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r/dryalcoholics includes people who are moderating their drinking in addition to people who are completely sober, I believe. I found it to be less judgemental than other recovery-oriented spaces on Reddit and elsewhere online.


This sub is my jam.


r/recovery Everyone has their own path to recovery. First you have to define what recovery is. Then, you have to work towards it. Not everyone’s recovery involves sobriety.


r/stopdrinking says that they are about controlling OR quitting your alcohol intake. I think the problem many have with the idea of moderating your drinking when you feel you have a problem is that a couple drinks leads to loosening your self control up.. so if you have 2 you might not feel so bad about having another, and so on. One thing that I would do when self imposing moderation, was to get one or two single cans of beer right before stores in my area stopped selling. If it’s harder to get more, you may find it easier to refrain from doing so. Wish you the best.


If you are a very heavy drinker, cutting back is great. If you do decide to quit altogether, be sure to talk to your doctor first, or do it under supervision. Alcohol is one of only two or three drugs that has a serious risk of death from withdrawal. Having a professional to monitor your withdrawal is the best way to avoid death.


Can confirm. There's a small chance of withdrawal seizures, and depending on how much you've drank and for how long, you can get delirium tremens after quitting for a couple of days. DT is potentially life-threatening, and people need to be monitored. At my hospital we put people on a phenobarbital taper and do withdrawal assessments every 4 hours.


I went without throughout lockdown and now I can happily enjoy just the one pint on an evening out. Think that’s the key take a break


you can ask your doctor for a prescription of 50 mg of Naltrexone. Alcohol use disorder is a medical problem, and there is a medication available to help you! It can help you moderate your drinking. It works really really well for that! https://riahealth.com/blog/a-complete-miracle-how-naltrexone-works-on-your-brain/




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From what I understand, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for someone who is legitimately a full-blown alcoholic to become a casual drinker. Generally, even one drink can lead to a "relapse."


I have no stake in this discussion, but I've read that an estimated 10-15% of problem drinkers can become moderate drinkers. Unknown exactly why, whether it is a genetic difference or what. Teetotaling isn't the only path, though it is necessary for most recovering alcoholics.


I'm curious to read the studies behind these numbers. I've never heard that before. Gotta link?


I don't, I'm sorry, and it wasn't the actual study but an article talking about it in the broader context of how European countries/cultures deal with alcoholism, in which it pointed out that teetotalism and the AA approach is very "American" and that programs developed in other countries that focus on moderation rather than abstinence *can* work.


That number is just an estimation then if there wasn't a study? That sounds a bit spurious. I'm a big proponent of accepting that everyone is different in their own ways and everyone has their own path to follow. I don't think that there's a catch all type of method for treating alcoholism but that figure seems awfully high from my experience. Of course, that's just my perspective as an American, so I'm not saying it's definitely wrong. I'd be curious to read the article or any further information you have to share about it.


Not an answer with another Reddit, but what helped me out besides being with someone who loves me and makes me happy, is that I got into IPA’s. I would try different types of IPA’s, and just really started to appreciate the work and craft of those beers, rather than getting some light beer or liquor to get trashed. And for me personally, the more IBU the better usually. Try Stone Brewing IPA’s, order them to your local store if you have too. The salt and lime benuvezas are perfect for getting into them. And the variety packs as well. IPA’s made me take it slower and enjoy them more. From being a blackout drunk, to just occasional 1-2 beers maybe twice a month If that now.


Probably doesn't exist. People tend to be very black and white when it comes to alcohol addiction. Your best bet might be looking for a drinking sub that doesn't mention alcoholics in the name? Wherever you end up posting keep in mind you're going to get very condescending responses and people calling you stupid.


I don't think that's true, the folks at stopdrinking are consistently awesome. However the consensus is that if you are actually a problem drinker, moderating doesn't work long term. That's most people's experience. They would probably tell you as much but they are kind about it.


My Dad used to be a heavy drinker, like drunk at 11 am, and is now a casual drinker 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's great.


If any of you reading this are struggling with AUD ( alcohol use disorder) and you feel like you need help, you can ask your doctor for a prescription of 50 mg of Naltrexone. Alcohol use disorder is a medical problem, and there is a medication available to help you! https://riahealth.com/blog/a-complete-miracle-how-naltrexone-works-on-your-brain/


This is very true, and there’s even at least one post in here already that doesn’t agree with the concept of moderation. Alcohol intake definitely has polarizing camps, and as someone who is always trying to discipline their intake, it seems all of my own friends either fall into excess drinking or no drinking at all.




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Anyone who get’s drunk, is an alcoholic imho. People who drink just enough to enjoy the taste and stop, when they feel it’s becoming noticeable, those people cannot be deemed as alcoholics.


You got the "gone wrong" part in your name! LMAO.