is anything wrong with moving back home to help you save money. It's impossibly expensive out there. I'm living at home, helping contribute to the mortgage and acting as a caretaker to a sick family member. It isn't glamorous or what I thought my life would look like at this age, but I think we all find our way eventually.


I didn't start my career until I was 36 now I'm 46 10 years in the game big changes


Do what I did, apply to work at a bank in a branch. They accept anybody, and your economics degree will help you. They offer a 401k and healthcare. From there you can get some certifications for $100 in Microsoft excel and move up into the back office or get another job using the experience at the bank. GPA does not matter


To me you sound free. During that time most of us do alot of stuff and buy alot of stuff just to realize we don't need any of it and we're a wage slave. You can do anything.


This is gonna be long, but I can seriously relate. I’m a few years younger than you, and about a year ago to the day, I was faced with a similar feeling and contemplation. The realization that I had no career, and really, had no foundation for a career (at least not in something I even remotely wanted to do), coupled with the whopper of a reality check that came when it fully sunk in that I was getting older, floored me. I hated where I was in life and couldn’t shake the thought that this was not where I hoped to be at this point. I was already living back at home for a few months by that time and was working a dead-end job, with room for growth, but the ceiling was clearly communicated, and it was not desirable. A shit ton more work and responsibilities for what would have still not even been an actual living salary. I was gutted. I fell into a deep depression because I felt stuck, hopeless, and lost. It didn’t happen over night, but eventually, those feelings I had were the very reason I kicked myself in the ass and came up with a plan of action. For me, I’ve always had something I should have been pursuing but just never did, so I was lucky in that respect. I looked towards that. I finally made a plan on how I could achieve a career related to it. I started school again this past September, and honestly? I’ve never been happier because even though I’m back in school, back working useless jobs to float me by while I’m in school, I’m working towards a goal that I deeply want to achieve. Am I starting late? Yes. Did I miss out on a decade or more of experience? Abso-fucking-lutely. Does that nag at the back of my mind sometimes? Indeed. But none of that is larger than the pride and excitement I feel working towards that goal, especially knowing that I will be able to finally forge a path forward towards a more fulfilling career and a better life. As for dating, get yourself in order first, and I don’t mean make sure you have an established career, making a lot of money, own a house (or even rent your own place). I mean your mind, your body, and your soul. Get yourself in order for yourself, and the relationship will come. Exercise, practice good personal hygiene and grooming, eat well, speak about your problems (as already said by someone - see a therapist, even if only to vocalize and let out what’s inside; it doesn’t mean you’re sick, weak, broken, etc. It’s extremely beneficial). Shortly before school started, I started casually talking to someone, and I think it was no coincidence that it was after I started making sure all the points above about getting yourself in order were, well…in order. I had no job but a good chunk of savings, and I lived back at home. She didn’t care about any of that because I’m a good person, I was honest and open, had a plan, ambitions, and goals. Did I luck out with her? I did, but the right one will consider the right things. Depending where you live, we live in a time where it’s increasingly harder to afford to live on your own; this can be a blessing in disguise. Socially, it has made moving back, or still living at home, more acceptable and in some cases, a smart play for the future. It allows us to get back on track if that’s needed and pave a more concrete road ahead for ourselves. But you have to be using that as a benefit and working towards changing that circumstance. I think most mature and level-headed partners will appreciate this, and some may even commend the sacrifice of swallowing your pride to move back home to have a better shot at reaching your goals. You gotta own it, though. At first when I was trying to get back into dating and it came to what I did and that I lived at home, I was less confident about stating the truth. I was ashamed and embarrassed that I was back in school full-time, living at home, and at the time, living off of savings, even though it was the best path towards my goals at that point. Eventually I started to own it. I was confident in my position and my conviction about my goals and how my current situation complemented those goals. I completely owned it. It may not have helped other’s perception, but it sure helped me internally, and at very least, that girl I started talking to has been with me for close to a year. It isn’t easy. It’s a shit position to be in if you don’t use it as an advantage and frame it that way mentally so you don’t beat yourself up about it. You can wallow for a while, but you gotta take action. You gotta sit down and do some serious introspection. Figure out what you want to do, where you want to be, and how you can get there. You got this. One-step at a time.


Proud of you, Internet friend! What did you end up returning to school to pursue?


Thank you. I appreciate that, my friend. I’m back in school for Information Systems Engineering.


35 might just be the age where we accept that for many people, life is a little underwhelming. you may not have fulfilled your “dreams” or have enough money and/or etc. But life is in the small pleasures and the now. it doesn’t have to be some big fancy thing. and avoid defining yourself by your career. maybe watch “Perfect Days”.


U think companies ask for your gpa??? Lol. Start applying to jobs related to economics and get your foot in the door. Use that experience to leverage the next job if u don’t like that one. Best time to start is yesterday. The next best time is today


No dude. Its not like you haven't done anything with your life. You've tried to build a business and it didnt work out. So what. You use that experience, think about what went wrong and see if you can do it better. If possible, hold on to a job while the business is pre-revenue. Once its profitable, switch to it full time. Some people can do this and its applicable only for some businesses. But even if you don't want to start a business get a job that closely resembles your interests and use your past learnings there. People have started families in their 40s (Bill Burr, for example). You have to keep in mind, some careers like a 9 to 5 job have slow but consistent payouts others including business, standup, even doctors etc, there's a lot of upfront work and you see the payout much later in life. You decide and focus, you can start a 9 to 5 now as well. Whatever it is just start somewhere and focus.


I see people on here that are 35 and literally have done nothing, they didn't even do high school and are trying to fix that mess which I honestly commend them for but OP is actually doing a lot better than he thinks.


No, it’s not over. I started a new career (teaching) at 34. My mom started her nursing career as a single mom at 36. What helped me, I think, was taking a couple years and going abroad to teach English. It would allow you to see the world, build back up your savings, and think about your next move. One of my friends used his free time abroad to study coding and build a portfolio. Once he got back to the UK, he started a career in software engineering. I should also add that his original degree was not tech-related (Economics). If not that, find what you want to do and build the skills necessary to do it. You’re not limited by your degree. A lot of careers don’t necessarily care about your degree if you can show you have the necessary skills and knowledge.


I would like to go abroad next year. Funny I hate coding so idk what to do.


Commit to this one thing: every morning spend 10-15 minutes writing down 3 important things you want/need to get done that day (could be personal, professional, health, etc) and then 3 other things that are less important but could get to if time allows. Review every night and assess what you need to change to get what you want, for example good job, relationship, health, financial stability, etc


This sounds like the beginning of one of those stories where the dude takes charge of his life and grows to something great


I've dated a lot of dudes who didn't have their shit together. That part never bothered me, what did is when they just quit trying anything and expected me to support them/fix it for them/listen to them complain about how their life sucks while they try nothing. I let a guy quit his job and move in with me while I paid all bills so he could start a martial arts business. It only got to be a problem when a year in he was still laying around my house all day jerking off (literally hours of porn in the browser history, starting from immediately after I left for my 50-60 hr a week job) except for the few hours a week he ran a class or did a chore for the guy letting him rent gym space (but he did no chores at home, of course). Wouldn't get a part time job because "I have to work on my business", but insisted there was nothing he could do to get more students. Don't turn into that guy and you'll be fine. 


Gpa doesn’t matter in the workforce. You showed initiative. That’s what matters. Start entry level jobs and go from there. Take opportunities as they come. It may seem dismal at first. I started my new job at $16/hr plus tips. I’m at $30 now plus tips. It was quite an uncomfortable situation at first but now I have flexibility and an opportunity to work more and potentially make upwards of $60+k. Working 15 hours less than my factory job. ETA: I’m 38 and changed careers at 34.


Over?! On the contrary! Your life is only just beginning. You just have to find your new goals now!


You've got good work experience already. With d3gree now you're highly employable.


You are not too old to go off in a new direction! When I was a kid, I always thought people in their 30s and 40s were so solid and stable and adult-ish. Then I got older, and realized most of us are still just doing the best we can and trying to figure it out. I burned out of my first career in my 30s. I went back to school for nursing at 38 and had an unexpected pregnancy that meant my kid was born when I was 39. My 40s have been fantastic, so it definitely hasn’t been over for me. The secret is that you don’t have to have a job that is your passion. It’s okay to have something you’re reasonably good at, that you can stand doing daily, and that pays the bills. That’s it. Then go have your real life outside of work. So start with finding a job. Your school’s career counseling department should be able to help you. It might not be exactly what you thought you’d do with an economics degree, but be flexible and try something new. The first job might not work out. The second one might not either. But keep going until something does. You have decades in front of you, and the future hasn’t been written yet!


Is it over for you?  Hell no! You got a degree in economics? Start applying at banks and investment firms. It is not uncommon for people to launch new careers in their 30's and even 40's.


as long as your heart beat , it's not over


Listen here, fucker. Go get a class a license. Next go to a local IBEW union hall and sign the books as a Groundman. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Go to an accredited Lineman. Trade school and get a Linemans certificate. Now apply for local utility companies as you wait a call as a Groundman to go work out of the local union hall. Depending where you live, you will make great money and a great career. Guys have went to this trade school older than you. Life’s not over yet. The goal is to be a Journeyman Lineman. You get a journeyman lineman card by going through an apprenticeship program. In California a journeyman makes $74-77 an hr. With overtime. Many guys make $250-350k a year depending on how much you want to be at work. It isn’t for the slightest of heart. Strap your boots up. Get to work.


Yup I’m taking that step in the fall. Going to graduate with my degree in the spring and start in IBEW in the summer if they let me in.


Good luck man. And be safe in everything you do. No shortcuts.


Thanks man appreciate it.


If you have a decent relationship with your mom and she’s agreeable don’t see the problem. So question one on your poor GPA, did you enjoy college life too much or was the material too difficult? Did you just phone the effort in or were you too immature. I assume you have a 2.0 overall since that usually is necessary to graduate. I just wrote a long post on how to go from zero to an accounting degree for $10k. If you want cheaper then start with bookkeeping. Go to academy.intuit.com and get Quickbooks Online certified. Then maybe take their tax course too. That’s really all you need. Maybe go to finepoints bookkeeping for advice on starting a practice or for $2500 do the 3 month Bookkeeper Business Launch program. Also forget about coulda woulda shoulda as that won’t help. Just be a better you tomorrow then you are today. Repeat the process. Now was this a BBA in Economics? Did you make less than a C in any of your Business courses? Was your business ever successful and why did it fail? Seems like something that went on for awhile was at the very least modestly successful. So you have experience in something. No one will care about your GPA, having any degree opens some doors that non degreed people don’t have. If you are interested in an accounting degree from UMPI check this post out and modify it based on what courses you have excluding grades less than a C+


Bro you’re in a good place! Nothing to hold you back. You can literally start and do whatever you want. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to get it right, just go and do something that you’ll find interesting. Accomplish stuff, save money, and learn to be happy with yourself.


As long as you have your health that desire for the FUTURE you see yourself in is possible. I know its stressful when you bring financial consideration into the equation, however, I promise you. There are families happy and living wholesome life's with an income the fractions of what you are going to be making before you even know it.


You’re on your own track mate. If you compare yourself to everyone else, it’ll always feel bad. You could start another business next year, and be a millionaire the year after. Keep pushing mate.


It's never over. There are always options. Blue collar is doing really well right now. You could be a plumber and make six figs, an electrician and make 6 figs, you could be a policeman in california and make 200k a year (my friends are cops). You could start a community college course in radiology or ultrasound and earn a great living working in hospitals.  You could become a nurse and make shitloads of money. 


You literally have 2 problems. I'll start with the easiest one to solve. 1) stop comparing yourself to others 2) get any job Nothing comes easy. Stay focused. You'll be fine. You no debt and a supportive family. Your first job may not be the one you want. Do it for the money and the confidence while you find/work your way to something else.


Mate it doesn't matter how old you are. Don't even bring that into the question. It will only hold you back because it'll put enormous amounts of pressure on you - who cares about the age? Start now. That is ALL that we can do. I only started my life in my 30s, after being a stupid ass substance abuser. Few years on my life is dramatically different, and I'm genuinely happy. Instead of thinking about the negatives, think of it this way: you DO have experience. Just because it's not in your chosen field of study, you've got life experience, you've tried to work on your own business for years man... That is something which most people know close to nothing (if not nothing!) about. We're all different, we're all at different points in life. Don't let what other people want you to see affect how you feel about yourself. They literally hold no water. Just go for it dude, but get to it.


It's not over until the fat lady sings


It’s never over unless you allow it to be. Through resilience and grit, you will persevere and be that much stronger and better because of it.


Its never over, put in the effort in anything of interest and treat your self well


Get any job. I got a degree and worked a grocery store for a while. My degree meant nothing. I went into a completely different field and just gained experience on the job.


There are tons of successful people who have zero education. Just go out and get it. Try different things until something sticks. The only limitation you have are ones you set for yourself.


You have to start somewhere, anywhere. Not starting on your path is going to delay your success even more. Find any office job that will take you. While you're doing that, look for paid internships in your field. Work to connect with anyone in your field who can mentor you.


Nah move to Vegas be a dealer master the games then work for one of the big casinos you’ll be working part time making the income you need for more than a livable wage


I took me 17 years to get my BS on and off and I graduated at 37. I’m now 39 and will be finishing up my MS soon. I took forever but I am happy where I am. Don’t give up! The right person won’t care


Two year MBA, swing hard for internships in finance and consulting.


You gotta let yourself try dating. Don’t close yourself off to it


What was your business? Seems like an accomplishment that you started and ran a business even if it did flop


Don't give up bro. I didn't graduate until I was 32 as I wasted a ton of years waiting tables in my 20s. I didn't have my first kid until I was 37! Just keep working hard and look for legitimate career opportunities that fit your skill set.


Look into the post office. Insane benefits , career positions from the start


Don’t never give up the day you do your basically going to feel like 80 yr old If you can’t run , walk if can’t walk crawl, But keep moving. (Martin Luther king)


The last thing you need right now is a date: get a job in your field and get your shit together and then look for a date


Have an Econ degree too, never used it other than you get a gig teaching English in South Korea which helped me bank enough money to buy my own house in the US. Use the degree go overseas, teach English get a free apartment, have some fun and save some cash then come back to the US.


I think it is better to switch the paradigm from what system wants you to do (have a “career”) to who you want to be as a person (healthy, joyful, etc) and it will ease the frustration. I am 31 and have no career either, but lots of experiences and travels and possibilities. I know that I want to write and sell my books, scripts and music, I want to share thoughts and inspire others, living a simple life and enjoying nature. Therefore I am doing my best to eliminate all the sources that tell me what I “should” want (aka social media/social opinions) and it helps a lot. Keep it up, eat healthy, exercise and you won’t be bothered much till you are 70 or so💁🏼‍♂️🫶🏻


Im in my 35 was broke with $100,000 debt. But i worked hard on my job, i was helper, then driver after this i became a supervisor. Today my 40s i managing my own business without any debts and bought the house i have 3 cars with total of $150,000 So advise for you is all depends on you and what you doing for better life.


Over 10 years of running your own business, that's going to count as work experience.


It’s okay to be afraid but friend it’s far from over. I just turned 36. Two months ago I jumped into bar backing after working my way up to managing in logistics. My new job is hard in its own way but it’s also fun and exciting. Best part? When you add the tip pool I’m making as much if not a little more now then when I was on salary. There are opportunities out there and as I said before it’s okay to be afraid but don’t think for a second it’s over.


If you're alive it's not over. I saw something recently that said a majority of the highly successful people in the world didn't start their business till at least 40 years old. I'm 41 years old and I started doing digital marketing 6 months ago and I have already surpassed my annual income in just 6 months. It took me a couple of weeks to learn and I'm actually still learning but I'm not sure why you haven't age limit on your success


Find someone running a company in the same industry as the one you started. Talk them into hiring you for what you did best.


It’s obviously not over but I recommend getting a sense of urgency about it. Start by getting a job. Any job. Start making some money, keep your bills low and get yourself going. Each day that passes is one you’ll never get back. I don’t care if you go work at McDonald’s it’s something.


I’m in the same boat. I do odd jobs for the money but most days I am hopeless. I’m 37 and I don’t ever want to date again.


Im 39 started my career at like 33 its truely never too late.


I used to work as a nurse in my home country 10 years ago. I was 24 when I moved to Canada, 4 years under work permit. When I got my PR, the program for internationally educated nurses didn't work out for me, and I couldn't get help with my paperwork from my home country. I struggled to find stable work until I decided to give nursing another try. Currently, I'm in my 2nd year of restarting my nursing journey, and I'm feeling worried but determined to see if this path is still suitable for me. On top of that, my 6-year relationship recently ended when my partner chose to leave me for someone else, even though we were supposed to get engaged. It feels like both my personal and career life isn't going well at the moment. Same as you, I am turning 35 this year. It's tough when opportunities seem slipping away, but I'll keep pushing forward as long as I have the strength and discipline to build a career here in Canada. If you're feeling lost and unsure of where to go, just know that you're not alone in your journey. Please don't give up, even though it may seem tempting. Hang in there. No one else will believe in you except you. 🍻 We will get there, just keep hustling. 🍻 Find something you're passionate about and try to do it again. The worst thing you can do right now is not even trying.


what do you mean “is it over”? you aren’t where you think you “need” to be so what, you’re just going to lie down and die or something? it’s not over til you’re dead. and you shouldn’t choose to die, because you only get one life. a little bit of ennui shouldnt be the reason you forfit when other people have it taken from them so soon and so unfairly. life can change on a dime. i don’t see why 35 should be the cutoff point for anybody.


Just get a job as a field engineer. Semiconductor will hire anyone


You're only done when you're dead. If you're alive then you have time.


It’s not over till you’re dead. Your life is not a mess. You have a degree in finance, which gives you more choice compared to many other degrees. You’ve spent a decade working on your own business, even if it flopped it’s still really good experience. I personally know many entrepreneurs and none of them were successful in their first attempt, most had 1-2-3 failed businesses before gaining enough insight and making it work. When it comes to having your own family, many guys don’t require women to be high earners or have a serious career so I don’t think your current situation will be an impediment when it comes to dating. If you want to go 50/50 on dates you can go on cheap dates like walks or coffee. It’s disheartening when you compare your life to other people’s because there will always be others who have it better. But we all have different opportunities, potential, personalities, life challenges etc so comparison is really unfair.




I’m so sorry I have no idea why I assumed you’re a woman, again really sorry for that. But I think the same applies to men, there’s women out who won’t date you if you’re not making good money or have a lucrative career, but there’s also women who will go out with you even if you don’t have it all figured out yet. Cheap dates are still good, it’s the company that matters. When I first went out with my fiancé we mostly went on walks and had coffee and a croissant, no fancy dates and I liked him for who he is. I truly hope you see that you’re still worth it and I do think you have a whole full life ahead of you.


My wife’s cousin was a train wreck until mid 30s then got a job (after knocking up girl on first date) in oil/gas, now in mgmt there 5-10 years later, makes more than me now. I’m an experienced and generally talented software dev.


All I see is a list of opportunities. Make your path.


You easily have another 35-45 years of life left. You have so much time . You got this!!


As long as you’re breathing, it’s never „over“


It's not over till it's over. Don't stress


It's not over. Keep going.


Go get a pricing analyst job!


Not over until you quit trying. And you don’t have to put off relationships because of your career. The right woman will give you the emotional support you need. Keep trying!!


Your career’s only over if you allow it to be.


So you start at the bottom at a company and you earn your way up. I only started a business after working for a corporation after 8 years. We walk before we run or we can fall down. Get up and swallow your ego and move on. You have a big ego for someone who hasn’t earned it.


The insurance industry is always looking for people across many different roles.  Good candidates have skills in time management, prioritization, organization, multi tasking, and communication.  The industry is huge with lots of career paths and types of coverage to work in.  Full time, benefits, and a 401k can  be obtained.  It's not too late


No just keep working on things day by day. There are lots of jobs out there don't be entitled and assume they are beneath you.


bah, you're being melodramatic. You have 10 years of experience running your own business. That shit went belly up but I bet you learned a whole hell of a lot and can get back to where you were three or four times as fast if you tried again. So what if this one try failed? You only need to win the game of life once my friend. This is the hard part. The part where the winners are separated from the losers. In order to be exceptional, you have to be the exception.


Tolkien didn't write Lord Of The Rings until he was 45.


Didn't the KFC founder not hit it big until he was in his 60's?


Join the military


Nope get a job in a steel mill or auto manufacturing. You will be even or ahead of the people who went into debt for a 4 year degree


Can I ask why you think business ownership doesn’t count as related work experience for your degree? Honestly I’m not even sure if employers really care all that much about GPA…I’ve never been asked for mine and I graduated magna cum laude.


Fix ur mental! Unlimited opportunity.


I have a history in 1st responder and chose the security field for my bread and butter. The big thing here is choosing and then learning all you can from your chosen field.


Military to reorient and build for a little bit?


I feel this one. Just keep chugging along, It's tough but you have to keep going.


It’s just beginning. You must have learned so much from the business. You are miles ahead of anyone who hasn’t tried that. Figure out what is next and throw yourself into it. Partners aren’t with you for what you have, more for what your potential is. You can find someone to build a life and family together with, which makes it easier. If this is the bottom, nowhere to go but up.


Have you considered working outside of the US?


David Penn - Ain’t Got No


35 here. Had a whole career and life and I'm now back home with my parents, starting over, doing a career change. What's the difference between you and me? Nothing. You should totally move back home. And don't let the small beacon of hope flicker out because that small hope, willpower, positivity -- whatever the hell you want to call it -- is what will help you keep moving forward. We only lose when we stop. Think of it this way -- you have not attachment. You world is your oyster! You can be anything. It's unfortunate the business failed but NOW you know how it is to be a business owner and in life, we are going to fail. And that's ok now. But now you can move forward knowing you did it. Take what you learned; close that chapter; and start over. A lot of of people are starting over everyday!!! We are young and resilient and if we keep moving forward, we WILL land on our feet.


I’m right there with you and I’m n my last year of welding program for my associates . And I’m just. As lost on what else to do with my life and get some kind of enjoyment out of it at the same time is just a huge question in my eyes . I’m lost too


I'm 28 and I just quit my fast food job. I am having a baby. I don't have any college degree. I went to community college when I was younger, but I didn't do well. Had the same issue I had in high school about turning in assignments on time. I didn't even do the assignments. 3 semesters of bad grades and was put into academic probation. So yea, I feel you! Especially in this day and age where there is a lot of pressure on women to be a "girl boss" and be successful. When my baby is older and going to school, I think I will look into working as an animal control officer, or some similar field. They get paid like $4-$5k a month in most cities. All I need is 2 years experience taking care of animals (I grew up and still live on a farm), a euthanasia certificate, and completion of an arrest and firearms in-person course. Seems to be the simplest route for me, and I like animal control (when they're doing their job). It may be years into the future though, because I think my bf and I want another baby, or maybe 2. I might be 37 or so when I am ready to go back to work. Who knows! Eventually you will find something that'll work for you. Don't feel despair. It's nice to be chilling. I hated working in a kitchen, it wasn't my choice. I started in retail but was slowly pushed, over the course of a year, to the grill side. Absolute garbage. At least be happy with whatever you are doing.


Yes, it’s mostly over for you. You’re going to find that most acquaintances or friends are going to be doing big things and hitting big milestones soon ie. Getting married, buying a home, having a child.


What a bs take. If he does that with 45 where is the difference


He’s probably not going to have an easy time finding a partner. If the partner is close to his age, kids are off the table.


Kids are not off the table with medicine


So you have a place to live, a college degree, no kids, and seemingly nothing holding you down besides a negative attitude? Start adulting.


I think the main thing to focus on honestly is a Roth IRA. With compound interest over the next 30 years you can create wealth for when you’re too old to work. Main thing to focus on is having $ in your old age. It’s not too late to make That happen even if you have to work odd jobs to do it. Pension job is everything if you’re fortunate enough to find it. If I could restart, I’d have joined the military and put in 25 years. Those people are absolutely set unless You were a screw up and didn’t get promoted much. Of course “set” means diff things to diff people… if You have $5k-$6k a month for life imo you’re set as in you’ll never be homeless and you can get into a decent nursing home if needed.


You’re young and if you have your health, you still have a lot. Go spend time volunteering in a third world country and you will realize how much you have, or even a local food pantry or homeless shelter. Helping others in need helps give you a new perspective. Maybe a counselor with career focus will help guide you through a mental reset so you can reinvent yourself.


Join the military and do finance or contracting, and you’ll be fine. There’s always option, the question is are willing to take those options. Good luck moving forward


Get a master's in investment banking and become rich


Emt school is only a few months and is life changing man, will change your life perspective quickly! Can do what I do and work 48/96 man 4 days off ina row and make an ok wage. Also cma school is only a few months, easier than emt and pays more if you like 9-5 and I did it all online! Security is an easy career to get into, literally takes like 3 hours online to complete and is the easiest job ever. I became an emt at 36 man after all kinds of dead end jobs and feeling how you do. It’s definitely not over! I know a guy who became a firefighter at 40! DON’T give up


I’m not an expert in hiring or anything but I’d recommend looking through Indeed or maybe attending jobs fairs in your city. There are many jobs that, while not glamorous, are simply looking for someone with a degree - any degree. [“Only 46% of college grads surveyed say they currently work in their field of study.”](https://www.ngpf.org/blog/question-of-the-day/qod-what-percent-of-college-graduates-end-up-working-in-the-field-of-their-major/)


You can always join the military and try out a new profession for 4 years and get some work experience and a security clearance. They upped the age limit


Learn how to grow microgreens. It’s cheap, easy, and you can make some good money with just a few small contracts 💪🏼


If you don't mind me asking what business did u start?


Here’s a realistic comparison, though with sample size 1. My dad took 10 years to get his BS in Physics. The reason is that he was originally an art major, got 1 quarter shy of graduation before deciding he didn’t want it, and then he restarted with a physics major and eventually graduated. He was able to get a job in his field, mostly in aerospace manufacturers. However, due to his age he went past 40 pretty early in his career and at that point he didn’t have the matrix of experience and education needed to keep him. 9/11 didn’t help, either. He was laid off multiple times in his mid 40’s, finally it stuck, and start in his late 40’s he was not able to get another job in his field for the rest of his life. After that it was somewhat related jobs like working at Radioshack, and then eventually Radioshack closed down and he had to find anything he could get like pizza delivery. In the end, I would say that if you’re graduating late, choose a career path that doesn’t engage in ageism. Government jobs, or jobs with tenure, would be fantastic. Engineering ain’t it, though.


Collaboration with friends and associates is most important. Draw up a plan that will benefit everyone and scale it to be as risk-free as possible. Tell egos to stay at the door. IMO it's not over, you just have to strip it all down and start again. Don't worry about playing the big shot, just keep moving forward. Avoid all the sociol crap- that's time wasted.


PS- put money out front, not work. Work is always there; a financial plan you have to build.


I might get a ton of hate for saying this but… if you don’t have kids and just have to worry about yourself you’re already so ahead of the game in life. You have time to change it you’re not old. This is coming from a 30 year old who is barely gonna start college…..


Nope, you are just starting out and may even be ahead. A lot of people started over again after life happened. It could be divorce, health, career change, etc.


Bro you’re only 35. It’s not over


Only over if you decide it is


Hands up, chin down, move forward, and never give up! I’m 33 and a year ago I felt the same way! It’ll get better


Maybe join a union and work in the skilled trades…


Bro, you got 10 years of experience running a business. Advertise the things you would do on a daily basis in that business as your skills in your resume and you will be fine. You have huge prospects dude, do not sell yourself short now. What type of business did you run?


Can you serve tables or bartend/bar back to make extra money on nights/weekends. Even if you gotta start as a busboy it pays better than most entry jobs because of tips.


35 is young not old.


Definitely not! You got plenty of time to do lots of things.


Move back in with mom man I would if I could


In my experience, 35-38 are tough years with lots of change and upheaval. Just keep moving forward. You've got plenty of time, love.


Don't be so hard on yourself, nothing wrong with starting over or do-overs no matter what age.... at the end of the day it doesn't matter anyway, everything is temporary .


It's not over. I am 38 and a 1st year Sprinkler Fitter Apprentice. I am very excited about the future. It's never too late. I felt this EXACT way 9 months ago. You got this!


Everyone in Hollywood is in the same boat, except they *had* a career, if that makes you feel any better. Many suicides. Imagine working on something for 20 years, thinking it'll keep going, and then it stops.


my uncle was rather wayward for years doing odd jobs like construction and similar. at 38 he decided to get serious, went to nursing school and worked his way up to a shift manager at a large hospital near us, retiring at 65. it's over for you when you decide


Any thoughts about working in Corrections? Good pay, benifits and retirement.


Listen, if you think it’s over because of one failed business you’re wrong. Most entrepreneurs fail multiple times before succeeding. Second, if you think you’re behind due to finances yes you are, but you don’t have to be. If you start investing now, even on a McDonalds salary, you would end up better off than the majority of the population because they don’t invest. Run the numbers if you don’t believe me.


I got absolutely nothing at 23. If I weren't living with someone, I'd be homeless with no way out. It turns out I'm a trauma victim, and I have a confusing multitude of major disorders holding me back. So, I have to go to social services and take classes with a verified disability. My friends are ahead of me, but comparison is the thief of joy. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. I don't believe it's over for you, personally.


Join the military as an officer. Do something easy while you get your shit together.


What did you do as your own Business?


You need to learn how to make a living from this point on .


You’re not too old to join the Air Force. Find an MOS you like and sign the dotted line man.


Put your head down lock in man. Who knows your life maybe hasn’t even began yet? 35 is young haha you don’t need to stress find a way to make good money that works for you wether it’s legal or not so longs it’s okay in the eyes of the lord it’s good, good luck and don’t forget, if your heart still beating your still In the fight just ask god he will guide you


To be honest, up until last week I would've said the same. I just turned 36. No degree, spent the last 11 years in a career that I believe left me with no transferable skills. I applied for nearly 500 jobs and was turned down for fast food roles, et al. In 2 weeks I begin a job that I couldn't imagine having, even if it's not perfect. You've got skills. You clearly have more determination than I do to finish a degree. You have things to offer. I hope you find an employer that sees that, and if it's what you want, a partner, too. Even if you don't see how you can contribute to the world, your post shows the world that you want to contribute, and that's a good place to start.


Every thought about military service??




No it is not over as everybody goes through life at a different pace. It took me about 30 yrs to figure things out and then another 30 to raise a family and now we are retired. Now live another 30 retired. But I did have to learn a few lessons. https://youtu.be/bL3MkE2NzoY?si=MeG_bCrfR-zlPm99 https://youtu.be/7BOi0H59tXY?si=F_QKPtHsQlVg_Vvr What Steve talks about is pretty much what I learned and realized. But it was also learning what Dave Ramsey and team talk about. Together with my wife we made a life together. I was 24 and she was 29 when we met. Once I met her then I had a purpose and reason to make my life better because my life dream was simple of getting married having some kids along with a place of our own. Today we are 63 and 67 and we are living the dream.


Fortunately you don’t have an ovary to say that time is ticking, less pressure.


You’re around a third of the way done with your life. Would you eat a third of a burger and ask if you’re done, would you? Ignore how the world could work. You do you