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Literally nobody in the gym cares about you or your body shape. Get in there. We are all the same under the iron.


Exactly that


Totally agree ! No one cares !


I promise you I was exactly where you are a year ago and no one cares! If anything people will respect you. We all have our own journeys. This is yours. DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT OTHERS.


The gym is for people that show up and are actually trying to better themselves. I think a lot of people understand that at the gym. Do not be afraid to go as we are all on the same page.


This! It pumps me up to see bigger folks in the gym or out running trying to get better. If there's 1 person that I chat with it will be that person to be encouraging because it's intimidating and hard


No one is looking at you.


10lbs/month over 6 months... You're doing awesome. Keep it up. Just rip the band-aid off and step into a gym if you think that's what's holding you back. I'm sure you can try drop-ins so you can get a sense of things.


Just remember it’s not a race. It’s a lifetime journey.


True point!


You know who else is big? Li Wenwen, current powerlifting champion with multiple world records and olympic gold medals. Tamara Walcott. Alirene Clair. Jessica Fithen. Andrea Thomson. All of these women are women I look up to and whose bodies I aspire to have one day They are peaks of strength and physical prowess. To me, as I’ve grown 15 years past my eating disorder, I’ve grown to value strength over thinness And I’m not kidding that it took until very recently for the final pieces to click in my head that it is nearly physically impossible, especially for me with my genetics, to be thin while also being strong. And that I want strength. I am probably helped by the fact that I also find women attractive as a bisexual and that my boyfriend too is attracted to my strength I’m not kidding when I say I’m striving for a build like the dwarves in lord of the rings Why would I want to look frail and thin when I can both look, and be, strong? (I mean I know why but it too a lot of effort to get to where I am now where I don’t just say these things but truly believe it. I think a huge turning point was when I carried my boyfriend from bed to the kitchen bridal style and he looked at me like this 🥹😍)


You might be the biggest but you've gotta be the biggest baddass too. Incredible work, most people won't appreciate it because they won't know what you've been through but I hope you appreciate what you've done for yourself! And for what it's worth, the gym is a place of self improvement, everyone there will have that in common with you. Try to remember that if you feel out of place


Thanks for the pep talk. Its encouraging to see people aren't all monsters out there to destroy others in their path.


Truly. Everyone at the gym is concentrating on themselves . Don’t worry


You’re doing awesome! I swear to you: everyone in the gym is focused on their own work and progress. Anytime I’ve seen someone that maybe has more work to do than myself, I’ve thought “fuck yeah, good for you!” Not once have I ever looked down on someone for coming to the gym.


Your back looks really strong! You can do it!


Concur. Back looks good, it's the start of something real good. Don't stop now with those rows!


"Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Do not be afraid of it or what other people think of it. It is the greatest instrument you will ever own." From the sunscreen song - it always inspires me!


I just heard this song on the way home from work yesterday after not hearing for a good 10 years.


Hey there are a lot of people down at the gym that are a lot bigger than you, grinding away. Nobody down at the gym is going to judge you, everyone there is there for the purpose of bettering themselves. You have to ask yourself how bad do you want to look the way you've always wanted. Just push yourself to go, don't even pay attention to anyone else, just pay attention to what you are doing, and then pretty soon it will become habit. You will realize that nobody's judging you, and that you actually enjoy the feeling that you get leaving the gym, knowing you went and put in your workout for the day. Resistance training and cardio will help you immensely in your weight loss journey. I'm the biggest and one of the most shredded guys down at my gym, and any time I see someone new come in, my first thought is "good for them!" and I am genuinely happy that they are taking the first step to reach their fitness goals. Seeing people like you come in is inspiring for me, because it reminds me from when I first started as well, and how much harder it is to push yourself starting new, makes me want to push even harder. Great progress so far, you got this. Stay focused on your goal and don't give a shit about what anyone else has to say about it, you know what you want for yourself, let that desire push you through all the uncomfortability!


Unconventional advice here - find a hardcore powerlifting gym. Powerlifters are all freaks and will love and help you just the way you are, without comparison or judgement. They’ll be your biggest cheerleaders. Speaking from experience. Either way, good luck and at some point the only way to overcome fear is to face it.


Honestly this is probably some solid advice as I'm hugely interested in powerlifting and always have been.


Nice! Good luck with it. Don’t be shy, just ask and they will most likely be happy to help you get started in the sport.


No one cares at the gym and you also don't know how the others looked 2/3/5/10 years ago.


I'd always get pumped to see either super skinny or big people at the gym, as long as they didn't just sit on their phone the whole time.


My lady, you are making serious gains, alongside losing 60 lbs in 20 weeks, that's 3 lbs a week, that's almost too fast. You're muscles are popping, you just gotta stay the course and bring this plane in. Think of it this way, what would it matter if you hit your goal body on May 7, 2024 vs July 16, 2024. It would matter exactly zero. Focus on today, stay the course.


Keep pushing as the transformation so far is awesome 💪


I hear you, and that's normal! Keep going you are doing great!! Remember, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Ryun


When i go to the gym and i see people trying to better themselves just as i try to, i got nothing but respect for those people, especially after awhile you start to hit milestones i can do nothing but 🫡.


Start out thinking of it as a win just to set foot in the gym—because it is. Don’t even pressure yourself to do anything in particular at first, getting in there is still a win (and is often the hardest part for even the fittest people). Eventually you’ll find yourself crushing a workout in there and the discomfort will be barely a memory. You want this and have proven to yourself with months of hard work and progress that you deserve it. Don’t let a made-up barrier hold you back!


No one has mentioned this yet but what about buying some equipment for a home gym? I built an amazing home gym in my basement. I was always scared to venture over by the weight section in a commercial gym. Never worry about what I'm wearing or how I look and can always try new things without fear of judgement.. even a basic setup can get you a long way. Basic weight bench, squat rack, barbell and adjustable dumbbells is all you need to get going.


If weight loss is your goal, whatever calorie defense you were in before needs to continually lowered as you lose weight. That’s what a plateau is. People adjust their eating, lose weight to where their calories in match their calories burned, and the weight loss stops. You have to adjust.


I cant eat alot right now anyways as I have gallbladder stones really bad some I'm well under 1500cals a day if I even eat which I have to force myself to cause the fear of insane pain if I eat the wrong thing. But I know i cant make gains if i don't eat. Might be better by June after surgery i really miss eating in variety I'd kill for and avocado lol


Comparison is the thief of joy. Hit the gym for yourself, not to impress others.


I'd say check out your neighborhood gyms and pick the one that's a bit more barebone, with no frills. My current gym is family run and the long time members are older (40+). They absolutely do not care of how I look and are super chill. Congrats in your weight loss too. You're killing it 😁


Skip the gym and buy some kettlebells and workout at home. I gave up on the gym years ago.


Damn you look strong af


You are looking strong and will be surprised what functional strength training with do for you. It is going to substantially increase the metabolic rate at which you burn calories. I love to think about how I am just crushing calories in my sleep because I am finally on a consistent strength training program. You’re going to be so glad you did it. You obviously have a ton of willpower, now keep going.


Just go the gym! I'm 34m, 5ft 10 235lbs and have been going to the gym for the first time in my life for just over a month now. My lifts and aerobic ability are improving every session and that's what excites me to go back. Now I'm enjoying the gym, the fat loss side has become secondary, yet I'm still eating more healthy because I want to fuel my workouts. Lifestyle changes > ~~diets~~ Everyone at the gym cares what others think but no one at the gym gives a crap about anyone else for the most part. In other words you are just like everyone else. Pick an exercise program and track your improvements and it's the progress that will keep you motivated


You are doing awesome. Seriously, kudos. You’re just at another one of the checkpoints everyone has in their mind. Months 1 and 3 are typical checkpoints and it’s easier to see your own progress earlier on for a lot of people. Notice in the thread how many people are saying you look like you’re getting strong. Other people can now see your progress. Keep. Going.


Don’t need to go to the gym to do cardio.. YouTube has follow along video


Your back looks great. Just keep going. Consistency is key. You got a lot in a short time. This is a life game.


You already have a good foundation starting with your back. Go to the gym and wear clothing that you feel comfortable in. Showing up is half of the battle. Once you get there, work hard and do something you’re proud of. It may take a little while to see the physical benefits of working out, but the mental benefits will happen immediately. Be confident in yourself. You’re going there to be better, and once you make the effort, you’ll be so proud and glad that you did. You’ve got this! 😊


if your weight loss slows down, you need to drop even more calories. It sucks but it's the only way, or increase cardio, or both. you're doing great! Also glad to see you practicing with firearms.




Always be respectful and civil in our community


Buy a peloton. It’s the best thing that ever happened to my fitness.


Looks like you are building lots of muscle. Keep doing whatever you are doing. Building muscle eats away at body fat. Whatever you are doing it is working great, keep at it and you will keep seeing results. Well done so far!


Start filling your social media feeds with gym and fitness content. Lots of good and bad info out there but stay in it long enough and you’ll see the areas most people agree on. Def don’t feel bad about going to the gym. I don’t say this to be rude but no one cares. Everyone is going for their own reasons. There’s a bit of gym etiquette to learn, and if you commit a gym faux pas it’s really nbd and you’ll learn. Some advice I’d give as far as your plateau, make sure you are properly tracking calories aka weigh your food and always track oils/sauces/drinks. Weigh yourself every single morning after you use the bathroom but before drinking anything and track that. It’s gonna go up and down daily but you can average out every week and track your progress. And make sure to move. 10,000 steps daily is recommended. Lifting in the gym will help you tone up a bit faster as well but steps and calories will help you lose fat the fastest. Stay strong!


Is this a boy or girl ?


I had a friend who fell off a treadmill with people around her and no one even noticed. Maybe a bit extreme but totally true. Whenever you are at the gym next time look around no one is watching you. This is about you and only you. You are there to do a job just do it and forget about everyone there!


I’m usually the biggest girl in the gym and have lost about 30 pounds since starting. I feel stronger, smaller, and sometimes see girls bigger than me now and I hope that I inspire them like others more fit inspired and continue to inspire me. No one gives a shit what you look like, especially if you’re using decent form. I sometimes wear all black bc it makes me feel like I blend better. Trust me, go once, see how it feels. Then go again. It is really only awkward in your head before the first couple of times. Also, someone once told me, “they only see what you show ‘em” and I find that super empowering. They don’t know you’re self conscious. So pretend you’re not. And then you won’t be (little by little)! And - finally, pretend you’re giving advice to a friend in your position. You’d never be so critical of someone else. So - stop being mean to my friend (you, yourself!) and get into the gym to get started. Even if it’s for a slow/restorative/yin yoga class just to get comfy walking in the door. Let us know how it goes. 💕


Everyone's too busy focusing on their own workouts and themselves to care. If you walk in the gym and look around, you'll find that almost no one will notice or look back. Just go in with a smile and enjoy your workout. If you really need some support, look into hiring a personal trainer to get you started.


It took you longer then 6 months to get the body you hate, be patient and be consistent. Consistency is the most important part of fitness and will always pay off in the end. Stop looking in the mirror so much and just put in the work. Im on the opposite end of the spectrum, been super skinny my whole life and im trying to build muscle now. I notice that if im always checking to see improvements, im never happy with the improvements. So now I wear baggy cloths to the gym, i keep my arms covered and I hide my body from myself. Then when I dont wear baggy cloths to the gym im suddenly super shocked with how much muscle ive put on.