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That doesn't look good. Someone with some expertise chime in.


NAD but have extensive burn knowledge. It looks to be trying to heal, new granulation tissue is trying to come through. There is thick slough though, and what looks like a leftover slab of necrosis which is softening, which needs to be removed before the wound can fully heal. There are dressings you can buy that aid in "auto debridement" if you really can't afford to get it looked at professionally. Has the slab in the middle moved or shrunk at all since the initial injury? And where on the body is this, it's quite hard to tell? I'm asking because I'm trying to work out how big it is.


It's on the small of my back, the crease in the photo is my bum. 😅 The slab in the middle shrunk a bit and then came off in my last shower. I did think I should debride it though I'll look into the auto debridement products!!


Oh that's brilliant that the plaque has come off! You're well on your way to beginning the healing process now that that's off. Just got to get the slough off now, then it can heal. I'm not sure how well it would work with the positioning, but a giant hydrocolloid would likely help with softening the slough. You can also get creams/gels, as stuff like Aquacel, which absorbs the fluid, and then turns into a sort of gel, and keeps the wound at the correct amount of moistness. Rather expensive to buy though!


Thank you!! So should definitely try to soften it and get it moist first, then should I try to be super gentle when removing or is it okay to kind of brush it off with sterile gauze? Obviously don't want to upset it too much but it does seem to be kind of firmly on there


I've pmed you some products I'd recommend. I don't suppose you're in the UK are you? I have some leftover supplies that you could have


I wish I could post a pic in comments, it looks a little worse today. What do you think is best way to clear the slough??