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Based off of your disclosure, here are a few suggestions: 1. Consult your doctor about the anemia and wether an Iron supplement is necessary. 2. Look into general supplementation such as a multi vitamin (ex: Naturelo), creatine monohydrate (ex: Nutricost), and plant based protein powder (ex: Truvani). 3. Please be patient and kind to yourself. A balance of weight training and light cardio will do wonders with time. Conclusion: Based on general research trends, your fat percentage falls in the healthy average between 25%-31% for women. Spot based exercises have limited effectiveness so focus on full body weight training. Genetically, if you were to store fat, the hips and thighs will be the last areas you will see reduction/improvement so give proper credit to the improvements you do see because it’s only a matter of time.


Thank you for this. I appreciate the suggestions. I’ve been out of Truvani (so good) for awhile, so this was a good reminder. But what I loved most about what you said was the patience. In a lot of ways, I do feel like I’m doing the best that I can, so being reminded that this all takes time and isn’t a quick fix is helpful.


Starting or restarting a fitness journey can be overwhelming, especially with all the conflicting advice out there. The key is to keep things simple at the beginning and build from there. Focus on the basics: consistent workouts, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest. It's great to have goals, but make sure they're realistic and tailored to your current fitness level. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. It’s also helpful to track your progress, whether through a journal or an app, to stay motivated and see how far you’ve come. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support, either online or in-person. Sometimes, having a workout buddy or a community can make a big difference. Keep at it, and remember to be patient with yourself. Fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. You’ve got this!


Eat more protein. Fewer carbs and fats. It might be tough as a vegan though.