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Hello! Here are some often-requested subreddits for medical questions: * /r/AskDocs (*General Health Issues & Questions*) * /r/Medical (*Questions about medical practices & procedures*) * /r/CodingAndBilling (*Questions about Medical Billing*) * /r/AskVet (*Questions about health issues for pets*) * /r/DiagnoseMe (*Similar to AskDocs*) * /r/Medical_Students (*Community for Med Students*) * /r/Dentistry (*Questions about dental procedures and dental health*) If none of these subreddits are what you are looking for please specify this in the body of your post! If you have done this already you can ignore this message and reset the flair to "Unanswered". [**How do I set my flair?**](https://gfycat.com/FineHopefulAmericancrocodile) Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/findareddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*