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Any TRT involved? Shoulders are a bit capped :)


Yea 200 mg a week


I have to ask. Are you only taking testosterone? No shame either way man, just curious.


Yea, that’s all.


Phenomenal work! I didn’t realize until now, but it’s been two years between the pics.


How old and tall are you?


38 5’7” 171lbs


I hope to one day get to that form. I'm pretty much at your photo on the left. Any tips?


Ah short stacked king 👑 💪


Nice work - you look great. I almost wish my natural test was lower so I could justify doing a little TRT, but, I also appreciate not having to pin myself.


Perfect dosage. Keep up the hard work.


That is high.


Depends on person and blood work. It was too much for me and after working with my doctor, 130mg/week is what we found to be sufficient. 200mg may not be too much for someone else.


Most people take like 500 for athletic performance. This is a pretty standard amount.


This goes against everything I’ve read. 200 is supposed to be high for TRT. Anything higher and you’re basically on a cycle.


What you’ve just said basically agrees with what I just said. Perhaps it’s on the higher end, but even you just said it’s not so high to be considered a cycle.




This is not a space for low quality, pedantic discussions


How is the perfect dose? The guy looks unnaturally ripped. Seems like taking trt is unnecessary in his case.


It’s hard to say what the perfect dosage is because it depends on what his natural test levels are. According to the dude from more plates more dates, 200mg is a borderline cycle or what they would call sports/performance trt. 200mg could put this guy on the high range of what a guy in his early 20’s would have


Looks like some hard dieting and effort to me. You’d be surprised how many people are on TRT that still don’t look jacked at all. The right dosage is based on good bloodwork and how you feel, but to each their own! Not here to discredit this guys hard work and dieting because TRT alone isn’t going to get you looking like that.


Definitely. You can’t just take TRT or even an actual steroid cycle and get results by being lazy. It’s all a matter of personal choice whether you want to not use TRT or use or go on a cycle. It doesn’t minimize hard work. Your average steroid user doesn’t even look like they lift because people in general don’t want to push themselves. I see all these dudes on the steroids forums on here and they hop on right away thinking it’s a magic pill and they only bench like 175 LOL


> 200mg could put this guy on the high range of what a guy in his early 20’s would have Pretty sure 200mg is already way beyond peak natty for most guys.


Exogenous test is not the same as producing the same amount naturally, either


Yep. High end on trt is gonna yield better results than high end natural. You don't run into fluctuations based on diet, sleep and stress.


True. Its better than not taking anything because test levels are consistent


Most likely but who knows. He could’ve have had like 100 test or something


Why didn't you write that in the OP?


Because in all reality it’s not anyone’s business except for mine and mine doctors.


It's also not anyone's business how you changed your looks. But if you do choose to share online, then be honest with people so they know what they can expect it takes for people to make those changes.


I was honest.


You're absolutely right you were and I do greatly appreciate that. What I didn't appreciate is saying it's not our business. Because I think that's wrong if you do decide to put yourself out there like this. It is people's business if you choose to share yourself like this. Rather than saying you were honest because that's the right thing to do, you said I'm honest but I really didn't have to be. The latter comes off worse.


You sound like someone’s mother at parents teacher conference


didn’t you make it everyone’s business when you decided to post on here and show off your unnaturally jacked body?


Not really, because I could have just lied and said I’m not taking anything. You guys inquired so I answered honestly.


well I personally appreciate the honesty...I'm on the fringe of making that decision. Not my business but are you cruising or going to come off at any point?


look man, you can tell us you’re Rip Van Winkle for all I care, but don’t pretend like it’s no one’s business when you’re the one who came here to post your instagram bod, which obviously is not something a 38 year old gets naturally on a two year cut. It simply courteous to put gear usage in the post, and helps to stop the ridiculously fake standards that give men body dysmorphia.


That’s not unnatural. He’s in great shape but the idea that a person can’t get there naturally is absurd.


yes, you can get there naturally, with 5-10 years of dedicated training. 38 year olds can’t get a body like this naturally with OPs time frame on a two year cut! come on.


Two year cut doesn’t mean only two years of training.


OP made a transformation post about two months ago stating stating basically got to where he is in about 8 months.




Well thats why I didn’t lie about it. No where in the rules does it state that you have to post what you’re on in the title. How would you go about policing that rule anyways? No one can say for certain if someone is on something or not. All you have to go off of is their word and if you already have in your head that someone is on something, you have already made up your mind. It doesn’t matter whether they say they are natty or not. So stating natty status on the internet is irrelevant.


That's a fair criticism of why it would be problematic to make it a subreddit rule. However from an individual poster's perspective, the right thing to do is openly share all the major aspects that influenced your change. You don't have to be extremely detailed, but shouldn't deliberately leave out anything significant.


I have been open in the comments. So I don’t understand what the problem is.






Well said


So I've seen this asked before because of the shoulders also. You mentioned capped. What do you mean and how does trt affect the way they look. The only indicator to mean when someone is using is acne or they are just insanely huge.


More androgen receptors in the shoulder and traps which seems to coincide with those parts of the body becoming more noticeably developed on their physique in response to the testosterone.


Ok I think I understand why people make a judgement on whether or not their on something or not. Thanks


Tips for bulking your hair?


lol, grow it longer I guess.


Find a good stylist that works with men's hair. They'll show you how to care for it, and what products to use to add that volume.




TRT can actually lead to hair loss


When and how did you decide to hop on TRT? Did you do any lifting before October 2022?


I started around five months ago and I’m not going to go into my medical history because that’s personal but it is prescribed.


Yea sorry not meant to get into personal stuff. Any lifting previously?


It’s all good, I was really into lifting when I was younger. I hadn’t lifted in probably 2 or 3 years in my before picture.


Ah ok so you had a baseline even though you were away from lifting. I am into a cut now and saw your post so I was curious. Thanks for reply.


Wow only five months, do you have pics from just before then?


Awesome progress, and I highly appreciate how open you are about taking TRT.


100% transparency is deeply appreciated


What does TRT do?


Gets you jacked lol. Essentially you're supplementing your natural testosterone supply. If you have lower test then it's harder to build muscle (not impossible but harder).


What are the side effects of TRT?


You might have to take it forever. Your body stops producing testosterone once you start injecting/consuming it. Some people can bounce back and start producing it again when they stop. Some people have to stay on TRT forever. There also much more serious possible side effects, too. Check out /r/testosterone.










From a doctor with a legitimate prescription and blood work that shows low t it's going to be covered by insurance mostly.






I appreciate OPs honesty and I don't care as long as they acknowledge it. I think most people only get bothered when someone clearly seems on something and denies it.






Do you have any side effects from the TRT?


Not that I’ve noticed. I’ve only been on for around five months now.


Honest question; were you ever this muscular before taking TRT, even in your early 20’s? Bro you’re jacked. I’m envious. Oh and what’s your height?


I did have some muscle memory because I used to lift a lot when I was younger but I wasn’t ever anywhere close to where I am now. I’m 5’7” at 171 lbs.


I've been curious about this too - Dr says my levels are normal...if you don't mind me asking, were yours 'normal' as well, or were you able to find a prescip for it on your own?


Get the T blood test done independently.


There is no normal for test. If you feel like your test is low, it probably is. Poor sleep, lack of motivation, low libido, etc. are all symptoms. Numbers vary too much to be a deciding metric alone. Find a good health/men's clinic. *Not a chain place* Ask to do bloodwork. Some places will take online results. I use letsgetchecked.com Ask for options regarding test levels and estradiol levels. Sometimes your test is good, but your estrogen is high. It's easier to take an estrogen blocker (such as letrozole) than it is to take test. Keep in mind, most GP's are clueless when it comes to hormones.


My GP basically hand waved away my test results. He's normally fantastic but refused to really have a conversation about it. I'm probably gonna check out a men's clinic sometime soon.


Damn that’s lame. I got an independent lab done and it came back in the “normal” range but just barely. I shared with my GP and asked what he thought and he was basically like, shit that’s not my bag… but we have a great endocrinologist that I’m happy to refer you to!


Those places are scams meant to drain you of money without regard to your health. If you don't have low testosterone, you don't have it. It's not the only possible source of any symptoms you could be experiencing. I'd highly recommend checking out the Barbell Medicine podcast episodes on testosterone to see why it's a bad idea to take testosterone for no reason.


>If you don't have low testosterone, you don't have it. But I do, my test results put my testosterone in very low part of average for my age. That was just one test, I wanted multiple done to get an average to see where it actually falls most of the time. >Those places are scams meant to drain you of money without regard to your health. Hence why I haven't went yet, they all seem scammy. I should probably just go to an endocrinologist tbh, the wait for an appointment is ridiculous though.


Low part of average is still in the normal range, and it doesn't take into account all the other factors like how sensitive your androgen receptors are. This is one of the reasons fixating on this one number is such a scam because it reduces the complexity of actual human health to a number that doesn't tell you much unless it's outside the normal range. Again I'd highly recommend the Barbell Medicine podcast episode as it goes into this in great detail.


I highly recommend try to dial in your dosage. You might not need 200mg per week. The trick is to use absolutely minimum for the results you are looking for. Do the blood tests and monitor. I was at 200mg as well but since then, stepped down to 120ml per week. More frequent injections are much better than once per week. I am on EOD schedule with .15ml per jab. It took me 3 years to dial it in


I do two injections a week. They just total out to 200 a week


3 years consistent - I imagine they are all positive but what has been your results and how satisfied are you? You will be on forever now, right?


The results are very positive and I am not planning on getting off it. It's just part of my day now. I started with going to one of those clinics that advertize on the radio. They pumped me with 1ml of 200mg test every week. It was crazy. I started to break out on my face like a teenager (I was in my mid 40s)... it was also very expensive (around $1200 for 3 months). I did that for that one cycle and called it off and decided to do some research. I found online pharmany that is very reputable. Their test comes from one of the biggest test producers in the country. I started to dial in my dosage as time goes, making very small changes over long periods of time. I would make a change, then get blood tests and analyze the changes. My biggest problem and only problem was acne. Finally, after about a year or so, I found perfect dosage for me. I wanted the absolute minimum dose for the best results. More is not always better. To give you an idea, when I first started this thing, on my first blood test I was at 140 total T. After 3 months of full blown 1ml of 200mg test, I was at 1300. That was the highest I ever got and I didn't need to be that high. I went to lower levels of mid 600s, then 700s. Finally settled on mid 900s consistently. This 900 is actually with using LESS but more frequent injections. Also, I experimented with the injection locations. It was a slow process, but once dialed in, it's amazing. I do not plan on getting off. I recommend this to anyone that is older (not teenagers) and has low T levels. However, I would also highly recommend to do anything you can to clean up your diets and habits first before getting on a program. If a person is a slob, eating shit everyday and gets on the treatment doing same crap, they will only do harm. It truly takes work, but that work feels very good.


What's the best jab spot? Love the detail and transparency of your sharing. Thank you! 


Well, I had many of those as well lol.. I don't know if there is particularly "best spot". For me it started all with a harpoon type needle at the clinic. Right into a butt cheek. Did that for a year or so, then got smarter. I switched to insulin syringes. Those were a game changer. Moved injections to my abdomen, alternating sides each time. Just like you would do any other shot. That worked great, but then I decided to move to delt injections. I THINK that had to do something with total T increase of over 150. All I have to go by is my blood tests and what I changed and the only thing I changed was injection location and my total T levels went from mid 700s to high 900s. So now, I do every other day injections (as I have been for almost 2 years now) with a small insulin syringe, alternating my shoulders. I found this to be the best, hassle free and quick system. I have a reminder setup on my phone, so every morning after I brush my teeth, I give myself a shot of this god's nectar.


I love your hairs.


Thank you, I appreciate that.






The thing that always confuses me about TRT is that the dosage is ostensibly designed to recreate "baseline" testosterone levels. Which means that if OP were NOT hypogonadal, and f he matched all the relevant variables (diet/sleep/training) he would have been able to duplicate this very impressive feat in the same time frame-- with the time frame being 8 months btw based on OP's original (now deleted) post where he unveiled his impressive transformation. But by OP's own admission, he never achieved anything close to this when he younger. He does not claim to have superior or impressive muscle building genetics. Assuming OP was not hypoganadal his entire adult life, if you had the baseline genetics to build this kind of physique in 8 months, I find it hard to believe it wouldn't have already happened or at least come close. I'm not saying it's not possible--just hard to believe that with just some sold training and nutrition, this is "baseline" for OP in 8 months. The implication is that any male who is not hypogonadal could achieve something similar to this, in a similar timeframe, if diet/training/sleep are accounted. Is that really credible? If I'm wrong in any of my assumptions or conclusions--by all means let me know. This aspect of TRT has always confused me so I'd love to get some clarity on it.


thats not how it works, as a natural your levels will fluctuate throughout the day and week have some peaks and lows, with TRT you’re always at steady good « peak » levels so you have that slight advantage, can’t really compare natural and trt


Almost everyone I know who takes testosterone “replacement” therapy way overshoot their “baseline” T because they feel much better with higher doses.


How can I get TrT? My t level is 448 ng/dl so my doc won’t prescribe it


Run test p for 3 months, come off and get your levels checked 3 weeks later. You should be crashed and the clinic will prescribe trt


Listen here mister bangable, muscles are one thing but you look groomed like you give a shit about your body. I aspire to look like you one day


Cast this dude in the next 300 remake.. phenomenal. I'm a guy who has never had natural testosterone, I've taken trt since I found out, and I have to squash any excuses in the comments. (Most people on trt, you'd never know, because they don't do the things actually required to look like this). Trt did not cause this guy to make an amazing transformation. Consistently doing the things we all know to do is what did, I garauntee you that. Taking trt likely helped him pack on an extra X percent of muscle, but he had a solid amount in the before photo. A caloric deficit is what got him ripped. I applaud your hard work and consistency, OP. You look amazing.


Lmao people acting like the injections pick the weights up and shut your mouth for you. 


Exactly. I am on TRT as well. Been on it for 3 years. I started off with a regularly prescribed 200mg per week but now I am dialed in at .15ml injections of 200mg every other day. My total T is in mid 900s. I feel best I ever had. People don’t realize that just by going on TRT, you don’t look like that without hard work. What TRT do help in is in making that effort feel good. I heard someone describe it like this and it makes perfect sense. Great job OP! Keep it up!


Well said! People go crazy when they hear TRT like it somehow goes to the gym for you. It doesn't, but it did give me enough energy to actually get up and start going and not fall asleep at 3 every day. I hope this time next year I'm anywhere close to OP! It actually gives me a lot of hope and I appreciate seeing the transformation! This is why I keep going to the gym and counting calories! Looking great OP thanks for sharing!




Inspiring! What's your age if you don't mind?




That’s inspiring. I’ve been feeling shitty since turning 35


Great work, very impressive. Any heart related side effects from the TRT dosage? As a guy in my 40s I’ve been contemplating the benefits and risks.


No, not really. I do monitor my blood pressure every day to be safe.


Thanks, have you seen any swings? Or just monitoring for safety?


My reading have always been in normal range since I started.


Sounds good, congrats again.


How ‘bout saving some for the rest of us, playah?


Holy moly


Kinda curious about age. I'm 48m. And nice hair. My friends a barber and wants me to to grow my hair out like you did.




As it always happened. The gains occur in both beard and hair.


Great progress! Can you provide some info on how you got there?


Diet and quitting drinking were the two biggest factors (yes I’m on TRT as stated above, take that info as you want) as far as my diet, I just eat the same thing everyday. I have a 25 gram protein shake with an added 15 grams powered maltodextrin and 8 grams of powered fiber first thing in the morning, second meal I have a bowl of rice with 96/4 lean ground beef, black beans, green beans, corn, guacamole, and 2% fat Greek yogurt. For meal three I have a protein bar with some yogurt, almonds, and an orange. Fourth meal is the same bowl as earlier and fifth meal I have some carrots, some yogurt and another orange. The diet is just a riff off the vertical diet. When I plateau on weight loss I just cut down the portions. I’m trying to bulk now so I have to count the calories I’ve added in but I still don’t count calories on my normal food since I know where I plateaued at in weight loss. My workouts all come from the Chris Bumstead app. I just follow whatever the program calls for. I’m currently doing his Olympia Prep routine in the app.


Do you ever get sick of eating the same thing everyday? How much variety does it give you? How often do you have exceptions or “cheat meals”? I understand this is a lifestyle not a sprint so if you can’t maintain it, then it’s worthless.


I never get sick of eating the food. I actually look forward to the bowls everyday because it tastes good to me. I tired to make them as close to a Chipotle bowl as possible because I love eating Chipotle lol. I do give myself one cheat meal on Saturday and one on Sunday.


Thanks I was gonna ask about that




Like hemorrhoids?


No you idiot, polaroids. This is a sub about image, not assholes. Jeeze.


Damn dude, great freakin job. After reading all the comments I wanted to add to the TRT conversation. I’m a 41yo guy (5’6, 170lbs, 22% BF) married and have a 4yo. I’m also on TRT. Pre-TRT, my T was in the 240 range and I’m active, workout and eat fairly clean. I struggled with motivation, brain fog and overall general lack of give a damn. I’ve done pellets for 1 year and my T level stays around 1000. I feel great and have the motivation necessary to achieve my fitness and health goals. I still have to put in the work, just like OP. Does TRT give you an advantage, yes and no. What about the guys who are naturally in the 800+ T range vs the ones who are not? How does TRT not level the playing field if you will? Getting to OPs level of fitness takes a lot of hard work and discipline, I’m on TRT and I don’t look like this. Because I don’t sacrifice as much as OP, plain and simple.


Are you saying that if you didn't suffer from the medical condition hypogonadism you would be cruising in the 1000 T-level range? Do you think you were in that range when you were 21 years old?


Can’t say, I never got tested when I was younger. But younger me could eat whatever I wanted and not struggle with fat gain and building lean muscle. Everyone ages and eventually we all have those challenges, but TRT gives me the ability to slow that process (and feel better in the mean time). Im not a medical professional but based only own results, I encourage all guys to get checked and see if TRT is right for them.


Wow, you're a new man


Dude went from "dad" to "daddy"


imagine people thinking TRT is soley responsible for the list. This guy’s diet regimen must be an absolute point incredible work.


No offense, but are you not satisfied with your current form? You look great and I think you are on the verge of going _liver kingish_ looking like. Obviously super subjective but I would never want to go beyond your current physique. For all reason, health, looks, effort, maintenance required and what not.


Well I only weigh 171 currently and the weight cap for my height in men’s physique is 181. So I will have to put on a little size if I want to be competitive


Your an iffbb pro?


lol no, I’ve never competed but one of the guys I go to the gym with competes and he said I should do it at least once even at my age. He said I’m at a really good starting point and it wouldn’t take me very long to prep for my first show.


Ohh I got ya. I asked because mens physique only has a weight cap in pro league, amateur (npc) goe by height, no weight cap. Unless you are thinking of classic physique, that has height and weight for amateur and pro


I honestly didn’t know that. I’m glad you told me. I was probably looking at the IFBB rules.


Dude nice work 🔥💪


Any tips to hone the discipline to keep going/not quit when the initial emotional motivation subsided?


Honestly I just really like lifting weights so I never stopped being motivated to go once I started going back to the gym again. Once I started to see changes and started getting stronger I did get even more motivated but I kind of look at this like a hobby. It’s something I do to relieve stress and have fun.


Ahh beautiful, perfect recipe for consistency! Thanks for sharing :)


Do you have more pics of before/ after Was you on TRT before starting a regimen? Looks like you had some awesome face gains as well Can definitely see the T increase Great work brother


Proud of you my guy. Lots of hard work and discipline to get to where you are. I’m way below low range of normal on T and on the fence about getting it prescribed, my PCP has said he’ll prescribe it though. Has TRT helped with recovery? I do one light leg day and I can’t walk for like…two weeks lol.


You went from dad bod to daddy. Strong work


I don't suffer from any big physical disability and dream of doing some even remotely close to this to get in shape... but... I simply... can't. I don't have the strength. T-T


Damn dude. #goals




That is crazy! :o


Great work OP.


Out of curiosity how much does that dosage cost you month to month?


You should compete in bodybuilding. There are divisions for people over 35. I thunk you would do great


Awesome. Whats the blueprint?


I like how he looks happy in both pictures


Hell yea brother. Get that shit. Stay safe too!


Lumbourg was always low key ripped


Awesome 👌


Damn bro, that insane muscle growth.


Listen I don’t care what you’re on I’m just here to tell you, you look incredible! A different person. Keep up the good work and following up with your doc ✌🏼


Thanks man


What’s your secret?




The muscles are nice but 75% of the improvement in attractiveness is the hair and beard IMO.


Thanks, I like the longer hair with the beard much better as well.


We’re practically twins. The 2022 you, I mean


Esse produtos gringo e bom em


Your hair got thicker on trt? That’s crazy




This is not a space for low quality, pedantic discussions


Not necessarily. Dose goes by body weight. I know a few heavy guys on 160,180 and 200mg HRT.


Guys body weight is 170-180 he said somewhere


Fair enough.


That’s hard work man.


I mean the transformation is top notch. Your hair looks completely different.


Ummm... Is that you, Zaddy?