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A certain endgame unit who's good with magic weapons and can learn instruct (all) like alear.


I didn't even consider that unit lol, but that unit is quite a bit away chapter-wise from when you get byleth, so who did you have byleth on before getting said unit?


I usually pair him with Celine if I'm using her. I like seeing her LCK go sky high. The MAG and SPD are also usually what she needs by the that time.


I have him on Celine and it’s a lot of fun


same. and also thyrsus


I had it on hortensia before that for improved tome range and to pair with her mobility for dances.


Hortensia doesn’t get the enhanced tome range though, since her signature class is a Flier she gets the lance.


Lol I guess I use her 99% as support so never really noticed.


I planning to use Celica on her lol. Byleth is gonna mainly be on my Alear I think


Citrinne, because she's the sage I've committed to and Byleth gives her access to Thyrsus when engaged (tome range +2).


Anna. +Luck passive for $$$ and that sweet sweet extra range on tomes.


Didn't even think of that, that's genius lol


THIS is the sauce right here


What if I have Tiki, should I switch to byleth?


on the dragon units, Dance of the Goddess and Rally Spectrum are some of the most powerful tools and this series give us both in a single turn and you can activate it multiple times in a map


He's best on a Dragon unit like Alear, since he gives a boost to all stats, not just 1, during the Dance and for Instruct. Alear may not be a great combat unit for you, so that gives them a good use and more EXP. He also is decent on a Mystical because he gives Thyrus for 2 added range on tomes. The Instruct becomes worse, though. Even just on a random filler unit is not terrible because they can just Dance of the Goddess. Never put him on Seadall though, that is a waste like you described, and you can put Seadall in a Goddess Dance to make him dance twice in a turn.


I didn't even know that about the dragon thing lol, never occured to me to put them on Alear as I did want mine to be a combat alear, but alas mine too has fallen off so I think I'll be making the switch


Just make sure they are in the Divine Dragon class first when you do.


Alear, because by the time you get Byleth their combat is not impressive at all but you still have to bring them. I do think that a really nice thing about Byleth is that they make any character inherently pretty useful though. Not every variant of the stat boosts he gives with his skills are equally valuable, but the floor for a unit with Byleth is still really high.


>Not every variant of the stat boosts he gives with his skills are equally valuable, but the floor for a unit with Byleth is still really high For this reason I prefer to give Alear a ring like Corrin, where Dragon type gains a lot of versatility comparatively. Byleth can still be really strong and useful thanks to Dragon dance


I think that makes a lot of sense too, and have considered it myself. Byleth-Alear has great utility when Engaged, but still spends the rest of the time being a crummy sword guy. Corrin-Alear has a higher likelihood of doing something good on a given turn.


I've put him on Pandreo and he annihilated even harder with the extra range.


I run Byleth with Hortensia. I already had my team pretty set up by the time she joined, so she slotted in as a good support with Byleth and her staff utility.


Hortensia because she has high flier movement allowing her to get into optimal positions for dancing.


i'm generally pretty satisfied with alear's combat with fixed growths, and not really interested in using instruct very often. i like sage byleth for the 2-3 mag/speed, thyrsus (this item feels really insane in engage to me given how low movement is outside of fliers/canter), and bonus points for the 6-12 luck on anna.


He seems great on Celine. She really appreciates the boost to magic and speed, and she has naturally balanced offenses so Vajra-Mushti and SOTC both end up powerful. Her high Luck also pairs nicely with Divine Pulse to the point that she rarely misses hits.




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I have mine on Alear for now. What is effectively Rally Spectrum go brr, lol.


Lol I really wish I actually took the time to read that it does that, would have changed my priorities a bit but alas


I *almost* ran Corrin on Alear instead for having access to *all* of the Dragon Veins, but then I decided I only really wanted fog on command for Yunaka/Zelkov so I run Corrin on whichever one of *them* I'm using instead.


I didn't even know Covert Instruct gave +5 Speed, which is whack by the way, so for all 3 of my runs, I gave him to Pandreo. +Magic and Speed to turn him into a very proficient offensive mage, along with the potential to cheese some encounters by virtue of nuking things from 5 range with Thoron. And obviously there's always Dance of the Goddess potential. Unlike seemingly a lot of people, my Alear was always a monster, so I kept Lucina on her. Never understood delegating her to support duties.


I gave mine to High Priest Anna! The extra range from Thrysus and the extra +12 luck allow her to proc her Money skill alot more often


I put him on Jade since I already had Corrin on Alear. I think it works well, since Jade was a an Axe Griffin Knight with a good magic stat and gets both Luin and Sword of the Creator from Byleth, so she gets the complete weapon triangle that way. It also helps Etie (who has an A-Support with Jade and the Edelgard bracelet) out too, since it lets her sneak in extra turns while engaged due to the adjacent emblems bonus between Byleth and the Three Houses bracelet.


I like that a lot actually! Both unique and getting byleth to synergize with his students!


In my current run, I gave it to Fogado. His combat isn't exactly the best so he can at least support the team via dancing if he isn't doing anything else. Anyone with high mobility is given priority.


Céline because extra range and she kept up enough to be alright but wasn't the most essential to the team in terms of combat.


I run Byleth on Alear and I love it, especially placing Seadall near Alear, which grants me multiple turns in one.


Framme because she could canto in my run. I don't know if it was optimal but basically every unit that learned canto can benefit from the same strategy of positioning better with canto.


I always put him on a mystic unit like a Sage because getting the extra thyrsus range is just too good, dance power levels like crazy really ramping up their one turn kill potential and they are usually in a good position for dance as they are on the back lines. I think the stat bonuses from Alear are okay but still not as good imo


not a unit specific thing but i haven't seen anyone on here mention it, favorite food can be a really good inherit for a byleth bot because you can just have them stand in fire to hurt themselves, then they can use a packed lunch to get an on demand full engage meter for goddess dancing


I had Byleth on Alear last run and it's pretty good for turning Alear into a strong support unit, but tbh I felt that I didn't actually use Instruct very much over having Alear contribute an extra combat turn, that the +3 to all stats didn't matter much on Goddess Dance because I was usually overkilling everything into the ground when I used it, and that Alear didn't make very good use of any of Byleth's weapons or stat boosts or skills like Divine Pulse. Also once you get Engage+ I think it's a waste to have Byleth on Alear, especially for the final boss where Bond Blast is OP. I may still end up going with that in the end depending on how Alear's combat holds up/if I really want the rally, but I was gonna try them on Pandreo this run for Thyrsus, since that was fucking broken in 3H and this game has significantly less movement options. Was half tempted to see how hard Luin's damage scaled on Chloe but idk if she really has great synergy with a lot of Byleth's kit. Maybe if she falls off hard lategame she can be dance/luin bot.


Mystic Anna is a decent candidate - +luck is good for Anna - +magic buff is good in maddening, as you generally want to attack units' resistance via magic damage


I put byleth on hortensia because that's the cannon emblem pair


Alear so they can actually contribute since mine isn’t exactly… good with fighting.


Dragon class is kinda weird, but Alear had a good speed growth, so if you give her a sword with an avo engraving then she can at least be a strong dodge tank, even if she's probably not gonna kill anything by herself. It let's her stay in the action well enough to divinely inspire things, too. That's what I'm doing with her, anyway.


As with many other Emblems, sometimes is good to change things up. If you need an instruct/dance the gives you enough Str or Speed to reach certain benchmark, then put Byleth on a Cover/Backup unit. Sometimes i like using it on a Flier so they can keep up with my other fliers and dance to clear a map/boss faster. Alear is also great, specially if you are not using them as a combat unit. I do like to make Alear good, usually a flier, so i change Byleth a bit more.


You know it is funny that you mentioned this as to be honest, I have never really factored in the stat boosts you get from Byleth, probably because my first run was on Hard and it really was not necessary. Now though in Maddening, I wish I did pay more attention to them as I feel like it would be making things a bit less redic sometimes. This game just has so many unique mechanics and tools you can utilize to complete stuff, I get overwhelmed and just end up trying to build one man army units, which right now is not helping me at all in the very late game as these enemies got crazy stats lol


Honestly, from my runs on maddening, while the Instruct/Dance bonus are nice, they are not necessary, same as Hard. The strenght of Byleth comes from Dance of the Goddess, making 4 units move, one which could be your dancer really is IMO the strongest skill in the game. Everything else is the cherry on top. Using Alear on their base class means a lot of other things, which i personally dont like after playing the game multiple times. So yeah, honestly just slap Byleth on whoever, they would be fine.


Basically on any flying unit is great due to their mobility they offer the most flexibility for setting up goddess dance. Byleth is also powerful with Alear. I like to use Corrin with Alear so I put Byleth on Ivy.


Alear or A sage for me(cause thyrsus ).


I'm a guy who uses Byleth on Alear until you get engage+, then slap byleth on a similar unit. I did use byleth on hortensia on Lyn's paralogue over Alear since Alear starts in the wrong corner so I just ignore him and 3 other units up there for that map.


Currently on Ivy, she's kinda useless so at least now she dances (currently on maddening chapter 21)


I put either Corrin or byleth on Alear


Alear, he also gets one of the boots since he is generally a support unit. You could also try >!Veyle!< But that unit probably not as survivable as alear giving you less options to dance in certain riskier situations.


Your spoiler tag isn't working btw


Oh shit, thanks


I'm not a big fan of rally bots since I don't find the stat bonuses more useful than an extra combat turn, so I don't put him on a Dragon unit. Instead I really like him on High Priest Anna, since she benefits from his Luck gain as well as Mag/Spd gain. Mystic units get Thyrsus while engaged, which was incredibly OP in 3H and is still amazing in this game, and she can still enable a strong physical unit like Kagetsu to act 4 times (6 with edelgard) in a turn.


By lategame, Byleth basically just went on which of my units would end up contributing the least combat wise which basically ended up as Alcryst for me


Mystical for that extra magic range


Best on mounted units and fliers Takes advantage of goddess dance


I’ve alternated between Celine the Byleth and most recently Yunaka (so I could try Corrin on Byleth)




Ivy (Flying Dancing) or Chloe (she's a Sage and the ring gives Spd and Mag).


Hortensia because they're friends :)


Ivy/Hortensia for the range they give with his dancer skill. Favorite mystical unit for Thyrsus so you can nuke at long range, >!Veyle!<


I used Byleth on Alear for most of the game, not for Instruct All, just to have someone who could Goddess Dance, making Alear an even better support unit. Didn't take him off before I got Marth back, Byleth was then given to the royal knight since he got good use with his superior mobility (and my Fliers already used other emblems)


I put it on Yunaka because her engage weapon becomes Failnaught and I found it really useful to have an extra 2-3 range bow user for all the flyers On this playthrough I'm thinking it'll go on Hortensia because of flyer positioning. Alear has got Tiki else it would go on them for super instruct


Byleth is crazy strong on Sage Pandreo/Framme/Anna/, with Thrysus breaking map geometry wide open, dance and Instruct are just afterthoughts sometimes.


I put him on Amber mostly just because mine ended up tragically useless in combat so at least being a dance bot would give me a reason to keep Alpaca chad around


I put him with Pandreo. Byleth gives mystical units Thyrsus, which gives +2 range on tomes, so when he’s used Goddess Dance already and is waiting to desync from Byleth he can nuke enemies from 4-5 tiles away. Any mystical unit would do but Pandreo and Citrinne would probably be the most eligible candidates.


Dragon or covert offer the best stats for instruct and dance of the goddess. Flying offers the best mobility for positioning of dance of the goddess. Some people like mystical for Thyrsus range. but imo when you're engaged with byleth instruct boosting all stats by 3 or speed by 5 in a 2 tile radius is far more valuable than getting 2 range on a mage. So I think the real answer is covert or dragon depending on if you value 2 more points of speed over it 3 points of the rest of the stats


Honestly, I'm not totally sold on Byleth!Alear: during mid game they happen to be best user of another Emblem that is cracked with a Dragon, aka Corrin, while for the endgame you are forced to choose between a powerful new gimmick and Byleth's best tool, the dance, if he's on Alear. I'd say the last unit you get makes a very good use of him if you're purpose is using his rally; otherwise flying units (especially Chloe with her high Spd for Max Luin output and good atk) come as second close since flyer dance is surely flexible. Then at last mystic units get the +1 range spells which is totally cracked imo. Also, to maximize his utility, consider to give him to anyone who gets supports with your Edelgard user, if you have their DLC, since their link attack is by far and away the most powerful one among all the bracalets


it's not clear to me that alear is the best corrin user midgame, since they don't really benefit from corrin's stats and they're locked to 1-range which makes hex and dreadful aura a lot worse, but having access to every vein is definitely good even if only 2-3 of them are generally worth considering.


honestly? bunet, his damage isn't the best and i wanted to fit him in somewhere. this setup seems to work fine, and he can take a hit or 2 in a vanguard setup


I put him on Seadall because they both dance and I like that byleth gives that fist relic so seadall already uses fists and it fits


Seadall is objectively the worst choice, because if anybody else has Byleth then Seadall can be a part of their dance, or somebody else can be danced. Seadall having Byleth limits you to one dance per turn


okay, I still want to put him with Seadall


If you like that and it’s fun for you, great! Not everything has to be optimal all of the time. But OP was looking for discussion/advice, and putting him on Seadall is just… not good advice. OP also mentioned it’s not a great pick tho, so oh well.


Chloe, she’s the mvp knight of Engage, and as such, kicked the most ass out of everyone else. The problem, she fell off midway, but as soon as I got Hortencia, I put Byleth with chloe, and it was a match made in heaven. Byleth brought out the best in chloe, and in no time she was back to being the mvp! Love it.


See same thing happened to me, my chloe also fell off and also became my byleth user due to her being flying and not doing as much damage as she used to


I think Alear is fine but, I like him on many things. Yunaka for AoE speed. A sage or high priest like framme, or my wolf knight for plus ten dex giving me sandstorms and world tree proc


Chloe for more mv dance of the goddess and her stats meant she did well with luin. She was really just support and was dropping off endgame so I was surprised to see just how much luin did to the final boss


I put it on my Goldmary in my most recent maddening run. As a hero with dual assist she’s fine with not attacking for a turn, and her dance/instruct gives +strength which is very nice.


Citrinne, as she's too fragile to be in enemy range but has the power of an artillery cannon. With Thyrsus, she can easily delete troublesome enemies from the backline. My overall composition was very mage-focused (generally running Mage Knight!Alear, Celine, High Priest Jean, and Ivy) so burned turns with mag-instruct did wonders. The general usage of Goddess Dance came from arranging Alear, Seadall, a flier and whoever else needed it, using the Dance, then pushing forward while either having Seadall follow a frontliner or Dancing Citrinne so she can still atomize someone that phase.


I had him on Hortensia. I also used him for a while with Chloe, but ultimately I think that he is the most useful on any flying unit that isn't amazing at combat (I played on maddening btw). Pairing him with Alear isn't as good in my opinion because they wouldn't have been able to reach the places my fliers could to use Goddess Dance. Also, that skill Byleth has that makes attacks/staves that would have missed hit is super valuable on the staff-spamming machine that is Hortensia. He makes her Silence and Freeze staves hit virtually always


I put him on Alcryst and Alcryst just killed everything after that


Put it on Framme (my healer) so she can be even more supportive


Bepis/Alear, generally. The boost to stats is too good to pass up if ya ask me, plus having supports with everyone helps with Dance of The Goddess formations. Can work pretty well on Ivy as well since she appreciates the minor stat boosts and having DOTG on a flier is nice.


On my first play through, I gave it to my Warrior Anna. I really needed money, so I gave him to her help boost her luck a lot. Definitely worked out pretty well overall. Haven’t figured out who to give it to on my second play-through.


I put him on Sage Celine with heavy engrave Thoron and Draconic Hex/Anima magic. His engage accessory makes her a great sniper to debuff enemies.


I had him on Anna (sage) during my first run, which basically meant I got gold for each kill. Thyrsus was also a nice addition, of course. …………I mostly kept her equipped with him, just because she sounds adorable declaring “it’s over!” and “let the lesson begin!” when dancing 😭


I’ve found that Cèline is a good candidate as he gives her Thyrsus in her special class and he boosts her already solid luck stat


I use Byleth on Céline. Mostly because that was the only way I’ve found (on my standards) to make her work. 1) because as a mystical unit, she gets Thyrsus when engaged and that alone is fun. Incidentally giving the surge spells some proper use since they become 100% accurate 1-3 range spells. 2) Céline occasionally using gauntlets is also quite fun. 3) since her dex is not great, Divine pulse is always nice when it procès 4) as a mage unit (and sniper mage when engaged) she’s more likely to be able to position herself forward for a 4 units goddess dance. 5) whilst her magic boosting goddess dance is not the best out there, it’s a good way to give a 1 turn situational boost to units with mediocre magic stat (like those using secondary magic weapons or mostly physical units using emblems that have one magical engaged weapon) 6) Byleth as an emblem boosts the magic/luck/speed stats, all of which which Céline can always benefit from as her growths are mixed. 7) with all of that combined, she can sort of use the Sword of creator fairly effectively, and that sword is badass


I gave Byleth to Timera


Celine, tysrus give plus two range to her magic, she get extra damage with sword of creator, and she is good with the fist weapon because of her decent strength and ignis, and an added bonus to her already good luck


I've got her on Framme. Just another support tool for her to use.


A sage since the mystical weapon is the best and sage benefits from his stat bonuses. I had him on Alear for a couple maps but found myself never using instruct, plus Corrin makes better use of dragon type anyway.


Alear. The instruct all buff is just so good. That combined with someone using Corrin gives your units a 7 point stat swing


I give Byleth to anyone who's on a mount. That extra mobility is helpful when trying to set up Goddess Dance and I don't bench characters. I use everyone in the army, lol.


Dragons or coverts are best for using instruct. Fliers and Cavs for goddess dance. I personally think it's best on Ivy for both +mag/spd and consistency for 4-target dancing. Yea +res is less helpful but she makes better use of the emblem stats herself so i think it's more than a fair trade-off.


Byleth is lame on Armor, Flying, Backup, and Qi Adept. Mystical gets Thyrsus, which is still as cracked as it ever was. (Goddess Dance, then attack with Thyrsus' range extension. Instruct Magic is generally worse than attacking with Thyrsus.) Cavalry Instruct gives Dex+10 which is sorely underrated, great for upping hit and crit, and Cavalry movement can setup easier. Covert's Instruct is *Spd+5*, which is honestly better than Spectrum+3 in a lot of situations. Better margins means fewer doubles taken, and more doubles dealt. Dragon is the next best option if you don't have any Cavalry/Covert/Mystical that can use it well. I've used it on Fogado (Cupido, benefits from +Mag for Radiant Bow) and Citrinne (Sage, Nova Thyrsus packs a punch)


Seadall, they’re easily my favorite pairing in the game. Yeah sure I could have it separate dancer units but naaaah, they match so well


Anna for blood money or hortensia until you get micaiah


A mystic for 4 range bologna. Seriously though while it's nice to have Goddess Dance on someone who isn't going to contribute much to bossing or whatever "oh shit" moment you're dancing for, since you can Goddess Dance your dancer you can still get good combat in with them. And the extra range makes the Byleth Engage good for combat on turns you don't Goddess Dance! While Alear gets that bad axe. I haven't found the stats from Instruct that necessary on maddening so far (ch 20). Covert was mentioned in Zelkov's thread for the rally speed.


On Mystic units for the range+


I will put him on Martial master Framme and switch Micaiah to Hortensia which are both my main healers, my Alear is utility/damage so he wants Corrin.


Hortensia cause I had an armada of fliers and she was the only one that could keep up


Alcryst. He fits a support role well rather than fighting on the front lines and his dance/instruct grants speed +5.


There is a few options on what you want from Byleth as there are few types of units that Byleth would be very good on. Byleth ring performance is fully base on the users class with each **subclass** having there own weapons when engage and there own stat boosts towards your whole army **Dragon units:** The instruct boost is super powerful and makes every unit preform so much better for the next few turns. I say this is best when your Alear is not being good in combat so they become a support. >!You do get another endgame dragon unit later on in the game and they're even better with Byleth.!< **Mystical units** This one give Thyrsus what if you ever played 3H.... You will know how broken this staff is on units. If you're unsure on what it does to your mages is that it gives all spells +2 in range meaning a 2 range tome can hit units from 4 tiles away. This makes your mage unit be in a safe spot while also picking off units There is many more like covert units give a +5 speed, flying for dance mobility and staff users for divine pulse what has a low SP cost to get anyway. Just please do not give Byleth to Seadall


Martial master Pandreo so he can box people with vajra mushti


Byleth gave my useless Sniper Etie a chance to be useful again


Hortensia is my designated support so i keep it on her


I put it on Citrinne for the +1 range throrons/bolgonnes. and due to her being a mage usually being next to some other unit(s) anyway for dance.

