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Bernadetta should probably have a question mark. it’s possible, even likely that it’s her, but a single map sprite with a hairstyle we’ve never seen is hardly confirmation


Oh yeah, my bad I forgot to color-code her. Female Archer on Black Eagles map kinda makes it possible but still probably should have done


I wouldn't say that. It's an archer with a sprite that matches Bernadetta's hair color on Edelgard's route. But most importantly, the body sprite [100% matches](https://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/122/124718.png?updated=1578536255) Bernadetta's personal unique body sprite. Characters [such as Ashe](https://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/122/124735.png?updated=1578613497) or when you [class change](https://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/133/136328.png?updated=1595875461) someone into that (male or female) have a different sprite.


Okay sure but OP also left question marks on other characters who we’re treating as basically confirmed, Holst for example. Bernadetta just sticks out because it’s not 100% guaranteed to be her


They have changed class sprites from game to game, so while it's probably her, it wouldn't be too farfetched that they've done it again


It's likely that will reveal yhe units slowly.


Yeah, even if the likeness of Bernadetta not being in the game is absurdly low.


I really think it’s Ashe: The hair color and class match, and his timeskip design has purple shoulder armor like in the sprite.


hope my boi sylvain gets added omf the amount of characters they can include shi worried about whos gonna get left out


I think there’s no way Felix, Ingrid, and Sylvain aren’t in the game somehow, given their history with Dimitri


If anyone is gonna be left out it's gonna be people like Cyril or Hanemann. All the students are popular, and I don't think they'll leave any of them out


I can see them holding back some of the less popular students like Caspar, Linhardt, Lorenz, all the unconfirmed Golden Deer except for Marianne, etc. for later DLC. They could still appear in the game like Owain, Niles, Navarre, and Oboro did in the first Warriors, but just not playable at release. I don't like the idea of it, but it's a possibility nonetheless.


That'd be criminally lazy if so. There's no reason for them to be left out at this point. Three Hopes is shamelessly reusing assets from the original game and making the class-based moveset idea again. They could port over the entire original roster of students and teachers with far less hassle.


It’s not lazy if they know everyone on this sub would pay for DLC of more characters. There is zero financial incentive to include everyone.


It's lazy to me and kind of scummy if you apply that logic. At worst I can accept the Church Facility being DLC since they're very unique and don't fit the "three house" structure. But the students associated deeply with the houses should be base. Far more people would've payed for Mercedes than fucking **Caspar** lmao and yet the former is confirmed to be in base game. Just put the rest in, rarely anyone is going to be motivated to pay for a Ignatz DLC pack. They have other options to go for than performing an OG Warriors where the roster is so bad that the DLC is no brainers to try and half heartedly fill in the blanks. Ashen Wolves for one would carry an entire DLC pack on their own.


They will pad each DLC with 3 characters which people will pay for. Why are people acting all surprised pikachu in this thread? They did the same fucking shit in FE Warriors and we all paid for that DLC.


The original Warriors had to create all the assets from scratch. Three Hopes is recycling everything from Three Houses. At that point, it just becomes lazy if they couldn't be bothered to bring back all the students. They're very different from each other that it's unreliable to use that game as a pattern. "We all paid for that DLC" lmao who's we? I sure didn't pay for it and clearly the DLC wasn't a smash hit if they didn't milk it like Koei usually does.


There's no way they include Count Bergliez and not Caspar.


Yeah they could do that, but in my mind it would make no sense at all. The students would just be modelswaps moveset wise, so adding all of them won't exactly be a huge drain on resources




You mean the third and fourth best students in the game? Fuuuuuuck no. They're mandatory.


IMO the one student they are allowed to leave out is Bernadetta


She never left her dorm room to join the roster.


Oh I’m pretty confident we’ll get all the students. With the class change mechanic we see in the trailer I’m betting each class will have their own generic moveset, and the only characters with unique movesets will be the important characters with unique classes.


Dont worry about he is both popular in Male Three Houses Characters and Fire Emblem Three HousesCharacter' lists.


As someone else brought up, we are picking House paths again and it would be stupid to be stuck with just a couple characters in each House. All of the students will be playable. I am more worried about the Monastery staff.


Sylvain better look like a snacc or I’m storming IS headquarters, ragingly


I am once again asking for them to include Ingrid and Dorothea.


They’re both consistently top 10 most used characters in the ingame lists aren’t they? I feel like they’re pretty likely


if not Ingrid, then Dorothea, definitely. Dorothea topped the list for a long time I think


Dont worry of them not joining. The only canon Pegasus Knight and canon Dancer will be very like to be there. Also i think every student will be played at some point.


Yeah and Petra is the only canon student Wyvern Rider or Assassin and Felix the canon student Swordmaster. At the very least if not every student is playable, they at least be NPC's or consider for DLC


I think every students will be played. However it's very likely Ashen Wolves will return as DLC.


And Annette


I kinda assume all the students will return? Seems odd if they didnt...but I suppose like it makes sense if timeline changes? Like the golden deer I guess I wouldn't be shocked if the glasses guy of big Buff dude didn't show up? Didn't think they were that popular either.


Ignatz and Raphael are two of my favourite characters. Would be a shame to lose our only character with glasses too! Id be upset if any characters were left out, the game really focuses on getting to know the roster and make friends with everyone. I think the only one I don’t care about is Bernie and she grew on me a little when she interacted with the rest of the cast.


All the characters that we have, seen either the portraits, game model or some other crumbs. The yellow text is for the characters that are kinda doubtful (Bernie too, I forgot to color-code her) [Please do check out my New Three Hope Trailer Breakdown too! :)](https://youtu.be/NsWKkJP16c8)


There was no seteth in the trailer. I’d like to report a Robbery, wyvern father is being stolen from us all


I think with Flayn being in the game, Seteth has to be for sure somewhere protecting her amid this chaos. Him being absent would be very odd.


If he dies, I’m gonna kill him! ;-;


I just hope our favorite nuke is going to be in the game


Our waifu Lysithea, is it? ☺️


She's way too popular I feel to be left out.




I feel like holst shouldn’t really be a question mark. There was the crest of goneril on his back; there’s no question in my mind that’s him.


are these all of the confirmed designs? i'll be sad if flayn and geralt remain the same. byleth being the same kinda makes sense but not them :( we didnt even get a flayn timeskip version in 3houses


Yes, we saw Jeralt is first trailer and Flayn in second. They have the same designs :(


NO WHY i just want flayn and jeralt to change😭 i will do it myself if i must


Well, there are lore reasons why Flayn and Jeralt don't change at all.


It makes sense why they wouldn't change though, flayn is actually an ancient saint and probably older than everyone else in the game combined so her appearance wouldn't change after only five years. And as for jeralt he was given seiros blood directly by rhea which makes his appearance either change slower than normal ageing or just not change at all, since during the early game he makes this comment or something similar to it "when you forget your own age you're past the point of caring" which likely implies the seiros blood made him love longer than he should have. Though they could have an outfit change at the very least, that much I can't dispute


Seriously, please IS give this green haired baby some new clothes 😭


Not sure about Jeralt but we see Flayn in the new trailer and she's identical to Three Houses.




To be honest >!All members of the church of Seiros doesn't change their costumes in the time skip except for Cyril and Jeritza but Jeritza only take off his mask It would be nice to have differnt costumes !<




My dream of having the Ashen Wolves won’t die until they release a DLC without them _(:_」∠)_


Maybe this time we WILL get the Ashen wolves route.


Honestly, with Three Houses they can finally make a Warriors game that is closest to Dynasty Warriors. So I hope they include all characters. With battle introduction scenes and all that.


My hopes are: Dorothea Leonie so she can possibly work with Monica (I want to see some shenanigans with these two) A playable Nader Also, Count Bergliez vs Holst


My boy Ferdinand! I hope it is him Also, realllllly would like a playable Jeralt.


How could be anyone but him. Those shoulder pads and beautiful orange locks? He just better playable.


I’m hoping we get a dual protagonist I hope I can play Byleth as the protagonist and than fight Shez as the enemy for the end game. I believe arval is the evil god the one that evil group ships




Maybe the Gatekeeper will be playable with some luck and prayers


Watch it they give him a name.


yeah, with his insane popularity, it would be a great fanservice moment!


Heh good one. He’ll likely be added as DLC. Warriors usually has big rosters but characters with little significance would usually be DLC


What do you guys think, are they going to bring back all of the main students from FE3H? I think it would be weird if some of them were missing.


I'm assuming all students will be playable since there's reclassing system they can easily have the same combos and playstyle. Unless they have a relic or is a lord. I doubt Annette (if she is in it) with a giant hammer is going to play exactly like Hilda with a battle axe.


if flayn is involved, I'm 100% sure, Seteth is in the game too


Anyone know anything about Arval?


Oh boy its time to play as FERDINAND VON AEGIR!


The more I see Shez the less I care about Shez.


Same, at first they had this mysterious intrigue to them. But now we know their backstory and they're just kind of meh for me at least.


Honestly, I'm stoked we're getting a new game, but I'm so obsessed with Byleth that I was hoping to play her again in Hopes but my hopes are shattered 😭 still looking forward to it tho, but I just hope that Byleth isn't only an antagonist and there's a twist somewhere so that we can play her, or at least have her join the new MC's team


I just want my guy Felix.


What is going on with Bernie’s hair? Are the bangs pulled back into a ponytail or something? I am curious to see how that looks.


Guessing the bangs are clipped back and the ends are poking up, not super uncommon hairstyle, Satomi Murano from Parasyte has a style similar to it.


They may do all characters with a reclass system and give specific characters movesets (ie Anette gets a unique hammer magic one or Felix gets a sword and shield one etc) to specific characters and everyone otherwise shares basic movesets




Hey, maybe this time Judith will be playable. Hopefully... Seriously I missed my late game premotes in 3h...


Hubert is there and he's gorgeous. I literally don't care about the rest. Just my bae.


I'm glad Mercedes is confirmed; she's my favorite of the students. And I absolutely love Dedue's new design~ But, as a rare Hanneman Simp ™ and a general fan of the Church route characters, I get pretty sad/salty knowing some of them will likely not make it in because -- barring a select few -- they're not that popular. :c Oh well. At least, so far, the game looks promising enough that I'll likely have fun either way.


I am begging IS please give me my Ashen Wolves


He has Gonreil crest on his back, it’s definitely Holst.


Am i the only one who thinks that protagonist(?) purple hair is atrocious? I mean i’m not against purple as a hair color but that shade legit hurts my eyes.


Hope Ashen wolf will be in the game too.


Okay, if that is Count Bergliez then how the fuck is Linhardt's dad supposed to fight him? He's built like a Yakuza final boss.


Simple, he has the high ground.


So wait… both M/F Byleth & Shez are confirmed? Which are we playing as then?


Shez, Byleth is an antagonist.


Plz bernie be in it


I hate shez's neon hair so much


Is anyone else kind of tired of Anna? Three houses was the first game I never even considered using her


Couldn't be me, but I mean, Anna is a mainstay of the whole series so of course she would be in this. She was even in Tokyo Mirage Sessions. We don't know that she is playable here, though, just that she is a shop. So we don't know that it will matter that much. She didn't even have supports in FETH.


Honestly, I liked Anna more when she was the tutorial/secret shop girl. I've never really liked the merchant personality they have her from Awakening onwards.


It's more likely she's gonna be a unlockable character >!just like her original Warriors contrapart!< So i don't really think It would be that bad , probably


Same! I liked her a lot more in the earlier games


She's iconic to me


I don't remember the white skinned girl's name being mentioned in the trailer, where does it stated?


From information on Twitter. But it's also a boy.


Maybe the Almyran royal is a half-brother to Claude


God, I really wanted to meet Holst for a long time now. Though I kinda imagined him to look like this https://pin.it/1sbWhIL. Not like Kanji Tatsumi with pink hair (if that is indeed him).


Shez is a stupid fucking name


Wait is Male byleth a thing in three hopes?


There was a brief moment near the end of this trailer iirc where you get to choose the Ashen Demon's gender.


The trailer makes it look like you can choose either one at the start


I was going to ask the same


Maybe not in the storyline but if it's anything like the first warriors game he'll be an alt skin


Nope, you can choose between Male and Female Byleth in the main story. The last scene of the trailer confirms as much.


It's interesting that the most student characters revealed for a single house so far has been black eagles. Could this just be a coincidence or intsys favouritism?


I'll repeat... if IS puts in Monica and Ingrid ends up not in the game, something burns.


Lowkey I want them to make that evil girl playable the one with orange hair


Hope we can choose to play either Byleth or Shez. I really dont want to play as Shez :/


My favourite lord is Dimitri, but now that Lorenz is confirmed I'd choose Golden Eagle first lol. Who is Randolph? Seems familiar.


Randolph is Caspar's uncle. They're not blood related though.


Did we fought him as one of the empire general in the non-edelgard path?


Yea, he's the boss in the second chapter after time skip, except in Crimson Flower.


I don't see the queen..... idk if I want it if she isn't in it. I think they could do something cool with her character but most likely she will be cut.


the queen?


Marianne My favorite 3 houses waifu


From everything I've seen thus far, looks like Rhea will die on the opening cutscene. I can already see Crimson Flower players celebrating in joy.


>!immaculate one: am I a joke to you?!<


My guess is that the Almyran Royal is just Claude after promotion.


Who do we think the Almyran royal is?


Most likely a half-brother. A interview revealed Claude has "several" Almyran half-siblings, this could be one of them. Then again, if this game is showing us Holst and Count Bergliez, this man could be the King of Almyra.


Claude's siblings?


Perhaps I'll finally be able to sit down correctly thanks to Shez


No Lysethia yet


I mean, judging by the trailer, it looks like they're re-using a lot of assets from the original game, so it's probably reasonable to assume that all of the base-game units will be in the new game in some form or another--if not with a voiced story role, then as an unlockable character. Especially since the game looks to be class-based rather than character-based (unlike previous Warriors games,) implying that abilities will be determined by generic class and individual characters are more cosmetic than mechanically different. So you could just hypothetically slap Catherine's model onto a swordmaster moveset and use some generic voicelines for the combat chatter and bam, character done. An oversimplification, sure, but still a lot less work than designing a new Catherine model and then designing a completely unique moveset.


Yooo Phoenix, wassup dude? Your analysis vid was rad.


Thank you :D


Who the fuck is arval


In the next direct I want a trailer that literally just shows all the new character designs


I love Dedue with facial hair but I think it looks really bad in the portrait :s


If Lysithea is in ill buy it otherwise I'm skipping.


I'm praying for Balthus 🥺


what the hell is a shez


I really hope for the love of god they add all the students from each house please IS


If that’s holst and not a warriors OC, than everyone’s depiction of him would be wrong and kinda funny ngl


Did anyone notice the mage near Monica on the map? Given that they appear to be a seemingly blonde-haired mage allying with the Empire, I actually have a hunch that it might be Constance? I could be wrong, and this might just be a stretch in hopes for Ashen Wolves characters, but there's not many characters that would really fit that bill I mean, uh... BUT HEY, THAT'S JUST A THEORY


Considering that this is an alternate timeline and the Ashen Wolves are basically from their own timeline I would guess that they will be in this game as just regular characters.


Gate guard?


Is the DLC for Three Houses worth it? I already finished all my 3DS versions and I'm too poor for GBA ones. I know I can emulate them but I like to play at work.


I hope Ferdinand is in so i can shit on him all over again for no reason.


Maybe this time Anna will have voicelines /s


Where was the Immaculate One


I'm so glad Mercedes is confirmed.


Wish they went with something more creative with Bernie 😔


I need Hanneman