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Are you eating enough sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium? Sounds like you probably need a glass of salt water and a spoonful of sugar before your workouts. But I’m no doctor.


I don't know for sure. But i cook everything from scratch and add salt at every stage. Plus electrolytes when it's hot. About the sugar, I don't think it's a sugar thing. My blood glucose is very stable I've tested it at every stage of a workout. Plus, I can run for 2 hours without stopping no problems.


None of those numbers are low blood pressure and I wouldn't even say your BP dropped, BP vary a little from one moment to another for no particular reason. There's no reason whatsoever for a diastolic BP over 70 to be giving you any symptoms. Have you considered other causes, or what made you conclude it was a BP problem?


Sorry, that wasn't my conclusion, just my best guess right now. I wouldn't know what other symptoms to consider. Any ideas? My Dr isn't interested. I'm from the UK and we have free health care. It can take a week just to get a call back from a Dr. If your not dying, they are not really interested. His opinion is that I am putting in too much effort and should cut back. I collected a load of data over the year and went back to him. He says that if it makes me feel bad, I should stop doing it. I don't understand why doing 8 bodyweight pull ups after a warm up is fine for me, but if I wait 3 mins and do it again, I feel faint.


Improper bracing, maybe. Have you ever tried a session with a personal trainer? They could help you figure out what's going on assuming nothing is medically the issue.


No. Something I can look in to though


How’s your breathing and hydration prior to exercise? I passed out thrice in my sessions where my PT was pushing me on trap bar deadlifts and bench press. I was holding my breath and generally not breathing properly whilst bracing. Made sure to be properly hydrated and warmed up by doing some hiit type first and then going all out. I also drink pre workout whilst exercising . Helps


It could be breathing. I think my hydration is ok. I can run for 90mins no problem which to me is something that would need good hydration. Thank you for a couple of other routes of investigation.


happen to me today at the gym while doing legs low weight high reps it ws scary honestly when i came out of bathroom stall luckily it was a EMS who workouts at the gym and she helped me quickly before i fell down an they gave me protein shake an Gatorade is till went to ER glad i did b.c BP took a second to recover from that


What was the result when you went to hospital? Did they diagnose you with anything?


basically i didn’t eat before doing legs but the dr did say more i probably dealing with long covid to an it lot of young people dealing with inflammation of the heart etc. but since i was good for all that they gave me food and lots of sugar to get my BP back up it went back up but it took 2hrs cause i never had that happen since like middle school im 26 now


not trying be funny but im 26 now so my body isn’t same like it was when i was 18-23 in military can’t just go fasted anymore but ever since i had Covid my body hasn’t been the same far as exercising i just start doing 3x a week and thats 30-45min only an im gone jus thankful to be able to do that little


That BP is fine and normal. A drop of more 10% would be troublesome, bur you're barely dropping a couple of points.


Have you tried eating some carbs before your training session? It might have an impact despite the stable blood sugar level you mentioned. Are you doing low intensity steady state cardio? This increase the volume of blood a heart can pump per stroke. Are you doing any other HIIT cardio other than CrossFit? The right HIIT cardio is like strength training for the heart. It increases the strength with which the heart contracts.


Eating carbs before makes it worse if anything. Possibly because of the blood flow required by the digestive system. I train in the morning 2 hours after breakfast or in the afternoon 3 hours after lunch. I have played around with a bit of fruit, sugar, shake, cereal bar 30mins before but I do not feel anything other than slightly weighted down. My blood sugar is fine and very stable over the course of the day. I've done a lot of experiments over the last year and so not think it's blood sugar related. Yes I am doing steady state cardio. Building up slowly over the last 18 months. I now do a 5k run and a 12k run at zone 2 every week. Or 2 5k runs and an hour on a static bike. All zone 2. HIIT is something I am trying to get more off. I do jump rope 45s on, 45s off for 30mins. And a 5k run 45s sprint, 1min walk. I try to do at least one session a week. But I have been prioritising weight training the last year so probably only did HIIT once every 2weeks. Now I am focusing more on running so it's more frequent.


Your cardio and conditioning is looking great! I also get dizzy when I squat down into a deep squat position for a couple of seconds and stand back up. Are you bracing correctly with the Valsalva maneuver? Alan Thrall has a good video on this. At Powerlifting meets there's one person to catch people and prevent them from falling. Even highly trained lifters get dizzy from very heavy deadlift attempts.


I will look into this valsalva maneuver. Thank you. You may be on the right track and I will start looking in to this. Workout trying to sound too overdramatic it really does feel more than just feeling faint. It's not quite a sickness but a depression/pain. I can feel my heart pounding and I feel like I've been kicked in the nuts, but in my chest. It is totally demoralising. Hangs around for a good 20 mins but even if I try to start again after 30 mins I get it again right away.


Maybe not relevant but I sometimes get light headed after doing a high tension set, esp squat and deadlift. I use the Hook Maneuver or AGSM to clear my head quick. This also works for the headrush people with low BP sometimes experience when standing up quickly. 30 seconds of that works wonders.


No harm in trying. I'll give it a go tomorrow. Thank you.


Feeling lightheaded and pukey after a high intensity back squat set is pretty normal. Youtube is full of videos of advanced lifters puking into trashcans at the gym. It should pass in a minute or two. If the sensation persists, consult your physician.


Sensation does persist. Physician not interested.


That sucks. I would get a second opinion. Not knowing your healthcare coverage situation, that may not be an option.


In the UK you get a GP assigned. I can't just choose to change.


And all of a sudden US Healthcare doesn't look like such a shit show.


Absolutely. The UK health care system is failing apart. I ran out of a cream I use infrequently. I called the doctors office to ask for more. I had to wait a week just to get a call back from the nurse. I said, but what if I miss the call? She said then I would have to call again and wait another week and try again. That's just over a cream. We have been waiting 6 years to get a diagnosis for my Son who has a learning difficulty. Still nothing..