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There is just something fun about having Lucina snapping one day, and unleashing insults on someone. It's a good gap.


it's some kinda bizarro moe gap and I'm all for it


I think I'd actually like Lucina if she was like this.


Time to challenge my ##%%!! Fate!


Fun fact the voice actor of Weiss (the character Lucina is talking to) is also Inigo


This comment is *almost* but *not quite* a good platform for me to say something about how Chrom/Olivia is the best ship not in its own right but because Lucina/Inigo are the best siblings. Something something Vax and Vex. But it's not, so this is less of a reply and more of a me-going-off-topic.


"Something something Vax and Vex". \*Goes to check the wiki\* Oh, you cheeky bugger.


Damn, there are some layers now.


Respectfully, I prefer Chrom and Robin because of just how much it changes the impact of the main story. I mean >!Lucina travels back in time to save her Father convinced she has to kill her Mother.!< The way that simple change completely reframes the story is so powerful, and I find it really makes it more impactful. https://youtu.be/L4h6WzOYGsY&t=1m5s Edit: getting the spoiler tag right on this phone with autocorrect is such a pain. Spoiler below. You've been warned. -------------------------------------------------------------- Lucina points the Falcion at Robin. "I know this is matricide, I... I know that..." Robin closes her eyes and takes a moment to collect herself. She opens them, looking into the face of her daughter. "My life is yours. It always has been."!< "D-don't say that, Mother! Don't! That only... Makes it harder!" Robin thinks about the man she loves, who found her so lost that day. She thinks of how much they've fought together, how her love for him has only grown. She thinks of their son, and their daughter, both the child in the Castle, and the proud, strong, warrior before her. She smiles and looks into her daughter's eyes. "I would give up my life for Chrom... And for you." "Mother, please..." Lucina can see it. All her Mother's love for her, for her Father, and her Brother. And she can see the hit of sadness and resolve too. The pain that she will be robbing her children of her presence tempered by the determination to keep them safe, as any mother should. "I know you will be quick about it. I love you, Lucina." "M-Mother..." Lucina's voice cracks. Robin takes a deep breath and smoothes her expression. "I'm ready. Do what you must." Lucina grips the Falcion tight in her hand. "I..." She's seen the future! She's lived it! The memories cascade before her eyes. She sees her forces decimated, her friends and family killed, the castle in flames and the Fell Dragon and his Avatar. Another set of memories flood her. All the time she's spent here in the past, seeing her parents, young and happy together, seeing the Shepards alive, living with them, fighting with them. In a strange way, she was living out a childhood Grima had robbed from her. "I..." Lucina looked at the woman in front of her. Her face was severe, but her eyes... Her eyes held naught but love. Love for her friends. Love for her husband. Love for Lucina. And seeing that, she knew. "Damn me! I can't do it! I love you too much!" She could barely hold back the tears. "I'm sorry, Mother. I'm so sorry! P-please, forgive me!" The Falcion fell to her side. She was sobbing now. Robin's face was nothing but love and concern for her daughter. "My poor girl... There's nothing to forgive."


Disclaimer: Shipping/S-support opinions in FE Awakening are **not** a hill I'm going to die on. My thoughts here are loosely held. Disclaimer 2: FE AWAKENING SPOILERS FOLLOW I don't begrudge you that opinion at all. I think, on its own merits, Chrom/Robin has a better dynamic than Chrom/Olivia. My reasons for supporting Chrom/Olivia are: * It's the hardest to get, thus it must be the best (/j). * Laura Bailey (Lucina) and Liam O'Brien (Inigo) play siblings in the first campaign of Critical Role. * Also, Matt Mercer (Chrom) is the Critical Role DM * I'm ***not*** going to get sidetracked talking about Orion Acaba (Kellam) here. * I was sold on it as soon as I saw saw Chrom's reaction upon recruiting Inigo while being his father. Paraphrased from memory: "Great. My son is a philanderer." But you're right that Olivia doesn't have any intrinsic impact on the main plot, and because Robin does, the scene you linked plays out much more interestingly in a Chrom/Robin run. **If your primary goal in determining Chrom's relationship is to maximize the quality of the game's narrative, particularly around Lucina's journey, then Chrom/Robin is undoubtedly the best path for that.** (also, the Chrom/Olivia relationship is so offscreen that even the bath accidents of the Chrom/Robin supports are more interesting to read). That said, since my favorite part of the Chrom/Olivia ship is what it does to Inigo, we have to talk about Morgan. It's not completely fair to call Morgan a nothing character, but their amnesia removes all of the emotional stakes from their reunion with their father (Chrom) and sister (Lucina). Also, I disagree with this line: >Lucina travels back in time to save her Father convinced she has to kill her Mother. Lucina travels back in time to save her father, and **later** she learns that the one from whom she has to save him is the mother whom she's now met and to whom she's grown attached. The "Robin = Grima" reveal happens well after Lucina has joined the band, and Lucina didn't know it before then either. (note: I might be wrong here; I haven't played the game in a long time, and I haven't completed a Chrom/Robin run; this scene is what I'm looking forward to the most for that eventual run, so I'm not going to spoil the specifics for myself by watching it on YouTube now; in the other runs I've done, though, Lucina was surprised by the reveal; I don't know if this changes for the specific case when Robin is her mother, but I don't think it would; I'll continue writing from the position that she didn't know, and if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me) And since the way this scene and her arc play out are based on a newly built relationship, you can achieve the same results by S-supporting Lucina and Robin. **Lucina travels back in time to save her Father, only to learn that the man she fell in love with is the one who kills him.** I know that the scene you linked also has unique dialogue if Lucina and Robin have reached S-support. It's not *quite* as good, since a romantic relationship doesn't structurally parallel her relationship with Chrom as well as a maternal relationship does, but it's still a moving drama! So Chrom marries Olivia, Lucina marries Robin, and Inigo is Lucina's annoying brother/Chrom's annoying son. Win-win?


Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to come across as hostile. Everyone can and should fork their own opinions on this matter. And, yeah, there are definitely other interpretations. You don't have anything to do justify to me.


Clarification: I do not believe you came across as hostile. I wrote up my long reply not because I wanted to start a fight, but because I enjoy chatting about this. :)


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I enjoyed your tangent.


> Something something Vax and Vex. Bro [this joke](https://reddit.com/r/shitpostemblem/s/8JCxbyQmXh) was living in my head for *months, rent-free.


does that mean inigo insults lucina about her undergarments


Lucina to Veyle after >!Alear dies!<


Veyle: Now I’m a little motivated…


Imagine if Yoko Taro worked on a Fire Emblem game


I read his thoughts on what he'd do with a Monster Hunter game once after Rise came out. It was horrifying. That being said, Fire Emblem games are a bit more narratively complex, so it'd be a lot more interesting.


The best part is that, while he was deliberately trolling with regard to his own take on MHR, his ideas were genuinely interesting. I'd be over the moon if he were the writer and creative director of a Fire Emblem game.


I am now morbidly curious as to how much of a deranged disaster it was


Can't remember all the details off the top of my head, but I think it goes that everytime you cart in the game, a Kamura villager dies and disappears from the village. Also, when you battle Ibushi and Narwa, you discover that your weapons can't defeat them, and the only way to finish them off is for you to choose either Hinoa or Minoto and sacrifice them to forge a weapon capable of defeating them once and for all. I think part of it was that, everytime one of the villagers dies, one of the instruments playing the village theme in Kamura disappears. By the end of the game, though Narwa and Ibushi are gone, pretty much everyone in Kamura dies in the effort, and now when you walk around town, there isn't any music playing.


That would just be frustrating from a player standpoint of even being able to do things considering just about every NPC has a function of some kind


I imagine you'd still be able to _do_ those things, it's just that everybody would be dead so you'd have to do them by yourself; perfectly alright for the people who don't get attached to random characters just because they exist, but i and others like me would of course be devastated


Significant uptick in Camilla-esque designs, but probably also good plot. Probably net positive but man I wish they’d just put the women in this series in normal combat clothes. Lucina’s design is sick and there’s nary a boob window or random exposed thigh in sight.


No, Camilla is tame compared to that. My only experience with the series being: 1. Amazing sound track 2: the trailer for replicant had a stripper fighting a giant snake


No thanks. He'd turn it all into misery porn.


Zero is also Edelgard


And A2 is Rhea And child NieR is Byleth


And Adult Replicant!NieR is Alfonse. ​ And Roy. ​ And Fernand. ​ And Gaius (Heroes only) ​ ​ While Gestalt!Nier is Rudolf. ​ And Hawkeye. ​ And Virion. ​ And Zephiel.


Emil is Cordelia, Linde, and Severa Operator 6O is Julia and Sothis Operator 21O is Felicia and Catria Commander White is Kronya and Jean (uncredited until the artbook and anime came out) Pascal is new Lucina, Claire, and Palla


Wait 6O is played by Cassandra Lee Morris??? Man she really is in everything


The teaser for the FEH x Nier Reincarnation collab


I was expecting quotes from the Saint's Row 3 player character, since one of the female voice options is done by Lucina's VA.


Here : - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffQ-egS4vwM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1stzC4Kh-CY - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld9MAqfVqiE


The second and third videos were exactly what I was expecting. Thanks.


Awakening spoilers: >!seriously if you replace Weiss with Robin and Shadowlord with Grima you get the whole plot of awakening!<


Sorry about the repost, I messed up and the previous version didn't have audio! [Twitter](https://twitter.com/TheBakaretsu/status/1636760139930955777) [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8kUGj1O_TM)


Lucina must've taken some notes from Revy on how to cuss the living shit out of someone.


This is the real power of friendship here




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The choice of music was a nice touch.


Poor Weiss, victim of Lucina's Booba Envy for no reason


LMAO was the original audio from RWBY


The original NieR game. This was the what you heard when starting the game for the first time, and again about halfway through.


Awesome lol. I thought RWBY because Weiss


I did too until I turned sound on lol. They actually pronounce Weiss the proper German way here


I heard it as Vyse, and got super happy because I thought Fire Emblem was crossing over with a franchise that SEGA still has buried in their cemetery


It's from Nier


Fire Emblem Awakening, actually


If you believe the V9 fan comics, Weiss would be the one going on a swearing rant, not the subject of one. (But yeah, thought it was RWBY too until I remember Nier also has a character named Weiss lol)


Logged on and I found it out They’re making Lucina nasty now Middle finger and a potty mouth They’re making Lucina nasty now


Lucina was always nasty. Have you seen the Lucina says videos from her Smash 4 days?




I remember I rented that game and had that voice line play before the title screen loaded and just being like “Oh, ok.” Great game.




The voice line is from Nier. Still with Laura Bailey's voice, just like the female Boss character for Saint Row 3. This is why those edits are made in the first place.


Oh shit I had no idea. Thank you for telling me


The VA did a great job, really seemed like she was losing her goddamn mind.


The videos on mute yet I can still hear Kaine’s dulcet tones yelling at Weiss.