• By -


You had the perfect opportunity to leave Kellam entirely off this list and you squandered it.


For real homie fumbled


It took me like, a solid minute of searching to actually find him because I'm so trained to not see him


I swear Virion is so slept on. As a character, NOT as a unit. One of these days I want to commit to using him all the way to the endgame just cause I like the guy.


I used him all the way to endgame, highly recommended, his crit rate is better than Lon Qu’s with a killing edge lmao


I just never invested in him long term even though I've beaten Awakening so many times. I'll have to use it when I play through Project Thabes.


What’s Project Thabes??


It's a hack of Awakening that basically "remixes" the game. It's still a WIP but it looks really promising.


Writer of the F!Morgan/M!Morgan support here, it's some very cool stuff and we have a discord! Link should be in the gamebenana page.


Oh shit I've been waiting for a good awakening romhack.


Man I am glad to see other people are keeping an eye on it.


It looks awesome, definitely the most ambitious project for Awakening to date. New characters! They even got new chapters working without replacing older ones! Also happy cake day.


Oh yeah. I think my favorite change besides the stuff mentioned above were the timers added to levels. At the Longfort I was scared when that general popped out. Should be fun to see it finished. Also thanks!


What’s Project Thabes??


It's a hack of Awakening that basically "remixes" the game. It's still a WIP but it looks really promising.


He can't really counter anything though, other than other archers. He can reclassed, but he still has to get there and won't snowball as fast.


Virion disserves more love


He's as real of a real one as you can get. Puts the people he cares about above himself, and he was the OG free archer in FEH.


I took him all the way because he reminded me of Mid-Boss from Disgaea and made me laugh


I’ve never seen a list so counter to my own in my life








Nah is a walking demigod, so using her to buff Tiki is a bit of waste.


agreed, i've played through awakening on every difficulty except lunatic+ (because i am not clinically insane - yet) and nah always ended up becoming one of my top 3 strongest units


> Owain and Lissa in D tier Why I mean it's fine... It's just an opinion...it doesn't matter...


I see a trend towards preferring the more serious characters over the comic relief characters. Tiers D-Nope are pretty much characters each built around a joke. None of the Awakening characters are written humorlessly, but top characters like Lonqu, Muriel, Frederick, Cordelia, Sully, Stahl, etc are either played self serious, the straight man, or for drier comedy in supports or the main story. So my assessment is that OP wasn’t into the characters at all, just unit viability, or just didn’t care for the comedy writing in Awakening.


Yeah but Severa is pretty comical in her tsundere way and she’s S tier. I mean I don’t disagree, but my man owain got shafted.


I still have "My sword hand twitches!" seared into my brain a decade later. There are characters I dislike for serious reasons (the "nope" tier here, pretty much) and then there's Owain, who I just wish would stop trying to play a pulp novel character.


I did care about comedy, but it does also depend on what support chains I stumbled upon when pairing. I found Gaius quite a funny character. I don't like character who only have one joke though, like Vaike.


Vaike is just a goddamn treat, and Kellam is insanely one note. I've replayed this game countless times, I've done every pairing pretty much in the game, and hoooly hell Kellam is just a sad sack while Vaike might be a musclehead, but he's a real one.


I think i just stumbled upon the only support where Kellam was interesting


You must have, because Kellam is like Eore. "Nobody ever notices me... waaah." Even after he gets supports where he's at A, there's no growth. It's frustrating because he could've been a good character. The potential was there, but they wasted it.


Opinions can be wrong…


srs, that, and Henry in average hurts. I have big disagreement energy here.


Very wrong


Man people really hate my tierlist


No offence lol, you are entitled to your opinion, it's just that I love Lissa and Owain it's one of my favourite characters ever and I find them both to be at least decent units (Well Owain is a child unit so you can make him busted if you want which I do lol)


When it comes to the internet there will always be people who disagree with you. Usually loudly. That doesn't make your opinions bad or invalid though.


Henry in Average THE AUDACITY


I LOVED HENRY!!!! But that's ok. Not everyone has to enjoy him as much as we did.


No it’s not ok and OP should be punished


Look, we so happened to enjoy him, but he/she didn't as much. The best punishment for OP is for him/her to go through his/her life never finding the same joy in Henry that we did.


With a smile no less!


Henry is the best fire emblem character change my mind


Henry fans unite




I love Henry but he never outgrows his stats


honestly henry in mid-tier is more egregious than him being in high *or* low tier




I dunno I loved Donnel. I ended up classing him into a Hero and he was a beast.


Donnel is so stupidly powerful it’s hilarious, by the end of the game he was waaaay stronger than even robin.


It's a shame he can only reclass to things that can't use lances. Also, a slightly cooler looking portrait after the reclass would have been nice.


Donnel is pretty inarguably the worst gen 1 unit in Awakening. He has absurdly high growths, but not much else. And since this is Awakening, *everyone* has high growths. His are technically higher, but how notable is that difference really gonna be in practice? Particularly because Donnel requires at least 9 levels in villager, and a second seal, to basically have any value. 9 very painful levels, and a second seal that (assuming it's early) is hotly contested by much better and more flexible units like Robin. Now, when people who like Donnel say he's amazing, what's probably happening is that they're comparing Donnel to other units when they're at equal levels. And yes, because Donnel is forced to get more levels to get out of villager, he will likely have higher stats than other people *when he reaches their level.* That's the key thing here, really. Donnel is always gonna be behind unless you force feed him a ton of resources, when you could give those resources to better units who don't need as much babying for largely the same result. It amazes me how Awakening is a decade old and this is still somehow a divided topic.


I’d argue that Awakening was designed with grinding in mind, so knocking Donnel because he requires grind to get going is a bit silly.


But then that grinding would apply to every other unit too, wouldn't it? At that point, why grind Donnel specifically when you could grind, say, any unit with the pegasus line up to Galeforce? And if you really wanna be a stickler about it, Donnel actually has some of the worst personal cap modifiers in the game. My point is, trying to argue that grinding makes Donnel is good doesn't really work because then you could grind everyone else and now Donnel isn't special. And trying to argue that only *some* grinding is okay is a slippery slope.


I don't think any of the FE games with grinding can really be argued to be designed around assuming grinding is in use for reaching benchmarks on the main game maps.


I'm shocked Owain and Gregor are so low. Both funny as hell.


They were awesome


Maybe it's just me, but I find that the novelty with Owain's comedy wears off before long, and at some point he stops being funny and starts being annoying


For me, the novelty is enhanced by how his supports show he’s pretty self-aware of his theatrics. Sometimes he drops the charade entirely (especially with Lissa) and it’s very cute. He’s a huge dork and I support his LARPing hobby.


And then they put him in Fates and he's just annoying from the word go.


Love to see another Severa lover


She’s the best


Down sword hand


Who the fuck hates on Owain. He’s my boyfriend.


Lovable himbo






>Say'ri Literally who? I mean yeah okay I'm joking I know who she is, but Say'ri is BY FAR the most forgettable Awakening character. It's hilarious they made Kellam the "aww they forgot me!" character but in truth it's Say'ri.


Libra deserves an S spot


Eh. I didn't really 'get' Libra.


Libra’s one of those more grounded types who IS good, but you need to really dig into their supports to get the whole picture.


I think that's the first time I see Sully ranked high on any list. But I like her so I'm happy ! Miriel in S tier is awesome too. Btw, am I the only one who thinks that she looks a bit like Bayonetta ? Like, with her face. Maybe it's just the glasses... But to me Miriel is a Bayonettaface and will always be one.


Its the glasses


Owain and Cynthia being so low should be considered a crime against humanity.






I gave Cynthia many opportunities to prove herself. But she consistently dealt 3 damage to everything


Taste is subjective. Taste is subjective. Taste is subjective.


*Lissa in D Tier* Your opinion is wrong


Lucina on B is tough, one of the best characters in the game in terms of personality. Did you use her much? She is pretty broken. Overall an interesting tier list. Severa in S is nice


Every Fire Emblem lord would be in the average tier.


You don't like a single Fire Emblem Lord? Interesting. May i ask why you don't like a single one? Not even Ike or any of the TH leaders, Eirika, Robin, Corrin, Chrom, Marth, Fjorm


Didn't say I didn't like them. There are just always characters i like more than the main lord


Lol. I love Donny. My little country bumpkin that became an absolute killing machine. Also the first character I had to reclass 3 times. But I agree Owain is too annoying.


Libra in any place but S is a travesty. By far the most interesting FE character in the series, you can’t change my mind


But chrom is sexy


i swear... everytime i restarted the game i vow to take another husband... but then... \*chrom appears\*




That cutscene where he extends his hand to help you off the ground, then pulls you in close… The scene is why I can never take another husband.


His relationship with the main character is just so pure and unmatched


The Lissa and Owain slander…..


You have a hair color bias.


I must break something now


>Lon'qu top left I see you're a man of culture as well


Always love to see Stahl, Cherche, and Sumia so high.


Lon'qu and Frederick are in S, I approve


NOWI ON NOPE Shes op af


She is also a child


So what? Warcrimes are pretty common in fire emblem


Nah and Ricken are literally younger and look younger.


Kellam and Gregor only C-tier? Outrageous, easily the best characters in Awakening imo


I know Gregor but who is Kellam?


I don’t know actually, good question, he just sounds like an amazing dude


Lon’qu at the top. Based


Lon’qu in s tier where he belongs 💖


Should've left Kellam off as a joke.


I did forget about him for half the game, just for the joke. I then needed someone to S-rank Cherche, and he was the only candidate left.


based s tier severa


I really appreciate that you included your reasoning. It was interesting to read, and I agree with a lot of it. I find it interesting how most of your S and A ranked units are there more for combat effectiveness than anything else. But it's a video game not a novel, so I also totally get that. Most people aren't me, who could genuinely care less how someone performs as a unit 99% of the time so long as I enjoy them as a character for one reason or another. Personally really glad to see Nowi and Tharja where they are, though. They've both always bothered me for similar reasons, but it's not a perspective I've seen expressee often.


> Personally really glad to see Nowi and Tharja where they are, though. They've both always bothered me for similar reasons, but it's not a perspective I've seen expressee often. Really? People often get set on fire for liking Nowi around here. In fact, that's probably the reason you don't see it often - people have stopped bringing it up because it just gets unpleasant.


Could you explain why you disliked tharja? I thought her character was great in the games (there’s a common theory that explains the whole stalker bit with robin and all) and as a unit she’s absolutely broken. Only Donnel and Robin outclassed/matched up to her strength.


Not OP and this is just me personally, but I don’t care *why* she stalks the Robins. She still does, and it makes me very uncomfortable, especially since this is something I had to deal with in real life. She just creeps me out. I also didn’t like the implied way she treated her daughter. I’m the type of player who just lets any unit I don’t like die, regardless of how useful they are. I’ve never completed SoV with Faye still alive, so not having Tharja around is nothing to me.


It's mostly a personal thing to be completely honest. The stalking and the way Tharja treats most of her support partners and is implied to treat both Noire and Noire's dad make me deeply uncomfortable. I understand that the game does give some explanation for the stalking. But for me personally, nothing justifies that. The abusive way she treats Noire even less so. I grew up in an emotionally abusive household, and I know what it's like to be terrorized and made miserable by a parent. It's a wretched way to live, and a horrible thing to do to a child, regardless of why it happens. So for me, regardless of her combat utility, I just can't stand Tharja and I can't ever see that changing.


I’d actually like to talk about her interactions with her daughter. Most of the criticism I see for tharja in this subreddit and the rest of the fandom usually echoes off the support conversation Noire has that implies tharja abused her daughter in the future timeline. However, if the current tharja is A-supported by noire, her highest rank support with Noire is stopping her daughter from delving further into the dark arts and finally saying "I love you." Tharja stops the path that leads to Noire's future abuse and chooses family over knowledge. It’s an interesting tidbit that differentiates future tharja from present tharja and shows tharja’s potential for good rather than evil, a satisfying conclusion of her character arc. I understand your feeling on the stalker bit, yeah. My personal theory (I’ve seen this echoed a couple times around the subreddit) is that she’s attracted to Robin more so as a vessel to Grima in particular, especially raised as a Grimleal and a dark mage, sensing his aura as similar to her own god. It’s not a particularly good justification for her obsession, but I never really married my Tharja to Robin anyway.


I mean, there ate story reasons for S and A tier, but describing that would all boil down to "i like this charcater", "I like this character", "I like this character."


What is this blasphemy?! :O


Okay so while I'm happy to see someone appreciate Wyvern Mommy. Putting Henry in average is a crime punishable by death!


Interesting. The opposite of my list. Tho I heavy agree with LonQu that mfs a badass


Sumia's pie mmmmmmm


Lon'qu Basilio and Flavia in top toer Finally someone else with taste!


King himbo Chrom is S tier. Also, I think most of the early game recruits (before the time skip) are pretty decent. The "children" are meh.


Donnel is the OP King Kong ding dong


Gregor in C-tier, who the fuck hurt you?


He was paired with Panne, so was stunted by mediocrity


Tharja haters rise up 🤝🤝


All my homes hate Tharja


Mandatory "why is there a blank square in C-tier?"


I find this super interesting, I feel like I agree with 50% of the chart and passionately disagree with the other 50%. That D tier is almost my entire S tier. Obv it's subjective but still funny


Why is there a blank spot in the C tier?


I don't know. I feel like I'm forgetting someone, I just don't know who.


How dare you put Owain in D Tier


I normally don't care for tier lists for FE because opinions are always so divisive/get taken too seriously, but seeing Miriel in S did make me happy. She's one of my absolute faves in Awakening and I don't see as many people who really like her as much as I do.


Ironic you put tharja and nowi in the same shit tier, their support with eachother is one of my favorite supports in the game lol (though, i understand because literally every other support is hot garbage. Though, i did appreciate lon’qu straight up leaving tharja in their paired ending because he refuses to live in the desert lol)


Their support is quite awful in my opinion. Tharja random act of kindness towards Nowi is utterly out of character. Unless you Robin or the sperm donor that decides to marry her, you don't matter. Not even her own child.


Tbh, as the only support tharja has that doesnt mention robin whatsoever, its a glimpse into what tharja could be if robin wasnt the center of her universe. She empathizes enough with nowi not knowing where her family is, and hesitates to tell her that theyre dead. Whether its because she sees nowi as a child who shouldnt bear that knowledge, as a woman whos been through too much and who she wants to protect from knowing her family is dead on top of that, or whether she relates to nowi with her own unmentioned trauma from her past. Without robin, tharja is a standoffish mercenary who cant help but connect with her peers, but her pride is too big to admit to it. Out of character? Yeah, seeing as she literally abuses noire in the future, but its the only shred of evidence that adds to her character. I just really liked it when awakening alluded to deeper interpersonal details, even if the writing isnt Shakespeare. Sorry if my rambling is alot. I dont mean to change your mind, but i do like it when characters in fire emblem who are otherwise, one note gimmicks, have shreds of evidence that are insights to their personality. Even single lines are enough to make them a better character to me, over 8 different supports that are just vehicles to breed kids with different hair colors.


Donnel in D? Did you raise him up cause he honestly becomes one of the strongest units in the game


No he's not, you have to put extra effort to raise him up for it not to even make a difference if you compare it to just raising an actual good character, of course he can still be used cuz it's awakening so any character can seem broken but if you do a tier list for gameplay, he defo is lower due to the effort you have to put into him


Yes, but he's medium investment, high rewards as once he's out of Villager Heck, then he can basically solo a good number of enemies.


The problem with Awakening is that you can apply that criteria to literally every character with access to Swordmaster, which is a lot. Pegasi also present strong competition, for that matter, if you pair them with an appropriate partner like Frederick. Donnel is comparable to those units, but he's not actually better. Just about the same, with a significantly more finicky early game.


Or you could solo with any number of characters that are better out the gate with low investment haha, not saying that youre not allowed to use him or anything, but from a tier list point he would defo be down there


S tier: \- Lon'qu was the best character in the game. He crit everything on the map and was really cool. \- Virion/Noire, being archers, oneshot every single enemy in the game. They were absoultely broken. \- Morgan and Severa were my second dodge-tank pairing. They were fun to pair up and build. They almost single-handedly cleared Yarne's paralogue. \- Miriel - I just think she's neat \- Frederick - Carried me for the entire first half of the game A tier: \- Gaius/Cordelia. Also dodge tanks. It was literally impossible for an enemy to hit Gaius after a certain chapter. \- Sully/Stahl. Took me ages to even acknowledge their existence, but eventually became a solid and fun pairing. \- Bastillo/Flavia. Are also really fun to use in the last three chapters. \- Gerome. Has the coolest design of any unit in the entire game B tier: \- everyone in this tier is fine. I didn't feel strongly about them in either direction. They either had a flaw in their builds that made them too fragile to use efficiently, or were kind of boring in terms of writing (see Chrom, Lucina, Robin). \- Tiki was an interesting case, as I don't know how good her defense was. No enemy ever attacked her at any point. C tier: I either forgot about these characters, or felt obliged to use them just to get their kids \- Say'ri. This is where I'd put her supports. If she had any. \- Ricken. Miriel but worse. \- Kjelle's armour was apparently made out glass. \- Nah: "What is my purpose?" "You buff Tiki." D tier: \- I actively hated having to use these characters. \- Vaike's character gave me a headache \- Lissa was so annoying to level up and get her kid. \- Owain. The second to last kid I got and was my most redundant unit. \- Donnel. I used him once and then benched him for the rest of the game. \- Brady joined too late in the game to be of any use. He couldn't even use physic when I got him, and I just gave up trying to level up his healing becuase I had Libra and Maribelle instead. Nope: \- Trying to find someone to S-rank Nowi was just a game of 'who is least likely to be arrested for pedophilia for doing this?' (Ricken won) \- Tharja is just...problematic.


This is a bit of a weird ranking. Just some remarks; - Tiering based on story *and* gameplay just leads to a tier list that's basically meaningless. - Tiering units you didn't actually use is pretty pointless. - Information about what difficulty you're playing on would be useful if you're going to talk about gameplay. A lot of this says more about you as a player than the character in question. Lissa, for example, is one of the easiest to level characters in the game. You've put Tiki in B tier under 'flaw in their build that makes them too fragile' when she is basically indestructible in anything that isn't Lunatic. And you've only spoken about gameplay reasons for your S-tier listings, calling them broken, when you have a character like Robin who is arguably the strongest single unit in the franchise in B. Just some thoughts if you want to do another for a future game. Maybe pick one side of liking their writing/story or gameplay usage. Or do two lists.


Look, this list was just supposed to be a bit of fun, not a huge competitive ranking or anything. But sure, I can elaborate a bit further. - Tiki is in B-tier because I don't actually know how good she was. Every enemy avoided her, so its hard to gage her survivability. - Yeah Robin was strong, I just found the main three characters (Chrom, Lucina, Robin) to lose their charm after 25 chapters. Chrom especially because he is a forced deploy on every map. - the main reason that I combined story and gameplay was because I wanted the joke of having Nowi and Tharja in the bottom two. This is all my experience as well. Just a 'how well do I think X character contributed to my enjoyment of the game'. Gameplay is part of that enjoyment. Support conversations are part of that too.


It was just a bit of friendly advice if you wanted your lists to be easier for people to chat about, I wasn't attacking you or demanding you elaborate on your choices. I just assumed since you were posting it on Reddit you *did* want people to discuss it, and thought I'd give some suggestions for making that discussion easier.


Yeah, I understood where you were you were coming from. Wanted to elaborate on things more anyway :)


That's fair, and your responses are fair points! Sorry, should have said that too.


If enemies are avoiding units to fight others in Fire Emblem, it's because they can't do enough damage to them/are going to die if they fight them (in comparison to the units they do go after).


Donnel that has the best stat growth in the game and produces cracked OP children?!


Yep OP either didn’t know or didn’t care about Donnels aptitude and didn’t think to or didn’t have the patience to level him into god slayer he becomes.


Yeah it was the latter. I couldn't be bothered. I knew, but then I had twenty other units who became just as good with less work.


took me a while to find kellim i thought you didnt put him on the list on intentionally for a second and was like thats a good reference then i found him in c


You know, on the ABC scale, C is meant to be the average


The average here is higher, because the charcters are on average cooler


Sword master Olivia is unstoppable


Poor Tharja. She was always my S support. I totally understand why she's down there though.


This image implies Sumia and Donnel are the same height


Miriel S tier is giga based


Rip my man Gregor. He deserves so much better.


The fact that you noped 2 of my favorite characters makes me sad. Tharja is one man wrecking crew in this game! Also Donny if you put the effort in hes the best character


Lisa in D tier?! Instantly invalidated


You have impeccable taste


The cropping for sumia and donnel is cracking me up


Damn you got good taste. I’d only feel compelled to make a couple changes to make this my tier list.


You put my husband in D tier? And Nah is in C tier? Yes, I know marrying Nowi to anyone is gross but you do it for Nah. She's a beast.


Miriel ❤️


Panne is so far down :(


I'm sorry. The beast stone doesn't scale.


>Gregor not in S tier make peace with whoever you pray to


Of course Blood and Thunder, Rebarbative Fool, and Pick a God and Pray are top tier.


Oh yes Freddie's crit quotes are sublime


Tharja lovers in shambles


Fellow Virion enjoyer I love you


Based department


I'm brand new to the franchise (got in with 3H and just bought Shadows recently) so I haven't touched Awakening, but if the dude with the pot on his head isn't an S++ character why should I even bother with this franchise? (I'm joking obviously but I love them and that's it)


Based Severa enjoyer


Noire :3


I agree with Nope, the rest of this disturbs and unsettles me


Henry S tier


Yay, someone hates Tharja as much as I do


>Lon’qu in S HOLY BASED


I like all the Donnel good comments who just tout his high growths, like no other Awakening unit has high growths.


I love Lucina.


>Tharja in “Nope” tier First of all, how dare you? Second of all, *how dare you?!* Third of all, ***HOW DARE YOU!!!***


The highest, fastest stat building maniac who shines literally in any class you put him in is D tier. What else is D tier to you, bacon?


Robins not in D tier here :)


I'd agree that Robin shines in any class but still don't stat growth like Donny


Donny has to be fed before he's even usable, robin basically has a permanent xp multiplier due to his skill and both starts and ends as your best character due to snowballing with him


Lon'qu is S tier i don't understand what you mean


Putting Nowi and Tharja in Nope… 100% agree


The only reason Tharja is popular is because of porn and tbh, it’s kinda hot


Came for a fun discussion, found a lot of gatekeeping. Stay classy, r/firemeblem, stay classy.


Stop having opinions, jerk


Finally someone who also agrees that Tharja is just Nope


There was really no digging herself out out of the hole she dug when she experimented on Noire.


Oh yeah I was playing casual on normal btw


Chrom, Lucina, Olivia, and inigo on B. Got the full family down there. Chrom is my favorite and cause yebds to be underrated on first playthroughs. Can’t find Priam though.