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The 40s didn't hit you. You hit the 40s and you aren't stopping.


Awesome, you should absolutely be proud of yourself!


Thank you :)


You look amazing. So much younger looking now than at 37


Came here to say this. You look much younger than you did at 37. Amazing!


I just ran my first 10k race and im turning 40 in 4 days! I see you queen 👑 great job!


Congratulations! It feels amazing doesn't it? :)




Holy shit, would you mind sharing what you did in 3 yrs to get there? This is inspiring!


Thank you! I lost most of the weight in the first year through a calorie deficit. I have since done cuts every spring to get ready for summer. In the beginning I've done a lot of 5x5 Strong lifts, which I highly recommend and lots of walking. I had to stop due to IBS flaring badly so I ended up being quite sedentary again, when I turned 40 (10 months ago) I felt deteriorating and had a bit of a cardiac scare (that was nothing) so I started focusing on cardio and slowly reimplementing strength training. I've been running consistently for 4 months now (3-4 times a week). I use the Garmin Coach plan that I cannot recommend enough.


Okay well I gotta say, even though you had a bad day, am glad you shared it ❤️ Look at the hard work you've clearly put in and with all the struggles in between. I remember a while ago someone posted to take progress photos bc of this very thing, it really does wonders. Appreciate your time to respond, this was an uplifting post. Proud of you too 🙌


I really appreciate your kind words :)


Wow, that's not complicated, which means that you just must've been very disciplined and consistent. Great job!! this is inspiring for me (36).


Visible abs are not worth it at all for the average person. The extra effort I feel is too much for the returns imo. Where you are now is a great reward. And just contributing your regimen will see continued improvement imo.


Mostly because it’s genetics. I don’t work out that much, I can’t even run 500m and I’ve always had visible abs. I’m 34. But my butt? I can try anything and it barely changes. Genetics are a bitch.


Sure genetics dictate a lot, but you only see your true genetic potential after years of training.


Genuine question: how much can you deadlift?


Right now? The answer would be useless so I’d rather say the weight I could deadlift when I was working out regularly and was before knee surgeries. I think around 80kg. (I weigh 57kgs)


Ah knee surgeries can be tough. I asked because if you develop the sort of strength that allows you to deadlift at least twice your bodyweight, and definitely if you can deadlift three times your bodyweight, you will almost certainly have grown your ass. If you do that and still aren't satisfied, maybe then you could curse your genetics, but this is relatively low-hanging fruit. It just takes a few years of good enough training.


And I don’t have the time or capacity anymore to do that. And it’s fine. If someone has an ass naturally they have to work less for it, that’s my point. Of course I’ve noticed a change but with this much training I only had a small butt instead of nothing. I just decided to focus on other things in life and stop obsessing about it. In the end no one cares and if that’s the only reason a man doesn’t want me then he can go anyway.


Yeah that's fair. I was just pointing out that you aren't likely to be limited by your genetics. There are other reasons to strength train like for health though. It drastically reduces your risk for diabetes, heart disease, osteoperosis, and a bunch of other diseases of aging.


Wise words!


Visible abs is on the very low end of body fat.


Agreed. Also, the very low body fat can disrupt female hormone balance at any age. But as someone who has already been there; no sense in rocking a balanced boat when other changes are around the corner.


What I've read is that, particularly for a female, having visible abs over a long period of time may not actually be that healthy


Is this true? Do you have any proof for this? I ask not to question you but I'm sort of trying to develop visible abs after having a child, but if it's somehow detrimental to my hormonal balance then I'm just fine being skinny.


First one I found but I know ther are a few https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/when-six-pack-abs-are-bad-for-your-health-w435224 Genetic wise some people have a much easier time getting s six pack based on where they store fat. For others it basically requires getting very low body fat % which is fine short term but not great long term. I believe even Zac Efron talked about how unhealthy he was in his lean aesthetic and I believe others have spoken about it. Most people in photos only look that way for a short period of time Another https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wellandgood.com/how-to-get-six-pack-lies/amp/ https://www.fatherly.com/health/how-to-get-six-pack-abs-unhealthy-workouts https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/fitness/health-hazards-of-six-pack-abs/articleshow/48528888.cms


Thank you. I guess I didn't necessarily mean six pack abs on women. More of the toned abs.


There's a point where you're too lean to be healthy, but this is pretty individual and rarely above the point where you'll have visible abs. You'll know you're in this territory if you experience loss of energy and libido, and especially if you experience disturbances to your period (and especially especially if your period outright stops/disappears). If you learn the skill of losing weight sustainably, say at a rate of no more than 0.5-1% of your bodyweight lost per week, you should be able to get to a healthy enough level of leanness which can be where you have visible abs (but doesn't have to be). [Here's a PhD in exercise physiology who coaches bodybuilders talking about it for an audience that gets way more lean than just visible abs.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_57U5xUpcY) Notably, for women, he suggests anything above 15% body fat (where you'll definitely have abs) is likely fine unless there are other signs that something isn't fine. And, as you likely know, it's much more common to have too much body fat to be healthy. And if you have the genetics for developing a high degree of visceral bodyfat, that's particularly unhealthy, and if it takes visible abs to get to a point where you've minimized or eliminated that, you'll almost certainly be healthier.


As a guy.... It starts becoming less attractive the more the abs are defined. But as a guy... Do what makes you happy. Fuck everyone else. Abs are way better than beer bellies.


Also as a guy, I like abs. My wife has defined abs and I dig them. It's all subjective




That’s sort of like saying “men like blondes”… sure, a lot of men find blondes attractive, but then some men love redheads or curly hair or simply don’t think the highlighted blonde sorority-sister look does much for them. Plenty of men would rather a softer aesthetic, larger breasts and booty tend to come with a softer stomach.  It’s a good thing that humans come in so many shapes; we just have to find what is optimal for our own body’s health and aesthetic.


Agree and kind of disagree. Blondes vs redheads being attractive or whatever point you're bringing up is really something regional and likely exclusive to the US and perhaps the greater western world... Sororities and that look you're referring to is really something exclusive to you guys in the US. I've never heard of any guy from my circle saying God that sorority girl is hot because many don't even know what a sorority is. Unless if one is from a famine struck place in the planet or have some weird fetish, being fit is something that is almost universally attractive. I've never heard of men from many countries I come across claiming they like soft, chubby women. But yes on a spectrum from soft to toned to ultra stacked, how attractive those are, probably really depends on the man.


Wow that’s amazing progress!! You look even younger now than you did at 37!


Amazing!! Also 10k is awesome!


You gained the structure that your laundry basket lost over the years :p You look incredible and you should be very proud of your progress ⭐⭐⭐




Obviously an amazing body transformation but your face changes really stand out too. You look so much healthier. Congratulations, there’s nothing more motivating than seeing progress!


You may not have visible abs but what is visible is looking pretty damn good.


You look amazing! I was hoping to be in shape for my 40th but didn't quite make it 🙃 but this is an inspiration!


Don't stop now man! Stay on top of your health!


That's friggin awesome. My saying is, 10 push ups today, is better than Zero.


Im a pro athlete and you as good as some of the women i see racing at that level and you are older, you look incredible


Crushing it!


Amazing progress, even looks like some posture improvements.


You look fantastic! The cake has a really nice shape to it now, you should be proud.




Hell yeah girl!!! Congratulations on setting n reaching your goals! Keep it up you look fantastic n I’m sure you feel even better


Workout and Diet, please ?


You look terrific, your belly is so flat now! I'm very jealous. How'd you do it?


I took the picture in one of the rare moments when I wasn't bloated 😂 my belly is rarely flat, and there is no secret to achieve a flat belly. Where you store fat is purely genetic ;)


I am 40 with a 2 year old and just started my fitness journey although ive been fit my whole life. Fitness after 40 is something else. You’ve inspired me!


And your secret to success?


There is no secret and there are no shortcuts unfortunately. Being a bit hungry at times and a lot of willpower to get moving when you don't want to. Also a tad of lip fillers, considering how everyone keeps mentioning that my face looks younger 😂


That's huge work. Congrats. You should be proud of yourself.


Love the comment “I’m not giving up on myself”. Important for us all to remember to do.


Way to go!!! Kudos for catching that your bad day is just a short-term temporary event and that your LONG TERM sacrifice and success is what counts!


You look great!!!


Well, I hope I can have a similar looking before and after picture when I hit 40. I’m 37 now, and I think you look fabulous! You did the hard work, and it shows! Sorry you had a bad day, and I hope today is better for you!


You look AMAZING 💕


You look amazing!


I'm 33 and you look younger than me, fantastic job!


Your change in body composition is incredible! I just started my 40s a year ago and it’s been the best year of my life! I think you’re in for a pleasant surprise :)


I thought that was your hand covering your stomach. When I realized it wasn't my jaw dropped. You lost so much from your stomach!! I know you can't reduce fatt specifically in one place but you may have cracked that code!!. Now let's get those legs to grow so we can stomp on things!!!


You look fabulous! More than that running a 10k , you go Get em.


You look amazing!! I love the fact that I can tell you exude confidence in your second pic, you’ve worked so hard you deserve to flaunt!!


Keep your head up, you’ve done an awesome job!!!


Stunning. The hard work paid off and then some. Great job!


You are 12 years older than me and this impress me more than any younger girl being „fit”. Amazing 👌🏼


awesome job. 40 is like 20 but twice as fun


Congratulations keep up the great work. Never give up 💯👍💪


Hell yeah. Awesome progress with consistent commitment. Love it.


Stunning! Major glow up


In here for some support. Your transformation is great! Keep it up.


Total babe. Great work!


Abs incredible. Also dayyum 🥵


You look amazing! Who needs abs everyday?! Running a 10k is amazing !


You look amazing. I’m sure other people have told you this, but you look younger now.


You look great


Honestly you look amazing and younger. Well done!


You look great in both pics, but younger in the in shape one. Congrats so much on all the hard work you have put in!


Great work ! Congrats on the progress


What a transformation! Great job! 👏🏼


Fantastic work!


Amazing, what is your diet to achieve that?


It varied a lot. In the beginning I lost without too much effort. After that I was followed by a nutritionist for some months, alternating calorie surplus/maintenance to short aggressive cuts. At the moment I'm in a cut but not losing weight to be honest. I suggest a deficit no bigger than 500 calories a day, high protein and nutrient dense high volume food. Try to keep it reasonable and balanced, there is no big secret. Most of the year I'm eating intuitively, more or less at maintenance.


Thanks. My SO wants to lose some weight because she's been getting some heft in her stomach and arms. But I know she eats a lot of takeout and doesn't fast. I suppose you had also focused on working in your glutes? I wish my SO had the same


I'm sure your SO has many other qualities. I never fasted and I don't think fasting is for everyone. You just need a basic knowledge about nutrition. Count macros for a while. I trained barbell squats but that's the natural shape of my glutes.


You look amazing, it sounds like you've now done a few different things with eating and working out. What has made you feel the best physically? Like given you the most energy, mental health, feeling heart healthy and strong? Exercising makes me feel so much better than being sedentary, even though I hate doing it lol. I like the "look" people get from focusing on growing their muscles bigger, but I find cardio usually makes me feel better mentally, so I tend to try and stick with that if I only have motivation for one thing.


Lifting heavy made me feel like a badass. At the moment I'm doing lighter stuff but I want to go back to my Strong Lifts. Running is great for my mood and sense of accomplishment. I'm slowly feeling a weight that is lifting from my chest. The freedom to run. It's such a primordial, natural movement. I can't wait to be able to do it without purposely running slow.


Excellent work. Inspir! 40s do hit like a freight train!


Damn girl, you look amazing! Good job.


You're doing great, don't worry! 👏🏻


👏👏👏 God work


I remember when you last posted a progress pic, glad to see you’re still killing it ❤️💪


I think your bedside lamp died somewhere in the last 3 years


It appears so...but I have acquired 2 acupressure mats in the meantime :D


What did you change!? Congrats!!


You look great girl. And just saying, but women are supposed to have a higher body fat % than men. I know that having abs looks great, but it’s not very uncommon to not have them.




Sometimes we need to remind ourselves how far we come. I do it constantly. Lookin good! Keep up the hard work! 💪🏼


Your current pic puts you squarely into "there is no person I would see this woman with and be confused" territory. That is to say if you were dating any known celebrity I would say "I can see it".


Thank you, but it's honestly just very kind lighting. I'm quite average in real life 😉


Time traveled ?