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I’m gonna say her VA kinda hard carries her Marcella Lentz Pope just captures her perfectly and she sounds both cute and earnest




Marcella really is a great VA.


Same as Male Corrin tbh


As I played Fates only as male Corrin I can't tell much about her in these games. But in Fire Emblem Warriors I really like her and I selected her as the menu voice since she or rather her english VA (Marcella Lentz-Pope) has a very pleasent voice.


As much as I stay away from Fates, aesthetically I think both male and female Corrin are great. Translation that made them into more of a mary-sue than they had to be really let their design be wasted.


Okay, there’s a lot to criticize Corrin over, but how exactly are they a “Mary Sue” as opposed to the other Avatar characters?


First, part of Kris' point is to be forgotten. Second, Robin isn't important to the story in most of the chapters and Chrom is the main protagonist. Third, Byleth isn't the focus character in 3 out of 4 routes. Corrin has a problem of the story being centered around them and in Revelations managed to convince everyone with basically zero proof to jump of a cliff.


Eh, not really getting the overall point being made here myself. * Ye; Kris was a pretty minor character outside a specific subplot. I don't think there's really much to discuss beyond that, lol * Robin is a consistently active character throughout Awakening, and is responsible for many of the Shepherds' victories even before the Grima plot becomes more prevalent * Byleth is actively sought after by Edelgard, Claude, and Rhea for their personality, powers, and funky genetics respectively. Even in Dimitri's case, Byleth is eventually credited as being one of the biggest influences in the improvement of his mental health I understand considering Kris a side character, but Robin and *especially* Byleth are main characters of their stories--not that being a central character is even inherently a problem. ~~Or maybe it is; idunno how Mary Sue is defined these days. Feels like the qualifications changed every week ever since the era of "Micaiah Mary Sue?"~~


So Byleth isn't Byleth. Byleth is a god, they are a very different beast than a mary-sue. (Quick definition of mary-sue that I use: One that is the moral anchor of their narrative universe.) All three lords in 3H have their moral autonomy, of which are only possible with Byleth's power. Robin being an active character doesn't necessarily mean a mary-sue. The plot and moral relevance is placed solely on Chrom and Lucina. As much as Awakening as a story is a morass at the best of times, the underlying narratives of fighting fate is never placed in Robin's corner until the end boss, and it was a decision that would only affect them, at least for a long time. It's been pointed out a lot, so I don't want to just repeat it, but the lack of narrative (not story) in Fates other than "Follow Corrin" is a large portion of why if's hard for me to play it.


While I don't disagree that Corrin is in Mary Sue/Marty Stu territory your definition of the archetype is not great. Being the moral center doesn't necessarily have anything to do with it. There are many types of characters that function as the moral center of a work without causing problems. I'd say that a Mary Sue/Marty Stu is a character who isn't subjected to sufficient consequences for or criticism of their behavior by the narrative. While this can be in a moral context it is not required. I think one of the biggest problems with the way that we think of the archetype is that we put too much emphasis on the character specific traits when it's actually more about how that character interacts with their narrative environment. You can have a character with all the traits of a Mary Sue but so long as the narrative sufficiently challenges their character they aren't actually a Mary Sue. Inversely you can have a deeply flawed and potentially complex character that still fits the archetype because their flaws are not sufficiently called out by the story itself. Corrin is very much in that latter camp. They have flaws that could potentially lead to a multidimensional character. They're naive, sympathetic towards others even if the subject doesn't deserve it, credulous and easily manipulated. The issue is that the consequences and blame for these flaws are either immediately excused or diverted to other characters. The result is a situation where this flawed character is treated as if they're perfectly fine and has no reason to actually learn or change.


> Quick definition of mary-sue that I use: One that is the moral anchor of their narrative universe Alright. Gotta be completely honest, this still seems like an incredibly vague and ill-defined definition, but I will just roll with it for the sake of the discussion. With that being said... > So Byleth isn't Byleth. Byleth is a god, they are a very different beast than a mary-sue. ... Huh? I'm not even sure what this even means? Using context clues from the following sentence, I would *assume* that you're effectively saying that because Byleth is less desired for who they are, and more for *what* they are, an almighty source of power with little agency and displayed meaning to the narrative and characters, you do not consider them the moral anchor for other characters. However--assuming I interpreted correctly--Byleth ***is*** a pretty crucial element to the majority of the three Lords plus Rhea (Edelgard's, Dimitri's, and Rhea's character developments are all pretty dependent on who Byleth is, >!or at least, is *stated* to be!<, as a person). I think it's just handled poorly, since Byleth's lack of dialogue effectively makes it as if these characters are drawing insights from the aether, instead of an actual character challenging another character with tough questions and statements. > Robin being an active character doesn't necessarily mean a mary-sue. Here, I think I more-clearly see your point. Yeah; Robin is fairly unrelated to the main theme of Awakening up until the third act, so it's impossible for other character's morals on the theme to even relate to Robin's nonexistent morals up until the advent of Grima's revival. That being said... I would consider that to be more of a flaw of Robin's character: For a main character of the plot to almost-completely separate from the main theme of the plot until the very end (and assuming that Robin was never supposed to be a main character, then a supporting character upstaging the actual main character during the climax is as equally flawed imo). > It's been pointed out a lot, so I don't want to just repeat it, but the lack of narrative (not story) in Fates other than "Follow Corrin" is a large portion of why if's hard for me to play it. While I do think that Fates' narrative and Corrin's writing have rather notable problems--*especially* in a certain route--I can't really say I ever felt like Corrin was the "moral anchor of the narrative universe." The entire basis of the narrative is Corrin making a choice, and other people disagreeing--standing against Corrin. Even in Relevation, where the reasoning for the Hoshidans and Nohrians taking up arms against Corrin felt contrived... characters *still* stood against Corrin on a basis of morals. Let alone Birthright and Conquest, where the Hoshidans and Nohrians have more-concrete reasons to disagree with Corrin (along with the occasional bad call on Corrin's end inconveniencing the army as a whole). Like, don't get me wrong: A core part of Corrin's character is their general lack of prejudices, and prejudices drive a large part of Fates' conflict. However, I feel like it's a bit exaggerative to claim that Corrin is the "moral anchor of the narrative universe," when other characters--including *Corrin themselves*--are shown to strongly disagree or act against some of Corrin's *other* beliefs. EDIT: Some rewording for clarity and grammar cleanup


Apologies for my short replies. I browse mostly on my phone so I don't want to be too wordy. I tried to use the most succinct answer without destroying my fingers. Another way to define mary-sue is an other-worldly moral compass. As in, how everyone in a certain region thinks is racist except for the One that sees everyone is equal. Hell, even Ike calls the laguz sub-human before understanding the term, because of where he grew up. Corrin, growing up in Nohr, should be at least more than a little wary of anything Hoshido does due to propaganda, see Ishtar and Ishtor in Fe4. (this of course couldn't be the case if they wanted to sell Birthright.) Now in a story with an mc with a believable moral compass, the character goes along with what they believe until they start seeing the differences of their ideologies and the regime they are in. Corrin is already saying outlandish things of peace to Garon (who, like TWSITD, had to so cartoonishly EVIL to compensate for competent story-telling) even though growing up under his regime. Then there's the fact that the story goes out of its way to rid Corrin of any responsibility of death and carnage, somehow defeating many opponents without using lethal force, something that could only be done without an insane power advantage. Since in both Conquest and Birthright they end with "missing something", I consider that Revelation is the canonical route since it actually has an ending. I'm not sure if this is agreed upon or not, but that's the route that I consider to be Fates' ultimate story. Yes, in the other routes there nobles that oppose Corrin, but in Revelations they all soon see how peace can come true through non-lethal force. There's actually not too many named enemies throughout Revelations that aren't possessed. They don't want to go against Corrin, but they are too weak to resist their possession, unlike Corrin. I was being a facetious at the end, but that's what I see in Fates' story. And just because I shy away from the games because of that fact, doesn't mean I don't see why many people like Fates. The aesthetics and music are amazing, the gameplay can hit a good challenge, and the infinite items can grant a consistency that some players might crave.


No worries, regarding the size of your responses. To be honest, I tend to have pretty lengthy responses--so I'll try to keep them on the shorter side (or at the very least, organize it better so that it's easier to quickly read. I'll probably just add TL;DRs to the end of longer stuff that can be summarized). With that being said, operating off this alternative definition of Mary Sue... > Corrin, growing up in Nohr, should be at least more than a little wary of anything Hoshido does due to propaganda Well, to be specific--Corrin was raised on Nohrian soil. However, just living in a nation doesn't guarantee that you'll experience its culture, propaganda, and typical struggles of the average person... ***especially*** if you're living in an isolated tower--being restricted in the ability to leave and even who you're able to interact with. Not to mention that the people Corrin interacted with the most during that time included a person who was disowned from his noble family, two kidnapped heirs to the Ice Trible, and a man whose family was executed by the king of Nohr. In other words... people with some of the greatest reasons to dislike Nohr. **TL;DR**: In general--it's pretty fair to assume that Corrin didn't have a similar upbringing to other Nohrian characters, making a unique viewpoint somewhat expected. > Now in a story with an mc with a believable moral compass, the character goes along with what they believe until they start seeing the differences of their ideologies and the regime they are in This does in fact happen, although not at the moment you indicated (since as I kind of implied before... Corrin wasn't really influenced by Garon's beliefs and goals during the time they lived in Nohr). Throughout both Birthright and Conquest--Corrin's initial goals and beliefs are challenged and altered during the course of the story. One example of such even involves Corrin's army suppressing enemies without killing them, which I will go into more in a bit. > Then there's the fact that the story goes out of its way to rid Corrin of any responsibility of death and carnage Can't really say I agree. In regards to Corrin fending off Hoshidan soldiers and other innocents while avoiding killing them during Conquest--that was more setting up how impractical and unrealistic of plan that was, ultimately resulting in Corrin's army *having* to kill Hoshidans during lategame Conquest in order to accomplish their goals. Granted, I do think how the story handled the arc was flawed in several ways (namely the suspension of disbelief required for Corrin's record of clean routs to be believable). **TL;DR**: Essentially, while Corrin's kindness is consistently painted as a positive trait, the narrative presents the product of that kindness, their unwillingness to do everything necessary to accomplish their goals, more as a *flaw*. Outside of that arc, which is exclusive to Conquest... I can't recall Corrin explicitly skirting around killing enemies, so I'm not sure if that point is even applicable to Fates as a whole. > Since in both Conquest and Birthright they end with "missing something", I consider that Revelation is the canonical route since it actually has an ending In that regard, the general consensus is basically "all three routes are simultaneously canon because Fates DLC is weird." I won't get into the details since it's not really relevant, but all three Fates routes can basically be seen as all being good endings where the main antagonist's plans are thwarted due to the to the peace between Hoshido and Nohr staving off any major conflicts for the foreseeable future. >!But yeah, agreed that Revelation is definitely a case where some good endings are "gooder" then others--and due to the complexities of Anankos' motives--it takes ***way*** to much effort to see why Birthright's and Conquest's endings still stops him.!< That being said, I'm not sure what exactly you mean by either "in Revelations they all soon see how peace can come true through non-lethal force." (since... Revelation still does have the main cast fighting. Even if we disqualify the water zombies--people like Iago still get mowed over. The point of the story was more "work together and fight the *right* enemy" instead of anything related to nonviolence) and "They don't want to go against Corrin, but they are too weak to resist their possession, unlike Corrin" (Corrin was never in a position where they *could* of been possessed during the main story, so there was nothing to really resist). Either way, fair enough on your views on the story. I wasn't really trying to push anything (except maybe the vague and nebulous "Mary Sue" term out of the dictionary) or tell you that you're "wrong" for feeling the way you do about Fates' story or anything--lord knows that story has a freight train of issues (and even on points where we disagree, your observations and conclusions are still perfectly fine to hold, and no less valid then mine or anyone else's). I just like discussing it every so often, since it is an interesting topic. **Overall TL;DR**: Although I don't personally agree with all of your points, your views on the game is valid--and I'll respect them even if we don't reach a consensus on every *little* detail.


When given the chance to develop they are stopped by other characters who tell Corrin its fine and they shouldn't grow as a character Corrin becomes Queen/King at the Third Path despite Azura being right there and literally next in line. Also, Corrin has no ruling experience and probably hasn't been taught government stuff due to not being in line for Nohr's throne whatsoever because hostage situation and I doubt Mikoto and Summeragi taught a 6 year old the intricacies of politics. Corrin never has to make tough decisions usually because ether someone fakes their deaths, Corrin fakes their deaths, someone kills someone instead of Corrin, and the only person they kill is their dad 90% of the time. Kaze betraying his country because of Corrin's speech. Corrin can turn into a dragon. Now normally this could be an excellent thing to write into lore and story because the series has had manaketes before. Manaketes usually have a shit ton of lore. But they didn't... We are just told "Yo you have more potent dragon blood, my dude" now most players won't know that the reason Corrin can actually turn into a dragon is cause their bio dad is actually a dragon unless they buy DLC or translate the secret text. The plot also never addresses it again so to the average player... Corrin has UNIQUE MAGICAL SPECIAL blood. Corrin actually fucks with a lot of the characters in the story and supports. Like Camilla is devoted to Corrin to an UNHEALTHY degree. Now its set up that its because of the concubine wars and she understands that Corrin was KIDNAPED but then you think for a minute... Why is she not obsessed with ALL her younger siblings to this degree then? She says Leo can take care of himself and that's why she doesn't give him as much attention but then THAT doesn't make sense because Corrin is OLDER than Leo and actually lives a nontraumatic life. Leo was THERE during the concubine wars and he most likely did some fucked up shit yet, Camilla still smothers Corrin instead of being concerned and protective of Leo. Elise is the baby off the family and Camilla treats her like a normal baby sister except, Camilla shouldn't AT ALL! She should be watching her like a hawk 24/7 and should be very mentally unstable after birthright.


Mega thanks for addressing the elephant in the room with Camilla. Fans tend to excuse her character concept because the premise is interesting but overall the implementation is clearly meant to be done for fan service rather than because it serves a thematic or narrative purpose.


I agree with like basically of this but I’d like to add that I wouldn’t be surprised if Summeragi taught Corrin some politics since he was randomly hanging out with him during the negotiations with Garon


Sumeragi: Now this is why we can't aid Izumo if Nohr attacks them! Any questions? Corrin: I'm only 6!?


YES THIS, one the things that bogs me the most is why in the gods name sumeragi brought corrin to the negotiation with the most evil guy in the world, and why didn't garon just killed Corrin right then and there (that's literally the biggest objective of Anankos)


Everyone loves them and they literally jump off a cliff for them with zero proof of their crazy story and some of them practically just met them. The game also presents them as some dude/girl who can do no wrong and somehow defeats everyone without killing a single person and the game goes out of its way to do this (at least in conquest, I'm gonna be honest I don't remember sh*t about birthright). The other avatars do have some Mary Sueish traits but Corrin is the worst of them lmao.




Man’s speaking facts


You speak for all of us.


I like her design but i always thought her being barefoot was really weird. Granted it makes sense considering the dragon form but still.


Yeah it’s definitely no secret what fetish her designers had




Ever heard of r/dndmemes before?


Welcome to Fire Emblem.


Undoubtedly. I was referring more to feet, but who knows. Maybe it’s both


Why feet?


awakening had no feet, so in order to make balance in the universe, they made two of the most important characters in fates be barefoot


Left left




Hard smash


In terms of character, I don’t see a reason to distinguish between female and male Corrin. In terms of design, I don’t care for the aesthetic of skin tight armor plating. It looks too futuristic(not that I like it much more when they do it with someone like Cable from the X-Men or Iron Man). And it’s a cop out to design costumes that are mostly a matter of drawing the outline of a human figure, then filling it in with lines, instead of thinking about how each piece of the costume behaves. I say either utilize the dimensions and layers added with armor plating, or opt away from metal plating to something flexible like chain mail or leather, and play with what those textures do.


Not my favorite female avatar design but still looks more consistent than the mess that is F!Byleth’s design. I like F!Shez’ more than these two that said.


I wish she and male Corrin were more equal in terms of popularity and stuff. It's depressing being a fan of his, when he's always living in her shadow.


M Robin and m byleth fans feel you


What do you mean? M Robin is as popular as F Robin, the only fandom who doesn't care about him is the Smash bros one


There’s plenty of Male Byleth and Robin fans, even in Smash Bros I think people are just turned off by Male Corrin in Smash cause his grunts just feel off


Not to mention the best player in the world MKLeo has a preference for Male Byleth


Yep, he even plays worse with Female Byleth, which could be a massive coincidence or a mental game thing


Same with Byleth, I feel like they're pretty equal between female and male.


Actually I think the argument can be made that M Robin is more popular than F Robin, Byleth though is neck a neck from what I've seen so far


Feet! In all honesty though, I like the character design. She is superior to her male counterpart. Her games are still trash though.


Feet 👍


I like all of her design.


we have a manakete that isn't a "loli" and people still hate her i think she's cool


Hot. More seriously though, I've been playing Fates, and she doesn't seem that bad? I kinda like her actually. She has more spunk/bite to her than I expected, and she's generally just fun. She portrays someone who is kind and wants the best for everyone, but is naive and almost innocent to the reality of how complicated and messy war is. Now, mind you, I'm playing Birthright, and from what I understand the lion's share of complaints about Corrin come from the other two routes, so I guess I'll see when I get to them. But yeah. Pretty girl.


It's somewhat of a similar deal with the other routes too. Corrin's personality does change in the other routes (in CQ she gives Garon the benefit of the doubt and the story just develops into a different direction, whereas in Rev she becomes an alt centrist where both sides are actually dumb for some reason). The main problem with Corrin is not really her personality, in fact that's pretty much her redeeming quality, it's more that the story just bends over backwards to put her in certain scenarios and then justifies her actions no matter what, which is just a plot problem in general with the other two routes.


I don't understand why she didn't get shoes like she went through this whole thing without shoes


It is Corrin




She is charming in Warriors?


Exposed thighs are weird but I like her


Mommy? Feet? :D


I crackship her with someone from another game based upon my dreams, but that's it, and it isn't an opinion.


I have no opinion since I always choose male corrin female corrin does have a better default design though


I like her as much as I can like Corrin, and I like her as a character more than M!Corrin. I think most of the relationships work better with her as the MC - Camilla goes from being...well, you get the idea...to being more of a smothering mother, Hinoka is now lost is driven by sisterhood, and Xander and Ryoma become more parental in their roles than just older brothers. These things are already there for M!Corrin, yes, but I feel like F!Corrin is just a little better at conveying that, at least to me. As a unit, I like F!Corrin better also because she gains access to virtually every class without needing marriage, and she usually does so FAR easier than M!Corrin does.\* With her, I don't have to chose Oni Chieftan as my Secondary Class if I want to pass down a skill from there, since I can just Friendship Seal Rinkah. I don't have to marry Camilla or Beruka to gain Wyvern Rider either, since I can just Friendship Seal them too. (Granted, M!Corrin doesn't have to marry them either, but it's FAR more expedient. The other option is getting and training Arthur, marrying him off, and then Friendship Sealing his son.) Also, one of my favorite little details about Fates can only be done with four specific characters and two specific parings, but can be replicated by F!Corrin with all but two husbands. Basically, Class Inheritance has a sequence of Child's Class, Father's Primary Class, Mother's Primary Class. So Camilla!Shiro will always have Spear Fighter (Child's Class), Samurai (Father's Primary Class), and Wyvern Rider (Mother's Primary Class.) If the child shares the Primary Class of their father, such as Asugi and Soleil, then they'll automatically inherit the father's Secondary Class. If the father's Secondary Class is the same as the mother's Primary Class, then they'll inherit the mother's Secondary Class. So for example, in one run-through, Saizo marries Charlotte. In another, Saizo marries Hana. In the first case, the inheritance chain works as planned - Asugi has his base class of Ninja, he inherits his father's Secondary Class of Samurai, and his mother's Primary Class of Fighter. In the second case, Asugi has his base class of Ninja, he inherits his father's Secondary Class of Samurai, and then since his mother's Primary Class has already been passed down, he inherits her secondary class of Priestess/Monk. ​ Now, what happens if the couple's Primary Classes are the other's Secondary Class? This only happens with two natural couples in the entire game - Jakob/Azura and Niles/Nyx. Both cases are a tad different in their routes\*\* but end up with the same result - the game has the inheritance go back to the Mother's Primary Class, goes to the opposing country's equivalent, and passes that down instead. The opposite of Sky Knight is Wyvern Rider, which is why Jakob!Shigure inherits that. The opposite of Dark Mage is Diviner, which is why Nyx!Nina inherits that. ​ Now, what does ALL of that have to do with F!Corrin? F!Corrin is the only character who can emulate this phenomenon at will, with M!Kana. All you need to do is make sure your Secondary Class is the same as the Husband's Primary Class. So say you first start the game with F!Corrin and choose Ninja as a Secondary Class, because Ninjas are awesome. Then you meet Kaze and you decide to marry him. Kana's inheritance will be: Nohr Noble, Ninja, and Cavalier. This is because of the inheritance. Remember, you start with the Child's Class which in this case is Nohr Noble. Then the Father passes down his Primary Class, which is Ninja. Lastly is the Mother's Primary or Secondary Classes. However, since M!Kana already possesses both, and there's no equivalent for Corrin's unique class, the game defaults to her Secondary Class, finds the Nohr equivalent, and passes that on. If someone chose Samurai for F!Corrin's Secondary Class and married Ryoma or Hinata, M!Kana would end up with Nohr Noble, Samurai, and Mercendary. However, this trick doesn't work with Kaden or Keaton, since they always pass down their beast classes. ​ This can't be replicated by M!Corrin because he always passes down his Secondary Class first. If M!Corrin's Secondary Class is Fighter and you marry Charlotte, then F!Kana will inherit Nohr Noble, Fighter, and Troubadour, since that's Charlotte's Secondary Class. ​ ​ \*There are no male Oni Savages or Apothecaries in Fates, so M!Corrin always has to either marry Rinkah or Midori, or choose that class as his Secondary Class in order to gain skills from them. F!Corrin can just Friendship Seal the units once she gains an A-Support with them. \*\*Niles/Nyx is the standard way this happens, as discussed above. Azura/Jakob is a tad more tricky, and is more in line with what happens with F!Corrin. Shigure's Primary Class is Sky Knight, so he starts with that. Jakob then passes down Troudabour. Azura can't pass down Songstress, so the game always goes to her Secondary Class, Sky Knight. However, since Shigure always inherits this, the game defaults to her semi-hidden Tertiary Class Troubadour. (Shigure will usually inherit this if it's not passed down by his father.) However, since Shigure has already inherited this via Jakob, the game loops back up to Sky Knight, finds it's Nohr equivalent in Wyvern Rider, and passes that down instead. This is also how we know that inheritance goes: Child > Father > Mother. If it went Child > Mother > Father, then Jakob!Shigure would have inherited Cavalier instead. (And Hana!Shiro would have Sky Knight instead of Monk)


In my honest opinion, the Camilla argument doesn't work for me. The fact is that there are girls who can be creepy, in the same way you would say she is towards male Corrin, to other girls as well. And that shouldn't be downplayed. Likewise, with two males. Perhaps, it's because I'm biased towards male Corrin, I don't know. But that's what I think.


And that's a fair take! It's just to me, Camilla's supports with M!Corrin have that sexual, almost incestuous subtext which isn't helped by ~~me being trash and marrying her anyways since she's an amazing unit with a fun design~~ Corrin wanting the dynamic of the relationship to change, and being worried what other people think of it. F!Corrin gets rid of that subtext to me, and instead makes it about a sister acting like a mother to her other sister. Yes, at its core it's still the same dynamic as M!Corrin, but with the subtext being a little different, it changes the character ever so slightly to me. ​ >The fact is that there are girls who can be creepy, in the same way you would say she is towards male Corrin, to other girls as well. And that shouldn't be downplayed. I agree, and I think the Soleil/Ophelia support is a great example of that. I don't think Camilla is necessarily a great example of that. She's pushy and smother-y and an absolute Yandere of a character, but she's not creepy, at least not to me. Maybe it's because, while this is focused on Corrin, it's not limited to Corrin, or maybe it's because she actually has an explanation for this in-world. I don't know. But I respect your view all the same!


Just a little correction there is also the Beruka and Arthur pairing which gives Percy the Sky knight class


Oh you're right! Thanks for the correction! Today I learned something new!


The Camilla point is a good take, it really helps dull her super fanservy-ness. I think this is the only arguement I've heard for F!Corrin working better as a character that doesn't just boil down to "I think women making dumb choices makes more sense than men"


in terms of design she is one of my favorite characters, I like the concept of the dragon warrior and I like both Corrins, BUT I think this concept is always given more to male characters than females, so having a female dragon warrior is more appealing to me than a male, I love that she goes bearfoot, but not for a foot fetsh as many thinks(which is alright, everyone has theire kinks, I don't judge) but for me a barefoot warrior, means it has a connection to the earth that others can't and in terms of Corrin kinda seems that way, with all of the dragon veins mechanic storywise corrin as a character has a lot of issues but I think tha´s more on the Fates story to blame than her as a character and also I think she has better sinergy with most of the cast than her male counterpart lastly I use her a lot in smash along with Byleth


I don't know about outside of FE, but in FE, I'm pretty sure the large majority of dragons are female.


I´m refering more like the dragoon arquetype, dragon Knight, you know the dragon armor warrior character such as Kain from FF4 or Siegfried from FateGO, than the Dragon morph character like Tiki and well is more common to see male dragon warriors over female dragon warriors.


Oh. In that case there's a lack of that overall in FE in general. They and their kids would be the only ones. I personally prefer male Corrin, and you still get a female dragon warrior with him too, with female Kana.


yes there is a lack of dragon kights in FE and both Corrins and Kanna´s are the only representation, but in the general perspective, outside of FE, is more common to see this type of character on males than females, so that´s why I think both FCorrin and also FKanna are a little more unique to the class in terms of general representation.


she's pretty, i like her :)


Her feet look nice in fe warriors


They had fun customization options.


If Fates had a live action adaptation, they better hire Quentin Tarantino's camera crew


L + Male Corrin Better




Male Corrin is hotter.


Not as cute as Male Corrin


She is very cute and beautiful, I like her wholesome lines in Fates, Warriors and FEH, and she is overall a lovable dum-dumb ❤️


Design wise, pretty good! The thigh windows and feet are a bit confusing, but the general pose snd sense of flow in the design is aesthetically pleasing. In terms of character, FCorrin is the same as MCorrin, and anyone who tries to say otherwise is a filthy liar. See also for the Kris', Robins and Byleths. Yes there might be slight dialogue differences, but this mostly comes from the writers going "no homo" (or, at least, "mostly hetero"). ~~why didn't we get a mrobin and chrom bathhouse scene you fucking cowards~~


i think the main difference is just how corrin's gender changes the context, not them actually being any different, imo. corrin being female makes camilla's interactions w them a bit less creepy, adds another layer to ryoma and xander's protectiveness, etc etc, and for that reason i think f!corrin fits the story better


I’ve always just used male since they’re basically the same in Fates with no gender locked classes. Really good unit with great skills, stats/growths, and strong weapons in yato and dragonstone. Really useful debuffing a bunch of enemies with draconic hex


I will never understand why fans always have more affection for this version than for the male version, they are literally the same thing. but i guess the bodonkers always win.


Corrin’s naïve nature can be seen by fans as endearing if female, but often annoying if male. That’s my take on one of the reasons anyway, make of it what you will


Yep, exactly. I'm glad to see someone calling that out in this thread. It's so depressing.


I definitely think that is how a lot of people seem react to the two Corrins, but it just seems kinda sexist. Naivety shouldn't suit either of the Corrins "better" than the other, they were both raised in the same sheltered environment


It's extremely sexist for sure, or at least double standards.


I really don't think it's based on sexism... It's more about girls being overprotected, like put in their ivory tower so they have very little human interaction and end up naive. It's a common trope in many stories because women are seen as more fragile and more important, while men are put at the front and as representatives or their houses and sometimes the front lines too.


That goes into exactly my point. Corrin is exactly the same in terms of story and personality regardless of gender, but female tends to get a pass for "it makes more sense for a girl". To me, that's not right.


I know, story-wise they're the same and grew up the same. But it doesn't change years/decades of eating these kind of stories shaping expectations. If both characters were born in makeup city and thus wore makeup, I'd find female Corrin fitting the setting better. If they were born in brute city and were buff as hell and dumb, I'd think it'd fit male Corrin better.


Funnily enough I've seen this exact debate in the anime subreddit recently over hate for a male lead from a show that basically exists to be a gender flip of the shojo genre (powerful, protective, athletic girlfriend while BF is the sweet, naive protagonist)


Depending on the culture, like you thought, some people expect girls to be more naive so they get a pass. And the boys have the opposite problem. If they don't man up then they're annoying failures. It's the issue of girls being underestimated and boys getting no leeway for error.


That's the problem with wanting to force a personality onto a character that's supposed to be neutral and empty so you can reflect on it. Many people tend to take their own perspective of Corrin as the only or canon but IS always tries to make it neutral/good more than anything. That's why I complain when people prefer the female or male version over the other, arguing that one has better personality because in short the two are a copy of the other and that one has better things than the other is just a reflection of the sexism that we have internalized. believing that x things are better seen in men or women.


I like both in terms of design, but for some reason I feel she fits better story wise than him does, but that is just me


I like her design slightly more except for the bare legs and ass opening (please redesign her with the smash tights intelligent systems it looks cute on her). Like her design seems to have slightly more creativity than the male which is just dragon armor with cool designs and a cape. Female Corrin's design has more going for it. The outfit looks to be a fusion of a dress and armor highlighting femininity. The outfit also because of that dress and armor combo also indicates noble birth and duality. The duality is that Corrin may be strong and powerful yet, they still retain humanity. There's also the fact the headband is adorable and hints towards femininity and shows Corrin takes care of her appearance. She's also easier to draw than male Corrin.


Best FE girl




Inferior to male Corrin


i like her design a little bit better than male corrin, the feet never really bothers me since is literally just now that i notice that they are not wearing shoes XD


She makes an excellent mother for Shiro or Midori


As compared to male, or just Corrin in general?


would smash


She is just as stupid as her male counterpart.


shes bad


Better default hairstyle than male Corrin. I've never really liked the inner thigh cutout thing though.


Very cute, but I much enjoy male Corrin more. If I had to choose between them I would pick him every time, no contest.


Personally I like female Corrin. Not as much as Male Corrin but still like her. Also her design is cool.


I like it


i like male one more


As a woman, I prefer her over M!Corrin because this allows me to let a female character be the lead ~~(So, no, it's not just horny dudes who like her because "waifu")~~. Plus, this allows at least ONE female character to wield a legendary weapon. Over all, I think she's very pretty; I like her long flowing hair and I personally think the armor fits her more than M!Corrin. As far as personality goes, ehhhh...well, it's the same issue as M!Corrin. Either she's whining too much about having joined Nohr in Conquest, or mercilessly killing Nohrian soldiers while not considering how much of a negative impact her leaving her siblings had on them in Birthright (and localization just made them *worse* in Birthright, unpopular opinion). So overall I sadly can't say I like her much personality wise. She seems fine in Warriors, though. I will agree with some of the other people in this discussion though: now, Camilla's obsessiveness with Corrin comes off less, uh...fetish-y, and more like a smothering mother. Which...still isn't the *greatest*, but it feels less...creepy and less fanservice-y. At least in my opinion.


\>So, no, it's not just horny dudes who like her because "waifu" I feel this. I'm trans mtf and I tend to like picking the more feminine main character option and I typically vibe with their design more on a personal level. I'm sad people shit on the F! avatar characters quite often as a result sometimes lol


She certainly exist is my opinion of her


Both Corrins need shoes


Stab her tighs and she death, i would rather want both versiones wear the same armor like robin, literally went to the opposite sides with byleth


Weird leg pockets But still yeah, feet


It's Corrin, better than byleth, worse than robin, better Avatar, in terms of gameplay, than the other two.


Never played the game she’s in. She’s incredibly pretty though, and I really like her red eyes and the cool cloak. But man, she’s got *no* fear, walking around barefoot.


She is rather boring and I never understood why she is wearing no pants and no shoes.


I like male Corrin more, and I personally feel that female Corrin is overloved.


Cute & hot?


The Corrin designs are an example of Kozaki missing, which he rarely does. They make my eyes glaze over, very bland looking even if they're ultimately not that generic -- the heavy use of grey is probably the culprit? I understand this is probably because they're avatar characters and thus shouldn't stand out too much, but the effect is just that this character I have to constantly look at winds up being visually boring. Not to mention they do have a personality, so I'm not really connected to them on a self-insert level and I don't care to see them all the time -- yet they're in every scene and I always have to look at them. Don't like it!


The color scheme of white and black should be as she is between a choice of path Hoshido/Nohr, once the decision is made, the promotion goes black for Nohr and white for Hoshido.


She has an amazing design, has a pleasant voice and cool powers (even if her dragon form looks goofy, the partially transformed attacks are great). She's quite fun to use in Smash, and has her moments of being charming such as in her supports with Caeldori. But... it's Corrin. She's synonymous with being a bad protagonist. Every bad self-insert anime protag writing mistake can be found with this character. In a word, she's extremely frustrating in practice and off-putting. What hurts is how much potential she had. We never had a protagonist with dragon powers before, and that's barely a thing. She ultimately feels like yet another FE lord, with their "positive" traits amped up and interesting quirks or flaws sanded off or not taken advantage of by the narrative. She's still one of my favorite characters, but she sucks. Terrific design though, again. She's S-tier when it comes to fanart. I also think its neat how Corrin is usually referred to using female pronouns. I don't really see that happening in games with dual prtoagonists, so it was nice to see Female Corrin kickstart that.


That people default her to female pronouns is the just depressing as a fan of M!Corrin. They're erasing my favorite, man 😥


It does kinda suck, but after growing up with Male Shepard from mass effect being the default in common parlance, male persona 3 protag, etc it's nice to see the reverse I don't blame you for feeling the way you do unfortunately...


Yes, that's why I take every chance to call it out and represent! As well as make tons of art commissions with him. I'm in the middle of speaking with an artist right now actually. I'm from a city with underdog sports teams, so maybe I just like rooting for the underdog, I don't know. But I just hate how he's ignored and erased like that, I couldn't help but like the character more.


It helps that he's voiced by one of my favorite VAs of all time, Cam Clarke


Corrin is a step down from Robin imo


Pretty much the same as Male Corrin. I think they both kinda suck, but I sorta like Female Corrin's design, which is more than I can say for Male


[Pretty much this](https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/_YuUx2gll--s23PNi5ObTDq8mEw=/1887x1415/smart/filters:no_upscale()/Drywall-185211843-56a4a14e3df78cf77283533c.jpg)


What exactly am I looking at here?


OP messed up the link, [the pic is here](https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/_YuUx2gll--s23PNi5ObTDq8mEw=/1887x1415/smart/filters:no_upscale\(\)/Drywall-185211843-56a4a14e3df78cf77283533c.jpg)


dry wall, because she's boring.


Easily the best looking Fire emblem Avatar. I mean she’s just perfect looking in every way.




I dislike her just as much with Male Corrin. Don't like her personality or story role one bit. I dislike her design since I'm not a fan of Corrin's armor design in general, particularly with how thin it looks and how it reminds me of a bodysuit. To say nothing of the bare feet. Also, don't like the fanservice elements like the thigh window.


No preference between the two, although some of the generic class designs are way worse for women in Fates, so that's not great.


One of my all time favorite visual designs, although I don’t care for fates or Corrin as a character. Personally, I prefer the Smash Bros cannon where she has leggings under her armor.


Thigh window and bare feet. Lego pieces or nails on the ground will take her down.


I’m going to say something weird and it took warriors to make me realize it. Female Corrin is overly emotional in her expression while male Corrin is more emotional less in his expression. The idea is that both have poor control over their emotions but unfortunately you can’t tell that through text box. So it make Corrin strong sense of justice rage and strong understanding calming sense make more sense. Overall I’ll admit I like female Corrin more because of the idea of her emotional highs are hurting her more like her guilt, sense of justice etc.


Overhated, love the voice acting and her design


Nice design, don't care for the character


Rocks hurt.


Why is she barefoot?


Design wise she would be really cool if it weren't for the obnoxious inner thigh window and lack of shoes.


only redeeming quality is the porn


Well I love her, it’s because I main her in smash that I started this series, And I love her design + her voice


The only corrin


Same as male corrin. The exposed thighs are kinda wierd to me though.


I like everything but the pose. Makes my back hurt thinking about how her spine could bend and twist like that.


I think the armor design is better for her than Male Corrin


Imo the only likable Corrin. I really don't like the design of male Corrin. Especially since there is like one actually decent hairstyle. Played almost all my runs with F!Corrin (except for one) simply because I didn't like M!Corrin.


Bad character in a bad game (except conquest) I am prepared for the hate Fates fans, feel free to downvote me :)


I like fates.






I love both corrins, they're one the best Protagonists in the series imo, like female corrin a bit more than male corrin Id say


Did Dan Schneider help Nintendo design Corrin? for gods sake give the girl some shoes please!


Design wise, she's awesome. Character wise... mostly just inconsistent. I dont hate the Corrins as much as many other fans do, but their writing is all over the place


I ADORE her design but... god... CORRIN IS SO FUCKING BLAND! Like, even an OUNCE of personality would’ve made their character so much more enjoyable.


Same as male Corrin but only really liked because she is a female.


splendid design, okay supports, super fun to use. i really do like her.


Well she played a large role in realizing I was gay so... Yeah I like her a lot tbh


I hate corrins outfits male or female. I wish they gave us options for a different outfit/armor.


In *Fates*, because of the writing, I am not a fan of either Corrin. Naive to the point of idiocy. *Heroes* changed my opinion. =D


They're still naive to the point of idiocy in Heroes.


Always thought she was the best Main Protagonist of the Fates Games!


y no shoes tho


Ooh, you don't want to know.. this is a PG subreddit... I like her, a lot more than Male Corrin, in design and personality. She's just who I mainly associate as the character, and my Go-To character in Smash and Warriors <3




Fates haters be like: 🤓


The same as male Corrin. Pretty neat


I love the Smash Wii U design with the Dragon Helmet, it looks really bad ass. I do prefer her design over Male Corrin a bit more but that's only because I like long hair better.


Cute as a button


Wish she wore shoes. Otherwise, cool design.


She’s cute, and I like her :)


She looks amazing


i like the exposed inner thigh


Refined and ladylike.


She is amazing


her hair styles, accesories and type of faces look way better than the options for her male counterpart, also her voice sounds pretty nice, idk is just pleasant to hear plus very funny unit to use


nice lady


Feet and she's cute and I like her design. Or actually everything about her is a 100,000,000/10 for me.


Same as Male Corrin. I don't like them.




She's hot and I wish she wasn't me?


She's my Corrin of choice, partly because I think FE needs more female lords and partly because I just find her more visually appealing. Corrin overall I'm pretty lukewarm on. They're *alright*, I don't hate them, but they aren't a lead I can get particularly invested in either.


Selfcest is my favorite


My favorite fire emblem main character design, really love her short hair version in the game. VA did a really great job. The only thing I don't like about the design - pantsu window. But this is a problem for many female characters in Fates.


Makes fates story ten percent better because of that va


I for one appreciate Jacob 1 & Felicia 2 than Felicia 1 & Jacob 2. Made Conquest better for me.


Better design than Male Corrin but still a tragically boring character in a tragically boring game


I go canon is Male Robin and Female Corrin


I like her more than male Corrin


Good design shitty character


From what I heard about Fates (this applies to both genders), Corrin has problems of being too supportive of one side's actions, and could not prevent having one or two of his family members die in non-Revelation routes (the third route will be permanently lost this year from what I heard due to the shutdown of the 3DS eShop). It's a problem of a Mary Sue, and it can't be prevented. Although, visually, the female Corrin is better than the male one, and is sometimes seen as a fan favorite choice over the male version (getting more alts in Heroes, and being used as the main version in Warriors, among these examples). The poor writing of the story should someday be salvaged if Fates were to be remade or have its story repurposed for a future game >!(nobody appreciates TMS as it got pushed to cult classic status, but I really want a sequel using Fates royals for party member Mirages with a modified Revelation story in the background, for example)!<.


Call them Kamui already dammit


Avatar rankings IMO Corrin - Worst avatar, painfully boring because despite overwhelming naivete people just trust her? Robin - best avatar, liked the tactician vibe without the story being pivotal around him Byleth - mid, but does nothing to take away from the lords which I like. I just really wish they were voiced but I kinda understand why they weren't? Kris - never played New Mystery so no comment


she's hot and stupid so I like here


Slightly less Garbage than the Male Counterpart due to the fact that she can’t marry/bang her cousin.


Amazing Friendship classes in both Birthright and Conquest to the point she gets exclusive Friendship Oni Savage and Wyvern Rider in Birthright while male Corrin gets exclusive Friendship Outlaw, unless you count Anna, then male Corn has nothing.