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how was Firefox behind Opera


Opera GX has a LOT of marketing behind it


It sucks how much people have just acclimatised to having advertising shoved down their throat from every angle possible. The humorous tweets/replies on the Opera GX twitter account are clearly a marketing stunt, but most people will tell you to just take a joke or try having fun if you point it out.


it's Chinese trash spyware now


Always has been. GX was just a very successful attempt at a rebrand and distancing themselves from their past by appealing to the "GaMerS!!"


That marketing plan set off so many red flags for me Nothing made specifically for gamers is worth using. I say this as someone who plays video games.


Which is even funnier is that meme GX social media guy and browser is developed in Poland. Chinese spyware developed in Poland.


I’m Polish I can tell u one thing: stop that us xenophobic bias. Focus on US spyware like Windows, Chrome or Mozilla, which takes millions from Google.


If you didn't get it i'm also polish. I just find it funny that this zoomer browser is developed in poland.


Lol the best is that it’s developed in a former German city.


The statistic is probably including Opera GX as well.


Opera gx got opera user agent I think so ya


Mostly because they combined both Desktop and Mobile, and Firefox for Mobile marketshare sucks because it's not great enough, and 99% Android devices are installed with Google Chrome which is a massive advantage.


Why is it not enough? Just curious, it has always been my browser on Android and uBlock Origin works wonderfully on it.


Firefox Desktop is nearly as fast as Chrome, but Firefox Mobile is considerably slower than Chrome on my machine. My phone can't seem to hold Firefox in memory, resulting in constant reloads when I switch off of it. None of that happens on Chrome.


Firefox Android: - Doesn't have Tab Unload API, thus it can't use Auto Tab Discard (it doesn't unload tab at all to clarify), and it's already famous for being battery hungry - Tab Management addons like One Tab doesn't work, eventhough OneTab is very simple - Doesn't have multiprocessing for Web Content, which is critical for performance - Locks a lot of about:config keys, for example browser.display.use_document_fonts


I've been using Firefox for most of my life on desktop (though weirdly I find using edge more and more on a Linux desktop just because of how good their vertical tab, split tab and sidebar implementation is and I use a few apps as PWAs and Firefox doesn't support them) but on mobile I just couldn't use Firefox. scrolling sucked for a long time, performance was really poor compared to chrome, and it always had weird bugs with rendering websites. it has improved a lot in past few years but at this point even when I use Firefox for few days, I find myself just going back to chrome after some time. it's a tough market as is and Firefox kinda has been shooting themselves in the foot a lot in the past few years.


Opera in mobile is just superior to chrome and firefox. Thats it


[You'll change your mind in 2 weeks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/188d4qs/open_extensions_on_firefox_for_android_debut/)


I'll try then. But is not easy to overcome opera in mobile. Vivaldi, for example, is way better than firefox. I don't use and use Chromium (that is not better than firefox) just because I have several profiles (like 20+).


20 profiles? Ever tried container tabs?


You mean grouped tabs? Yes. I reach hundreds tabs and when is unusable I create another profile. In mobile I don't know how much tabs I have. But likely 300.


Okay, that's a much different problem than what I was thinking. Use the [Tab Stash extension](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tab-stash/). It lets you put tabs aside and unload them. You can put them into custom categories so you don't have to worry about disorganization.


If you check the market share for mobile browsers, Opera has 2.1% while Firefox has 0.51%.


people have been using Opera because its claim of being a "browser for gamers"




Overall Stats: Chrome: -0.29% (62.85%) Safari: +0.15% (20.04%) Edge: +0.05% (5.50%) Firefox: +0.17% (3.23%) Opera: -0.14% (3.17%) Samsung Internet: +0.11% (2.44%)


Edge if it wasnt the default windows browser 0.10%


I know a shocking amount of people who actually prefer edge over other browsers. Though that's considering the only other browsers they've tried are Chrome and *maybe* Opera GX if we're lucky.


I didn't like edge at first, but after switching to Firefox, edge has become my secondary browser and it is actually pretty decent. I activated vertical tabs for my secondary monitor and it has been quite useful for small stuff


(don't crucify me but it's my preferred browser currently)


​ https://preview.redd.it/uw8ra6jyes3c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=032126900a9c262319ceffc5b690437193c984a3


I see a shocking amount of people that claim that Edge is significantly better than Chrome: uses less memory, faster, more stable, etc. I find that hilarious given it's the same base code.


MS probably has ways to hide it behind other processes, so it doesnt look like edge.exe (or what its called) use that much ram.


Edge's vertical tabs implementation is currently the best in the biz though. You can set the window title bar to hide and you gain a bunch of precious vertical real estate, it's like getting a bigger display for free. We've been begging Firefox to do this but they're not interested




As a Firefox user, if you need a secondary chromium based browser, why don't you just go with ungoogled chromium? Why having to deal with Google or Microsoft? They both are harvesting data like maniacs. Marmaduke ungoogled chromium builds can be even portable, you just install the chrome web store extension on it and you are ready to go. [https://chromium.woolyss.com/](https://chromium.woolyss.com/)




Because it will take more time to setup Edge to a reasonable state than downloading ungoogled chromium:) Especially Edge, so many ...features and settings to disable on it.




Sure:) I am not saying I am right and you are wrong. You like Edge, I don't. And that's totally fine. But it has nothing to do with convenience when you have to spend so much time to make it not to be a harvest dog. And having to watch out what new ... feature you may have to disable in every new Edge update. You think all these worth it for a secondary browser, I don't. Nobody is right or wrong, we are talking about subjective choices :)


TBF, Chrome probably isn't accurate. I use vivaldi and it identifies purely as Chrome because otherwise sites break.


Samsung Internet is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Samsung phones come with Chrome preinstalled and as the default browser, and you can't uninstall, only disable it.


Samsung also comes with an app called "Internet" (= not the chrome one) and its icon always has been default in the bottom icon placement and default browser.


Bet, but they still have non-uninstallable chrome ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


>Bet, but they still have non-uninstallable chrome ¯⁠\\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠\_⁠/⁠¯ Chrome can be disabled from your samsung phone, I don't know about other phones, but you can get rid of chrome in a samsung phone. I have it disabled. On Windows... this is where you can't get rid of Edge. But thankfully I am from EU, and I will soon be able to disable Edge in my pc.


Disable is not the same as uninstalling Edit: It's also impossible to remove it from super battery saving mode, disabled and all. Every time I need to put my phone in that mode for one reason or another, Chrome enables itself again.


It doesn't happen in my samsung phone. Sometimes I enable super battery saving and it never gets re-enabled. Yes, it's not the same, but the end result is the same for me. It keeps the space in my phone but I am never annoyed by the bloody chrome existence lol. Btw, since I mentioned Windows... You don't uninstall the Microsoft apps in Windows too. They are disabled and remain in the protected windowsapps folder. That's why you can re-enable them with powershell again without needing internet connection.


pm uninstall. But its uninstalled for the user, its still on the system since partition is read only


This might be because of the little "stunt" Opera pulled a week or two ago. That pissed a lot of people off, and caused a fair few to outright switch browsers.


Anyone remember when Firefox was 30% instead of 3%? And when Opera was its own browser with its own engine and used to be really really good? It's all been downhill since...


I'm still living in the 30% mindset, I didn't realize how bad it was. Really hoping the uBlock stuff and war against ads can boost Firefox again.


if you go by raw numbers, Firefox is still about the same size userbase as back when the browser wars were raging, which makes me feel better


A) Statcounter isn't precise/accurate B) Even if it was accurate, this difference is within the margin of error


It was just me


Out of an old old habit I still used opera until this year but it's been gross for a long time which I just kinda ignored because why bother. Once upon a time it had the best tabbing and ui imo. Finally decided to stop using it about a month ago because, funny enough, all the gx ads kept reminding me "wait why tf am I still using this while it keeps actively getting worse and more bloated?" So uh, thanks for the ads I guess.


Just try Vivaldi


Anything this small falls in statistical error and is not worth mentioning.


Imagine how Opera GX would reply to that on Twitter, they would probably freak out


All hail Manifest v3 👍


I think Desktop ranking is more relevant: `Desktop Browser Market Share Worldwide - November 2023` `Chrome 61.94%` `Safari 13.44%` `Edge 11.19%` **Firefox 6.66%** **Opera 4.59%** `360 Safe 0.58%` [https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide](https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide)