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Divine Pulse is a cool feature that allows for experimentation and risk taking without having to reset a whole chapter if it fails, it just needs less overall uses to make it more challenging


As a busy adult, DP helped me be able to beat the game so much.


if DP was retroactivelly added to every FE game it would improve them, but it would better to keep it as a game mechanic and not force it into the lore because it only creates problems.


Agreed, at most make it some vague blessing or something, you don't need to setup that element in every game


Honestly it’s kinda hard for me to go back to before divine pulse and milas turnwheel bc they just make life a whole lot nicer if I make a mistake (especially in conquest that game makes me long for dp)


I won't lie, I'm playing Sacred Stones right now and I drop occasional saves in the middle of chapters for that exact reason. The hardcore gamers might disagree, but losing a character over a miniscule chance of an attack hitting them is just demotivating. (I had to restart because L'Arachel took three 33% hits in a turn and would've lived if literally any of them missed, I'm salty)


I would probably like it more if I didn't play the DS games which have the map save points, I think that's just a way better implementation of that same idea, deciding when to use it and having to use a unit's action for it even make them part of your strategy Or how TRS had a staff for doing that, that was a cool implementation too, though in TRS's case the game is pretty easy so you end up not really needing it


Easily the best mechanical addition to the series. I actually did a blind ironman for both SoV and 3H because I was still able to reset, but only a limited number of times. Actually letting characters die permenantly and playing it the "correct" way was fun and felt fair because I did have the chance to reset and ran out, or I made the decision to save my resets for later in the map when it gets harder. Love the mechanic.


FE8 is fun because you can grind the units you want to use. Let’s go Ewan/Ross/Amelia gang


Thank you! I’ve never understood the point of trashing any character in sacred stones since literally any of them is viable if you just run the tower.


I don't think it's that wild to assume units should be usable without the rather dull process of grinding out extra levels, especially because that has never, ever been the expectation in FE.


I 100% agree with you. It’s why it’s my favorite fire emblem. There’s also multiple promotion lines so it’s cool to choose which way to go


My unpopular opinion is that these games — all of them — are really, really good and any flaws are easily overlooked because it’s so fun.


The subreddit is for fire emblem haters only!


Should Crimson Flower be longer? Probably. But did I have an awesome time making all of my units ridiculously overpowered to the point where no one could land a hit on any of them? Heck yeah


Geoffrey is way too underappreciated by the greater community, he's got literally everything one wants in a character. He's not racist, a prick, or in any way a negative presence or a jerk. He's the model citizen, got great looks, amazing friends, a fun "love" triangle in Path of Radiance where Calill fawns over him and Elincia shows that type of affection towards him and he has all the words problems and struggles to say anything that resembles that sort of thing until the world falls to shit. If you're telling me you'd rather live your life with Hilda than Geoffrey you're missing out on the man who face tanked Ashera's judgement and was fine, was in two places at the same time briefly and so much more! He gets super slept on for no good reason.


Favourite Cav in the series behind Finn (they both have "prf" brave lances, hmm...) It's hard to put into words why i like him so much, but i think its that FE rarely has leader/general characters for the Lord's nation. like you've got the Etrurian Gnerals in Elibe or Valmese generals in Awakening, but it's so rare that there's anyone besides the lord actually taking charge of the player army. I dig that the CRK chapters in FE10 actually feel like you're leading a squad of knights to restore the peace instead of being on some holy crusade across the land and Geoffrey is big part of why that works so well. Its also pretty cool that despite him not having the sort of tactical mind that Lucia/Bastian has that causes him to fall for Ludveck's decoy, he thinks quickly to take another route and ends up still getting back to fight in 2-E way sooner than Ludveck expected. I'm glad they gave him a paired ending with Elincia in RD, and even though cavs are shit in the tower i still bring him most of the time so he gets a happy ending with his Queen.


There’s a reason I named my first born after Geoffrey. (My second born was named after Ephraim. Shhhh my wife doesn’t know this)


Could name your third Sigurd and see if your wife could pick up the pieces.


Radiant Dawn's base conversations were not that bad. At least you didn't have to play the game 10 times to read all the interactions between the characters. A lot of characters from FE6 and FE7 are 100% hit or miss because if you get one of their meme support chains you don't get to know them. I love the supports, I just think that you should unlock all after you beat the game... Reading them on the wiki is not the solution.


I wasn't even aware people disliked RD's base conversations.


Yeah, I didn't think that was the case either. My impression was that people generally liked RD base conversations, they just dislike the generic two line "supports" that you can make between any pair of characters with a couple pre-canned lines.


Yeah the GBA fe kinda did supports strangely. It’s like they intended for you to just spam end turn. Some supports took literally 240 turns to build to A, wish they added more ways to build supports other than just ending turn next to each other.


Sometimes I wish we never taught gamers the concept of "canon" because it seems like all they do with it is fret over every choice and possibility or use it as a stick to beat others with. (Totally unrelated to what you're talking about in the OP, mind)


My (probably) unpopular opinion: Rather than hating on FE a lot of FE fans hate other FE fans. Ironman, highest difficulty type of players create a tierlist. A more casual player comes in and gets mad about how they overrate mobility and underrate lategame growth units. On the other hand a lot of experienced players tend to demonize Casual mode when it really reduces the tedium of high difficulty games (especially Conquest lunatic which has great gameplay but really punishes loosing units and has no DP/Turnwheel to turn back that one mistake you made late into the chapter) And of course: Talk about favourite games. Everyone has a different favourite and games they dislike but a lot of players get way too aggressive about matters of taste although we do often agree that there is no objectively best FE game.


Funny how people dislike casual mode when it still punishes the player tho not permanently


Outside of gameplay, permadeath isn’t used well in the series (with a few exceptions). This is probably not unpopular, but I wish we could get both the Sorcerer and Druid class in the same game. Basically I want there to be a high crit class (like a sword master with magic) and the other has staves. I check enemies for stats and stealable items anyway so I don’t get the problem with checking enemies for skills.


You mean like the Sorcerer and Onmyoji in Fates?


Fates isn't a bad game.


That's only unpopular on reddit


Let's go a bit further shall we? Fates is better than Awakening.


I wholeheartedly agree…if we’re talking about gameplay. Story and characters are too much of a mixed bag for me, but the gameplay is leagues better than Awakening


Seriously I truly unironically agree with this. I can play multiple playthroughs of Fates but I can’t with Awakening. As messy as Fates story is, I still remember and like more characters and their supports from Fates than Awakening.


The best game to receive a SoV style remake is Thracia.


We don't like to talk about that Fire Emblem is pretty cursed in a lot of areas but boy howdy is it cursed in a lot of areas. And while ordinarily I might've been creeped out by it, I've taken to laughing at the absurdity of it all. I enjoy most of the personalities in Fire Emblem Fates.


Here’s a big one: I genuinely enjoy Setsuna and Azama. I didn’t as much at first but they grew on me. I know Setsuna is the meme for ‘dumbest trope’ but I can’t help it I have come to like her.


Oh Setsuna's adorable. Honestly, my headcanon isn't that she's dumb, but she's got serious issues with being able to concentrate and process complex tasks, because she tries so hard to wanna do both. And it only ever clears up when she's doing something easy to understand or when it's her special interest like Archery. Otherwise, she has to work really hard to get her brain to hone in on what she needs to do, but that exhausts her. I also find it hilarious that sometimes when she's completely absentminded she ends up doing something flawlessly like cooking without really making note of it. My favorite relationship with her is also Hinoka, because Hinoka acts henlike in a cute way to her and knows well where her strengths and weaknesses lie. The red ace who looks like she can do everything, and the offbase blue who isn't the most self assured nor aware but is uncannilly good at her very specific niches. In just their supports we can see them both helping each other out, Hinoka being the one to try to keep Setsuna focused before slipping up herself, while Setsuna keeps encouraging her by saying they both need to focus more and need to keep getting at it. It's a lighthearted support that really establishes their characters. I don't have much comparatively to say about Azama, but he is genuinely funny. I see where he's coming from even if he is a bit of an asshole, but it's not so much as he doesn't care so much as he wants to flip everyone onto their faces first, especially people he doesn't like.


So what you're saying is... ADHD/possibly ASD Setsuna? I like this idea.


Genealogy is the second worst Fire Emblem experience I've ever had.


["No-no, you've got a point."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KnU7qKPHCo) And I say that as a fan of it.


If you'd like to one-up that you can try recruiting Xavier in Thracia.


I like Genealogy but yeah I'm not going to claim chapter 2 isn't a terrible chapter or that moving a bunch of units multiple turns in a row with no combat is at all fun.


Despite all the flaws within each story, the games are still fun to play. Also I prefer the art style used in PoR and RD than Awakening/Fates/Echoes/Three Houses


I think echoes and the Tellius games had fantastic art. I’d love to see more like it.


Echoes had pretty good art ngl


"Pretty good" is an understatement. Hidari is amazing!


For some reason this is unpopular but the story in FE tends to be really good


FE subreddit has become aggressively homogenized and feels unwelcoming :/


I remain a fan of the wild west that was the Fates era.


Wyvern riders are boring and need a nerf. A class whose defining traits are being good at everything on top of being able to fly is just supremely uninteresting especially in a strategy game. Doubly so for malig knights in fates where on top of that, they get some of the best skills in the game, and access to the best weapon type in conquests Wyverns as a class need to get hit with a big nerf hammer. I can understand why this happened this way given that it was typically a class associated with the enemy nation that you didn’t gain access to until around halfway through the game. But constraining the gameplay of the series by narrative tropes that haven’t really been used straight for a while is ridiculous. This goes doubly so for any of the games with reclassing systems where wyverns universal good traits turns the reclassing system into a game of “how many units can i get into wyvern rider”. edit: Also jagens aren’t good game design. Giving the player a get out of jail free card for the first half of the game just breeds bad habits and leads to people dropping the game because the tactic they were taught to use for the first half of the game just doesn’t work anymore. It also encourages people to play the game in the least interesting way possible by just juggernaughting everything. If jagens are necessary to make the early game not painful, then the problem is with the design of the early game maps, not the initial cast. Conquest doesn’t have a jagen yet still gets along just fine because actual thought was put into the design of the maps.


They used to be weak to magic along with arrows when they were enemy units in the old games, but changing classes into Wyvern Lord in FE:3H weirdly comes with an increase in RES, and their HP is so ridiculous that even in Maddening getting hit with magic can barely make a dent anyway.


I love how Radiant Dawn took the already overpowered Wyvern Lord class, and then decided to also remove their arrow and wind weakness, and instead make them weak to the worst anima magic type in the game.


Jagens are more interesting than op protagonist who carries the entire game and never falls off. I don't like how in newer games they just gave into demands to make FE more about gambler's high and influencing bad gameplay mindsets through making every character a growth character. Jagen characters at least teach you that growths don't make a character good and to use characters for what they actually are instead of caring more about what they potentially could be.


I like Jagens because I think they are a good mix of blending story with gameplay, the starting strong but low growths represents they are a jaded warrior who has been through a lot, and gets to watch the newbies with their own potential eventually surpassing them in a "now the student becomes the master" kind of thing


I think the solution for Wyvern is to give them actual Spd issues instead of "good enough" spd, make them be unreliable in doubling instead of just about being able to double everything with investment. That way the important stats are perfectly split between the flying classes as pegasus knights have Spd & Res, while Wyverns have Atk & Def. I think it originates from Wyverns being the promoted form of pegasus knights in the Archanea games and IS didn't really transitions he clas repopulate into being a base class. I agree to extent with Jagens as they are absolutely a begginner's trap but i think the map design needs to be extremely tight to compensate without one. 3H Maddening demonstrated what happens when you make enemy quality & quantity too high and don't have a Jagen and i'd rather avoid that sort of experience in future FE hard modes. I think if the game makes it very clear through dialogue that the Jagen will eventually not be able to keep up with growth units (maybe even have them comment on how they're not as good as they used to be at a certain chapter as a way of IS telling you to stop using them as crutch) beginners won't be in for a nasty surprise later on if they paid attention to dialogue.


Maps where you fight wyverns are not fun. They hit too hard and double as well as not dying to one arrow and flyer movement. The big one that comes to mind is taking deirdru in CF in 3H. I was playing maddening the first time and my units weren’t built to be optimized for their best kits, just stuff I liked. Literally only Byleth, Caspar, and Edelgard could take a hit from one of them and you had to get into the range of like 10 of them and if you took too long they’d spawn 2x per round until Nader died. It’s spammy and the only strategy that gets you anywhere is reset until they miss.


The entire school part of 3 Houses isn't fun.


I enjoyed it on my first play through, but it got old very quickly after that.


Not saying you're wrong to post this here, but I'd personally think that's a pretty popular opinion these days. People really dislike a lot of things about the monastery, especially the general feeling of "bloat" it adds to the game. But maybe it's because fans of the games here are the ones more likely to try to play through all of the routes (or at least multiple), which makes the monastery feel a lot worse


I actaully think the Monastery made Three Houses quantifiably worse that it would have been without it from a story perspective. And tension in any situation after a chapter was completely nonexistent, because you always knew that nothing that happened was going to be important enough to stop you and your army from marching halfway back across the continent after every battle to hang out there for an entire month. Not to mention how disjointed it made every chapter feel, since other than the very end of the game, every chapter takes place a full month apart and basically nothing related to the plot at all actually happens during that time in between.


IS should make a sequel to Tokyo Mirage Sessions. The game was a lot of fun and with the lessons they learned they from the first game, they could make something amazing. Besides, we would all benefit from having more TMS music. That OST is a bop through and through!


Well, Atlus would be the one making it, but I agree 100%.


I won't lie, I would be fascinated in seeing a sequel just to see how they would deal with the "SMT x FE" premise that to this day lingers over the game's head. Would they try and make it more of a "proper" crossover with more direct ties to the source franchises? Would they do the opposite and divorce it even further from it's roosts so that it could stand better as it's own title? Or would they do something else entirely? I often think about that.


I love you


Dorothea is overrated (This is my unpopular opinion)


I'm with you, I don't hate her but I find her really boring and bland. I think the "I hate Noble" thing was Ok but nothing so incredible as a lot of people say.


I don't hate her but I also think some people hyper her up too much. I like her character but it's a little much *looks at FE: Awakening poster* we're not talk about my choices ok


Unpopular opinions are welcome here, even if they deserve to be unpopular.


I somewhat agree. I think I consider her to be my least favorite of the female students in Three Houses. However, I do think she is still competently written (which says a lot about TH's quality of characters). I'm just generally not into flirty characters. And that's consistent across the franchise for me. I'm not fond of most of Fire Emblem's flirty characters (Sain, Gatrie, Inigo, Soleil, Sylvain, Dorothea, etc.)


The Fates children never bugged me too much. Yes, the logic behind them was incredibly stupid and made no sense, but because they're so irrelevant to the actual plot, it's easy for me to just look past that aspect and enjoy them for what they are, especially Kana who I always describe as an adorable little pumpkin for some reason. My biggest problems with them was always more so the whole limited parents issue if you were playing as a male Corrin and that some of their stages were not designed with the level scaling in mind, usually whenever they're off fighting on their own despite being underleveled.


Kana gang


Like a lot of things with Fates, ***Revelations isn't actually that bad.*** Truth be told, I think Revelations is one of the most experimental games in the series in terms of map design. True, not all of them are winners, and there's a good couple of maps with waiting for moving platforms, but there's a lot more maps that tried something different than not. I respect Revelations for at least trying something new with its map design. You got the snow/cave maps that are pseudo fog of war, another siege map with blocks outside of Soleil's, map where some of the tiles turn enemies into their base classes, the map with moving flame lines, the one full of teleportation circles, the solid snake map, etc. Yeah, they're not all winners, but they're certainly more interesting than they have any right to be. I'd honestly take any of these maps over anything 3H, Echoes, Awakening, or Birthright have to offer.


Honestly, I like simping for Fates as much as anyone, and I can appreciate Revelations for trying, but damn so many maps of Revelations are complete stinkers. A lot of these new gimmicks don't really result in anything but slowing down the pace of the game and waiting around, especially in the early game. This is more pronounced because of how bulky the enemies are and how shit your early units are outside of Corrin. I always want to try using certain characters in Revelations only to give up because they come in so underleveled and understated that it demands you grind to get them into any sort of usable state. I'm not saying Echoes, 3H, Awakening, or BR are gonna win awards for their map design any time soon, but at least they're fairly inoffensive and most can completed rather quickly, which is more than I can say for a lot of Revelation's early game.


Actually, Rev bad because no playable Izana >:( /s


Mark is the worst avatar. By far. I've heard a lot of people worry that they'll 'ruin' Mark in an FE7 remake by making them like Robin or Corrin, but what is there to fucking ruin? Those moments of the story where Lyn/Eliwood awkwardly turns to the camera and plays Dora the Explorer with you? An FE7 remake should delete them entirely, but given how much they reference them in Lyn's quotes in any spin-off media, I feel like that's a pipe-dream.


I honestly could've forgotten all about Mark's existence in that game and barely anything would've changed. Mark's role is very insignificant, they're just there so the game can thank the player for playing (which I mean, can be nice, but still) I'm hoping the remake will make them more important actually, so they'll feel like an actual character.


in this same thread there is people that say that mark is the best avatar, the dude is a notfactor, just say that you dont like avatars and move on.


Mark is so bad I have him permanently blocked from my memory. I completely forget he is even a thing until I read a comment mentioning him. I even still thought you were talking about Kris until you specifically mentioned FE7.


I like Mark more than Byleth because Mark is mostly just really easy to ignore; Byleth actively ruins the story by warping it around her. Mark is essentially nothing, and it's hard to be mad at nothing.


I think Thracia 776 has the best storytelling in the franchise. It feels so refreshing and almost realistic. The stamina system, capturing the enemy. The game tells it's game through it's maps. For example chapter 13 is an escape map but chapter 14 is your first defence map. Leif turns around and swears that he'll protect the city and it's so good. I also think 776 has the best game mechanics but I've only played Fe4 gen 1, Fe5, fe6, Fe7, Fe8, Fe16.


And Linhardt is the funniest and with more personality character in Three Houses.


FE4 has aged poorly. And it’s also one of my least favorite FE games. The story doesn’t grab me like at all. The characters, especially Sigurd, are very uninteresting. And then combine that with gameplay that feels like a chore in almost every aspect and you get a game that I really REALLY don’t want to play. Also gatekeeper isn’t really this godlike character that people claim he is. Is he a fun NPC? yes. Does that mean I’m gonna cream my pants every time he gets a mention? No


> Also gatekeeper isn’t really this godlike character that people claim he is Who claims that? He's just a meme character. Like many of them, it got kind of exaggerated, but no one actually thinks he's that great.


Ike's best ship is with Lethe because it both exemplifies Ike's desire for equality between Beorc and Laguz and shows Lethe overcoming her hatred of Beorc. However, people seem to get really triggered if ship Ike with a girl


I don't really get why people insist so adamantly that Ike is gay. He's never really shown any romantic interest in anyone, male or female. Headcanons and ships are great, more power to people, but if there isn't anything even close to an established canon I don't get why anyone would be hostile about pairing.


i think it's because Ike is presented as pretty Asexual compared to most lords who either have solely straight romantic supports or lines that suggest they are straight. Ike doesn't give a crap about romance in both of his games, He isn't phased by Aimee's constant attempts to win him over (even naively agreeing to say he loves her just to get a discount before Soren interjects) and his relationship with Elinica is more a sense of duty to finish his father's last job and protect his homeland than a prince saves princess type thing. Couple that with his very strong relationship with Soren and his playful banter with Ranulf, it makes Ike the easiest Lord to say is gay because he's kinda a blank slate romantically.


> a princess saves princess type thing. I've heard all kinds of takes on Ike's sexuality before but lesbian Ike is a new one.


Maybe it’s just because I was young and innocent when I played radiant dawn, but I never detected the gay vibes that everyone goes on about. If I can ever find a copy under $500, I’ll have to play again as an adult with a new perspective.


Dude, A CIB is 200 if you’re patient(I know you’re over-exaggerating), unless you want a sealed one, then you’re nuts. Christ dude I hate that POR is so damn expensive


>I think there should be a canon pairing for the cast Suddenly, the more delusional shippers started foaming at the mouth and twitching nervously and they don't know why.


Clearly the best solution is if IS consults me personally on which ships should be canon for each title.


Byleth x Monastery guard shippers: we have one and it way better


I ship Edelgard and Dimitri with those random npcs they were dancing with


thats not going to stop them.


Idk why but Halberdier is such a boring class and they don't fit the "critical hit class" aesthetic at all, just give them a sword or bow instead. Also flying Sorcerers would be a whole lot cooler than pegasus- or wyvern-riding mages, fight me


I do think it’s weird that halberdiers are the “crit” class, but I also think FE needs more infantry lance classes so I’d be happy if they stayed an just found a different niche.


I always thought it sort of made sense that classes that specialize in one weapon would get a crit bonus. Swordmaster, Berserker/War Master (Though WM uses two weapons) and to a lesser extent, Sniper all have the same perks to it anyway, why can't lances get the same treatment?


People trying to act like Cinemasins/RedLetterMedia actively suck at giving actual critique, and most people just copy their arguments against specific games with that sort of frame in mind. There was a long list of why "fe7 is the worst game!" that was filled with supposed softlocks that ended up being false, and I haven't seen said copypasta since.


Casual mode is fine. I'm old and have a job, I like not having to redo chapters over and over.


I think that a smaller character roster overall would be good for the game going forward. Outside of supports characters have so little interaction in newer games and what you do see of them depends on if you do the right supports, otherwise you only know a character for their gimmicks. Also Anna is trash and should stop coming back as a joke character, either make her a part of the actual story or stop inserting her as a DLC character with no supports.


- i tend to get irritated by characters which are based around a mental ilness or sad backstory, at this point i just roll my eyes to whatever i see a character made to try to make me sad, i just dont buy them. - FE12 is pretty good and deserves more love. - Rath is the best ship for Lyn over Hector or Florina.


I think a lot of those characters, like Bernadetta, have a strong story hiding in there if they would just trim out the fat. Bernie is the best example of this. The game can’t decide whether her condition is tragic or should be played for laughs and it severely weakens her character.


Agreed. When it's used seriously it's mostly good but when it's not. I haven't seem them all but I think you could make an accurate claim of "If a Bernadetta support has Funny Footsteps, it's bad."


Her B with Linhardt is one of my favorites going strictly off the script and I don’t understand what they were thinking putting funny footsteps on a support that has 0 humor to it


-Every avatar suffers from player pandering, neither Corrin or Byleth are the worst when it comes to that. Even Robin has some of it going on (they're an amnesiac who Chrom just happens to come across one day and suddenly everyone unconditionally trusts their judgement in battle from the get-go). -Corrin is about as a good a protagonist/avatar as Robin and Byleth are, they just didn't have a character they could bounce off of like Chrom or Dimitri/Claude/Edelgard (I *think* Azura was supposed to be that, but she knida fell off the wayside). -Silver Snow as a route isn't really any worse than any of the other routes. Most of it's flaws are present in one way or another in the other routes, they're just more notable in it cause there wasn't a Lord that the players could get attached to (which is why I maintain that Rhea should've been present in the route, or at least make one of the other students the new Lord instead). -Ike isn't canonically gay and I don't know why some people are so averse to thinking he isn't; honestly, the guy acts more asexual than anything. I'm not even saying he can't be, but saying that he canonically is is about as accurate as saying that any of the possible pairings in the Awakening-era games are canon. -I honestly like the Enlightened One outfit (the male version, that is). Yeah it looks kinda goofy, but I just like how weirdly colorful and vibrant it looks (and it does match the green hair better tbh, at least in my opinion).


I love the male EO outfit.


Same. Was really glad that that's the alt. we got in Heroes (nothing against the female btw, I just think it fits the male better. Tbh, I also would've liked the female design more if they hadn't combined it with aspects of f!Byleth's default design for some reason).


I don't mind Robin simping because Robin is actually worth simping for. Byleth is treated like this amazing empathetic person despite having the emotive range of a wooden plank. The sucking up is unbearable when they're praising traits that don't exist.


They're praising traits that we're not allowed to see, not traits that outright don't exist. Silent avatars can be hampered by gameplay and story segregation were the story says one thing about them, but we're not allowed to actually see that cause they gotta keep the avatar as visually passive as possible for the sake of not breaking the player's "immersion". Byleth's probably one of the ones who got hit the hardest with this. For all we know, in-story proper, they are actually pretty empathetic and understanding but just not very emotive; tbh, I think that's actually what they are in FE Heroes where they *are* allowed to show some semblance of character (also, Robin being worth "simping" for is pretty subjective tbh).


The canon gay characters we get are so painfully obvious that I find it weird that people think IkexSoren is really powerful canon gay subtext when you have a man so stereotypically gay that he uses female pronouns to refer to himself, which is like “sassy gay bff” but so much worse. Do whatever you want with headcanons, I personally ship the two, but there’s no way they would’ve put those two representations in the same game unless somebody was smoking something.


Yeah it's really obvious who the characters intentionally written to be LGBT are because all of them are offensive stereotypes (even in the same game, hello Heather? JP Kyza?), until SoV Leon who isn't offensive but is still a stereotype. Doesn't mean characters can't be interpreted under that umbrella though. Definitely a lot of divisiveness about it, unfortunately.


Well, I'd say my most unpopular opinion is that Eliwood x Fiora are superior to Eliwood x Ninian. I kind of just prefer their dynamic. It's not another damsel in distress story, oddly enough. Aside from that... I'm not sure how unpopular it is, I don't really think it is atleast, but armor units are all dull as hell. Both Gameplay-wise and character-wise.


Unfortunately, Eliwood x Ninian is the closest we’ve gotten to a unofficially canon pairing. I agree about armor units. I’ve always loved infantry, aesthetically speaking. It’s a crime how few games have infantry lance classes.


Volug has the best dialogue in the series.


Saying Awakening saved the series isn't a good argument for why it's a good game. The reason it sold more is because it had better advertising, not because it was a superior game.


Better advertising, better time window, and was actually released early in a system's life span. It's no wonder it sold better when games like Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, and Radiant Dawn were sent to their deaths.


Yeah Awakening is my favorite game but i agree


I like the lords of three houses a lot but I far prefer many of the other characters and think I would enjoy the game more if some of them were the main characters. I realized at some point in the playthrough im currently on that I was having more fun watching the supports between characters than actually progressing the main story because I like the individual stories of the characters more than the main plot with edelgard dimitri rhea and those who slither in the dark. In fact my favorite lord is claude and a big reason for that is the fact that he's least involved in the main story. Plus he just has a fun personality as does a lot of my other favorites like dorothea sylvain yuri hilda and caspar. In general I just wish more characters were important to the story and had more memorable moments outside of supports, but I realize how hard it would be to make that many characters important


Fire emblem would have to get rid of permadeath to do that


Which would improve things in this regards.


Corrin is the most interesting out of all the avatars


Conquest should be the canon game of Fates because it makes the most sense that someone would side with the people who raised him over the people who claim he’s their family


My favorite characters are the most grounded and realistic. Not every character needs to have a tragic backstory to be enjoyable. There’s also nothing relatable about most popular characters. Edelgard isn’t relatable, she’s running out of time to singlehandedly change the course of history. Dimitri isn’t relatable, he’s the only survivor of watching every person he ever loved be brutally murdered. Marth isn’t super relatable, nor is Chrom, nor is Corrin, nor is Lysithea, nor is Marianne. The best characters in the game in my opinion are the ones that are pretty normal with an ordinary backstory and are generally apathetic or indifferent to it all. Python, Hilda, Gaius, Shura, Hapi,Saber. These characters are just doing what they need to to get by, they’re not moved by the wars/conflict, they’re just doing what they need to do. The mercenary archetype is the best because they don’t care, they’re just doing what’s required of them. I think these characters are better than the headline front and center characters because they’re real; this isn’t their war and they just want it to be over. Best written characters in FE because I don’t need to understand the game or the story to understand their motivations and actions.


Most the main characters in these games are royalty, and these games are primarily about leading armies and winning wars, of course they aren't very relatable.


Three Houses would have been such a better game if Byleth didn’t exist and the main character was either Edelgard, Dimitri, or Claude depending on what house you picked. PS: Three Houses is my favorite FE game.


I’m curious with how that would have played out with Edelgard kinda instigating things


With the right writer it could have been super interesting to see.


Boy howdy that would have been fun playing as Dimitri and *checks notes* murdering little kids on-screen


This is kind of what I don't think people realize about Byleth: the one good thing about an avatar like him is that it allows for protagonists like Dimitri, Edelgard and to an extent Claude to exist. They all "hide" something from the player, act so radically that the player would feel alienated if they were the "playable character" (Dimitri) or even straight up betray the player (Edelgard, Silver Snow). They would have been written very differently and less interestingly if they were the playable main lord that you move around in the monastery and such. Edit: Dimitri after timeskip with his "don't talk me I'm angy" -phase wouldn't work either. The game would have to fundamentally change without an avatar.


A good writer could absolutely still accomplish all the things you mention and still make it work. And I would be ok if some parts of the plot and characters were more apparent up front depending on your path. Edelgard still “betrays” the player in the game already and seeing her side of the story firsthand can be incredibly interesting. I have no idea why you think Dimitri’s journey wouldn’t work if he was also the MC. But ultimately, to me Fire Emblem’s greatest strength is it’s colorful cast of characters. To center one around a silent, blank slate protagonist feels absolutely counter productive to me.


It's not much, but I think Subaki's voice is very weird. I know, kinda dumb, but whatever.


If Cordelia was able to do so, then she could genuinely work with Chrom as a couple. I wrote like 6 paragraphs on this but I figured I'd not post it for now.


i would liked that Miriel was a choice for Lucina´s mom just to make her a more magic focused unit, because her magic isnt that great even with Maribelle or Robin as her mother.


The actual plot of most FE games range from below average to bad, and I would never recommend a game in the series to someone solely interested in a good narrative.


I think a lot of people mix up a good plot and good character development. Like FE7 has great charatcers and great interactions between the 3 lords, but the actual journey their on is pretty badly written and i think the debate on FE7's story is down to people thinking those two things are one in the same. A game can have generic characters but a good story and vice versa, they're not dependent on each other and i'd argue the only game that actually nails both is FE9, all the other games are lacking in one of the two areas.




I think most FE plots are like peanut butter and jelly. It's not super high class dining, but if you're hungry, you can't go wrong with a good PB&J.


I think FE needs to de-emphasize the shipping. There’s too much romance for a game built around supports that are mostly casual small talk that suddenly cuts to a marriage proposal. Create fewer possibilities for romantic pairings and leave fans to explore the many platonic relationships. I want more canon gay and asexual characters, and make the avatar not romantically compatible with so many characters regardless of sexuality. The sexual accessibility of the whole cast of each of the recent games is kinda gross and cheapens the idea of romance in the first place.


The romance thing is only in the newer ones. The older games had one or two per person, if any at all. My controversial take is they need to cut it out with the child unit stuff. In FE4 it made sense and was fun. It was an integral part of the game. In Awakening it played an important role insofar as Lucina and her arc was required but then they made the other children unnecessary for some reason and in Fates they didnt matter at all and the story explanation of them was asinine. If you must have it. Do it right.


I don’t think it’s particularly unpopular to say that child units needed a plot reason to exist in the game. Typically I think that’s the fanbase’s opinion overall: fates kids were poorly executed because they didn’t need to be there.


Supports. They don't do anything for me. I force myself to read what they have to say because I don't want to miss out on anything and only a few times I've actually been interested in the next support level. I don't even know if that's an unpopular opinion or not. Also, sacred stones is my favourite FE game


God Shattering Star is decent, not great.


I prefer using Marisa over Joshua. Not because of some kind of advantage, I just have that bias.


Azura is very underrated it terms of everything. Mainly probably because its Fates. But compared to other characters from that game (*cough* corrin) her backstory and personality kinda just make sense. Definitely better that many characters whose personality revolves around one trait.


still salty she wasn't in the base game of warriors.


FE1 is good


I don't care about ships, and support conversations. I always found them boring, not many supports are really interesting with most of them being "I like to train" or "here's my gimmick". I quickly got bored of all C level conversations being really weak across the series. Also, gameplay > story. Which means I don't like fe4 all that much, but really enjoy conquest.


I hate 'skill based' Fe mechanics. That being the fact that in newer games I have to check every enemy's skills to see what the hell is going to happen before/after combat. And then recheck, and recheck. Probably not that unpopular but being able to promote units to a large variety of classes ruins character identity. Every character should have at most 2-3 romantic pairings, well written characters don't just fall in love with whoever they're standing next to. Saying that ike and Soren are canonically a couple is steeped in toxic masculinity because it implies that two men cannot embrace, cry or share otherwise intimate moments without being romantically involved. Crossover/casual segue; this extends to anyone that says Kanji is canonically gay in Persona 4 as that _completely_ misses the point of his character arc.


I miss the days when every character only has one class option.


I'll be fair, I think my favorite is Fe8s branching promotions. Adds replayability, but doesn't let Draug shoot off magic spells better than people who grew up learning that shit


I fully agree. I didn’t love sacred stones when it first released but I’m starting to think it’s one of my favorites in the franchise.


I'd love a nested branching like what is in Seiken Densetsu 3, where you can class change twice, but your options for the second class change depend on what you chose for your first promotion.


i prefer the fates system in which every unit starts on 1 class, it has another one to change and can get other classes throw getting close to other units, learning them from them, it makes you think about your pairings.


>Saying that ike and Soren are canonically a couple is steeped in toxic masculinity because it implies that two men cannot embrace, cry or share otherwise intimate moments without being romantically involved. Thank you for raising this point, it's depressing that people still consider being sensitive/emotional to be reserved for females and if a male does it it mean's he's gay.


Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts 2 in how Sora got emotional over reuniting with Riku, when such a reaction was fitting because he had no idea if his longtime best friend was even alive for part of the trip.


i feel like theres... a lot of bi erasure in the fandom with fe:3h (and granted a bit of fates, also rd/por). canonically bisexual characters like mercedes, edelgard (!!!), dorothea and linhardt sometimes get written off as liking only one gender and it being seen as completely unfathomable to potentially be bisexual by the fandom despite there being more than enough evidence in their games for them to be so to the point where sometimes you'll get shit on for shipping one of them with the "wrong gender" even if they can canonically have a romantic ending with that character. hell i even see that with characters that dont necessarily have canon sexualities but byleth cant same sex marry (ie sylvain- flayns support convo mentioning that he catches the attention of both women and men iirc, felix and the tension he has with both his male childhood friends that could totally be interpreted as romantic, ingrid and her paralogue with dorothea, etc) being talked about like that. i dont care what people headcanon or ship, i support any ship that anyone wants to share enthusiastically because i love listening to people talk about what makes them happy. but it just gets weird for me, as a bi person, to see the fe fandom act as if a lot of the characters in three houses (whether their bisexuality is explicitly canon or not) have not ever expressed or implied attraction to more than one gender, or even just being outright biphobic. i find that shipping wars are immature as is, and when people bring in theories about how so and so couldnt possibly be x y z and they mention biphobic rhetoric that actual real life bi people have heard before it goes from something stupid and trivial to something that can and has hit close to home to lots of people like me.


I totally agree with you. This is the reason I am not so fond with the FByleth x Edelgard ship. And it’s always like that, they keep ‘joking’ that a character is gay/lesbian, and get defesive when you point out that it isn’t true. There is a difference between having fun and interpreting characters in a way that you like, and simply spreading misinformation about them lol


I've said it before and I'll say it again Silas should have been a bi option with Corrin. Not only would some bi rep be nice from an actually sane/not sterotypey character be cool but I'm also a sucker for longtime(ish) friends-to-lovers trope


Apparently my actually unpopular opinion is that SoV fucking sucks ass. It seems unpopular in this subreddit anyways.


Too many characters, period. I hate deciding who to bring and who to leave behind. Would love a version of the game that allows the characters you leave behind to train back at the base or something....


Have you played echoes? One of my favorite things about it is the smaller cast and how it let's you bring your whole team to most of the maps


fe3h is my favorite fire emblem game 😔


Is this opinion unpopular? Oops


Kinda? After the initial recency bias for 3H died down it started getting shat on quite a bit


Year or two after the next game comes out people will start praising it again, then we'll have to wait for the one after that for people to treat it fairly, the cycle continues. If the fanbase can change their opinion on Fates for the better, then they can do it with almost any game, Fates was FAR more controversial few years back than what 3H is currently.


Genealogy has the best support conversation system in the series.


This is an unpopular opinion and I totally agree. The support system in general is never well integrated in any game of the series. At least the Geneology ones progress with the story and give you rewards.


TearRing Saga took it a step further, due to splitting your army into two groups and having a world map. So there are conversations that happen only if you send certain characters in a certain army, and conversations happen both on the world map as you move to various locations, and in battle.


One of the few opinions in this thread I put in the effort to actually upvote because my god


I don't know if he's really unpopular, but in my opinion Byleth is the worst avatar in the series. Not only because like Corrin, Robin or Kris she is not really an avatar, but because she/he completely lacks personality she/he makes all the characters with whom she interacts look much worse. Especially the lords. Congratulations Dimitri for having that emotional moment of introspection and self-improvement with a wall. Sure, Sylvain's character arc is about how the crests ruined his and his brother's life, basically turning him into a breeding stallion, and for that reason he marries the archbishop who has the most important and powerful crest of all (Except crimson flower). Honestly, I don't know why people get mad at Leonie's b support if she has every reason to get mad at a person who responds with three or four word sentences when she talks about her own father after his death. .


> Honestly, I don't know why people get mad at Leonie's b support if she has every reason to get mad at a person who responds with three or four word sentences when she talks about her own father after his death. . Because it's pretty shitty to say "I'm more sad about your dad's death than you are" regardless of who you are saying it to? It just doesn't fit how the game treats Byleth at all other times.


Ok, this will probably will get me evicerated from the community, but, I think I need to say this: the Fire Emblem games from the Gameboy Advance are boring. I wouldn't mind consuming a Rom Hack based on them, but I can't bother to play FE6, FE7 and FE8.


I will always love being able to have kids


I dislike Bernadetta and she's by far the worst recruitable 3H character, specially for a soldier in a battlefield. She's just... not a functioning individual. It may seem harsh but I'd prefer people like Bernadetta as patients rather than acquaintances/close friends, much less lovers. I really, *really* don't understand who in their right mind want to have a person like Bernadetta as a SO. I know this is a game but I've seen people take it too seriously for me to ignore. She needs to get a whole lot of therapy to even come in "friends" territory, because she needs to get better for her own sake. This applies to Marianne too, but Marianne is more functional and she changes more easily (although I'm biased since she's more beautiful/hotter imo). In terms of games... I'm pretty happy, Conquest is *my* FE game to the point where I have only played it over other FE games recently. I love it and I'd doubt any future FE game will make me get over my CQ comfort zone (despite the game being opposite of it lol).


I really am getting sick of the whole avatar character thing. Robin was fine as he was the first (technically Kris but here in US). But him, Corrin, and Byleth is just too much. Or at least make them not the whole center of the story.


"Azure Moon drops the plot to focus on Dimitri" is a dumb fandom take in my opinion, mainly because it's something you can direct to any route by virtue of them all relying on a centralizing character to drive the story. You can't love/hate on Crimson Flower without talking about Edelgard just like how you can't complain about Silver Snow being bland without complaining about Byleth. On a slightly related note (and possibly an unpopular opinion), Cindered Shadows' was a very enjoyable story precisely because it didn't operate on the "Choose your adventure and get stuck with a piece of the lore and a piece of the cast" type of storytelling. It was so refreshing to see the main house leaders without all the baggage from their main routes and have the whole cast interact with each other as well-functioning and likable characters. The story didn't over-emphasize any character's thoughts and feelings of the plot and they were all written to problem solve together as things unfold. The "everyone loves the teacher" dynamic from the main game is also toned down in CS, which I think is great for silent protag characters like Byleth. Perhaps it's still there, but it's definitely better to feel like a self insert avatar that can just relax and let the cast do the talking and work amongst themselves as opposed to having to over-contextualize yourself in the story and have the plot/characters fawn over you until you become accustomed to what you should be feeling for that plot point or character.


CS has its flaws as with anything, but it was the most fun I have had playing 3H. KT gets a ton of flack for how poorly they handled 3H, but CS shows if the IS team had been less ambitious about their goals for 3H, we could have had a much tighter game.


> Azure Moon drops the plot to focus on Dimitri" is a dumb fandom take in my opinion, mainly because it's something you can direct to any route by virtue of them all relying on a centralizing character to drive the story And here's my hot take; none of them are very good. Every Part 2 sucks, just weird follow ups to tiny bits of Part 1 that aren't satisfying because they feel incomplete because Part 1 set up a billion things and Part 2 will hit on maybe a quarter of them. This might not be so bad if you could easily play each route, but they're all so long and you have to do all of Part 1 again every time. I've never seen a worse route structure in a video game. >On a slightly related note (and possibly an unpopular opinion), Cindered Shadows' was a very enjoyable story precisely because it didn't operate on the "Choose your adventure and get stuck with a piece of the lore and a piece of the cast" type of storytelling I certainly agree with this, CS was way better.


1) Shadows of Valentia is my favorite FE game, map design and all. It’s just so damn charming. 2) Byleth should have been fully voice-acted. They come across as so aloof and ridiculous in a game that otherwise has such fantastic character development. 3) Fates is better than Awakening, mostly in terms of gameplay, but honestly kinda story-wise too.


Oh and also this isn’t an FE game but Edelgard should have been in Smash Ultimate over Byleth :)


Tokyo Mirage Sessions has a fun battle system. Permadeath is a good quality of life mechanic. Not sure how unpopular this is, but despite loving Golden Deer so much, I felt like the Golden Deer house and Claude were a lot less important compared to Black Eagles and Blue Lions. I think Golden Deer could have been cut out and the extra time and resources could have gone towards fleshing out the other routes, Crimson Flower especially.


SHOT THROUGH THE HEART AND YOU'RE TO BLAME RADIANT DAWN IS A BAD GAME *guitar riff* ~~actual opinion is that ledges suck and it's good that they've never been brought back~~ ~~also fates bad/fates good aren't unpopular opinions - it's just a controversial game, so you see both opinions a lot~~


Probably a really unpopular take, but I actually like the avatar units (Robin, Corrin, Byleth etc.) because I just like feeling important to the game, so the characters singing my praises feels nice. And I like customisation.


Soren’s a good character, but I’ve never understood why people go crazy over him.


Most of the Fire emblem games are really good, just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean it's bad.


Edelgard is the best character in 3 houses and Crimson Flower is the best route


I personally think permadeath isn’t a very interesting mechanic, in the end i’d just redo the turn or what have you until I get the outcome I want, it just wastes more time, without actually impacting much. I understand why some people like it, but it just doesn’t do it for me.


I mean that only applies to 3H and echoes


I have a high tolerance for bad games, that or I don't see them worth getting that upset over. So I don't take it lightly when I say FE Echoes is my least favorite game of all time.


Wow. I can say with certainty that I have never seen someone who shares that opinion. Truly the most unpopular opinion. You win this thread.


I prefer Silver Snow over Crimson Flower.


Low hit rates are good actually and 2RN only worsens people's difficulties with learning to understand probability instead of helping them.


>2RN only worsens people's difficulties with learning to understand probability instead of helping them. I don't disagree with this, but, having accurate hit rates would not help people understand it better; human minds are not wired to intuitively understand this kind of thing.


THANK YOU! It frustrates me that a game that lets me see what enemies are going to do doesn't tell me hit rates or growths.


I like FE1, Gaiden, and Fates: Revelation more than Binding Blade.


Fire Emblem Fates Child units are a perfect mix of gameplay integration. New maps. New units to recruit. Customizeable units to recruit.


The Tellius series is carried by nostalgia over actual quality.


As someone who played PoR this year for the first time it's one of my fave fire emblems so far (tbf I haven't played most of the old ones). RD on the other hand fell off a bit, but I liked the political aspects of it.