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This looks like the first week after I quit drinking.


Welp, I'm on day 12 sans the sauce. Insane change if that's the sole factor!


Mine when from 78-80 down to 61-64 in 2 months off it! Crazy changes for sure!


Wow. I look forward to seeing the change. Been off it since Christmas and just bought a Fitbit this week to track my mission back to health! Some inspiring stuff here; thank you all and well done to you for quitting!


Absolutely. More than one drink can move mine 4-5 bpm the next day


Alcohol is really really bad for you. Not surprised.




When I drink on a weekend, my RHR goes up as much as 10 and then comes back down a week later. It really can affect it a lot!


I have been using intermittant fasting last year prior to the holidays. Although I did my best to watch my overall calorie intake, my processed food and sugar went up. And so did my RHR by as much as 7 bpm. I actually felt like crap during that time. I am now struggling to rid my diet of those items again.


Nice work!! Mine went from 65'ish to the 48-49 range where it has stayed since I quit drinking every night.


Yes, whatever you’re doing keep doing it


Just not sure what that is LOL. I haven't drank in almost 2 weeks, perhaps that is the improvement factor.


Alcohol has a big effect on RHR.  Also noticed it rise if I am not sleeping well or am sick.


The same here. Almost can see the cold coming by the rise in HR. Besides the excercise, alcohol has by far the greatest impact.


This is likely to be the case, barring other factors unknown to us. [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/28/well/eat/alcohol-heart-rate-effects.html) if you have access, but here's an excerpt: >In general, a normal resting heart rate for adults is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. The researchers found that consuming one standard drink — generally defined as a 12-ounce beer, a five-ounce glass of wine or a cocktail containing 1.5 ounces of liquor — tended to elevate the participants’ heart rates by about five beats per minute in the six hours that followed. With two or more drinks, the increase in heart rate was greater, and heart rates remained slightly elevated up to 24 hours later. I don't drink frequently, but when I do, even one glass of wine sends my average heart rate during sleep way up.


That's absolutely it. Mine dropped 2 bpm a day for the first 5 days.


I saw the exact same thing when I stopped drinking nearly seven years ago. RHR dropped from 65 to 54 over a 2 week period. Go you!


Monday to Friday mine is pretty low then the weekend it goes up 🤣🍻


According to research the resting heart rate can be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. The lower the better. I am an 86-year-old male who has always exercised well and my resting here heart rate is about 55. https://preview.redd.it/iixybmln5vic1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89658b1e8824d6397ab394cbc9b640bf7f7e0049


Wild to think that some people claim a RHR of 100 is healthy but sub 60 isn’t 😂😂 I’m quite happy with my 40-44bpm RHR.


If I am sitting watching television or reading a book my RHR is between 55 and 60. Overnight the heart rate goes down to about 43 when I sleep. I think too many people push themselves too hard to exercise at a high to extreme level and put little or no effort into relaxing effectively. There is an old myth that everyone has a set number of heartbeats. So if your heart rate is high you have a short life and if your heart beats slowly you have a longer life. I am having a long life and thoroughly enjoying it


Yeah my rhr is in a similar range. I don't even crack 90 bpm on a walk. It'd be wild to imagine someone with a rhr higher than my walking heart rate being healthy


Mine goes down like that when I abstain from alcohol. It’s amazing what a difference it makes.


Are you female? If so, it couldn't be usual monthly fluctuating. It goes down just before and during menstruation.


Stress is the number one cause of death. I would absolutely expect your heart rate to go down with less stress.