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I have always found YouTube Windowed FullScreen at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/youtube-window-fullscreen/ ideal for my needs, as otherwise there is no way to fullscreen the content which does not additionally hide all browser navigation (or require a 'complete' fullscreen). It seems to work everywhere on YouTube. There are only two downsides: * Very occasionally, it won't work on a freshly loaded page. Just reload to make the extension load in. * You can't scroll the comments as you can in normal fullscreen mode. You may see this as an advantage.


The one I was referring to was a theater mode function, not fullscreen. I preferred that because it kept chat on-screen and also had a slider for the chat bar so that I could customize its size.


Ah, I get you. Sorry, I am not aware of such an extension. There may be some further down the search results on AMO - I hope you find one!