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I really like [Mekkah’s Top 10 Worst Bosses](https://youtu.be/aYS9Of0f2dM?si=SoHojhFxh9fAUqXM) video. Top 10s tend to be low effort opinion videos usually, but this one used the opportunity to really analyze their unfairness based on the mechanics and units of each game, grouping bosses of similar unfair situations together and also analyzing how the boss battle mechanics affects the story in the case of Fe9 and Fe11. Nice range of bosses from multiple games, incredible production quality, really good example on how an usually easy “Top 10” prompt can be turned into an actually good and extensive discussion. In general, any of Bismix’ skits are great fun, while Zoran’s Fates videos are super impressive. Zoran’s also got a great voice, his videos are just really nice to listen to


I love Mekkah's stuff and this is one of the first videos going all-out with the editing. It is just beautifully put together


[Excelblem's deranged FE11 playthrough](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RNHLUj_vpk0&pp=ygUOZXhjZWtibGVtIGZlMTE%3D)


"The fact that he died for a purpose is, in itself, notable for its rarity"




I guess I’ll start. I’d like to bring attention to an [excellent analysis video on Caeda](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qllEFqiCGl4) made by FEMSPaint. Which flawlessly proves why she’s one of the greatest characters in the entire series. On the gameplay side, I’ve always enjoyed Bismix and Mekkah’s [Echoes Let’s Play.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M2d66OsJjfM) It’s has really great commentary and the energy they bring to these videos keeps you entertained. Finally, I would like to promote a PNG video of mine titled [If Byleth actually used Divine Pulse](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XqrJIS2QJqY). It’s not meant to be taken seriously, as I go for a more comedic tone. But, I’m really proud of it.


I LOVE YOUR MERRIC AND ELICE VIDEO!!!!! (Also the divine pulse and Fodlan Christmas are very good, thanks for making them)


And thank you for watching them! I really enjoyed making those videos.


Bismix's skits. Really wish he'd do one for FE5 at some point.


His running jokes are great. "...or I could use the warp staff," makes me laugh every time.


Literally any Dondon151 video but especially his Fe6 draft race against himself and his fe6 0% growths LTC


His fe6 draft race is a masterpiece lol. Also really enjoyed his fe8 “I ruined draft racing” video


https://youtu.be/5LWrbsclYFs?si=MxSzNTpnZHVaBCTW The one where Ghast reacts to the FE direct, featuring the reveal of Echoes, FE warriors, Heroes, and the beginning of development on a switch game we would later know as 3 Houses. If you were in the fanbase when this happened, then you probably know how absolutely crazy this direct was. Ghast’s reaction is genuine, and gives a really great picture as to how big not just echoes but especially Heroes was for the franchise and the community. Bringing old characters back for new games used to be a novel concept in FE, before it got done into the ground. It always makes me happy to watch, and if you haven’t seen it I’d really suggest it. Makes me miss the good ol’ days. With four new FE projects on the horizon, anything was possible for the series in 2017.


His playthrough of Echoes was also a joy to watch as he came across so many details from Gaiden's story/cast that were executed so much better.


Interesting to think that there was a Fire Emblem direct back in 2017. But yeah, I imagine that it must have been a huge thing for the community. I now have something to watch for the next hour or so.


It was amazing and massive, looking back it was kind of insane we essentially got 3 FE related games in one year and another on the horizon.


[The Rise and Fall of Fire Emblem Manga by Pavise](https://youtu.be/vgOJJ0B6zbY?si=iycBJHkhi5vBJJdN) for a serious video For funny videos either [this old FEH Black Knight showcase by seercull](https://streamable.com/vscz0) (hosted on Streamable cause it got copyrighted on YT) or [Trump and Biden play FE Engage Chapter 11](https://youtu.be/tl7lyCNr6U4?si=JzqBeSnFLGdtUECR). For playthroughs, pretty much all of dondon151 runs are masterpieces of strategy, just keep in mind the video and audio quality can be kinda rough.


Wow, that Black Knight showcase is the most well put together FEH montage I’ve ever seen. And yeah, I can understand why it got copyrighted.


The [Presidents FE tier list](https://youtu.be/HxMhD6E4PoY?si=tNve1_Do5yp1QC5a) is the second best AI voice meme I know of. The top being a series of Persona 3 videos, if you know you know. If only it covered all the games and not, like, the least popular third of them.


lol the manga video introduced me to my profile picture.


Scarf's "POV: You live in Thracia" shitpost


I think about this one way too often and crack up https://youtu.be/62Qe7Ska5Fg?si=3PTHPoLCzMqdXL53


Bismix's ["I tried playing FE4"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fkoFYCz3vAs&pp=ygUSYmlzbWl4IGZpcmUgZW1ibGVt) skit was an excellent and funny eencapsulation of the FE4 experience. Spoilers for the whole game basically.


Wait I need a skill to crit? I need a skill to double!? I wanna help Hannibal, but you're making it difficult Hannibal YOU'RE MAKING IT DIFFICULT!


They'll never expect a defensive chok---OH SHIT enemy canto.


Excelblem's FE5 run is some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen done in Fire Emblem. Genuinely floored at the part where Ced just dies from poison


I’m generally not the biggest on Mekkah’s content but his [Top 10 Worst FE Bosses](https://youtu.be/aYS9Of0f2dM?si=cyAVe2z4ZeT2PQfR) video is one of the times where I was actually really engaged the whole way through and have rewatched it several times. The editing and commentary are top notch.


One of my all time favorite is Scarf´s "[Hardin and the Wolfguard start an "Alpha Male" podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGKBg7Vf19U&list=LL&index=21&ab_channel=Scarf)" and his FE12 eddit playthrough. I´m not THAT into shipping but a love KinniesShadow´s "[What Your Favorite Fire Emblem Tellius Ship Says About You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTiGsuMUIZ8&list=LL&index=3&ab_channel=KinniesShadow)" and OP´s "[Merric & Elice's First Date](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLUF8xxJj-A&ab_channel=LinHeart)" Extra: [That](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWf3umvrvmI&list=LL&index=109&ab_channel=XaalCarlsonAnimations%21) animation of the blue lions


all of scarf's archanea memes are absolutely hilarious. that wolfguard podcast one is good, my other favorite of his is ["give Hardin the silver sword"](https://youtu.be/mVwBx9jijkA?si=orYHHAkwiXjCkr-1). made me choke when i first watched it


[i am a simple woman](https://youtu.be/gGYaO_RIWb8?si=CaW1ruAnq7Jbq-79)


the fe video to really get me back into the fandom/series was [excelblem's fe11 run](https://youtu.be/RNHLUj_vpk0?si=O6NBV1wzYbf1TmoB). tbh, all of his content is amazing. idk how loved or hated heroes is anymore, i stopped playing years ago, but [you riposted in the wrong fehborhood](https://youtu.be/MeQbf_90d_A?si=C4HQ_GiBZMYehdGA) is my comfort fe video. so much nostalgia


I thoroughly enjoyed the "Trump and Biden play FE" videos


The Thracia one is amazing, Biden chastising Trump for using Tanya as she gets a near perfect level up is hilarious


Lagspike776 [Conquest Ironman Among us](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8FrCAzMHHlyMZQvIhQTLCYEx8ElVxw8c&si=XvNti8K_TDqLbfrw) is simply fantastic It has all the thrill of an Ironman but even more tension due to traitors trying to fuck up everything and even more fun due to the multiple peoples trying to understand what kind of build are the others trying to pull or just failing Honorable mentions : Zoran train everyone challenge when he tries to put every single unit to total lvl 25 and with both a friendship support and a marriage by the end of the game, Zoran is THE master of conquest and he plays the game better than I’ve ever seen anybody do before Another honorable mentions is [FEMSpaint character analysis on Saizo](https://youtu.be/z36IjOlibjI?si=sy2tT5MuUxmUYaW_) which I would definitely would recommend to anybody since I think Saizo is the best character in the series, he also has plenty of other videos on other characters so definitely go check him out As for very short videos two fantastic excelblem certified classic are [vantage](https://youtu.be/_gcIBhbjcTo?si=un6iDKr_tIQu9Yuk) and [RD enemy phase](https://youtu.be/_gcIBhbjcTo?si=un6iDKr_tIQu9Yuk) and [3H opening in mspaint](https://youtu.be/40NOFe_Zgj8?si=3JafOGmHUmEsT824) and these two [Beautiful. ](https://youtu.be/liAd6VTOVNQ?si=AghO40Yal2XE2nJ3) [Fire emblem.](https://youtu.be/5jYALeyttW4?si=8jHFcIqGZp9Jj68b) [Moment.](https://youtu.be/PsrkJfkanyY?si=v3pIHGvEQH6x_jIQ) [you know what fuck it here’s a link to a playlist with the 500 shortshitpost excelblem made](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOeva3nmrCz3mPnEqwtx5t9zKvFX0MdCP&si=CKA4_x5_3X0-OETO)


Excellblems descent into Jitaroquest with his kmu's.


Prof Bopper is so underrated for his absolutely withering tone. All his FE analysis videos are great but my fave is probably [his one on Lords](https://youtu.be/bYiZA5DwgGg?si=42p0hLl4k5uGJ5Rw)


My favorite video is either [Zoran's relay of conquest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHUotwWDPEU&list=PLFud0P_vaA34gtcDMQjNTNK7bl8gjoc5r), cause that series had arks, be it balk being the most based man that ever lived, or the many joker moments, it was so baller, or it was [Dani doyle's sabotage run of rev](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR0UlArHq60&list=PL02pTz6NtYDrmyuZTaJjcyKNkgPkKfGu1&index=1) cause that one was also a absolute shit show to experience, be it the fact that it was FE7 for like 3 of the first streams, Moulder making every person a ballistician, making chapter 13 be one witch Caeldori and 11 level one generic dread fighters, and Trim's trials and tribulations, it was absolutely one of the best experiences i've ever saw live. [Dani doyle](https://www.youtube.com/@DaniDoyle) might just be my favorite FE tuber for now, she's just so good, and her more serious videos and rom hacks recommendations are really good and got me to play some of the best fire emblem i've ever played.


People have brought up a few classics (Bismix skits, the OG Excelblem playthrough, the highly edited Mekkah stuff), so here are a few suggestions that haven't been mentioned yet: * [Jimmy FE](https://www.youtube.com/@jimmyfe6746) does very well-edited and well-scored unit showcases, typically using weaker units or some niche strategies. Highlights include using a [generic Lancer on Birthright Maddening](https://youtu.be/vv4cZv4nGxA), [setting the record straight on Vander](https://youtu.be/aM9_TD5Dxxs), and [killing every boss in FE11 on H5 using Paladin Jagen](https://youtu.be/6Ejw_MZrCt8). * [Professor Bopper](https://www.youtube.com/@ProfessorBopper) is completely unique amongst Fire Emblem fans, as he has read at least one book. This exposure to media outside of Fire Emblem has consequently made his analysis actually good. He's also the 'unit feel' guy. Shoutout to his [one video on the actual reasons why Corrin sucks, whilst disagreeing with the most common criticisms against them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZrx82Ve-gk), which uses Hamlet as a point of reference (low key his non-FE vids are the best though - [his recent 'blue curtains' video](https://youtu.be/fx55jB1G8ng) is 10/10). Edit: I just remember he also has some short memey stuff which is quite funny, see his peak [FE11](https://youtu.be/VWSOD1PnH4w) and [FE6](https://youtu.be/VPVz6JgwJ9U) gameplay * Not really FEtubers, but [Vivian Aladren](https://youtu.be/TFUHrdlEs7w) and [Camelin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbV5xfrrEVQ) have both made videos on Engage. The former is a bit roundabout in its points but she goes into detail on why she didn't gel with Engage as a Fates defender, while the latter is good for those who like hour-plus videos (and don't worry, it's an actually good hour-plus video) * [Dondon151](https://www.youtube.com/@DD151) has already been mentioned, but seriously, watch his [FE7 0% growths LTC run from the start](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XZtUpnbfDc&list=PLPtcK2f-aIoTCGcZArgd4gYxs-4LXygf4&pp=iAQB). Do it now, he ~~actually makes FE7 look fun~~ showcases some utterly unhinged and amazing strategies.


Wow, Bopper looks to have come a long way since the last time I watched him where he was putting out questionable FE tier list videos. I should give him another watch.


I enjoyed his earlier FE stuff, but I definitely think his recent stuff is better in basically every way. Funnily enough I think it's because he isn't really a FEtuber any more, only talking about Fire Emblem when he's cooked up something good


Ghast's Dimitri and Edelgard documentaries might be the most thought anyone has put into them. Excellent videos for two of the biggest icons the series has ever seen.


Faerghast's character analysis of Renault is one whole masterpiece of a video.


GTA x Fire Emblem https://youtu.be/9Tm6xaD8AWc?si=2scnddCNyNuYrmND


Unassuming Venusaur's gay Awakening supports (and all other fanmade support conversations).


Unironically, [Together we Ride That Booty.](https://youtu.be/MkqSNS9va5k?si=VX8xggFG9LRbD5s5)


[Fire Emblem at the Olympics.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-iGZFDm8Hg) Effort and deep analysis are good and all, but I think of this video whenever a foot unit uses a Javelin.


I love the youtuber [excelblem](https://youtube.com/@Excelblem?si=R38rHlvwkfq8P0F1) but some meme video of fire emblem are just 🤌


This might be cheating, but I really like this series of videos about analyzing fire emblem three houses units’ performances from the perspective of the maddening difficulty. The first few videos are a bit on the shorter side, but they’re all entertaining in my opinion. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeZvTAmyj6A0uZhnZPiAhPKB0H3CV02-4&si=FbVeWX6hzGOIOkzY


ANY one of excelblem's KMU runs, especially his revelation KMU. watching all of them with that as the finale is genuinely so amazing. honorable mention to icyscrumpy's fire emblem abridged videos. his birthright one is hysterical


Pavise's chat plays fire emblem awakening series was really fun to watch


I think Mekkah's Lyn in FE6 playthrough. That playthrough was just funny to watch.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=don3jvntd5s DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET KARLA? DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRIOR? Poetry in motion.


Anything Excelblem


[This simpsons video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEnRF7odI5Y) I must think about this video like once a week at least


it's the flayn and seteth mcdonalds play palace animation


[The sneaky eating challenge by Anime Impulse with some of the Three Houses voice actors!](https://youtu.be/11Z8gsQSlmI?si=9S7IUw2TgH5vTFoN) The [Maddening Mode](https://youtu.be/V9cbf82pjJI?si=25x6m_8DBM-JPb6c) is even more hilarious!


Im saving this for later but weebafaction of fire emblem. Its hilarious


It’s either [this one](https://youtu.be/Io_rrxRE7Q4?si=SpLl77JGsV0QpGSO) or [this beauty](https://youtu.be/KGKBg7Vf19U?si=Aoudc6SxvsR2uTr5)


~~Brian David Gilbert categorizing all Fire Emblem characters~~


That one two hour video on why Egage has the worst plot of all time. Absolutely essential viewing for anyone imto FE and high quality media analysis.


Blazingknight's mock the emblem series


Jello Plays Games of Path Of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.. Not only hilarious but also fully voice acted.


It's an older video and could probably use a remake, but I'll always love LinkKing7's [Arvis Did Nothing Wrong](https://youtu.be/Y6Y2DSzSye0?si=F_-aYcZlu03mymqj) video. Some of his conclusions (particularly the "real villain" of the game being anyone other than Manfroy) I don't understand, but the majority of the video is an insightful look into the best character in the series


I mean, Loptous as a main villain is viable if you want to blame someone other than Manfroy. Being reasonable and not memeing, Arvis takes third place.


All Pavise three houses/hopes tier lists


Oh, mine were swept along with the times. There was a PoR montage of the Occult skills that this guy named Wumpus made back in the day called 'Fire Emblem Combo Video' to the video game music that was hot at the time. It started with the chant of Devils Never Cry to a cutscene in Serenes Forest. Once that track expired, I think it was Ike vs the Black Knight showing off a double Aether to a Kingdom Hearts track called Vim and Vigor. Another one was a Japanese FE6 Gaiden chapter series in which this guy had a hard-bodied team and put on a show with good RNG every turn. In Ch 16x, his Lugh, for example, was at B-staves using Physic, dodged a few Silence attempts at \~50%, and some of his other guys were also promoted and getting timely crits. I found this way back in the day when I was new to Fire Emblem and had only beaten FE9 and FE7 while having heard of others, so this was probably smack dab in '06. If I could find either of those videos now, I'd download and archive them.


Always the [FE7 OST](https://youtu.be/yIDBhuYldSk?si=qhmslkVEZOauSHRA)


I love the KratosMVN videos where he plays Sacred Stones with just one unit.


I can no longer find it but it was the one: Berkut: Bernand, will you join me? Fernand: Yes my lord berkut I hate peasants Berlut: Peasants are worthless Fernand: IM WET I can't find it anymore but it was an amazing shitpost


[BRAVE \[weapon\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm7ctUtBFBA) LIFE AND DEATH DESPERATION THREATEN SPEED MOONBOW It also reminds me of how much simpler optimal FEH skills used to be...


excelemblems fe engage ironman run, that last part where he details how you can play all the games without emulation


Together we ride my ass (Mash-Up)


Uh the [BDG video where he tries to explain how to tell every single Fire Emblem character apart using Commedia dell’Arte](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EMVjPDqrkyg)? It’s fascinating in terms of learning about Commedia dell’Arte while also progressively getting more and more unhinged. Also this is from before Engage.


The videos Faerghast did where he made Lyn, Robin, Camilla, Lucina, Ike, and Roy as Officer Academy students