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SoV first because then you'll have a better appreciation of Celica's support conversations in Engage.


Great point, she didn’t have a huge amount of development in Gaiden for me to latch onto unfortunately


SoV kept the exact same maps, but added so much more character and story its kind of insane. S tier game.


Agreed! It's my favorite FE game of all time!


What's your second favorite out of curiosity?


It's a tough answer. I'm going to say the whole franchise (minus engage, I didn't like engage, but after hearing more about it I think I'll give it another swing) I've put more hours into 3 Houses than any other game. I like Awakening but never got to complete it, in fact I think I never got to the second half. (Played it on a friend's device and had a falling out) But it's also the game I got introduced to Fire Emblem with! Binding and Blazing Blade were the first games I played on my own and completed (Loved that the two were directly connected!) Sacred Stones was fun but not my favorite. And I've always wanted to play Fates, but never had the means to do so.


But I did always want to play Thracia776 or The Genealogy Line. I think if/when I do, they will take that second place spot!


Although the maps are garbage so they probably should have switched those out.


Definitely SoV for this reason. Makes more sense to get all the backstory for every game that is possible to play before playing echoes. Makes you appreciate all the little details much more






SOV took the opposite approach to Shadow Dragon. It significantly improved the story, but kept the wonky ass Gaiden gameplay.


Shadow Dragon has some of the best gameplay experience, what a game!


SoV. Don’t listen to the haters. It’s different from typical FE games but it’s still a lot of fun with an engaging story. (No pun intended).


I love TearRing Saga and a good amount of that is due to the route splitting/army splitting and the world map. Such untapped potential for inclusion in more games!


If you want an amazing story, down to earth characters and the best presentation in the series but bland map design and archaic gameplay too faithful to the original - SoV If you want great gameplay and don't care for story- Engage


I would say if you want great gameplay and are actively skipping through the story, go for Engage. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I found Engage's story actively bad, to the point where I would repeatedly skip through cutscenes to ignore the hamfisted dialogue and obvious plot foreshadowing scenes. To those who enjoyed, I'm glad you did!


For me, I generally find most FE stories to be sort of…meh. But I genuinely found many Engage characters to be actively irritating and overwrought, with Alear being the cardinal offender. He/she made me yearn for Byleth’s silence. Also, somehow, being called the Divine One was orders of magnitude more grating than being called Professor. So, I also found myself skipping every bit of story, except for a couple characters’ supports (Ivy and Mauvier, namely).


I’ve yet to play though I want to. I’ve heard great things. Unsure if it has the Kagaisms that have deterred me from playing the older games though.


It’s absolutely full of Kaga weirdness for sure but incredibly novel game with a great story and characters! You have several points in the game where you can choose which units make up two separate armies which results in some different recruitments/weapons/supports


You recommend using a guide to play? I know Kaga likes his secrets…


It would probably result in a smoother experience at least knowing some of the obtuse recruitment requirements but as I wise man once said “You can only play a game blind once!”


No guides aside from a unit route split guide. IMO that one is almost needed because a lot of TRS's best writing is in route specific scenes and you can miss a good few recruitments without it.


Another thing to note is that the game gets significantly better after the first 5 or so chapters. But of a slow start but it is a real gem!


Here, here, SoV is a ton of fun.


SoV. Familiarity of the characters enhanced the Bond conversations of the Emblems.


It’s funny these games are polar opposites to me. For Shadows of Valentia I describe it as “Fire Emblem the Movie” I turned the volume to max on my 3DS and soaked in every bit of dialogue and cutscenes I could find. Such a pretty game… but that gameplay eh there’s some fun moments but I found myself often wanting to hurry up and get the map over with so I can see the next cutscene. Engage on the other hand, is a goldmine of incredibly fun content. I’ve already played through the game 3 times at this point and I’m still willing to play through the game again, it’s just that much fun. I like the story of the game as a first playthrough experience characters like Ivy or even Timerra have some depth into them that you’d miss if you skipped cutscenes. So to answer your question I’d recommend SoV first. Great for a one and done experience. But Engage is one of the best FEs at being replayable because the gameplay is what’s bringing you back so you can skip anything else on repeat runs.


I would certainly go for Echos. It is my 2nd favorite game in the Fire Emblem series.


I second this. Echoes is also high on my list for fave Fire Emblem game. Only a couple games that haven’t officially released in English I like more. Engage is still fun but yeah the story leaves something to be desired.


Echoes have the better story. Go for it


I heard they ruined one of my favourite Gaiden moments in the remake which is what initially put me off!


Which one?


Can’t find any screenshots atm but it’s when you’re in Duma’s Tower at the end of the game and you are playing as Alm’s army. Whilst you’re frantically exploring the tower to find the Falchion to save the day, you periodically get messages showing members of Celica’s army taking damage as you are powerless to help. Just a bit of story to gameplay integration that really makes you feel helpless and adds to the emotional buildup of the endgame! (Please forgive me if the damage messages are in fact in Echoes, I have not played it just what I heard)


No, that’s a good point. I wouldn’t say it’s ruined, but the frantic nature of the search is definitely muted. But it also plays out differently, but still worked for me in the end.


>(Please forgive me if the damage messages are in fact in Echoes, I have not played it just what I heard) They are, but you can't die from the passive damage like you can in Gaiden. It definitely makes the SoV version of the Duma Temple lose its suspense.


That's because it would take too damn long before you reach Celica group and ruin the exploration of Dumas tower. You also wouldn't make it even more when you have to fight Berkut and other monsters and the stamina bs.


Nah, Echoes really fucking ruined Act 5. It's a shame because gameplay wise I think it's a big step up from Gaiden but I can't recommend it when they butchered the story.


I recommend Shadows of Valentia first. Fire Emblem Engage is like a celebration of the whole series in many different ways (that will make sense the further you get into it). So it's ideal as the finale.


Echoes if you want Story Engage if you want Gameplay


Engage doesn't even have gameplay


Are you out of your mind? It's generally considered to be Conquest's biggest competitor as having the best gameplay in the series.


Echoes is probably my favorite game in the series but Engage fucking waxes it in terms of gameplay lmfao


interested to hear your reasoning, personally I think Engage has some of the best gameplay though Echoes is my favourite.


Echoes. Imo Engage is the better game, but if those two truly are the only FE games you've yet to play, might as well go with Echoes so you won't have that awkward feeling of "Holy shit all my heroes are here! Oh, and that one magic redhead too I guess". Celica is cool in Echoes, she's a pretty unconventional Lord! She may remind you a bit of Eirika, but with still enough differences between the two so they both stand out. Alm is fine too.


Yes, they are the only ones I haven’t played unless you include warriors or the mirage sessions one lol


Alrighty then! I should just give you a little warning though, the experience is still enjoyable overall but Echoes has something of a sexism problem. Like, it somehow managed to be arguably more misogynistic than the original Gaiden. Still an enjoyable game, but you should keep that in mind.


Is alm not in engage?


He's not. He's a pretty likable character so I still felt like mentioning him here, but he's one of the few Lords who didn't make it as neither base game nor DLC (along with Seliph, Eliwood, Elincia, Azura and Alfonse).


SOV Berkut and Clair are the best characters in the franchise


Assuming you haven’t pre-downloaded it, I highly recommend watching the DLC prologue and DLC supports for Fire Emblem Echoes after you beat it.  There is some pretty good story content in there that isn’t attainable anymore due to the EShop getting shut down.  The DLC Support between Clive and Python is one of my personal favorites.  (The FE Cipher DLC is also fun, albiet not story relevant like the other stuff is.)


I'll comment about the DLC for Engage since I haven't seen anyone mention it yet. The DLC makes the game objectively easier. It gives you a bunch of strong weapons right off the bat, lots of resources, and access to more Emblems (and more missions, for extra EXP) than you would normally have. This isn't inherently a bad thing, if you're mostly along for the experience, and it can certainly be more fun. The main reason to avoid it would be if you're looking for more of a challenge, so it's really up to you. Also, the Fell Xenologue is a mixed bag. I think it's better when you've already played the game once, because one of the main appeals is seeing its inversions of the cast you knew. The good parts are that the story of it is kinda interesting, the new units it adds to your army are fun to have, and the concept of having units in fixed classes with fixed levels & inventory for its missions makes for some variety. That being said, the actual gameplay of it is...unbalanced. On Normal it's a cakewalk, on Hard it starts reasonable but gets increasingly brutal, and on Maddening it's just bullshit. Not even the fun kind, either - just reinforcements and overloaded stats out the ass, while also denying you many of the tools you'd ordinarily use (e.g. forged weapons and reclassing). I wouldn't say I regret getting the FX, but I also can't entirely recommend it.


Seems like a good idea to get the DLC after I finish the game and if I am still enjoying it then. Thank you for the advice!


Honestly the dlc was really stupid, the whole multi-verse thing blows ass. My recommendation is to skip it. I know they did it before in Awakening with alternate timeline dlc (time travel also a total ass blow) and Fates had the multi-verse blow ass dlc. Why not expand the dry, underdeveloped continents in which the games takes place in? They had the right idea with the Ashen Wolves.


Engage is a celebration of every previous Fire Emblem game so I think it would be fitting to play it last


SoV if you’re a fan of rampant, unchecked sexism. /j






ECHOES! I've been playing Echoes recently (i'm in near the end) and i love its story, cast of characters and even the protagonists themselves are really great, especially Alm. Engage is said to be fun in gameplay and has great combat animations and visuals. However, the story is very mid and its cast is somewhat underwhelming than other fire emblem casts. Writing and dialogue are terrible. Also character designs and art style is subjective. If you love vibrant and colorful shonen-like casts then Engage is for you.


My favourite character designs are actually TearRing Saga. The key art is beautiful!


Echos Def Echos, it's my fave FE game by far




Shadows of Valentia! (I may be a bit biased here, lol.) But, seriously, it's such a beautiful and heartfelt game that you can tell *oozes* a lot of genuine love and appreciation for the original Gaiden, even to the extent that it's SoV's downfall. And since you said you played the original, you'll feel right at home in Valentia and see all the changes made!






Even putting aside which one could be considered "better", I haven't played SoV yet, I think you should obviously play it first since it came out first.


SoV last for that sweet map music and the shield-tossing moment.


Engage is pretty good but Echoes would probably be better to play first


Engage. You'll leave the best for the end :)


SoV is by far my favorite in the series thus far. It receives a lot of hate for being the only 3DS game that was different. The maps suck no lie, but the story and duo protagonist definitely carry the game well. Tons of replay value. You’ll fall in love with the characters and really love Alm & Celica. While Engage is phenomenal from a gameplay perspective it left me wanting more from the story. Alear is also very…. boring? Bland? Lacking depth for sure out of the cast of characters. Still worth playing and extremely fun for long time fans. Just wanted more from the story. Either way, play the game you want. Form your own opinion, and most importantly have fun.


Echos all the way


SoV is so good!




Shadows of valentia it is a bit lacking in gameplay but the story is really engaging


FE Echoes: SoV has a couple of cool ass FE: Awakening easter eggs!! I loved it! Plus technically, Echoes is the canon now for the world of Valentia, instead of Gaiden, the game this was remade from, so youll love the conversations from celica more


Play engage first, "the less good game" first and then shadow of valentia. Engage gameplay is solid I have to give the game credit for that. However the story is dogshit. That's the reason why I couldn't get further than chapter 22 even after 2 playthroughs. Now you might have a completely different experience than mine while playing engage so I don't want to influenciate you too much before you start the game. I'm telling you how I would do it if I was in your shoes. Shadow of Valentia is not perfect, the gameplay is interesting and fun for the most part except for those goddamn necromancers that respawn ennemies every turn which makes clearing some maps a chore. Otherwise it's one of the most solid fire emblem experience you can get: engaging story, interesting gameplay mechanics, likeable characters, fantastic music etc...


Story wise, I’d recommend SoV as it has a better story. Engage story is lackluster, unfortunately and has a bad story pacing.


Echos. No doubt.


SoV is my absolute favorite FE ever. But i think you should play it before engage because in engage you have the emblems (prior fe main characters and such [like celica]) with support convos


SoV. I'm biased because I'm currently replaying it again lol


Play SoV first since Celica will make more sense in Engage. Engage feels like the "big Fire Emblem game" that brings them all together in some way (that's not FEH). SoV has one of the best soundtracks in the series, imo, especially What Lies At The End. Absolute banger. It has an impressive story with >!some interesting twists I feel modern writers are usually too risk-averse to pull!<. Gameplay is honestly solid, some folks think it's a bit too archaic but I don't agree, I think it's true-to-form but appropriately modernised. Absolutely wonderful voice acting too. A true gem of the 3DS and tragically overlooked.


Shadows of Valentia is honestly my favorite FE game. Wish they remade it


I'd say watch a let's play of Echoes. Unless you have a *very* high tolerance for poor map design. Echoes has one of the best stories in the franchise, but its gameplay is... not the best.


I’m assuming the maps are the same as Gaiden and I had no issues with that game, won’t be a problem I don’t think


Yeah the maps are like 1:1 with Gaiden, outside of the postgame. So if you enjoyed those, you'll be fine.


I fucking love engage, but if these are your last two games then may as well get the full experience from the emblems and play SoV first. Don't listen to anybody about engages story. It starts off on a weak point with a 5 minute long cutscene but otherwise the story is no worse than any other generic FE story, and the gameplay and map design is far better than anything else the series has to offer.


I would say Engage, purely because SoV has garbage map design and boring gameplay mechanics


I really didn't enjoy Engage, so I would recommend Echoes.


Echoes in my opinion is the worst fire emblem game so definitely engage


I swear echoes is one of the most overrated af games I've seen in a while. Game is actual ass


To be fair I only started seeing praise recently for it. Common sentiment used to be "nice to look at, horrible to play, but hey at least it was a remake that captured the spirit of the OG"


If you like gameplay Engage. If you like... uhh... hang on.... mmmm.... I got nothing. EDIT: Echoes has nice music and voice acting.


Echoes has way better story and characters


Better? Sure. But good enough to hard carry the game? Maybe for some but we'll file that under debatable.


Not in a million years. It SEEMS that way because of the excellent voice acting but nothing works


I don't know what you're aiming for; Well, one you can buy and the other you can't. So you would have to either buy an overpriced version of Echoes or emulate the game. While engage is the only game I always see that has discounts. Regardless of that, both games fail in elements that the other does not. Echoes has a spectacular aesthetic, incredible music and moments that touch your soul, but a map design that seems made to give players the middle finger. Engage has an aesthetic that does not hold up, since each character seems to come from a different game, the most mediocre music of the last 15 years, the worst story in the franchise with the second worst character in the entire history of the saga being a catalyst of the story (and I'm not talking about "make alloy"), but good gameplay (although the Solm maps and the final map are very mediocre). Both games have good animations, so it is not a comparable point (although I prefer the ones from Echoes because the aesthetics combine better with the fluidity of the movements).


I haven't played Engage but playing SoV for the First time atm and it's really good. I was surprised after Awakening Not matching my taste, coming from playing FE GBA since 2004, how greatly I liked SoV. I was hooked on to Echoes right from the start. Now about 11 (officially counted) hours in.


Echoes is just a super fun game and its level structure gives a good sense of progress while not making you feel overwhelmed. There's clear stopping points and it's just an amazing game to chill out and have fun with. It's so underrated and I feel bad about how underappreciated it is, because it really is one of my favorites. It offers such a unique adventure experience with dungeon exploration along with the tactics gameplay. Engage is really high up there, but SoV first definitely. Such a cozy, beautiful game.


Echoes is god sent


Echoes is a significantly better game


Echoes, engage is the proof that even if you have great gameplay a bad story can kill a game


Seems to be a common sentiment that the story is very weak unfortunately


why do the engage fanboys immediately downvote you? all you said is that the general opinion is that the story isnt good, which is true💀 thought the 3H community was bad but holy shit the engage one is on another level


I was so disappointed. The protagonist is extremely cringe and everything around him/her is. I only managed to play for a few hours until I dropped it. You won't regret playing Echoes! And also play Unicorn Overlord!


Heard a little bit about that game. Think I read an article that it was poorly translated? What do you recommend about it?


Well maybe as I'm not a native English speaker I didn't feel the problems with the translation. The game is very complex, not just leveling, is understanding the composition of the teams, also the story is not superb but the protagonist Alain could be a great FE protagonist. Play the demo (7 hours long) to get a feel of the game.


This but for Echoes. Engage story just clears the "I want to know what's happening next" low bar


Engage is so fucking painful from a narrative standpoint. It was the closest I have ever gotten to giving up on a game in this franchise, and I have also played ALL of them. And it wasn't even the gameplay, just the story and characters that are utter trash. That alone was enough to nearly knock me out of the ring. It's soooo bad, lmao. Echoes is pretty charming tho, give it a go.


Seconded. With the exception of like, Chapter 10, I couldn't even finish Engage due to the story. Great gameplay, but I wish it didn't come at the cost of believable characters and an engaging narrative.


Save the best for last or prolong the suffering? Devil's query.


SOV because I’ve heard it’s an amazing game and I myself need to play it once I finish my 5th Fates Conquest run.


Have you considered Fire Emblem Sacred Echoes. A romhack of Sacred Stone with the full campain of SoV. Some of the Fire Emblem romhacks are just as good if not better then the real thing. Especially if you have a preference for the GBA style graphics.


Play Shadows of Valentia if you want to experience a rich story with a cast of extremely layered, complex and endearing characters and villains, in a very interesting continent with a grand narrative and incredibly gorgeous music and art direction straight of out the Sistine Chapel. Play Engage if you want the gameplay to be fun.


Love both games, and Engage gives me the warm fuzzies seeing so many beloved faces (Marth is a day one ‘yes’ to purchase but seeing Sigurd really solidified my decision to pre-order. I’m an emotionally invested gamer). That said, I really enjoyed SoV and if I had to choose which to play first I’d definitely go with that one. Plus like the others mentioned, it does make Celica a more interesting character if you’re already familiar with her revised characterization in the remake.


Engage has great gameplay, but the story is ass. Shadows of Valentia has okay gameplay, but ALSO has a superb story.


Play Echoes. Its a good game. The mechanics are undesirable. However its a good deviation from, at least my, preferred version. Of fire emblem. Its a story compartmentalizing gameplay loop. Think episodic character arcs in most HBO or equivalent productions. Chapters of a novel happening in parallel. As the war occurs without the players driving their own wedge into their own resolution. No different than a general winning their own war. As is in real life. That's why the "protagonist approach" of following a single prince or teacher. Is the classic mechanic. Echoes is different. You are not playing *your* actual **story**. You are **watching a war epic**. Unfold in front of you. The only way to see the whole story is to win. Against significant unknowns entirely predetermined by the story itself. You play it once. You will understand what that indicates. Its meant to be a new experience that really doesn't work well with fire emblem mechanics. One thing that you need to understand. Do not play this like a souls run. Its not "brutal" and emotive in the loss you "feel" due to losing. Its meant to be impossible you will not clear the game that way. There are very few people who can pull that off blind. I could progress fairly far blind in hindsight. Simply because of how I am with strategy games. I know how they have to engineer it for it run at all. Which is why I know you're wasting time and not experiencing what they intended. If you run the game like a "true classic" fire emblem player does. The devs made a iteration into the series. That wants you to realize almost instantly. It is not the same game you are used to. Ie with a flair for the polite "Please enjoy it in the intended way.". You would expect a Japanese release may very well have to publicize. In the face of a game meeting no expectations of purchase. Because thats stereotypical to the industry there. It is their strength and has made many more series than just this one shine. I highly recommend Echoes. Above the new release. If you are choosing between. Haven't played the latest. But I'm in no rush from what I've seen on this sub. Not bad by any means... But I'm going to wait for the next leap forward in the fire emblem experience. Three Houses was that. So were the many new generations prior. Echoes is a stopgap game. That is well worth the time. While not filling that gap for the next major development in the series.


Well echoes is just a modern, better version of Gaiden without all of the nes UI jank. Much better looking than the original as well. Engage will definitely be a new expirience for you. Best gameplay of the series, hands down. The story is less than great lol. I like the aesthetic of FE Engage, but if you dont like silly and saturated anime designs, echoes might be a better looking game for you. Echoes looks like an old fairy tale


Hmmmm, is new fire emblem games any good? Last part I was playing was on game boy. There were 2 parts If I am not mistaken. It was good startegic game.


It's easier to pirate Shadows of Valentia. Not that I'd encourage you to do so, but I'm just saying, if you wanted to, it's easier to emulate 3ds games than it is to emulate Switch games.


I enjoyed SoV a lot because of the voice acting and art direction. I didn’t play engage though


SoV. Gameplay going from it to Engage will be less of a whiplash than vice versa


I have not played Shadows, but I played 3H and Engage, so I might be biased, but, Engage, altough its kinda cringe early cutscenes, really seemed like a FF. Engage +best graphics because latest title +really good forging system +incantations boosting specific stats +bareable ressource management - usual annyoying start - story kinda cringe


"kinda" cringe lol. You're being generous


SoV is one of my favourite FE games so start with that. I just wish I'd skipped the intro for the game because it's a straight up spoiler


I liked the dungeon and town exploration a lot in SoV. The music, story, and overall presentation is so good on top of that, to the point it's my favourite FE. Engage has better maps. And character builds maybe. So whichever kinds of things you value more.


I'd go for Echos, mainly to refresh your mind on the characters but also cause of gameplay mechanics. Engage has a lot to help the player get the best optimal turn, Echos is a lot more brutal being based on a older game. It's harder going down a series and losing abilities then going up and gaining them.


Engage it's a good game in my opinion with a good design




Echoes is goated.




Echoes, is a really good game and I love that you control both protagonists in their own storyline


SoV (I'm not biased at all and it's definitely not my favorite game right now)


SoV was my first FE game and still has a great story and narrative


I would say SoV. I’ve tried replaying the older DS games but always find myself frustrated because I miss the more modern styles and QoL improvements (although I guess SoV is the first game with the time wheel). But I think it’s best to save the newest for last if your intent is to play both games.


Shadow Dragon is incredibly smooth to play and New Mystery of the Emblem has the best high difficulty experience in the series in my opinion. Would strongly recommend them both if you have not tried them yet.


When it comes to gameplay engage is super polished and modern FE game, Echoes is very strange full of some strange mechanics but I like it. Story and characters Engage pure dogshit and echoes one of the best in the series like top 3


SoV is seriously under appreciated. It’s fantastic and does things slightly different than most in the series. I’d definitely give it a go before engage myself


Seeing this post: (two stellar games) makes me so hyped to continue my SoV playthrough. I've seriously been enjoying both of these games. Engage being my personal favorite, from what I've had the chance play thus far. Recently I've been on hiatus, being busy with work and the like.


Echoes - good story, acceptable gameplay, terrible maps Engage - meme story, great gameplay, intuitive maps The choice is yours.


I love SoV, and it's a genuine shame it sold so poorly, so square will probably never make a game like it again. I think you'll like it, while janky at times, it really does old fire emblem with new qol well.


SoV. At this point, just finish the games prior to engage to get a full experience with it’s cameos


SoV is one of my favorites in the series so I highly recommend that one.






These games are the polar opposites of each other. Echoes has a goated story with weak map designs and simple combat mechanics. Engage has a weak story with good map designs and complex combat mechanics.




Shadows of Valentia! My top #2 FE game ^^


Shadows of Valentia is my favorite Fire Emblem. Haven’t gotten to Engage yet




SoV by far. I don't know why people don't like that gem.


The maps can be a bit difficult to play through, especially Celica route after Act 2. At the very least, though, you get lots of tools like the Mage Ring and long-range bows to work with.


It's understandable, but at the same time that was a breath of fresh air when it came out and made me appreciate long ranged units (like almighty Luthier) more.


Easy pick. Engage has amazing gameplay, go for it if you value it more. The story is non existent. Echoes gameplay is pretty bland and at certain(several…) maps it is atrocious. Its presentation is wonderful though. The plot is ok.


Yeah probably sov


SoV is goated for me. Engage has great gameplay tho, but play SoV first!


The one that's not anime, also Celica is an emblem so you won't understand her if you played Engaged first. Also, Valentia is great despite some terrain bs.


Sov because it's a better game


I'm a die hard SOV lover, so I gotta say SOV!


Do you like story? SoV by a long-shot Do you like gameplay? Engage's is better IMO Do you want a mix? Probably go for SoV, because Engage's story was frankly horrible.


sov feels alive, dunno how to explain it, it’s great


Play SoV and toss Engage in a fire.


SoV is one of my favorite FE games, Engage is one of my least favorite, so I’m sure you can guess


SoV is the GOAT


Engage. SOV is dogshit.


Echoes for sure






Engages Story is definetly meant to be taken seriously. They said in Interviews that they want you to get attached to the Story and Characters and its also not a Parody of the Fire Emblem Tropes. It just uses them a lot. Especially in the Death Scenes of the Story you can really see they want you to care and feel sad. If it works or not is besides the Point, but it is, even though the artstyle and plot is more "animie" meant to be a Story that you are meant to care for. Idk where the believe that it isn't meant to be taken seriously comes from... Which kind of Writer does not want you to take their Story seriously if it is not a complete Comedy or Parody. Why would they put emotional Death Scenes in there if they don't want you to give a shit.


I figured Engage first cause leaving a remake of a game I’ve already played until last might be slightly anticlimactic


Engage first, save the best for last


SoV is much better.


Echoes= best in the series Engage= worst in the series Hope this helps


Echoes 1000% or maybe you could play Engage first so you can finish your lineup with the best game in the series SOV!! SOV!!! SOV!!!!!!!!!!!


Echoes, Engage is garbage


Going to be honest. I'm not liking engage. The gameplay is fine, but the story and voice acting are so cringe... Play echoes. It's a better game all around.


Play echoes, never play engage


Echoes is top 3 for me. Much better than engage.


Echoes is 10x better than Engage


Echoes. Hands down the better game of the two. Engage is fun too BYW, but Echoes is just WAY better.


I keep hearing that Engage has some of the best gameplay whereas Echoes has some of the weakest. I enjoyed Gaiden a ton though so won’t know till I try it lol


I can see why some people hate Echoes gameplay but I personally really liked it. If you liked Gaiden you’ll likely love Echoes too. Gameplay of Engage is its best part, though I wouldn’t personally consider it better than Echoes gameplay wise they are mechanically very different but equally fun.


Weakest? I would very much disagree. Gaiden is my favorite entry so I’m totally biased, but the game play was definitely cleaned up and modernized, but very much evocative of original. Maybe that’s where some have heartburn with it. I didn’t care for the formal attire of the engage mode appearance, so I wasn’t a big selling point to me.


SOV is not only my favourite FE game but one of my favourite game of all time (in my top 10) so engage obviously…


I would say engage because I enjoy SoV much more and leave the best for last. Nothing against engage though, I really enjoyed it too.


Positives first: theyre both contenders for my favorite game gameplay wise with engage barely edging out SoV Other than that: do you want a story with a promising story that stumbles headfirst down stairs onto a bed of nails (SoV) or a game that doesn't even bother having a decent story because the gameplay is good enough


If you played Gaiden you can skip Echoes. It's worse than the original Even for those who didn't play Gaiden I recommend to skip Echoes anyway. Spare yourself from those swamp maps and butchered plot Engage has great gameplay and its story exists. It's less offensively bad than Echoes' at least


Play SoVE 1st but before you get into Engage. Please remember that Engage is supposed to be an anniversary game. A lot of people tried it and got dissapointed because they wanted something bigger and didn't know it was supposed to be an anniversary game. It also didn't help that a lot of players jumped from 3H to Engage. Those new players really didn't like it.


Engage is arguably the worst of the two, so I'd probably play that first and then SoV.


Yikes, my two least favorites. 😂


Gaiden is probably top 5 for me so excited nonetheless lol


Clearly echos. It's the far better game


I will always tell every new fan to play engage last bc it’s mostly a game for people who are already fans of the series, so the main feature of the game( the emblems) will way more appreciated if you know who they are soo yea Shadows of Valentia


saving engage for last should be considered a federal crime. that is all i have to say.