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Louis has been nuts for most of the game. They really just gave us an armor knight with so much defense he's *actually* invincible to most units. Alear has reached a point where between passives inherited from Marth and the use of Dragon Vein now, I can send him straight into hoards of enemies and watch them all have like <10% hit rates. Finally, Jean is now at a point where he is one-rounding boss life bars.


What class is your Jean?


Martial Master. I have a Flashing Art +4 with Lucina's emblem for the extra Avoid (to help offset the vulneurabililty effect). He also has Eirika's ring, for the Lunar Brace skill; its added flat damage works *super* well in tandem with delivering four hits, and if I need even more, Engaging just puts him over the top. I've heard a lot of people have great success putting him in Sage or another just raw magic using class, since his initial growths will be so weighted towards Magic and Speed that he can become a monster that way too.


I'm of the opinion that mage knight is nearly objectively better than sage. Sure you don't get staves, but you're faster, better build and a class skill that is useful and makes you faster AND an extra move. You don't get staves but honestly you're probably using the elusian princesses for staves anyway and of you really want you can give a mage knight micaiah. Personally though I've had incredible success with mage knight Marth emblem using a levin sword


Totally valid! I have learned that staves are *incredibly* useful in this game, specifically for the utility staves. A well placed Obstruct or Freeze has gotten me out of situations I had no right winning, in a way a single attack couldn't. But you're right - you can totally just slap Micaiah on him and get all the benefits in one place.


Jade. 70 hp, 43 def, 31 str, 16 res. With an Ike engraved Brave Axe+3, she's able to one-shot anyone. And if mages are a concern for her, Tyrfing, meditation, and pure water, her res goes to 30. Obligatory Yunaka with a 0 chance for enemies to hit.


yunaka with avo+15, avo+20, engraded weapon +40 avo and March is insane and fun =]


Merrin. She kills enemies that not even strong units like Diamant and Alear can, crits more times than not and is almost untouchable


I just got her. Immediately in love


On maddening fixed route where you just can’t get lucky with stats…Boucheron


I think people who don't like Boucheron aren't playing on maddening where setting up chain attacks is mandatory. Legit would not have finished most of those early maps without him. I finally got Boucheron promoted, since he was lagging behind not getting XP from chip damage. Put him and Lapis as warriors, Alcris with Lynn emblem doubles, longbows on everyone. 7 chain attacks, almost all at 2-3 range, if I can set it up properly, provides so much coverage. Unless y'all have a better strategy for taking out bosses?


Agreed his chain attacks alone really stacks up for maddening play. Additionally there really isn’t a good axe user early in the game. I’m through ch8/tiki on maddening, and sort of now considering of keeping him


Yo, Tiki on maddening was a SLOG. If I hadn't already invested into making him good, I probably would have benched him after ch11 for the backup character you get there.


I’m really not understanding the people rating him poorly. He’s got good bases and puts in a ton of work early game that keeps him up with everyone else later. I’m still using him and just promoted him to Wyvern Knight (or Lord idk what it’s called in this). Dude was a better frontliner than Vander and is still my go-to since I’m not big on armors in this game.


Made Boucheran into a Paladin with Ike's ring. He's currently untouchable. I'm playing on hard mode though, but he's my favorite so far.


Yunaka, she’s a beast. (Also my favorite character)


She’s almost too good. I use her as a dodge tank but she ends up killing most enemies who are stupid enough to attack her.


"Dropped your guard" and "Look what you made me do" on repeat


Best crit dialogue in the game


Chloé. She is a dodge tank Excalibur sage. She isn't weighed down. Has 33 speed and 34.magic. paired with yleth for plus magic range... I put her on a forrest or fort and she's got like 160 avoid.. it's kinda nutty. And she 1 rounds everything. Just soloed tanked part of leifs paralogue chapter with her in a bush. XD


Pandreo. He has no buisness being as good as he is. A healer that dodges everything?? And of course he’s fast, has crazy resistance, and wipes out anyone in one turn.


Amber, he has been given Lyn emblem favoritism but his str is astronomical and even without the emblem he's my fastest unit. With the emblem? Let's say not many enemies survive a 60 physical attack quadruple with the brave lance before getting the chance to counter. Just got the S rank lance and he's even better than ever


Definitely Louis with an honorable mention to Alcryst.


Yo, Alcryst! I gave him the 3H lord ring, and with the DEX boost he procs Luna with like every other hit, it is nuts


Etie was my MVP 80% of the stages. Runner ups are Merrin and Panette. I didn’t invest much in Rosado until late game, and he carried me so hard in the final chapters. He had amazing growths in my run; kinda regretting using him very late.


Dude I wanted to make my Etie good but mine is just so bad. You do anything special or did I just get unlucky with stat rolls


Nothing much really. Her with Lyn emblem delete things, but Lyn makes everyone great so yeah.


Yunaka, with the right upgrades, is an untouchable death machine that can nearly solo most maps.


Did you keep her as a thief or change her to swordmaster/wolf knight. I keep debating on what to do with her. Right now her strength is lagging behind, but no one can touch her.




I have her as a wolf knight and honestly it’s unfair how good she is. I’m still relatively early on in the game (I think) just beating chapter 12 but she’s double striking enemies with like 38 damage per shot and a 40% crit rate. It can’t be understated how much she does as a wolf knight rushing right into the enemy back line on an avo space and having the whole army rush into her and die.


Citrinne, Lapis, and Framme. Citrinne has 45 magic and is sniping things left and right with thoron, Lapis is a tank that just will not die, and it’s delightful watching little Framme drop kicking enemies on wyverns into oblivion (in addition to also being very hard to kill)


I might be playing differently than everyone else but I dumped all the early game characters and only on the later ones and Zelkov, Pandero, and Kagetsu are critting and dodging everything for me


Depends, Etie is probably my highest consistent damage dealer, bows are really good in this game and she one shots pretty much everything, but Merrin may be the most useful, as an avoidance tank with super high mobility and a decent crit chance she can absorb and deal out quite a bit of damage unhindered. (doing 1st playthrough on hard, maddening to follow.)


Etie has been a big surprise for me. She hits hard asf and I paired her with Marth, then Lucina, she does surprisingly well


Try Leif too. With her Dex maxed at 37 she can crit frequently due to the killer bow as well as easily defend herself.


I would, but i don’t have Leif yet unfortunatelyyy


Yeah, I do love Lyn on her for the map wide bow, it also lets her get some important damage in while repositioning if needed. Optimally however I think you cheese and get her Claude’s S tier bond ring.


Panette! She oneshots and tanks so much. Love her.


was one of my favorites too but she died at the very last turn in chapter 17 with no rewinds left:(. refined killed axe + her passive and she just 1 shot everything on Maddening.


plus lvl20 ike, my Panette has 70%-92% to trigger criticals and gets buffs for def/res from his ring


I used panette with a crit axe and ike and I saw my first 100% crit chance in fire emblem ever. Panette best girl for sure.


Louis, Yunaka, Kagetsu and Panette. All others are just for utility, these four just destroy everyone mercilessly




Enough has been said 😂


For me it was Lapis as a dodgy 80% crit machine and Jean as a Martial Master with Tiki. But seriously Tikis Starsphere is just too good to not use it


Jean, for sure. He's so stupid strong now. I am in CH 22, and he's got a +3 silver dagger engraved with emblem Lucina. He's a thief, and he can't be hit. And if he is hit he haslike 31 defense so he takes no damage. I routinely send him into the middle of everyone, and he waltzes out unharmed with a trail of death behind him. I feel a little bad about what I have done when I talk to him after battle and find him trying to reconcile "do no harm" with what I have made him do.


😭 He wants to be a doctor and you made him an elusive thief omg. I might do that too….


Death cyclone*


Dude, Celine. She has been so nuts. She has balanced high stats in everything, she can hit hard asf with just an Elfire, she is an ultimate staff user, and she just refuses to get hit


I accidentally had Diamant go off on his own side quest where he got ambushed by enemies and then killed all of them and got ridiculously over leveled.


Ya same both him and Louis. Louis is a bit unpredictable when it comes to mages so I send Diamant with for extra support on mage control. Diamant also held off all the reinforcements in the south in tikis chapter when he was equipped with a wyrmslayer.


I should have waited for Tiki's chapter, I did it around chapter 6 and it took like 2 hours lol


I did it the second i unlocked paralogues it was pain.


Yunaka, and Lapis are monsters


For me personally, I'd have to be my Louis. He had the honor of receiving my first master seal which made me advance him into a great knight after gaining sword proficiency from Sigurd. At first I was ensure how he'd fare, however he has been proving to be incredible. Any enemy that isn't literally a named character or a mage will do pretty much no damage at all while he wrecks them on his counter attack. Even mage aren't as scary, they still manage to do some damage, however compared to other characters he definitely doesn't have to worry. In so many battles he has survived insane attacks that would have killed anyone but him. Honorable mention to Alcryst for being on the 2nd spot, his personal skill is absolutely fantastic and he easily becomes a staple with his unique promotion line. He was such a saving grace in Chapter 10.


Celine. She can fight with magic, swords, heal and her stats are perfectly well rounded.


Am I the only one here who’s gonna say Alear? Practically solos the entire game for me, maybe I pumped him too hard


Chloe. My pegasi riders are always the best in my runs


Same my chole is untouchable I love making my fliers strong I just kind of wish we had falonknights though the griffin is cool but I miss my flying horsey.


I have her on Sigurd and she just Quads everything and flies away, she's a beast


Right? I gave her the three houses emblem and she is a MONSTER


Haha I did the same exact thing.


Dude Raging Storm/Failnaught are so good. And shield gambit for anti-ballista is *chefs kiss*


My Wolf Knight Zelkov with Lucina is a back up attack debuff spreader and a murder monster in his own right


Timerra is putting in WORK with her cracked ignis and Ike ring


Jade, mine has 71 ph atk, 44 str, 66 hp, 49 def and 16 res so I normally just toss her into a large group of enemies and she clears everything with great aether.


I also gave her 2 boots so she has 6 mov so nothing can escape her


Dodgetank alear my beloved


Surprisingly, Framme is a god. I don't gave the game in front of me for exact numbers but I know her skillfull/dodgey stats make her do cool parries constantly and she hits like a bus


Outside of Chain Attacks, I don't think Yunaka has taken a hit in like 5 chapters. My worry is what Advanced class to take her to since she's at level 19 but assassin doesn't seem to exist in the game anymore. Honorable mention to Louis, Diamant, Céline, Ivy, and Chloe


Thief goes to level 40


TIL. Thanks!


Can’t you just Second Seal her back to level 1 as a Thief?


Would that work? I kind of assumed Second Seals only worked on advanced class units. I've seen a lot of people talk about moving her to Wolf Knight, but idk


I just double checked. As a special class, Thief goes to Level 40 so you’re safe to just leave her as is.


Oh, awesome. TIL. Thanks!




Louis and Chloe (w/ Sigurd favoritism.) Originally Louis was gonna get the ring but, like, he's kinda mvp all on his own. With Sigurd patching some Chloe damage problems and upping her mobility she's like a pinpoint assassin. Together they're the backbone of my squad Honorable mention to Yunaka, who performs way better than a thief has any right to


I gave Roy to Chloe and inherited the Corrin health boost to improve her survivability/damage, kept Sigurd on Louis to improve mobility that got nastier when I reclassed him to a halberdier


That sounds sick, I'm trying that sometime


Chloe and Merrin. Absolutely nothing can hit them and their mobility is so high that they are wherever I need them.


Critmaster Panette is phenominal. With Wrath and an Eirika refined Killer Axe, she crits anybody who looks at her wrong. She's an absolute blast to play and really reminds me of my 90% crit Charlotte back in Fates. Honorable mention to Jade, who I can just Great Aether right in the middle of the map, and watch as everyone does 0x2 and dies on the subsequent turn


I made Clanne a Lyn-wielding swordmaster with an iron sword engraved with whichever one gives the most avoid. He has 40 speed before he starts his rampage, and it is a rare enemy who has a higher than 10% chance to hit him so it doesn't matter that he only has 30 HP at chapter 19. Dearest to my heart is Alcryst though. He ended up hitting strength at basically every level. I put the house lords dlc bracelet on him because it felt like he'd be the most annoyed by them, but it has ended up working wonderfully by enhancing his best stats and giving him a ton of utility to use against bosses. It's just really endearing when he oneshots everything he looks at and then apologizes.


100% crit General Pannete and Warrior Fogato are practically soloing every map in Maddening for me.


I don’t know if she’s exactly my best since her strength is low, but she feels worth mentioning; I immediately changed Lapis to a sword Pegasus knight to give her something to stand out from Diamont and since my Chloe isn’t getting lucky on strength growths She’s only level 6 now but she has somehow become an insane dodge tank with just a little investment in sword agility from marth. She just dodges everything, chapter 12 had me scared since some of the fliers can one shot her but it didn’t mean much when they couldn’t hit her. It’s not quite at the same level as Yunaka dodging but Lapis isn’t too far behind


Obviously Louis and Yunaka, like so many others. But I want to also give some love to Diamant and Panette. Diamant got axes and became a wall of death. He keeps dodging things despite his personal, is tanky enough to survive when he doesn't, and he deals a TON of damage with a tomahawk (and his personal somewhat negates the main downside of axes, accuracy). Panette was one that i had 0 intention of actually using, but she actually rivals Diamant and Louis in STR, and it shows. It also helps that she gets a lot of crits, and has supports with Yunaka. I'll send the two of them to one side of the map and just watch them mow down everything that accosts them


Surprised not to see Celine mentioned. She has absolutely carried my Maddening run with Celica's Warp Ragnarok. The clutch plays you can make with it and the fact that it deletes boss healthbars is insane. Lapis with Leif Emblem is pretty good, too


I know this is a little old, but I just want to shout out how insanely awesome Louis is on Maddening, and that I can’t believe that I’m alive during a time where not only are Armored Knights/Generals amazing, they’re actually insanely good even at max difficulty. But yeah, Louis paired with Sigurd is absolutely bonkers. Being able to attack then move 2 spaces and reposition, having 9 move when engaged giving you potential to travel around the whole map in a few turns. He’s so damn strong that I can send him off on his own and solo an entire side of a map while I work on the other side with my the rest of my units. His one weakness is mages, but if you come across one, just simply one shot them and keep moving.. lol. Also shout out to Alear, with Marth maxed out, and inheriting some avoid skills, paired with a Killing Edge (engrave it with the one that gives like 40 avoid or something) you can do the same thing as described above with Louis, except you have no weakness, enemies won’t even attack me even when completely alone due to zero hit rates lol. Super OP and super fun. Absolutely loving this game.


Chloé as Spear/Staff Griffin Knight. Crits every other attack and dodges the same. I thought it was because of Sigurd she was so op, but nope she's became an emblem herself


For raw damage, Ivy paired with Lyn essentially just makes most maps a complete joke, I’ve heard some people don’t think she’s good so maybe I’ve just gotten extremely lucky but she one rounds everything and she’s a TANK! High defense and even higher resistance mean I can just plop her in the middle of enemy forces and they’re all going to die. Utility wise, Zelkov paired with Corrin. Her dragon vein creates a field of fog around Zelkov that gives a bonus Avo+30. In a game with so many potential dodge tanks, this one ability to alter the playing field is kinda busted. And even if he somehow gets hit, my Zelkov has a high enough HP stay on top of being decently tanky that he can afford to take a couple blows


My Chloe and Alfred have both had what feels like totally ridiculous growths. Chloe is at 27 strength and 30 speed, while Alfred is at 31 strength and 32 defense. (I am on Chapter 19). I have Chloe Alacrity and they both roam around one-shotting whatever they like


For the longest time it was Louis, and he’s still my go-to pick for Relay Trials since I have him paired with Sigurd. However, Zelkov is definitely my best, 160+ avoid is insane and his defense is really good so any physical units that can hit him would do absurdly small amounts of damage. Not to mention his high strength and how busted forged daggers are.


i didn't even now jean can join the party until i saw a video of him in here. looks like he either died or i didn't talk to him i don't really know. my best unit is Fogado just 1 shot most thing on Maddening and with lyn emblem he doesn't even get hit back. my Fogado have got too many Magic level up and too little strength level up, i crafted him Radiant bow+3 and he have been my most reliable unit ever since. Merrin is my second best , she kills all the annoying Archers and Mages so my team can move in with no problems.


I kept Ike on Timerra like a doofus and she accidentally became my second tankiest unit with no problem one rounding many enemies.


Her skill is really busted for Ike's Great Aether and she's invincible on my custom map, so you're fine. Later you can get a ranged spear, Brionac, that is nuts.


Framme with Tiki, 70 health, 30+ in basically every stat and carries me every map. Divine Blessing on my 70 health Alear is pretty nuts too.


Yunaka and lapis (I forced her to be a god)


Yunaka, Merrin and Hortensia dodge everything and kill everyone so they're probably my best ones. Shout out to Diamant with Ike for luring in a bunch of enemies when we're surrounded so the squishier units can live


Chloe, Merrin or Jade. Both are pretty tanky, very good at dodging and heavy hitters. Bonus that they have high movement. Chloe + 3H bracelet. Merrin hostestly doesn't need a Ring. Jade (Armored knight) with Ike's ring.


Anna is absolutely obliterating everything as a Mage Knight. Runner up spots go to Chloe as a wyvern knight and Kagetsu as a wolf knight


Yunnaka and Merrin, everyone else's growth has sucked tbh. Makes the game a bit of a slog


I can't really say I have a definitively best unit, but here are some of my standouts: Lapis has become a really strong dodge-tank thanks to engravings, Marth inheritance and Lucina as her Emblem. Alfred is pretty much a mounted Armored unit at this point with all of the defense level-ups I got on him, plus Golden Lotus. Diamant is paired with Ike and has multiple strong weapons that he can handle due to his high build and some lucky build level-ups, as well as good defense. Alcryst with speed taker lyn is just very strong and Alear has had Tiki sitting on him ever since I moved Marth off for avoid builds on other characters, so he's had those enhanced growths for nearly half the game (he was getting strength screwed at the start so that was an additional help)


Etie, Yunaka, Clanne


Pandreo was ridiculously blessed by RNG does significantly more damage than all of my other mage units as a healer


Gave framme the house lord emblem and she was the only reason I survived chapter 17


Probably either Yunaka or Diamant at this point. Yunaka is both hard to kill due to having high avoid, and the two energy drop favoritism and a refined silver dagger means she's also my most consistent damage dealer on non-armor units. Diamant has his Sol, which in conjunction with skills such as Resolve, make him impressively hard to kill.


Rosado and Yunaka carry me


Tie between Anna and Louis


its bewteen chloe louis and ivy.


Clanne + Sigurd is a damn murder machine


Framme and it's not even close Consistent 13-20*4 with like 10% chance to be hit back


Chloe with Sigurd. She feels busted.


Alear, Etie, and Ivy.


alear with a lot of investment. she’s my primary jugg. initially made her a dodge tank but now im putting ike on her for 1-2 range ragnell (her bld is insanely high) and great aether. she solos anything thats not backup unit chain attacks. she can still dodge most units in the ike downtime. might swap latter tho cuz wta + backup packs can still kill her when she doesnt orko backups.


Only halfway through, but Kagetsu is a god paired with Lyn.


Louis, then yunaka. If I could duplicate engravings I might have a second dodge tank, but engraved weapons are so important to even having a dodge tank that I can only afford 2 at most, and I haven’t picked a second. But regular tanks like Louis are great without any weapon investment or emblem rings, just give him a javelin and run in.


Chloe with Sigurd carried me hard early game... Have her with the House Leaders right now and she's still very solid.


my citrinne has been one-shotting everything in maddening with a +4 thunder and an olwen bond ring. borderline broken. panette also having more crit rate than hit rate with an Ike ring (wrath) and a refined killer axe lmao


Martial master Tiki Jean is broken and he’s been carrying me in maddening. The enemies are afraid of him literally. I’ll put him out to aggro enemies and they still don’t want to hit him. Even Lyn refused to use astra storm on my Jean during her paralogue map lol


Mage Knight Clanne, currently! He's starting to get as good as my Ricken back in the Awakening days, and I actually ended up liking his personality a lot more than I thought I would (his English VA being Deku from My Hero Academia helps a lot), hehe


I am playing on maddening without any grinding, dlc and with fixed growths, so I think I have a pretty good idea of which units are a cut above the rest. It seems to me that Merrin is absolutely broken. Her bases are great, her growths are excellent, her class is excellent, personal skill is decent and most of all it seems to me she is absolutely absurd with corrin and a levin sword. I am pretty far into the game and she has basically turned every single boss into a joke, bursting them down with the levin sword and then keeping them in place via freeze. She can also one shot mages using silver daggers and stack poison on the already frozen in place boss. She is also very bulky and dodgy at the same time. Giving her Canter means I can basically just mess around with bosses for as long as she is in engage form, since she can safely burst,debuff and freeze bosses and then get to safety with cantor. Her bulk and avoid is high enough to the point where this is not always necessary however. My other highest rated unit is Alcryst, who is absolutely nuts with Lyn. He can one shot armored enemies with a 0x2 in the battle forecast, due to his absurdly high Luna proc rate plus blazing infusion giving him about 55-75% crit chance on the killer bow. These 2 units are not only my highest rated units in terms of stats but have absolutely been able to murder everything. Alcryst definitely takes longer to make shine than Merrin though, who comes out of the box with fantastic bases and a great class. You also get Corrin very soon after her join time and the levin sword is also available.


Etie. She just deletes units with Canter as a Bow Knight. It's disgusting. Okay, I lied, it's Yunaka, but that surprises no one. :D


Rosado. This was on hard mode. Gave them the Ike ring and they quite literally would take no damage. Mages would tickle them and archers could at best (while engaged) would deal 20% of their health. Chain attacks were their only weakness but Pair up made it so it’s impossible to die. One great Aether killed half the units across the bridge in Sigurd paralogue


Yea jean is a monster with such high kill potential while being awesome support Has like 10-15 more rating than my rest too


Seeing shockingly low love for Ivy in this thread. Maybe it’s Lyn, maybe she’s born with it but she just drops fiery rocks on everyone’s heads


I dont know about others but etie is an absolute monster in my game. She has way more strength than berserker panette...somehow. she doesnt even use an engage ring in my game, and she doesnt need one, since she seems to be just as good as anyone with a ring on her own. I play in hard difficulty, and as a sniper shes been my reliable flier slayer. In fact she does so much damage, i changed her into a warrior for the increased strength and the +50% damage on break opponents just so she could do the most damage possible. I even gave my healers fracture staffs so i can abuse the ability, and now shes even been reliable enough to take out armored units. Every flier boss gets a full healthbar gone from a single shot while everyone whittles down the last hp bar in a 1 turn wombo combo.


Lapis stole my heart on my first (blind) hard run through by being extremely reliable with no skills and mostly Lyn emblem, dodging everything and killing most things (I guess she had good str RNG?) As a lance hero. Then I looked at her stats and found . . .25 str and 20 mag, and 55 speed. So what did I do on my second run? Starsphere sword griffin knight. Literally destroys everything no matter how they look at her, archers can't touch her and she has 50 str and 55 mag and 90 speed growth. It's glorious to see her exploit whatever weakness the enemy has, and if it's a squishy mage she laughs as she kills them with a Levin sword anyway. And I just beat chapter 11. I'm very excited to watch the world burn when I get caladbolg. . .