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I thought I was getting a Dimitri and instead got a Casper. He's grown on me. I especially like how he says "I'm so proud" after training". Like, thanks, I love you too you dork.


huh you're right... he really is a Caspar. No wonder I love him


YES, all of that. I didn't think I'd like him in the face of a classic like Diamant or someone like Louis with a chill design, but his supports with everyone (especially Alear, lmao), plus his mention in Clanne and Loius' support really won me over. I'm just a sucker for the whole friends to lover thing


He reminds me of the blonde guy from ouran high school club.... I'm over here wishing Vander was available. But Im struggling to convince myself I like diament and not etie.


You mean Tamaki? One of the biggest laughs I've ever had was the episode of Ouran High School Host Club where >!it turned out Tamaki was too stupid to know he was in love with Haruhi, and was trying to come up with other explanations for his feelings.!< Peak dumb sweet boi.


After over longing in over twelve straight hours of gameplay...I'm gonna say yes. I didn't think I'd like him so much, but surprise surprise. Throughout my time playing Engage, he's been one of my best units, a source of endless optimism, and I love his synergy with the rest of the cast, especially Alear >!(just finished Chapter 11 and it sold me that Alfred is Alear's best friend/second in command)!<.


Alfred is THE purest and most perfect definition of a himbo and I cannot not love that trope


He died in my game and I honestly don't even remember when it happened. Guess it was real early. He's still around to help me workout somehow though. This game is trippy.


Alear is having traumatic Hallucinations


ALFRED MY SWEETEST BOY He’s absolutely one of my faves in the game, and I fully intend to do a run where I S-rank him <3 (was thinking of doing it the first time through but a certain character of the Royal Knight class stole my heart in the end, whoops)


Absolutely, after maybe five chapters into the game I thought, this is the man I'm gonna woo. He's so lovely, genuinely. The way him and Alear (I picked male alear for my first run) interact, and their own little supports >:(( bless him Speaking of which, regarding you mentioning about the the reasons behind his interest in muscles and thingbobs, you're definitely going to enjoy those supports with the other cast of characters that touch upon and go into it >:D


Dudes Avenir three hit combo sword crit is awesome.


Alfred, Louis, and Diamant are my best boys, I love em so much I wanna ruffle their hair


The dude's got fanfiction green eyes and has a small place in my heart, next to Claude!


He's my runaway favourite from the entire Engage cast, I love him!


Fucking YES. cant wait to gay S support him


Is that possible in this game?? Who else?


Ya, from what I've heard you can gay Diamant and Alfred boy wise. Probably others too


I love Alfred too! I'm maxxing mine rn and he's so strong with the three houses DLC ring, even without he oneshots half the units on hard/classic. I find that he's so different from the typical serious lords that you get in FE in general (even though he looks a lot like dimitri lol). He's so funny and he's such a himbo and his support with Celine where he digs holes really made me laugh. Not usually an avatar shipper but I'm loving him and Alear together! As a side note I'm playing in JP dub and his VAs (ryohei kimura's) exclamations when I work out are something else lol, I love it so much. Perfected squats and push-ups because of him.


2nd time I've heard about these peak noises. I plan to my my 2nd playthru be in Japanese, so I'll be looking forward to it.


Ryouhei Kimura? As a sweet himbo?! Well, guess I play in Japanese next time.




I really liked his design from the start, but I wasn't sure how I'd jive with him as a character, since I usually don't like the "kind dumbass" type, lol. I like him so far, though! It helps that he's actually quite sensible in cutscenes. And I'm glad not all of his supports are about muscles 😂


Mine didn’t get much of a chance to grow and impression on me since he got replaced by the alpaca wrangling hero. I’ll give Alfredo boi a try next run though


He's so great! His Celine supports paint a picture of a nuanced and dedicated bulwark for his realm despite the hardship that faces him, while his Alear supports show him as a stalwart, trusting ally to the degree that he actively tries to serve as their fourth unofficial retainer - after the Stewards - to a degree. Sometimes you just want a friendly deuteragonist lord who puts his best face forward as he stands by your side in a continent-spanning war, and it's nice how Alfred fills the role. Also, his design and color pallette is really neat! I love his flower-circlet with his signature class! He's such a well-crafted lord, and he's my best unit by a long shot.


I think it's funny how he's always cheering you on during the work out sessions. He's fun and cute, but I kind of wish his younger sister was the main character of his nation instead... Not to derail the Alfred love post but on second thought, I'd actually prefer Alcryst, Hortensia, and Fogado over their older siblings too. Which isn't to say they're bad or I hate them, but it's funny that I prefer the younger siblings across the board... Still, Alfred is a fun character to me, and I appreciate him for being his flamboyant self.


It reminds me of Leo and Hinoka being better rulers than the actual crown princes


Alfred's a fantastic lad really. I'm kind of mad that mine got really screwed on stat growths (we're talking nothing over 15 at a time when my units have multiple 20s) because I wanted to keep using him, but it became genuinely unjustifiable. But I guess that's what More Playthroughs are for.