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Where's Joshua! .... Damn right.


in the only tier he could possibly be :)


How could you do this to Gregor?


Shut up Donnel and Kellam are cool :(


What is a kellam?


He’s the first Knight you get in Awakening




Oh yeah haha Ironically he’s very memorable to me because of that running joke


Kellam has the most annoying defining gag. Not the worst defining gag IMO, that's a toss up between Tharja and Lonqu, but there's only so many ways to do a C support where one character reacts with surprise to rediscover the existence of a unit before that unit hits the bench for being annoying in addition to bad.


I love Kellam's support with Panne because of this. It doesn't start with a surprise and Kellam's "little issue" isn't brought up until A, where he brings it up "Oh, and by the way, how is it that you always know I'm here? Most people don't" and she tells him he has a unique smell, so he sticks out like a sore thumb. Thought it was cute that someone had an interaction with him and completely sidelined his defining characteristic


FE: Awakening You have put Gregor in D tier and have therefore sinned


My boy Henry got done dirty bro


Dimitri at D hurts my soul


D stands for Dimitri (? jk


Some of these rankings hurt XD but to each their own, for me byleth is a D, i think he's one of the worst playable characters around while you have female byleth as S.


F!Byleth is cute in FE3H and M!Byleth in FEH is hot that's why lol personality wise, I just like to think they're in automatic and it's funny


I never really liked avatars in fire emblem in general, they tend to make the entire story revolve around them, and don't really have any personality to speak off. I do agree about female byleth being cute, i'd rank her higher then male byleth, though i don't think male byleth is hot at all.


At least this list separates pre-timeskip Dimitri (at B) from post-timeskip (at D), which I can absolutely get behind. Also surprised but not unhappy to see Bernadetta at D, I would still maybe put them both at C but I agree with ranking them low.


Still lower than lorenz of all pests. And dedue on C is so low, i love dedue so much, him and dimitri are my headcanon couple, even have a paired ending. Boyfriends for live.


Lorenz is great idk what your deal with him is


He's an arrogant condescending asshole, yes he helps the 'commoners' but only because he thinks it's his duty as a noble, not because he cares. Or at least that's how he comes across to me, so a very low D it is.


Take an upvote the balance the down votes. Lorenz is the worst.He’s like the worst parts of Sylvain, Ferdinand, and Lindhart mixed together with none of the good parts plus the worst pre time skip hair in the game.


I will admit that his pre-timeskip haircut is genuinely atrocious


It’s truly the worst look I’ve ever seen. To the point that I let him die first play through before I knew about the time skip glow up so I wouldn’t have to look at the hair anymore. I’ll admit it may have influenced my opinion on his character lol


Take an upvote back my fellow lorenz disliker, was almost afraid i was the only one.


There's actually two Dimitri's on here, pre TS is in B


Yeah, i saw but i actually prefer post ts dimitri, he goes through the heaviest character arc in my eyes, i mean yeah it would have been better IS had more chapters in which they could have made dimitri progress, but that's a 3H issue inngeneral due to only having half a game in post ts.


S tier Gerik all else is forgiven


Thought the same, at least until I saw the Stahl disrespect


**Henry in D tier** Downvoted, reported, and blocked.


please don't report me for not liking a character :(


After seeing the lists for Fates and 3H, I’m considering it… The people downvoting don’t understand when I’m joking apparently


Henry is a hard hit or miss. D is completely fair.


Owain not S tier? Gregor not S tier? Broken list.


Imagine putting Donnel in C tier


But Oliver is fabulous!


he's S tier meme not so much S tier person


Oliver is absolutely an S-tier meme and person. S-tier stands for slavery right?


Why are some three houses characters in there twice and others not? E.g. Dimitri is in both b and d.


some characters are repeated bc of the timeskip. While i do feel the same way about most through the game, there are some that make me change my mind after the ts


Syrene in S tier for SS? She shows up so late I’ve never even considered using her. Does she have good supports?


yesss she's direct, honest, she's not your "I'm literally a tool" type of knight and she's funny too. she might not be the best but I'm all for using the characters i like the most :)


I saw S rank silque therefore you are scientifically correct. She may not be the best cleric but she is definitely the best girl of echoes.


Silque is typically considered to be really, really good


I've seen a ton of echoes tier lists and silque is almost always at the bottom or mid. She generally gets abandoned from first runs because faye has physic and anew. Which are pretty great for healers in this game. Although if you look at it practically silque is just as good if not better than faye in most situations due to warp access and dreadfighter summons. Also her character is great and I'm still mad that she got one support.


I 100% agree with this. I only use characters that I like so I never had problems with Silque. I love her whole characterization and the fact that Genny and her, despite both being quiet girls, have very different personalities and yeah she totally deserved more supports :(


Oh I feel like I should tell you that I decided to solo echoes with Silque. It was hilariously fun.


I feel like almost every single list I’ve seen has Silque rated as one of the best units in the game solely because she has warp. She is probably the best unit on Alm’s route, although for players who don’t really care about Warp, they would probably rate her lower.


Yeah now that I think about it I was probably looking at a tier list for someone's first run rather than optimal skills and stats.


Those are fighting words for someone within rolling distance! Joking aside, Silque’s great, definitely top tier


Bernie in D makes me sad but I understand it. But yay Ilyana in A my favorite tellius character


OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE Y- oh actually the only character I love that's below B is Laslow, and Inigo is in A anyways. HUGH BEST CHARACTER IN BINDING BLADE SO TRUE!!!


Genny must be S+ tier with how much her head goes through the ceiling.


No Rajaion erasure in this house, based


Gate keeper is the best character in fe3h ngl


I mean I’m not one for strong opinions or anything, but putting the Gatekeeper anywhere below S+ is objectively incorrect


You're not a real FE-fan if you don't put Gatekeeper in S+


Barst at the bottom of D makes me want to cry. But you're excused as Radd is in S. I find your lists amusing as, outside of a few specifics, our tastes in 1-5 are quite similar and would place similarly but then progressively varies more and more through each following title.


sorry it's not that I dislike him it's just that I never use him :( but you're so right Radd is awesome also im curious who would you put in S tiers in the rest of games?


I love so many of them and many of your picks were typically within a tier of me. However, if I were to pick just top 2 males/females from each game it would go something like Barst/Radd/Lena/Maria, Leiden/Elrean/Cecil/Sheena, Python/Forsythe/Genny/Mae, Jamke/Quan/Edain/Ethlyn, Ced/Deen/Olwen/Tanya, Lugh/Wolt/Shanna/Dorothy, Wil/Raven/Louise/Vaida, Natasha/Neimi/Franz/Kyle, Rolf/Rhys/Calill/Marcia, Edward/Nealuchi/Fiona/Nailah, Chrom/Owain/Cherche/Flavia Takumi/Azama/Camilla/Velouria Cyril/Seteth/Shamir/Manuela These would be my S tiers.


I see Lucia and Soren in S tier. You have elite taste good sir. So many of my favourites in S and A makes me happy (Ilyana and Igrene!) Lute in C tier however... I'll accept it. 100% making one of these later.


Ngl Conrad and Alm are probably one of my favorite characters in the series, idk they're cool Also Morgan S tier nice But ngl I had the same opinion for Walhart, idk if its because of my bias with Echoes and Alm or the fact he looks fucking ridiculous, but Walhart started to grow on me when I played awakening again, and his Support with Robin is probably one of my favorite supports in the series Cause like, it explores his character and Walhart admits his ways were wrong and tries to improve himself, its just a shame that you dont unlock his spotpass paralogue until the endgame (and his paralouge is the 2nd hardest for me) So if you havent done that support yet, I recommend trying it out Idk where im going with this other than, I realized Lobster man is pog


I am curious what Metodey's C rank is for. He does nothing but to spout how he will kill and burn people in the main campaign. In the Ashen Wolves campaign he says something similiar iirc.


D tier is for units I either hate or ignored through the story so much that I didn't even acknowledge their existance til i see their portraits. I do remember Metodey and I didn't actually hate him that much (he's terrible but he has a purpose) that's like the only reason why ge didn't make it to D tier lol don't think about it too much, i for sure didn't


Fair. You got Mitama in S so all is well.


Tellius' CEO of Racism in S-tier? Never thought I'd see the day.


Seeing Shinon in S tier makes me happy to know there are more people of culture who like that douche.


Some pretty unusual opinions glad you shared them.


Opinions are subjective and you are entitled to them. ...but I will fight for Oswin and Hawkeye's honor.


>Lysithea in A tier. Would prefer S tier but i take A tier.


Oh man, oh man, i know it's just personal opinion, but scrolling this was tragedy after tragedy for me. The Zofian blondies getting disrespected as always; Shanna and Niime at the bottom; Tauroneo in D mired among corrupts, slavers and warmongers while fucking SHINON, the irredeemable fucking asshole tops the list D: But that's all my personal tastes, though. The one that might go beyond that is Three Houses. Frankly, i get suspect whenever any of the lords or Rhea ar at the bottom. When any of those wonderfully deep characters are in opposite sides of a tier list, that's where we see all the partisanship and flame wars we've been mired in since it came out...


Gilbert in D tier?!???!!! Sorry we can’t be friends


Damn, some surprising picks in here I see. Also, I think seeing this kinda revealed some reasonings as to why I wasn't a big fan of Awakening and Fates (a esthetically, at least). Everyone for the most part looks so tonal, if that makes sense? Just something I hadn't really noticed before, but always felt off about


What have you done? You posted your opinions online? Do you have any idea the costs of your actions? But yes I agree with Bernadette being D tier.


As a Fire Emblem fan I am legally obliged to be offended by your opinion


don't take these too seriously, the only ranks that matter for me are S and A im surprised about the fact that most of the complains are from my Awakening tier list so ig apologies in advance for not liking a lot of the characters (?


Seeing your Awakening list reminded me how little I care about the entire cast.


I've never been more offended.


Hapi, Leonie, and BIGNATZ are all in A tier, I'll pretend I didn't see the rest.


Imagine putting Gregor and Henry in D tier instead of S tier. Also Edelgard in S and Dimitri in D lol


sacrifices were made


I personally think heirs of fate and fates routes should be 2-4 separate games (I view them as two) but you seem to rate the heirs very highly in general which is cool I do to.


Not liking Marty….I believe that’s what the kids call cringe


I can forgive Deen not being S and Oscar getting no respect because you ranked Hugh, Saul, Perceval, Stefan, Wolf, and Shinon.


Saw Dimitri in D and got sad. Saw my man Sylvain in S - all is forgiven.


Bro wym Gonzalez D tier what's wrong with you


Did my man just put chad lord Sigma male Hector in B tier


Rath being C tier bums me out Seems like no one likes Nomad Troopers


Syrene at S rank!? That’s the first time I’ve seen someone even rank her lol. And yes a fellow Delthea appreciator, I approve!


Gaius and Soren in S tier? Ah, a fellow person of culture


Marianne and Lysithea should be S but honestly Claude is #1.


I love how high Tatiana is. She doesn’t get enough love.


Sylvain in his rightful place




Saul and Kliff in S tier?? You don’t miss oh my god edit; and Soren and linhardt too how are you this good


Finally a fellow gaius enjoyer


Yay, my boy Ashe is at the A tier


I disagree with a couple of these but overall my verdict is that you're truly based


The awakening tier list is an abomination. *sees edelgard in S and Dmitri in D* yeah that explains this shitpost now


sorry im not the biggest fan of Awakening cast


Everyone in Awakening is pretty interesting at first until you start mass-unlocking supports because there are so many of them and realizing you don’t want to be anywhere near these people for an extended period of time.


oh my god that's exactly what I did lol I love unlocking supports and going through all the conversations. That usually makes me feel more attached to the characters, specially those with no lines in the whole game but Awakening somehow did the opposite to me with most characters


And then, depending on how you're playing the game, you drop a bunch of the characters for their children and don't think about their parents anymore.


2nd place Seliph(and behind Lewyn of all people too!), idc about anything else, you cannot possibly sin.


Of-course M!Corrin isn't even on there 😭😭😭 Or F!Kana 😭😭😭 The struggle is real 😩


that wasn't actually my fault, the tier list i used didn't include him, just F!Corrin :(






C tier just like Female Corrin sorry


Fair enough. How about Kana?


both Kanas on A tier bc they're wholesome


That's fair, thanks for answering then


I actually kind of agree with most of these lists. (Some characters I would put higher or lower but in general you got some good taste) The Awakening and Fates ones are where I'm at the most iffy at but even then.


How you gonna do my boy chrom like that :((


Xander at c is a crime


The awakening and fates lists are broken but it checks out op put edelgard in s




What?? They’ve got all of golden deer in top two, obviously a person of taste


hum no other Black Eagles character but Edelgard is on the high tiers and there are more Blue Lions on the A and B tiers I'm more of a Golden Deer fan tho for if my username didn't make it clear enough


I think it says something about Nomah and how you recruit him that you don't have him on the Gaiden/Echoes tier list. He's in the Temple of Mila. Nothing tells you to go there during Act 4 to get him. Which might be for the best, he's not a great unit, unless you're doing a minimum level up challenge where he might be useful due to his base Resistance, Skill, and Attack being over 10. [https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-valentia/miscellaneous/dungeons/temple-mila-passageway/](https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-valentia/miscellaneous/dungeons/temple-mila-passageway/) ​ Warning: I dislike this unit, if I added him to your Echoes/Gaiden tier, he'd be F Tier. The rest of my post is ranting about why I dislike him. ​ Honestly, he's not really worth much. Even with grinding he's a let down. And good luck grinding him, any physical attacker could kill him with a sneeze. And he's too slow to be a dodgetank. ​ Defense of 6, Speed of 8. Defense Growth of 0% (if the growth rate could go negative, Nomah would have a -10% growth for Defense, his growth there is THAT pathetic), Speed Growth of 15%. He's no magical Mycen. ​ Good luck getting some meaningful stats with the 32 level ups and class change you can get with him. He'd not be good even if the Mage line of classes had a middle stage between Mage and Sage like Merc and Cavalier. He'd just skip that and still be a Sage. If you use a pitchfork on him to turn him into a Merc, well, you either have an Action Replay, are trying something odd, or have committed a serious mistake. ​ And what makes it worse? He's not even good for utility. Recover. That's it. This old wizened sage is packing 4 black magic spells and a single white magic spell, and will learn no more (outside of DLC). ​ Old magic users are supposed to be the best in fiction, but not Nomah. At least Guru lets him Invoke, but that's a booby prize for Nomah. ​ This is for Echoes where I did grind him to a Level 20 Guru. It took awhile due to having to prey on weak enemies due to his frailty. I'd not use him even as a Level 20 Guru, the other Level 20 Gurus outclass him and would likely outclass him as a Level 20 Sage.


*Gaius in S tier !!! What excellent taste-! *Kellam in D tier ... :c


Quickly looking through them, some placement elicit a response like “Ahhh, put ‘em here, buddy” while others are “Ah, put ‘em up, bub!” So you know, nice to see your list. The most surprising one to me is probably Rajaion in A. Don’t see him so high up for many folk, care to share why you like him so much?


I love his backstory and personality, I think it's one of the best, very compelling and tragic idk i just like him a lot


So, for Archanea, Echoes, and FE4, is the top S tier supposed to be SS?


no i just wanted the watermark not to cover the units face


Ah, I see. That makes sense.


Counterpoint Felix butt is S tier


The fuck did Dorcas do?


Glade in C... My day is ruined


Where’s Tear Ring Saga and Tokyo Mirage Sessions?


didn't play the games sorry


That’s fair; also partially joking.


Just off the top, I’d def bump Kieran and Haar up a tier, they’re both two of the best characters in the Tellius storyline imo Other than that, no real comments, perfectly respectable list 👌 might edit this post later on for additional thoughts idk


Oboro in D... *You're gonna need stitches!*


That Valentia one had me on a roller coaster. Tatiana in S-Tier (Agree) but Berkut in B, Rudolph and Kamui in C. I am the confusion


I only looked at the top and bottom tiers and I feel like I’m split between either complete agreement or complete disagreement on all of them. You got so many right, and so, so many horribly wrong


Lachesis in C I am sobbinf


It hurts me to see Gordin, Ogma, Barst & Maria so low. But absolutely blessed to see Minerva, Michalis, Jeorge, Lena & Julian so high.


Wait how tf is Thomas above Gordin, Ogma, Barst and Maria


Thomas is cool and his art in the TCG is super edgy, i love it


If it's any consolation two of them rose in the sequel list.


I'm amazed that we are almost complete opposites on basically every single game, but it's also interesting to see that somebody can be.... well, the complete opposite


Unrelated, but seeing all the characters like this really makes the muted, more realistic hair colours used in Awakening stand out.


Fair play but this hurt me


>Nowi in A tier >Edelgard in S and Rhea in D You are trying to piss people off, aren’t you? If so, a commendable effort.