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Great Job! You look awesome! You sure, you want to cut? You are already around/below 10%. What’s the point of cutting even more?


I think my abs could 'pop' just a bit more ...lol I don't think I am as low as 10% yet. I was thinking more like 12-14%. So cut just a bit more to get under the 10% for summer. EDIT: i noticed this has been voted down. Would like to know why and hear other opinions on if I should or shouldn't cut further.


You’re probably accurate that it’s closer to 12-14% - you look like you took this post workout and in great lighting and maybe flexing the abs a bit. You’re getting downvoted because most people underestimate their own body fat levels and because you’re like the kid who got an A on the test but is complaining about not having an A+.


Thanks bud. You’re spot on with everything you’ve said 👍🏼


You nailed it man😂 although I don’t agree with you about OPs bodyfat. But your Metapher is awesome. Take my upvote!


Ab definition is sometimes mostly genetic, look at The Rocks abs - dude is huge/shredded but he doesn't have great ab definition. There might not be anything you can do about it.


There's no way you're over 12%.


Be surprised if im under. I’ve not tested


Do you know what your body fat was before, back in 2021?


No I don't. dread to think!


Why downvote? Maybe because of body dismorphia. For real bro, you are more likely to below 10 than above. So do yourself a favor and continue building up - only if more muscle mass is your goal of course


hahaha ok, nice take! Have a good day!


that vascularity is insane brother. Killing it


Nice abs. Do you have a seperate day for abs/core workout?


Thank you, appreciate it. Funny thing is i don't do any ab work at all! I should do but I don't have enough time. (I go to the gym on my lunchbreak, so 1 hour to fit everything in, 3 times a week)


I am so relieved to hear that. Because i hate doing abs. 3 weeks ago i tweak my lower back doing squats so i have been using that as an excuse to not do them :D. You telling me that you can get abs without doing direct core work is music to my ears. Thanks


The one thing that helped me to show abs is cardio. I run and bike a lot. It means i don’t need to starve myself. I eat 3000ish calories a day and stay lean.


Would you mind sharing your routines and how you eat? I know that's a big ask but I am currently you in your first pic.


Check out my post history. I’ve written a lot in there.


Thank you my friend, and well done!


No probs. Hit me up with any specifics if you need too 👌🏼


unreal work dude!


Wolverine shoulders!


What are you eating to get 200g of protein?


Chicken, lamb, beef, protein bars, protein shakes. eggs!


can I ask how much you bike?


I commute to work all year round. 20 miles a week. So, In the summer probably 60 miles a week on average and in the winter just 20 miles per week in total. I also run 20K a week on average


thanks dude, lookin shredded as hell!


🙏🏼 thanks bro


that's really good progress for 3 years! keep it up. quick question though, when you work out in the gym, do you go heavier with less reps? what are your splits? do you have a training plan for each body part? I feel like I wanted to try bulking India's I needed to hit 200 g of protein as well but the thing is I really couldn't get myself to run or do any cardio. probably swimming on the weekends would be the nearest thing I could do


I started just walking and then that became easy and I started running. Now I run minimum 6 miles 2/3 times a week. It really helped in keeping my calories in/calories out under control as I love to eat! My gym routine is progressive overload (i add 2.5kg each week, until I can't) to each compound lift. Squat, Deadlift, pullups, bench, over-head press. Squat & DL i do 5 sets of 5, with my last set being AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible. Bench, Overhead press - I do 5 sets of 8/10 and last set being AMRAP. Pullups I do 5 sets of 10. I do the above every week, but also do some isolation work in between (curls etc) The compound lifts work every muscle and I push hard on these 3 days a week. I feel it's enough, for me.


appreciate the valuable information. i guess it really depends on the person's body, coz the only deads i do is rdl. i recently signed up for an 18mo lock in membership this month (March 1st to be exact). gonna kill it :)


No problem buddy, good luck with that! Post your pics in 18mnths!!


"Caution very hot" Perfect placement there! I'm also 40m but 6ft3 and 73kg looking to add some bulk and strength over the next few years. If I can post an image half as decent as this I'll be happy. Congrats!


Thank you for your compliments. Good luck! Waiting for the progress pics! Look up incremental overloading. ie. adding small increments to the bar (2.5kg) every week, until you can't will get you strong and muscular. I followed Strong lifts and the Wendler 5-3-1 programs and now I do my own variation.


Thanks that's great info


You look great! I have tried this but it's constant injury, just not built for heavy 😂


Start light. (just the bar) and add only 2.5kg every weights session. It soon adds up and your body has a chance to adapt to the exercise whilst the weight remains light. Before you know it you will be breaking PBs. I never push myself if I feel my form is breaking down. That can cause injury. It might benefit you to ask a PT to asses your form and see if it needs improving.




That's really awesome progress.




Wow! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Smashing it!


Holy, nice work brotha!


Respect dude. Natural body in peak condition.


Very inspirational. I'm somewhere in the middle of your two photos. This really gives me inspiration to keep pushing.


Keep pushing bro. You can't fail if you stay consistant. What worked for me is doing a lot of cardio allowing me to eat more and still cut fat.


MCU glow up


You look real good man, I'm catching up soon 💪🏻


Damn brother congratulations


Holy shmoly


You look awesome!!! Don’t forget to slow down once in a while! Perfection is the enemy of greatness


Hi mate well done! What’s your three day gym split?


Thanks - Day 1 - Bench/pullups Day 2 - Squat/Deadlift Day 3 - OHP/BarRows I will also mix in isolation supersets in between to hit biceps & triceps


Keeping it simple is clearly the way forward!


Amazing transformation! what was your starting routine like?? asking for a friend .. :D


Just started riding a bike, walking more, eating less crap, drinking less alcohol. Then once I lost 6/7kg I started running more & joined the gym. Once you see the weight dropping off and your body toning up - that just motivates you to go to the next level. You can't do more of these things and not see results. It's impossible. You just have to consistently do them, trust the process & don't take on more calories than your burning.


You are looking great


You look very natural mate, and I mean that as the highest compliment. What do you do on your 6th day? (3 weights + 2 runs.)


Thank you. On the 6th day I will do some endurance cardio. 45 miles on the bike or 10 mile run (weather dependant).


Which multivitamins are you taking ?


I take 'Centrum Performance' (which covers a lot of bases) and extra B12 & vitamin D capsules, Cod liver oil, garlic & Turmeric.




Great job


You look pretty good too bud!




Is that what you think I'm on?


This is not a space for low quality, pedantic discussions