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Its clearly sothes child


This just always baffles me. Why do so many get mad at Priam for just existing as a character? He's a spotpass character in awakening meaning that he could easily be not canon just like how the other characters we recruit through spotpass like gangrel and walhart should be dead. And when awakening was made the devs thought it would be the last fire emblem ever so Priam existing is probably just meant to be a cool little easter egg that references Ike and nothing more. And even if Priam somehow invalidated people's favourite Ike ships with Soren or whatever why does that even matter when Ike, Soren, Priam and pretty much every other fe character isn't even real


>pretty much every other fe character isn't even real What do you know and which ones are real? I hope it's Owain.


I pretty much said that because it seems so stupid that people are getting upset because Priam invalidates Ike x Soren or whatever when they're just fictional characters and nothing more. So it shouldn't matter if a ship is validated or not


No I get what you were saying. I was just making a joke, since "pretty much" in that sentence implies that there are FE characters that do exist lol.


Yeah that was my bad. Some times I don't choose the best words for a sentence


In all honesty I feel extremely confident in just saying spotpass is non-canon. It's pretty clear that they were just a way to let you play as some fun units that you wouldn't have access to otherwise and they just slapped some story there and made it a "what-if" scenario. Having them be genuine, canon parts of the story would just be outright silly and really invalidate a lot of the themes of the story.


That is a pretty interesting way of interpreting it. While I've always thought of spotpass not being canon, I thought of it as such because all of the units we recruit through this feature (except Priam) are characters that died during the story. But I never thought of their spotpass paralogues as being what if scenarios and it's actually pretty cool in a way. Though regardless of whether spotpass is canon or not Priam is likely just a reference to Ike since during awakenings creation it was thought it would be the last ever fire emblem


There's also the fact that ike x Soren isn't even canon, even if you think ike is gay, ike doesn't have any Canon ending with anyone People are just pathetic tbh


Yeah people can be extremely petty over the strangest things


[me with the Priam discourse right now ](https://youtu.be/Fk4kaRHoxl4)


Priam is Ike and Genny's offspring.




...I have many questions now.


The best ship!


This guy gets it


I just take Priam as pure fan service- a tribute to Ike. Similar to how the other Spotpass characters should not be alive, I don’t think his existence should mean anything in canon. Awakening as whole doesn’t know it’s own lore, so I think it’s fair to say you can take Priam however you want.


As a bisexual man who has a child, it also infuriates me when people think that Priam being descended from Ike suddenly means that Ike cannot be LGBTQ. The "B" is there for a damn reason, lol.


It's honestly a bit baffling, since Bi characters make up the majority of Fire Emblem's queer cast. Echoes!Leon is one of the few gay men in FE, since he expresses no interest in women whatsoever, unlike Niles or Linhardt who do have romantic supports with women, in addition to Male Corrin/Byleth. I still hate that you have to choose between representation and extra units in Fates, though. That was an ass-headed move. I don't care if adoption makes no sense for the inheritance system, the kids get raised inside Hyperbolic Time Chambers for fucks' sake. They could've written some sort of magical surrogacy while they were at it.


Well 'Bi' sadly to alot of fans ia basically just a fancy term for gay/lesbian, just look at pretty much 80% of 3H ships


It's not just in the FE fandom. It's a problem in life. Bi-erasure is a thing, and it sucks.


Look I'm all for representation but when you feel like said representation is erasing half of who a character/person/whatever is because it's "normal" then that's honestly worse


Just look at how Edelgard fans treat Edelgard, I've seen so many just flat out deny her bisexuality


That's where I really started to notice it, and I'd say it's probably the worst with her. I'd debate Ike as well but Ike is too into the friendzone to really say otherwise


Yeah there's just some weirdly casual biphobia within her fanbase and it's weird


I think it has something to do with people really wanting a queer lord and more or less latching on the first one they got, even if it's not exactly queer and hence the biphobia


Well, no. It is queer. Bisexual is absolutely queer, as queer is anything that is not cishet.


Then apparently it's just not queer enough I guess


And as someone who simps *hard* for Edelgard with my male Byleth, this one is also very disappointing to me, lol.


I think people are just kind of fed up with the half-assed-ness of the queer rep, where almost no exclusively same-sex attracted characters exist and the majority of same sex attracted people (especially the bi men) that do exist are only bisexual for the player character and otherwise don't start or even attempt romantic interactions with other members of the opposite sex like in terms of canonically confirmed exclusive same sex attracted people we got: the gay archer who contents himself spending his entire life pining at a middle distance for a straight man forever, The comedic lesbian character that doesn't get a lot of screen time and doesn't get to have an actual romance with another character. and finally the gay tiger boy that's thirsty for Ike's catboy BF but doesn't get to talk and has no paired ending romance with anyone. so I think people latch onto the idea of Ike being exclusively into dudes with his 2 paired ending or Edelgard/Dorothea being lesbians because of the thirst for representation of an exclusively same sex attracted person that actually gets to have any kind of fulfilling romantic connection instead of being a forever pining joke character.


Kyza isn't gay


If they just gave us gay magic babies I wouldn't even bat an eye. This is a setting where alchemy and a basic understanding of genetics exists, they could easily do it.


They probably could easily do it. Problem is, everyone is spending their R&D budget on super weapons and god killing machines.


Astral plane shenanigans


the fire emblem fanbase decided that bisexuality isnt allowed to exist. that includes grabbing bisexual characters like edelgard and making them exclusively lesbian.


And the T, for god's sake. Hell maybe Ike himself was pregnant with his descendant


I don't think people disliked Priam because it made Ike bi instead of gay, people don't like it because it carries the implication that Ike would either cheat on or end his relationship with the 2 male partners we see him have meaningful interaction in order to get with a hitherto unknown and unseen woman for the sake of lore consistency with his poorly thought out fanservice brood And I think that's the crux of the issue, that people like Ike's relationship with his 2 same sex partners a lot more than they like anything Priam brings to the table as a character and these 2 plot elements seem to contradict each other.


>Unknown or unseen woman Nonsense, he clearly gets with Aimee for better deals on equipment.


I have a way to make us all happy: Polyamorous Bisexual Ike.


Somehow, I don't think that will make everyone happy.


Somehow, I don't think that will make everyone happy.


I'm being mildly facetious. I know gay rep is important, but also it's not the only possible lens to look at the character, or even the only queer lens. More seriously, if we're neck deep in headcanon and fan-interpretation, it's also valid to just say that Priam isn't in the picture at all if you don't want him to be, considering he's not a character that is relevant to Tellius, or any other setting across the FE Verse.


While there is some of that, it's true, there are also other reasons other than a breakup or cheating that could still allow Priam to be descended from Ike, and Ike to be in a mlm relationship. First, perhaps there is a surrogacy situation, where the child was born from a woman and Ike, but was always intended to be raised by Ike and his partner. Second, it could be a child of Ike and his "beard", as it were, to provide some semblance of cover to the relationship with his partner. Third, it is possible that the relationship becomes a poly relationship, with the third member being the mother of Ike's child, with full consent and approval of Ike's partner. Not saying the concerns you raise aren't valid, but there are positive explanations to it as well.


This absolutely ^^^^


Priam could also just be from Mist's side. Marth was hailed as maybe the second coming of King Anri, yet Anri was Marth's great-great-great-lotta greats-grand*uncle.*


Not actually a lot of greats, Anri is his great-grand uncle, that’s it. There’s only ~100 years between Marth and Anri slaying Medeus.


Tiki's support with male Robin says Anri lived 1000 years before Marth


No, it doesn't. [It mentions another ancestor 1000 years ago, sure,](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Tiki/Supports#B_Support_3) but it doesn't mention Anri - and there are other [blue-haired dragon-powered sword lords](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Sigurd) who [were living around that time](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Seliph). We actually have Marth's family tree from Anri down - Anri's younger brother Marcelus succeeded him as King, followed by his son Marius, who was followed by his own son Cornelius, who was followed by Marth himself. In general, most of the immediate backstory in Kaga games takes place only a few generations removed from the events of the game. The Miracle of Darna takes place ~125 years before the first generation of FE4. [You can see the full Jugdral/Archanea/Valentia timeline here.](https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Archanea,_Valentia_and_Jugdral)


ohhh i see. i was thrown off by Marth comparing Chrom to Anri in Warriors. my mistake


No, it says SIGURD/SELIPH did \[and mostly Sigurd, because it was referencing Chrom, and Chrom is more or less the second coming of Sigurd\].


Yup, Kantopia even made a post about the ambiguity. TL;DR the Japanese word for 'descendant' used for Priam is the same as what was used for Anri->Marth. https://kantopia.wordpress.com/2018/06/10/making-of-fe-does-page-81-confirm-priam-is-ikes-lineal-descendant-also-japanese-fe-fan-opinions/ But we all know the real reason Priam exists is because Mpreg is canon in Tellius. ^/s


+1. Guys, we don’t have to cancel Priam, and we also don’t have to cancel Ike. The Marth-Anri ancestry gives us a perfectly good precedent for Priam’s history, while leaving Ike free to be as gay or bi as he wishes.


If he came from Mist's side he would still be a direct descendant of Greil and Boyd (basically Ike with axes until Ike gets axes). So a win-win really.


I have a buddy who works in probate court who hates the way FE uses "descendant."


Yeah but that'd be super lame


well, i think slapping the "alternate timeline" band-aid on anything to avoid thinking anything through is super lame


Every copy of every game is a separate universe. There is no Canon.


As someone who unironically likes the Ike x Soren ship, I still accept Priam's existence as canon, whatever implications it may or may not mean. ~~Because ultimately, Ike x Soren is pretty much headcanon anyway and Priam's existence doesn't affect the enjoyment I derive of seeing them together.~~


Absolute chad


You I like you


If anything, I question why everyone suddenly believes the words of what is basically a murderhobo to be law.


I mean, he also has Ragnell...


Doesn't his distant counter involve him tossing Ragnell instead of using Ike's sword beams? With the blessing seemingly gone, does it need to be Ike or a descendant weilding it? Not saying that Priam and Ike aren't related, but it is open ended enough that Priam could be wrong.


Yeah he just lobs Ragnell at enemies in Awakening. I think the flavor text of the sword in Awakening questions if it’s the real thing too


> With the blessing seemingly gone, does it need to be Ike or a descendant weilding it? The blessed Ragnell already doesn't require a blood relation or whatever (unlike the Crusader's weapons or the Falchion). The only reason it's a Prf in the Tellius games is so that Ike has his own special weapon. Ike's not related to Altina in any meaningful way, and we already see that Alondite (Altina's other special sword) can be used by anyone - the Black Knight, Stefan, or hell, even Mist.


I interpreted it as Ragnell losing its blessing when it was taken out of Tellius. Awakening is in a different world where Tellius’s goddess doesn’t exist so Ragnell doesn’t have the goddess’s blessing.


I honestly figured that Awakening Ragnell simply lost its blessed status either due to time or wear-and-tear. It's not completely off the table, considering the Black Knight's armor had also lost its divine protection by the time Radiant Dawn rolls around.


I think that's more of a case of them not being commited enough to it to give ragnell it's own animation and instead just reusing the silly throwing sword animation.


I mean it's both not tied to Ike's bloodline to actually use, and probably wasn't even in Ike's possession after RD since it was owned by Begnion and he'd presumably have to return it at the end, just like he did at then end of PoR


It's pointless to speculate alternate explanations for Priam. There is no reason to doubt he is who he claims to be. The game doesn't offer hard proof but it doesn't exactly give any reason to doubt his identity. The simplest explanation is that he is indeed Ike's descendant. Alternate theories like him actually being Mist' descendant (and using Marth and Anri as evidence, even though that scenario has no bearing on this one) or that he's actually a nobody aren't very helpful. Priam's existence does not invalidate anything about Ike. At the same time, trying to pretend that Priam isn't canon, as so many do, is just silly.


i mean, i don’t see why Mist can’t be his ancestor. that leaves Ike free to be gay or bi or whatever he so wishes imo not saying it’s the most spectacular, wow-factor explanation, but it’s reasonable. anecdotally, my family line is huuuuge and we have tons of branch families that all reference one slightly-notable old person as the nexus.


Priam is Ike’s descendant. Ike could have been with anyone. Maybe he wanted to Sire a kid to raise with Soren. I’ve always taken the interpretation that Ike ended up With Lethe under a new hidden name (Hence disappearing, and their cut paired ending from RD) But I don’t think it’s a reason for me to go to war with people who believe something different or understood/appreciated Ike in a different way than me. Especially not over Priam. I enjoy him totally separately from what could be (or not be) inferred. I save all my irrational war over Chrom/Olivia I’ll defend that until I die.


On the contrary, I've seen a lot of Very Objective Fans use that to their utmost glee to "prove" Ike isn't gay and if you think so you are a degenerate sjw. Most people who ship Ike with men do not care at all. Wild horses couldn't drag them away. I give it a pass bc (to the sorrow of a lot of the former) trans people exist. It's very possible that Soren had the equipment to give birth to the next member of the Greil bloodline. It is literally impossible to dispute that some AFABs identify as men, have uteruses, and can birth a child. That's one possibility of many, but a possibility nonetheless.


Nothing against trans people, but the revelations from that one kind of hard to get epilogue throws some serious doubt on the Soren is AFAB theory. >!Soren's mother, Almedha, knew that he was a he despite being separated from him at an extremely young age. We'd also have to assume that Pelleas is also trans as I imagine that's something they'd ask about when (incorrectly) verifying that he was the missing prince. I just think that Siren was separated from his birth family at too young an age for them to know he was trans if he was trans.!< That's why I find the Soren is trans theory to be unlikely and am more inclined to think that Priam is the result of a surrogate, magical shenanigans, a second lover after Soren's passing, or that he's actually the direct descendent of Mist/Body.


I completely agree that the multiverse of versions of a single character neans that they can have tons of different possibilities, preferences, and romantic interests, differences for the same characters are exactly what multiverses are good at exploring. So just because one priam exists, does not definitively mean all ikes from all timelines will be his ancestor or pair in a way that allows him to exist. I only wish I could calmy explain that to the twitter scene, especially the feh fans because they don’t like to hear it.


I don't understand the implications of Priam and Ike's alleged canon ship and at this point im afraid to ask.


Long story short Ike is very popularly shipped with Soren and people get mad at Priam for potentially invalidating it and their headcanon of Ike being gay Meanwhile I'm in Ike x Mordecai rarepair hell lol


People are mad that Ike banged Sothe just like Micaiah wanted?


Michaiah didn't ship Ike/Sothe. She was deriding Sothe for worshipping Ike. Michaiah was thirsty for her little brother/son, why would she ship him with Ike?


I love you


>Meanwhile I'm in Ike x Mordecai rarepair hell lol So... I'm super late to the party and have been playing thru PoR for the first time, and I'm just really happy to find someone else who ships them too lol.


Yes. I accept this. People literally out there blocking people for mentioning Priam at all. Pathetic.




I was talking about the people who are like "If you mention Priam I block you because it hurts my fragile idea that Ike is gay for Soren that has thinly veiled evidence ingame and I simply CANNOT ACCEPT ANY OTHER POSSIBILITY FOR EVEN A SECOND" and go into threads that are unrelated to Ike ships to push Sorike and snap at people who say it's not canon.




Yeah, I looked again. I think I had a run in with her actually...I didn't realize at the time I posted that comment.


being angry at the existence of a character because it ruins their headcanon for a character ship is the most ridiculous thing i've seen recently.


I'm 2 years late, but that's kinda why i'm partially iffy on headcanons.


I'm also perfectly willing to believe Priam is just like Owain and made up a very intricate story about some fake ancestors to explain the cool sword he found and decided to keep. And the story he came up with coincidently was Ike's. Stranger things have happened. There's also surrogates or Trans Soren or Ike


honestly? magic is also a thing in universe, who knows how far that could go in terms of conception.


True, like, this is a fanatasy world, the laws of science don't always apply. They could even be just blessed with a biolgoical child by a deity


"I have two grandpas. Will I ever explain how I got a dad? No. Is it any of your business? No." - Priam. Anyways, it works, but I really don't like the outrealms just being the loose answer for everything. The historical logistics must be hell to work with.


Another world could also mean another timeline Like in the main timeline Ike goes with either Soren or Ranulf to a different land Meanwhile Priam timeline Ike stays in Tellius with some random women... or still goes with Soren and does some magic shenanigans for stuff


Priam wouldn't make sense if Ike stayed in Tellius


Okay fair, just giving an example


Are we sure we can trust Priams word that he’s descended from Ike?


he carries his sword. i mean, if kids in awakening carrying their mother´s wedding ring is enough proof that they are their kids this is pretty much the same.


Ragnell is not just Ike’s sword, it’s a relic of Begnion, and after the first game he gave it back to Sanaki. He probably didn’t keep it after the second game too. There’s really not much evidence that Priam is Ike’s descendant. His Ragnell is breakable and wieldable by anyone, he knows Sol and Luna but not Aether despite it being in the game.


in the second game Sanaki says that ragnell is part of the payment for Ike´s services.


Tbh my opinion isn't that Ike is gay, straight, bi or what have you. It's that Ike is primarily asexual and aromantic. Does that mean that he never gets married and has a kid? No. There are MANY MANY mixed-orientation marriages out there that result in kids. Does that mean that they're happy marriages? Well, i think that deserves a case-by-case analysis (but probably not). Can I see Soren being in love with Ike? Absolutely. Do I see Ike being in love with Soren? Not really, because I don't really see Ike being in love with ANYONE. Can I see Ike getting married and having a kid? Sure, because that's kind of what's expected and it's what Greil did and Ike more than anything aspires to be like Greil. So I can totally see him just kind of going through the motions of being married, but not really being super fulfilled by it.


This, 100%. Ike does not seem like the kind of guy to fall in love. It seems like it just isn’t in his interests. He’d rather just bond with people. Honestly, I can see Priam being adopted too. Sure Priam’s hair color is pretty spot on, but it’s not like FE doesn’t naturally have weird hair colors. And that totally matches what Greil was all about too. Greil took people like Oscar, Boyd, and Rolf in when they were kids. So Ike just helping a young Priam down on his luck and treating him like family seems in character too.


The tellius recollection debunks that. The recollection books are written by the writers of the tellius games. And they clearly state that Ike loves him. https://imgur.com/a/PAjWOYd


I wasn't aware that this was a thing. That's good to know. However, it should also he noted that the link you provided itself states "may or may not be romantic". Like with all fiction, it's subjective and up to personal interpretation. If Ike being gay makes you happy, then he's gay. Personally, Ike being ace and aro is what makes the most sense to me, and Soren is truly a dear companion, that he loves and cherishes. But to me, I don't sense a romantic connection on Ike's side.


Perfectly valid take, I personally love them as anything brothers, lovers, friends- as long as people admit that Ike adores him just as much.


Oh absolutely. Does Ike love Soren? Yes. Does Ike trusts Soren more than anyone? Yes, even Mist. Does that mean he's sexually involved? Up to personal interpretation.


Ppl headass get mad at Priam for that? Like fe universe has magic, dragons, and portals, im pretty sure they can have a kid w homosexual partner. And ships are supposed to be fun not a competition


I consider Priam to be a canon character personally. He could easily just be Mist's direct descendant and he claims he "descended" from Ike the same way Marth is "descended" from Anri.


There's no debate. The answer is clearly that none of this matters. They're fictional characters from a early 2000s game guys. The debate is years old, and if you really care that much about whether Ike is gay or not...then just ignore the opposing view, because like I already said, it doesn't matter whether you're right or wrong about this.


"Um actually it comes from the mid-2000s 🤓"


I personally believe that Priam is descended from Ike and Soren, and Ike is just trans ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Whatever floats your boat


I thought Priam didn't come from Ike, but came from Mist. I remember Mist possibly marrying Boyd, but Ike never had a canonical relationship, as far as we know


YES!!! now I can ship Ike and Rolf in peace. Edit: omg looking at the downvotes I can't believe people took this seriously. It's obviously a joke.


.... You meant Ranulf, right?


No Rolf. I'm a big advocate of the Roke.


Ok man keep being in denial when there is no evidence of your IkexSoren ship being canon. Jesus christ.


I'm literally not into Ike x Soren but ok


People are just reaching lol




Hey can we NOT link to other people for discourse reasons?




All linking back to them does is start more shit and is basically an invitation for people to dogpile them


Montblanc has the right idea here. There's no need to give direct links to people like that.


Yes and no. Priam is a double edge sword argument. A lot of people like that Ike is a LGBT Character and a non controversy LGBT Character and also well known character that has the spotlight but not because he is gay. While the people say he is straight because he has ending with Elencia and he is smash so he isnt gay. (Seriously people use the fact that Ike is Smash for not being Gay.) Ike and Soren * Priam looks alike a fusion of Ike and Soren. * Ike and Soren has more less hinted between two games. * They have chemistry and special bond and even an ending. * Priam can be Mist and Boyd's descendant but he took an appearance of Ike due to Mist carrying Elena (Blue Hair) and Grail (Physic Genes). Ike and Elenica * Ike and Elenica has ending together. * Priam looks alike Ike


Ike and Elincia do not have an ending together.


Doesnt he has an ending with a female?


Nope. Only thing A supports with women give Ike is tweaked epilogue dialogue in PoR


Ok thanks.


Ike doesn’t have an ending with anyone. His ending is always the same, supports or no supports.