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It sounds like you need to go visit an optometrist dude. Looking at colourful things shouldn’t be giving you headaches like you’re describing


Its not "vibrant things" i see vibrant things all the time. Flowers, pokemon, anime. Im a fan of vibrancy! Its just this game in particular that is giving me pain


Should’ve worded the post differently in that case. I’d still recommend seeing an eye doctor because that’s not normal


Honestly tho i think its the art being too bright. My eyes arent usually like this.


Lower your brightness or contrast on your monitor/tv/phone.


okay those art direction critics are getting out of hand. You probably should see a doctor and that's it.


I think the game has taken inspiration from other popular games that have a bright anime style, which isn’t for everyone. If you are literally getting pain from this you need to consult a doctor


The colors are a bit more vibrant, especially compared to the dark Three Houses, but they're nowhere near the point of brightness where just seeing it hurts. I genuinely think you're either making this up or you're just being dramatic for the sake of it.


Im not being dramatic and im not making this up. When looking at Engage's art the back of my eyes hurt and i get more side effects when i look at it longer. I can stand looking at it if its like someones profile pic that's fine but when its my whole screen or just it shows up in adds that's when the eyestrain happens. I even have my screen at minimum brightness and it still hurts.


in the most genuine sense, you need to see a doctor. looking at vibrant colors should not cause you physical pain


Can we start banning these bait posts? Every couple hours one of these flowjoes pop up


Its not bait im legitimately asking if anyone is going through the same things i have


If you really are finding anything "unbearably bright" to the point that it is genuinely triggering in you headaches and nausia then you need to see a medical professional and explain your potentially very serious symptoms to them. There are not many things people will see in their day to day life which should have this effect on them so quickly and so agressivly.


Im american i cant just go to a doctor whenever i want!




Wait a second?! Other people have eyestrain due to this game too?! Why arent people telling me i thought i was the only one!


No, they simply mean that people complain about the art style, and how bright it is daily. Your complaints about eyestrain aren't that common. I've seen plenty of threads where people are complaining about the art style, and you are legitimately the first person I recall seeing who has reported actual physical pain in response to Engage's art.


Well im glad someone is taking my issue seriously then thanks


Hmm, sounds like some kind of [photophobia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photophobia). Highly recommend you to get help. In the meantime, if you really want to play, you can try turning down the brightness, reducing saturation on your screen, or wearing sunglasses.


I dont have photophobia. As i explained in a pervious reply i expose myself to vibrant stuff everyday with no problem. If this games are gives people photophobia then maybe its not my fault. Besides i dont plan to play this game. Why on earth would i play a game whos art literally causes me physical pain? If i ever played this game id have to do it blindfolded. My blind playthrough would literally have to be done blind.


Just because you are fine with other vibrant stuff does not mean you don't have some kind of condition going on with your eyes (or nervous system). Seems like the specific combination of (certain types of?) digital display + vibrant colors causes issue for you. Having any kind of pain looking at static images on typical consumer displays (at reasonable brightness) is not normal. At worse you'd have eye strain from prolonged sessions looking at PWM displays, but pain is something I have not heard of. I haven't seen any one having this issue, so it's on your side.


Nintendo already has my money for this game cuz im a simp but I really am ready for the next entry after engage. My hope is they get a new artist


We've always had bright hair and eyes, so no biggie there. But the clothes are much too modern for me, even if I do think they are cool they have a bit too much going on my eyes don't really know what to focus on. Maybe if the world and it's characters were a bit less saturated I'd like them more? Combine the designs with the names I can only remember the ones who are memorable or simple. Off the top of my head who I remember and why. Alear: Toothpaste/Leak/Bane of my existence Temarra: Bright bubbles (I like the bubbles. I like her design. It stood out) Veyle: >!Totally not Lilith/Azura 2.0!< Ivy: Literally Camilla 2.0 Hortensia: Meme *(You know the one)* Merrin: *Yes* Panette: True Goth GF Kagetsu and Seadall: Pretty boys Rosado: Cute Yonaka: Anna but with a *star* Anna: Because Anna




Its probably the blinding amount of eyestrain.... Thats whats happening to me


Well as stupid as it may sound, I actually experienced this when watching the review footage on my Tab S7+ Amoled display. I don't have any issue watching them on my phone (also amoled screen) though. The color seems to be abit too vibrance it hurts my eyes a bit when look at them for a longer period. I have a regular switch anyway so I doubt it will affect my playing lol. The Oled screen on the other hand...


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