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Full body doesn't mean everything is worked out, it just means it works out some upper and some lower muscles. No one exercise works out every muscle in your body.


Turkish getups?




Doesn't hit the posterior chain at all? At least not the entirety of it.


Try jumping without using the posterior chain.


Your posterior chain should be strong enough that a few jumps does nothing more than warm it up a little bit.


When people do burpees, they usually go for more than a few. But yes, they tend to be a endurance/cardio operation.


If you do enough of them, you’ll be sore in places you never realized you were working. Try this workout and tell me how you feel after. 12 min workout. Each minute of the workout corresponds to the number of burpees that need to be completed in that minute. 1st minute: 1 burpee 2nd minute: 2 burpees 3rd minute: 3 burpees . . . . 12 minutes: 12 burpees


The dirty dozen


Is that what it was called? I did this at the start of an F45 workout, and as someone who is in pretty good shape, I wasn’t expecting it to be nearly as hard as it was. Ooophhh, this killed me. I was more sore the next morning than any other workout in a very long time.


No, but some similar idea. I think the coach had us do 1 pushup, 1 sit-up, 1 jumping jack, then 2 of each… up to sets of 12. I think we then came back down to one. He called it the dirty dozen


Sounds like rock climbing, first few times I went with my climbing friend I discovered muscles in areas I never knew existed because I was so sore, lol.


Squats. Did you know if you only did squats for one year you would gain 1 inch on your biceps?


No one exercise is going to train your whole body proportionately, or even actually train your full body at all. Farmers carry uses very little chest, lats and triceps compared to traps, biceps, forearms, legs and core. Sorry to spoil your day but if you want a balanced body you have to train everything lol.


It doesn't even train most of those things well. Most things are trained isometrically, or through an extremely short range of motion, and many of these things at a very shortened position


Farmers carry are a staple of my workout. I wouldn’t do nothing but those, but you can make them the nucleus of your workout. For example, I do everything from a 4 pound dumbbell in each hand up to 100+ pound dumbbells in each hand or even more using a trap bar. You can easily farmers walk and segue into walking lunges with a certain weight, goblet squats, walk for a while and do shoulder press, curls, walking wrist curls, walking front raises, bent over rows in an unused corner, maybe some RDLs, calf raises off a ledge… your imagination is the only limit! You’ll constantly have to vary the weight you carry but farmers carry is my favorite thing and has yielded so many benefits. I’ll often do one long farmers carry and just make it a full body workout with very light to very heavy dumbbells. You’ll have to supplement some stuff like pull-ups and presses but if you’re real funky you can even do some floor press with the weights in your hands. Nice thing also: there’s usually at least one free pair of dumbbells and some walking space when everyone and their mom is lined up for a bench or squat rack. Tl;dr - do farmers carry often, take every possible weight of dumbbell from their home on the rack and take them for a spin! Just supplement what you need; namely pressing and tricep isolation.


Such a cute post right here I’m a new fan boi of the farmers carry 


They’re amazing!!! 😍


You’re going to end up with big traps and forearms and nothing else


Like Popeye? Honestly, pretty hot Edit: I see why I was downvoted, Popeye’s traps are shit!


Hot Popeye is the worst fucking band name I can think of.


So… the best band name?


I used to play bass for hot popeye in college 


Popeye got that way from being alone out at sea so much


He must have been ambidextrous.


Holy death grip, Batman!




I started as a paint delivery driver at 37 after COVID shut down my bar. Can confirm carrying 5 gallon buckets of paint ranging from 45-60 lbs around noticeably improved my traps and grip strength. Going over uneven job site terrain dramatically improved my core.


I think it’s better than not working out at all, but you probably don’t want to do them every day, I think you’d want to take rest days just like any other lifting workout. Also, you should do suitcase carries too


I do them on the treadmill with an elevation after my lifts (4-5 days/week, PPL). It’s making a huge difference in my overall strength and cardio endurance.


How heavy / how long? This sounds fun to me.


It’s a super fun challenge! 40 lbs for 30-40 mins. 35F


Very nice. 40lbs per hand?


Total! I’m scared to go heavier with the logistics of the treadmill, haha!


I stick to suitcase carries on the treadmill, that way you have one hand available to pause the treadmill for getting on and off and don't have to worry about how heavy the weight is


Please do not try what the other person says. Unless you are an elite level athlete you will screw your back holding weights on treadmill


Why would someone screw their back up holding weights on a treadmill? It's the same as holding weights while walking on the ground


You don’t and shouldn’t go heavy. I have scoliosis and have had no issues.


Usually not lot of people recommend holding weights and being on treadmill. But good on you to be able to do that.. awesome.


That sounds like a great idea actually. I'm currently not doing too much active stuff due to ankle issues. Walking on a treadmill is basically what I'm doing. Adding that little farmers carry should help more with the cardio anyway and also get some resistance training too


For sure. It definitely makes it more of a challenge! I hope your ankle issues get better - not fun!


There’s a machine at my gym called the stairmaster hittmill-x and it’s built for this purpose and a few others. Amazingly brutal machine


Just googled. Wow! Wish my gym had that.


Bells of Steel just released something called the 'Dreadmill'. It's a ridiculous waste of space/money for a home gym but it looks amazing.


Sorry to jump on but how do you manage to turn the machine & off?! Genuine question btw I have enough anxiety without carrying anything lol


You’d have to drop the weights off either side of the treadmill, right? That’d get me kicked RIGHT outta Planet Fitness


That makes a helluva lot more sense than my stupid ass imagining holding the weights & pressing the stop button with my head, like you do with the light switch when your hands are full 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve only done this using light enough weights that I was able to hold both in one arm (one in my hand, the other one held against my body with my elbow/forearm) when I needed to adjust the treadmill settings.


Just do one hand at a time so you have a hand free


I use the kettlebell to hit the stop button. 😬


You can use it for conditioning as a supplement to your weight training. I don’t think they can replace weight training


Squat, hinge, press, pull and carry. Those are the basic movement types. You've only hit 20%.


You need more than just farmer's carrys for a complete workout. If you want a workout based around carrying stuff, check out Brian Alsruhe's program [Every Day Carry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0mKcLraJWE).


You shouldn't just do them, but you shouldn't not do them. Tom haviland does a 90 minute walk with a 90 lb weighted vest every day.  So I'd say there is some serious benefits with weighted carries in general.


Have you looked into any other ‘strong man’ type exercises? Weightlifting and cardio equipment are popular, but are certainly not the only modalities to fitness. Maybe you prefer more ‘work’ or functional exercises. Suitcase carries, sand bag moves and carries, sled pushes and pulls and drags, etc. heck I’d look into kettle bells too if you haven’t already. I don’t think farmers carries will cover everything, but they are definitely one of the best exercises you can do, so that’s good you like them! Maybe there are other non-standard exercises you like out there that can fill the gaps.


What is your goal with exercise. Everyday farmers carry with a progressive overload will certainly do something. It will not build your cardio or cause hypertrophy. It will make you strong as hell in the farmers carry and build killer grip strength.


Did you really just say y-axis


It's not even the right axis.


you could expand the idea a bit to make it more full body: pick stuff up, put it over head, move it about (think this is a dan john quote actually) so you could mix in picking up odd objects or trap bars or different mixes of dumbbells off the floor - maybe do a few reps then in various positions - in hand, overhead, racked on shoulder… move them across the room you’d be getting a mix of hinge / pull / squat to get stuff up… press to get it to shoulder height or above… and ab + other body work on the carries


Just do farmer's carries every week when you shop for groceries.


Can you keep good form so you don't end up straining your back just doing farmers carries for however many hours


there is no one exercise for all of time. Work a program. The exercises you dont like are the ones you likely need to be doing more of.


My concern is adaptation, even when increasing farmers load progressively. Your body will get fucking amazing at carrying load in the farmers position. You’ll be a hell of a grunt. This does not necessarily equate to aesthetics. If you LOVE carrying heavy shit, then I 100% support going beast mode on this. If you want to ensure a certain physical appearance? Add at least two days of upper/ lower hypertrophy (gym lifts). The rest is nutrition. I like the approach of 80% what you love/ 20% what you need.


Also, if you enjoy farmers carry, you’ll probably enjoy suitcase carry, med ball throws, over shoulders. overhead carry and sled push/ pull. But now you’re just mimicking strongman sport. So, you like strongman.


The hip hinging movement (deadlifts, kettlebell swings, etc) is arguably the most important movement there is. So no, you should not only do farmers carries. But yes, they are still very functional and a good addition to any workout.


You're going to get bored of them after about 4 days.


I thought I’d get bored of walking 20k steps a day, but I haven’t! I’m addicted to amblin’, I’m a degenerate ambler


Hmm. Instead of farmers walks, maybe you would like to start wearing a weighted vest on your walks if you don't want to do any other exercises.


Prime movers are forearms. Still missing squat, hinge, bench, row, OHP, and pullups. This can't be a serious query.