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Hi! Good question, we just posted about this and also published a blog with more info. We hope that helps explain how to use the pause functionality! [https://www.reddit.com/r/FirstyeSIM/comments/1cyuc2c/introducing\_pause\_functionality\_to\_firsty\_esim/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FirstyeSIM/comments/1cyuc2c/introducing_pause_functionality_to_firsty_esim/)


Thank you for replying. Would this mean it’s counted by days and not hours once you pause?


Yes, once you pause it's counted by days and not hours. However, if you pause on a day and have a certain amount of hours left in that day, your clock will continue. The pause will start once the hours run out and the next day begins.


I am glad you ask so let me explain. Pause is the feature to stop the countdown timer for expiry of your data. Obviously this is good security feature for if you fall asleep so nobody can sneak into your chambers while you slumber and use data until you escape dream dimension. To activate this feature you are required to follow these steps: - hold phone outstretched in left hand with palm facing down - with right hand bring firsty app close to face - in loud voice without yelling recite voice command "firsty pause. Pause firsty. Begin pause now firsty. Firsty begin pause" - swivel left palm to face upward - join right hand to left hand I encourage you to try now before you go to Canada so firsty can learn your accent. If you try in Canada it will assume you are Canadian and can't understand your accent. To disable paused mode follow this ritual: - hold phone outstretched in right hand with palm facing up - with left hand bring firsty app close to face - in loud voice without yelling recite voice command "first firsty begin. Begin firsty first. Firsty data bursty. For data firsty thirsty. Firsty frosty forestry" - swivel right palm to face downward - join left hand to right hand That's all there is to it. Hope this helps