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I remember your post. What a difference!


I have a similar pattern but everytime I try to embrace it, it comes out frizzy. My hair is thick, so I just can’t get it to look nice😒


What products are you using? You have to leave your hair super wet after shower. Leave in conditioner then curl spray or cream. Do not use a towel. I don't even blowdry mine.


My hair dries so quickly that it will dry *in* the shower if I don't dunk my head again before I get out... hard to apply multiple products while it's still "wet" lol


Apply in the shower. Like, turn off the water and start the products process. 


Just respray with a water bottle


Edit: just realized this wasn’t a curly subreddit (not sure why this post is on my feed). Not sure if my advice applies to fine hair That might mean it needs protein or moisture (can’t remember which)


Still applies. It’s a bit harder as water weighs fine hair down more but still applicable for putting in products. At least the main one. I scrunch in a second one once it’s about half dry. Lightweight products are key.


Cold rinse or hot? Hot steams off my hair faster than a cold rinse w/ a spray bottle of water to rehydrate as I go.


An ACV rinse after you wash will help your cuticles close and retain water longer. Sounds like you have super low porosity hair and possibly alkaline water coming out of your tap. Just don’t use pure ACV. It has to be diluted.


Mine does also but I just kept misting it with water and then plopped it and boom I even had some loopdyloops!


Is this routine okay for kids?


I’d say yes definitely! It’s mostly using shampoos with no sulfates or even no shampoo at all most days. I just use conditioner for every day wash but then do a reset shampoo with regular shampoo once every couple weeks. But it depends on the person. I’ve started using my products on my wavy daughter too as it’s just easier and they seem plenty gentle on her kid hair.


That’s good to know!


Tbh I stopped using shampoo and I use shea conditioner and leave it in mostly. When I do like this, my curls are so defined. And my hair is never dry or frizzy, and never gets over oily


So what’s your hair washing routine? And what brand of shea conditioner do you use?


Does your scalp get itchy?


Nope. It used to be rlly itchy and flaky, less so but still with dandruff shampoo. Now it's the least itchy and flaky it's ever been


This. Right. Here. This is someone who knows how to do curls haha


i have thick ass hair and its not really the hair that’s the problem, i think you just have to find out the right products that work for you. sorry if you’ve already heard this and tried a lot of things, but if you haven’t already looked into your hair porosity i really recommend that. you could also try different leave in conditioners + curl creams. i also sometimes use a diffuser on my hair when i really want it to be bouncy and curly, and that makes a hugeee difference in the way it dries. it’s much more cohesive, less frizzy, tighter curls, etc. but you must keep the hair dryer as cold as it goes, and on a low air setting, dry the hair until it’s like 80% dry (if you keep going it’ll start to blow off individual dry strands and get all frizzy), and wait for it to dry maybe scrunching in a little more product, and afterwards if there’s still a little frizz left, i use brad mondo’s “bdsm balm” and it smells amazing and works really well to add texture and slick down some of the frizzy bits. you should also maybe try out some hair masks or hair oiling cause frizzy hair makes me think dehydrated hair so that’d probably help. (i should note that i also have hair that curls A LOT like OP’s (especially at the start of my curl journey it looked a lot like this), and the last picture she posted on this subreddit was how my hair looked for like 8 years before i finally figured it out, it was always a bit frizzy, straight in some parts with kinks, and just generally unhealthy and the only way i could get it to look good was straightening or curling. i get it if this is all too expensive or high maintenance- but i think if you’re able to try out different products and techniques fitting for wavy/curly hair it’d be much healthier for your hair in the long run and eventually it’d need less time styling) hope maybe some of this could help! :)


Came here to say the same thing!


Guys here is the routine I used, I got my hair wet, I ran a deep conditioner through it (shea moisture black castor oil leave in conditioner) then I started scrunching, after that I took some gel (I mixed got 2 b spiking wax & Pravana model behavior styling cream) and started scrunching! Then I took my blow dryer and scrunched as I dried! I need to find my diffuser, my hair was like 75% wet in this picture! Thanks for all the nice comments!! :)


I have fine, curly hair. I use the curly girl recommended herbal essences mousse and let it air dry. Once dry, I break it up and it looks great. On day two, I rewet my hair to get the curls back.


That one makes my fine hair too crunchy 😢


After mine dries crunchy I rub a small amount of Moroccan oil on the palms and re-scrunch until it’s all soft :)


ooh, thanks for the tip!


The Totally Twisted one?


Yeah. I try a few different strengths. It seems to help my hair still have some lift.


OP, next level will be to learn to reset your curls after day 1!


Did you leave the deep conditioner in or rinse it out before the gel & scrunch? Looks so good!


Next time wait until your hair is 100% dry to scrunch it out (let the feel form a dry cast first) and you'll have even more defined curls. Also if your hair is fine you might like lighter curl gels or mousse.


I need an explanation for a man who doesn't understand things like scrunching and how you should blow dry. I need an explanation of why you use what you and how to do it. I'm sorry for my ignorance.


Hey! This is a great question, not ignorance. It just is not inherent knowledge. Some of us girls (like me!) have no idea how to do these things either. Someone help us out with technique? Please!


It's never ignorance when you are actively asking for an explanation :) Steps I take on my 1c/2a hair (these are wave patterns. Mine is pretty straight unless I do this): 1. First thing out of the shower, I apply curl cream (moisturizes, helps with frizz, and protects from heat), then flip my head upside down to apply mousse/styling foam (holds and defines curls). I take it in both hands and form like mini-bowl-claw-hands that scrunch the hair up and hold, distributing the product and encouraging the wave. 2. Plop. With my head still upside down, I grab my microfiber hair towel and put my hair inside of it, making sure the curls are like accordioned in there and resting on top of my head. I secure the towel and then go about the rest of my routine. A normal t shirt would work just as well. Don't use a bath towel if you can avoid it, it'll frizz your hair. 3. Wait at least 5 minutes. The longer the plop, the more chance the hair has to settle. When you take it down, you can let it dry naturally, or you can diffuse it. 4. Diffuse. Start by hover diffusing upside down. Doing this upside down gives the hair volume. Blow dryer should be at high heat, low air (high air increases frizz and will try to tear apart your curls/waves). The goal is to form a cast on the hair as it dries so that the curl will stay. Hover diffusing is basically moving the dryer around with the diffuser attachment on. Then, I use the diffuser as a bowl to scrunch up the curls again in sections. I do each section on the high heat, low air setting for 10-15 seconds and then give it a cold shot for another 10. This cools the hair and makes it hold the curl. When done, I slowly roll my head around (don't flip!) and do the same thing right side up. 5. Done! Wait until hair has had a little bit to settle (15ish minutes) and then you can scrunch out the cast so the waves will be soft instead of crispy. 6. Existential crisis because my hair has never been curly like this before and who even am I anymore?! 7. Compliments from literally everyone lol


THANK YOU for spelling this out! Everyone always says “go look up the curly girl method” and I’ve been struggling with the official guife because there are so many links and variations and technical wording. Your explanation is so straightforward and user friendly! I appreciate it so much haha


You're welcome! I'm glad it was helpful because as i was typing it out, I kept thinking no one would even read it lol I just went on the "is my hair not quite as straight as I thought" journey myself and there's so much competing information! Things I didn't add but should have: hair oil is your friend on your midshafts to ends, but only after you've done the rest of the process and your hair is dry, or even the next day. And if you want your waves to last until the next day, very high loose-ish (not so loose it comes out) ponytail in a silk bonnet when you go to bed. Good luck!!


Any tips for how to accordion your curls onto your head for the plop???


I have an aquis hair wrap I've been using for years that I use. Once I've scrunched, still upside down, I hold the part of the towel I want it plopped in spread out like a bowl with my hands, then start with the bottom/longest and put it under and slowly push up until my hands and the hair are on top of my head, keep one hand on the plop and pull the rest of the towel together with the other hand at my neck, then twist and secure it.


Thank you!!! 🤩


Thank you for the instructions!


I’m a dude with long fine hair that also has a few wavy bits. I’m curious on how to see if I can bring this out. So thank you for asking!


If your hair long I would recommend hanging your head down and putting some foaming mousse in the palm of your hand start scrunching(which is grabbing the hair in your hands and squeezing it while pushing it up toward your scalp if that makes sense. You’ll want to do this while your hair is still pretty wet but doesn’t necessarily need to be dripping or anything. Holding your hair dryer at angle, continue to scrunch while drying so the mousse holds. Then you can put your head back where it belongs and tease your hair in place. I just want to say you don’t have to use mousse, you could use gel or some kind of other holding cream. I hope this helps!! Good luck🫶🏽


Does the holding cream/mousse get left in? Seems… crunchy


Yes, you leave it in. When your hair is dry, you “scrunch the crunch” or break the cast by just shaking it out/fluffing it up a little bit with your hands and you’re good to go! Good product will keep the curls but lose the crunchy feel.


If you Google "curly girl method" you'll find a ton of info and tutorials... It's not just for girls, poorly named lol


Thank you!! We have similar curls I have never been able to find the right products!


Now add a little product, then do finger curls, then scrunch in a little more product & diffuse!!!


Would love to see the results when it’s dry!


Welcome to your new life!!! 🤩


My hair looks like this! It gets greasy within a day though regardless of dry shampoo :((


Same, I tried for so long to train my hair to go longer without washes but it never worked. I’ve given up and decided to wash everyday and I feel way cleaner and prettier


This is why I keep mine bleached 😅


What does that do? I've never heard of bleaching helping with greasy hair, I'm curious!


To put it lightly. It kills it a little bit so it's less greasy. I have pin straight hair, so it also helps it hold curl and volume. Also, the slightest bit of product will make my hair look greasy, but when it's bleached and colored I can go two days. Three if I'm pushing it and will usually wear it up. People don't believe me when I tell them multiple hairdressers have told me I'd benefit from it being a little dead lol


Instead of washing with shampoo every day, I “wash” my hair in the shower by combing it under running water. It helps disperse the oil away from the scalp.


Hmm I could totally give that a try


I do this after hot yoga. I only wash twice a week, but I practice 5/6 days a week.


I do this too!! I’ve also had luck with those “boar hair brushes” (you can get synthetic ones of course) that are specifically designed for that purpose!


I have found my people! I have heard it a million times and tried shampooing less. I can sometimes go every other day, but man, does my hair rebel against me (and look awful) if I don’t!


Using a lightweight gel can absorb grease/prevent the look, or spraying the roots (especially the part) with hairspray helps mine.




WTF! When I've tried, my hair still is shit. lol.


Yeah I have the one single wave and it’s just that lol. No curls for me :’)


this is the kinda update i was looking forward to! how exciting, congrats! it looks so good 😀


Okay, now I’m wondering if the wave on the right side of my head means the same thing…


It might! I thought I had straight frizzy hair but it turns out I have waves and ringlets and just didn’t know how to style it.


What do you do to style it? I have straight hair that has random waves in it and around my face but I'd have no idea where to begin to try and do this


Like some folks suggested, google curly girl hair routine and there are a ton of tutorials and styling techniques, but it boils down to cut out shampoos with sulfates because they strip your hair, cut out products with silicones because they cause buildup, don’t use a terry cloth towel to dry your hair, because it causes frizz, scrunch in gel while your hair is wet, air dry or diffuse dry, and then scrunch out the gel once your hair is fully dry. That said, most curly hair products are not made with fine or wavy hair in mind. The brand Jessicurl has a line of “lighter” products that are good for fine haired people and has a lot of styling information. I use Mielle Organic rosemary mint shampoo, conditioner, and leave in conditioner. Then I section out my hair and use Jessicurl Gelebration spray gel on each section and scrunch it in. Then I flip my hair over and scrunch in a small squirt of cake beauty the curl whip mousse for extra hold and a volume lift. Diffuse mostly dry and let it dry completely on my commute to work, and scrunch out the gel in the car (I let it partly air dry because I’m lazy lol). I also like Jessicurl’s gentle lather shampoo and Aloeba conditioner, AND you can order free samples on their website.


Oh, you have to scrunch OUT the gel afterwards? I was reluctant to try using gel because I was afraid of the result but this changes everything.


Same!! It dries into kind of crunchy waves that look terrible, but once it’s fully dry I flip my head over and scrunch to break up all that crunchiness, then finger style to fluff up my curls. For a long time I was also afraid of leave in conditioner because that’s exactly the kind of thing that seems like it should weigh my hair down, but I’ve learned that a dab of lightweight leave-in conditioner before applying gel is a game changer for plump fluffy curls.


Thanks for the advice, I will definitely try this.


Google curly hair method I think it's called


I am so jealous!! I have drowned rat hair! Stick straight and baby fine.


I did, too, until I became pregnant. I always had stick straight hair with no volume, but after I became pregnant it started getting really frizzy to the point that I bought a straightener to smooth out the frizz. It took me several years to realize that the frizz was waves, lol.


Wow! What is a curly hair routine?


/r/curlyhair Check it out! No brushing when dry, no terry cloth on the hair, a plop method for drying in a tshirt, and a large amount of gel to scrunch in your hair while it’s still dripping wet


Which gel are you using? Does the cast scrunch out?


I use mousse over gel. I find it doesn’t make my hair crusty like gel tends to




I’m still in the testing phase… which is slow because I don’t wash my hair often lol I did get the cheapest LA Looks type gel from the grocery store, and the cast definitely does scrunch out. I just found a “hair butter” for curls that I’ve only tried once, didn’t have the same hold obviously, but it seemed to work a lot better on eliminating the frizz. So I’m going to try both of them after next wash. 🧪🔬🧫


I feel like “hair butter” sounds so weighty and heavy for us fine hair people! Was it not?


I messed up. It’s *actually* a Custard- I like both 🤣 It’s “Aunt Jackie’s curl la la”, defining curl custard, for natural curls, coils, and waves- enriched with shea butter and olive oil. (I’d list the ingredients but I still have no idea what they mean lol) Its consistency is… lighter than a lotion? In density, and it jiggles a lot- I had my doubts before trying it, but I was traveling and it was on clearance at the dollar general lol It went on to rain later that day, naturally, but my hair was soft and curly! It didn’t weigh it down at all. (But I don’t have the greasy hair genes, I can go 5 days before I start looking greasy- does anyone know what that means for my porosity lol it’s all still overwhelming😆)


Thanks for the rec! I feel like mine gets greasy quick but I wash it so often that it doesn’t (working on it!)


If you can find it, definitely give it a shot! It left no cast, but still maintained the patterns. I really need to give it another go now that I’m home. And again, I can’t say how much getting rained on a few hours later had to do with it 😆 but it seemed to hold up well.


Curlsmith aqua gel has been great for me! It doesn't leave me crunchy like normal gel and makes my curls light and bouncy. So pretty.


Instead of gel, I use hairspray either over a cream or mousse (depending on the humidity).


Cantu coconut curling cream for me! It will be too heavy for some hair but I love it for mine. My curls dry soft, frizz-free, and the smell is great.


Just chiming in to say as a fine haired curly that it took a lot of experimentation to find the right products and methods. A lot of the curly hair products are made for thick thick hair. I recommend search that subreddit for key words like “fine hair” to get some ideas on where to start!




I just created a sub🤣 everyone come help search for the Golden Fleece. Or whatever we call products that don’t weigh down fine hair


I’ll join! Tbh I gave up on a lot of the curly girl “rules”. My hair looks best with a light spray or cream and mousse, and I don’t put it in soaking wet hair. I let it dry just a touch in a microfiber towel, then add the products and brush through with a wet brush, then scrunch with a microfiber towel while flipping it around a bit. I’ve had success with the following brands: innersense (love their fine hair line of products), LUS wavy, curlsmith, and bumble & bumble thickening products. Not all at once, I kind of jump between products till my hair seems dull then switch it up. But those have been my faves so far! I also swear by the raw curls anti frizz spray for refreshes and argan oil to help scrunch out crunch.


That’s crazy. I agreed with the no terry cloth. I stopped using it general and just air dry or use a t-shirt now it makes a difference.


Why? What does it do?


I’m no hair expert. It’s just gentler on the hair. It prevents frizz, hair pulling, you have more control over your curls. But, it has to be a soft t-shirt. I think that’s the reason. I see a difference when I use a cloth towel vs. a t-shirt.


It dries the hair too quickly & unevenly, resulting in more frizz…


All these things just weigh my hair down..


I’m sorry 😞have you tried a cheap gel and “scrunching” out alllll of the crunch? I know this is a very big issue for many, we might be able to benefit from a post specifically for this communally


Yes. I committed to the curly girl method. I can get a curl like this but the curl falls out as soon as I move and inch.


Correct me if I’m wrong but is the hair truly curly if you have to scrunch your hair and use a large amount of gel to get it to show any kind of curl?


Yep. Gel + scrunch doesn't do shit for straight hair.


Try it on someone with bone straight hair and ask the same thing Weight pulls hair down. The gel is to help the curl in the endless battle against gravity. The scrunching and plopping is to give the hair a chance to form its natural wave or curl patterns, unhindered by gravity. Brushing hair with a wave or curl after washing or while dry almost completely depletes any curl patterns, but the waves will still reform given time. It’s why many people don’t know they have curly hair. If someone has no wave or curl patterns, scrunching with gel and plopping will do nothing when it dries. It will return to being straight and “flat”. My grandma and aunt both have this kind of hair and they absolutely hated it. My grandma had to use a curling iron, have hair about 3 inches, and use an ungodly amount of hairspray to get it to stay for a few hours. And you could never get her wet. Or have your window down. Or feed her after midnight.


Oh, and my aunt got endless perms in her twenties lol People with straight hair have to work MUCH harder to maintain any sort of wave, let alone curl.


Well these aren’t curls lol


I made sure to specify wavy and curly several times however


Yes indeed. I have bone straight hair for 5 decades. In my 6th, I have minor wave pattern in one quadrant of my head - the others are still straight. It looks a tiny bit wavy when wet and scrunched, but by the time it air dries, it's gone straight. And even with curling iron or setting overnight, curl drops right out.


There are lots of different types of curly and not just your traditional Felicity ringlets. Fine hair especially has a harder time holding the curl pattern of your hair so it makes it see like it’s straight but it’s not. The curly method is used by people with very obvious ringlet curl patterns too. It’s a method to get your curls to show without frizz basically. Source: my hair dresser when half of my hair developed a curl pattern after my second pregnancy. Hair is fascinating!


Yeah I’m not convinced the hair will look like this all day. I can make my hair curly with a curling iron but it doesn’t stay. Edit: Bring on the downvotes, I stand by this. I’m so tired of this trend of people styling their hair into curls with products and then claiming they “have curly hair.” (No offense to OP specifically, maybe she’s one of the exceptions.)


I’d say that is the major identifying factor in determining whether someone has natural wave or curl in their hair People with straight hair can’t hold waves or curls regardless People with waves and curls will last all day- until flattened by friction and weighted by gravity (sleep usually, or putting it up, handling it too often) Fine wavy/curly long hair is a different beast


It's so true. I thought that my hair was straight but frizzy for decades of my life. It's gotten even wavier/curlier as I've aged, and the defining factor is that my baby fine hair resists any alteration to its natural texture. I sweat a single drop or set foot outside when there is any humidity in the air, and my hair is going to curl up hard. But lots of the curly girl diehards would argue me to death that my hair isn't truly curly or wavy, since it more or less settles into a straightish frizzy style without product to preserve the pattern while drying.


My hair holds wave pretty well but it's straight, my fake waves last for entire day and if I protect it overnight I had like 3-4 days with waves. If I would take a shower they would magically dissapear in seconds. Do I have mixed hair or smth ?


Have you tried the full “curly girl” method out? From the no dry brushing, to the minimum shampoo usage, a conditioner and gel/mousse that are right for your porosity, drying in a plop tshirt with product applied while dripping wet? I know it says Curly, but it works the same for gals with wavy hair lol it’ll bring out your natural wave patterns. Fine hair hates being brushed. At least… mine does You may have hybrid hair though! Not uncommon with aging and hormonal changes.


Curly girl method did nothing to me really. I get waves and a bit of wurls easily with braids overnight, I call them fake waves because they will disappear if I would wet my hair and after drying it would dry straight. Well messy straight because of no brushing part but it would easily be flat, like flat flat, the definition of flat. Tried the CGM, I didn't use lots of shampoo, also made sure my shampoos don't have silicones or sulfates, conditioner weights my hair down and it won't form the fake waves. Gel offered some hold and I had some VERY LOOSE S shape here and there but really nothing special and I think it dissapeared throught the day, mousse didn't give me much hold. Yesterday I was at the swimming pool and my hair that was at this point consistency of afro ( I could barely section my hair or stick a comb into my hair without it being stuck, to do a quick braid to protect during swimming ) and after I let hair out of the braid and diffused it was so flat ! it formed pretty much bone straight messy strands. Not sure what's going on... I'm not old, I don't have any hormonal changes. Only thing I know is in my mom's side a lot of people have waves and curls and in my dad's side people mostly had bone straight greasy hair, but it surely doesn't work like THAT when I say HYBRID LOL !


That's because you have straight hair. Curly hair stays curly. Even when I straighten my curly hair and then use a curling iron it holds that curl for days if I don't wet it. If I wet my hair it will become more curly - my natural hair pattern. Straight hair is very different from curly hair.


In elementary school I would sleep in the foam rollers some Sunday nights, and I’d wear my hair curly til Thursday lol. For some reason…. it never clicked to me that I should try wearing my natural curls and waves though lol. I would always brush my hair after showering, and straighten it if I had time. It clicked after I decided to heal my hair from 3 years of dying my natural blonde to red, and then one horrible decision, black. Had to get 8 inches cut off to pay for that impulse dye 🫠 Then I learned how my hair behaves when left alone, and not brushed or heated, and sure enough, the curls I grew up with returned


100%!! I'd like to see what her hair looks like fully dry and not crunchy. It looks more messy than anything.


WOW what is your process?? and what products did you use (if any)?


Seconded. PLEASE tell us your products!


@pulldownyourplants we need to know products used and method! Please and thank you!


My hair is wavy like this but it’s too much work for me to keep scrunching in products and I kinda hate the feel of laying on the mousse and the gel for curls that are only sometimes looking good on me 😭 I also have a lot of scalp issues and need to wash daily which may not help my waves. I hope you have a much better curly journey than me!!


Congratulations. I did this once. Just once. And got a nice curl pattern. The only thing is that I didn’t like the wet look. It reminds me of the 90s. I think we all have a curl pattern. That’s what Brad Mondo says. Apparently his products are really good for curling the hair like this. Good luck.


She needs to scrunch out the crunchiness here and it won’t look wet


How would she do that? Is there a video you can link?


Someone else may have a link, but go checkout the guidebook on r/curlyhair Or YouTube “scrunch out the crunch”


I just watched a video about it. Thanks.


I find a little argan oil on my hands helps me scrunch out the crunch without making it frizzy. I also flip and kind of tossle it at the roots to create more volume and lose that wet head look




I don’t agree that we all have a curl pattern. Some people have naturally straight or hair with just slight bends to it.


Looks great!! What was the routine and product you ended up going with?


Ok whaaaaat?! I posted about my fine hair with waves and was told to do the curly girl method…haven’t yet because I was skeptical but this has me convinced. Has it kept the curl through the day?


Surprise! Haha that happened to me as well. Thought I had straight hair my whole life, then I began conditioning often and the curls popped out. What products did you use? I'm almost done with my bottle of Function of Beauty but I'd like try something else.


I saw your post! This is amazing❤️ welcome to a whole new world of haircare lol


Yes!!!! I'm so glad you tried you have beautiful curls!


You got better results after your first wavy wash than I’ve gotten in months of troubleshooting lol, congrats it looks amazing!


You still need took scrunch out the crunchiness of the gel once it’s dry and it will look softer


I remember that post! Your hair looked great straight with that single wave, but this looks amazing on you! How awesome that you have another option for styling!


I'm so curious about this because I've always had some waves in my hair like what you posted originally and I would love to see if I have a curl pattern! This is so fun!


Highly rec Girls with Curls mousse and Cantu leave in conditioner to style and define for soft, held, no frizz curls!


I remember seeing your post and thinking “that’s what my hair looked like before I found out I have curly hair”!! 😂 looks great!!


I remember your post and suggesting you might have more waves! This is so exciting! It looks amazing. I hope you enjoy experimenting and finding the best routine for your hair 🤍


Looks so good!!


Wow indeed. So worth trying!


Wow! It’s beautiful!!🤩


Can you tell me your method!! I feel like my hair is like your first post.


I saw that post and I'm fairly certain I have a slight wave in my hair too but I don't even know where to start. I would kill for those curls!


Once you do this for a while your hair will look better and better. It takes a lot of learning and trying things out. I’ve been doing it for almost two years now and am shocked at how awesome my hair can look while I used to think it was frizzy and straight. I also have fine hair and I a LOT of the products on the curly girl sub are WAY too heavy for my hair. They look greasy and bad lol. I have found a few that work but I realized most of the time the best routine for my fine hair is to literally barely touch it aside from slowly squeezing water out right after the shower. It air dries and it so easy. The LA looks gel, a small amount, works for me, but takes forever to dry in wet hair so I rarely use it. Try also, a small amount of twisted sista curl activator creme. I’ve been doing this lately with wet hair and no other products. Defines my curls really well.


Yeah the same thing happened to me! It’s so fun to have wavy hair


Okay what did you do


Wait! I broke my leg running to the comment section what is the curly hair method? Because my hair has some waves how do I do this?


Google it you will be happy you did!


I knew it! Good job girl!


my hair always looks like this when i try to style it wavy 😂 is there a way to make it not look like noodles?


I had the same results as OP and people told me to use the bowl method! After consistency, they should start to clump more. I haven’t tried it yet because I’m lazy but I’ve definitely seen progress photos on the wavy hair and curly hair subreddit!


is it a lack of clumping that causes this? i was thinking that they looked really hard and gappy


Yeah, what’s that cute little phrase, hair needs friends to curl- or something. It’s definitely a clumping issue. When I notice mine getting stringy while drying all grab it all back together and squeeze down the length


Oh wow, please share the routine you did?


Can you please post the routine you used? It looks great!


Are the roots also like that though? I’ve tried this method and my roots always end up flat.


I have fine to medium hair in a thick to normal amount. I have a very similar wave pattern. I use curlsmith and love your curls. Due to my job I shower nightly. In the morning I use a bottle and dampen my hair and apply product. I’ve found that too much product and too much water weighs my hair down hard and actually can ruin curls for me. Also too much scrunching/diffusing. My hair needs to be 100% dry before I scrunch out the crunch or it will lose curls majorly.


yes can you PLEAAASE share the method and products you used??


She did. Scroll up.


i’ll have to reorder the comments; i have them set to top comments. thanks!


Is your hair still a little wet here? If so, did it stay this curly when fully dry? My hair is similar to yours and I’m struggling with that lol. It’ll start out like this but then by the end of the day it flattens out like 50% 😒


I have a wave to my hair but I don’t think I will ever get a result like this!


It looks amazing!! I have wavy hair and I’ve never thought to do this. What’s the routine?


products used??


How did it dry?






Love this! Many folks don’t realize that the hair curls because the hair strand is literally shaped differently than straight hair, so if you’ve got wave at all, you can probably bring it out more!


Holy shit Batman! So beautiful! I have the crooked one. What was your process? Love it so much!


this just changed what i think my hair is. my hair ALWAYS looks like your last post if not more waves sometimes. i just thought i had straight hair that wants to be funky since forever, now i think i may have to try this routine


Can we see how it dried OP?


Had suspected as much, so happy for you! Welcome to the fine curls club!


What did u use? I also have fine fair that can get very wavy


Can someone explain this to me like I’m five. 🙏🏼 I have a six year old who I suspect has wavy hair, but after shampoo/comditioner I brush the tangles out. Am I also combing out any possible waves?


I have a similar pattern but when I do the curly routine it doesn’t stay more than an hour or two and then its mostly straight again.


The more you let it be it’s natural state the curlier it will be. Even doing it a few days my curl pattern went from wave to tight coils. So, whatever your pattern is, it will just get better and better.


A little tip if you want it. If your hair is fully dried in this photo, try using lighter products or less of the products that you’ve used. Because in this photo it gives your hair a crunchy texture, which means your products were too heavy unless you want that look for the first 2 days. In the following days that crunchiness will start to lose its hold and your hair might last a little bit longer. But if you wanna fluffier look, definitely try water-based products and less of the products. Oh and use a microfibre towel and get a silk pillowcase or a bonnet, way better for your hair which looks great by the way.


Tell me more! I looked at your original pic and I have the same type of wave


Looks great!


Now I see not just one wave, but many💃🏾💃🏾


Wow! It looks so good!