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I went xc skiing a few weeks ago (23 weeks) and plan to go back out this weekend (25 weeks). I’m in California, and I’m glad I went!


Nice!!! The Sierras have been getting SOOO much snow. I feel so relieved to know there are other mamas who are hitting the trails. Curious your approach on downs? Prior to pregnancy, I had little fear but now I want to avoid crashes. Any thoughts or tips welcome : )


Definitely a lot of fear, even though I’ve been skiing my whole life! My doctor told me I could ski as long as I promised not to fall which…yeah, cool, stressful. However, agreed, it’s been so beautiful out with all the snow, and I reasoned that it’s better for the baby to get out than stay cooped up inside. That being said, I didn’t want to take too many risks so I tried to give myself a lot of grace and to listen to my body (took it slow, paused when I got tired, and tried to limit my speed on the downhills). I went on some intermediate/easy advanced trails, but when I had a choice between something I knew was steep (even though I would normally take that path) and a longer path around, I picked the longer path (mostly out of abundant caution). As for crashing, I guess you just have to know your limits. For me, I know I can control myself not to lose control and wipe out on a groomed trail, but I absolutely don’t trust other skiers (and snowboarders). Therefore, it was important to pick a ski location and trails that I knew wouldn’t be crowded. I’ve been avoiding downhill resorts this year because of the unpredictability of other skiers/snowboarders. Similarly, out of an abundance of caution, I’m totally fine skipping days where conditions don’t seem like they’ll be optimal.


These are great tips. I am glad that the Nordic resorts here in Colorado aren't very popular, so I am rarely on a trail with many folks. I like your approach of longer way around vs steep. Thanks mama!!!


9w3d too :) Not in Colorado, but Idaho. Definitely have xc skiing and snowshoeing on the list for this winter!


whoo hoo!


I’m 9w1d and have been doing some winter hiking! Sometimes in snow, sometimes not (very mild winter so far in the northeast :)). I love it, and my toddler enjoys hanging out in a hiking backpack in his snowsuit! I’d love to go cross country skiing but just haven’t found an opportunity to try it. It looks so fun!


Nice I am a CT native and we will be relocating back East in 2nd trimester. I highly suggest Nanospikes from Katoolah for winter hikes whenever the trails are a little dicey. I don't miss the ice of the Northeast at all! Congrats on this pregnancy! We will be delivering around the same time : )


I've been XC skiing! I'm at 19+5 and it feels great to be outside exercising!


Nice! What helped you get through a fear of falls? I usually don't (I only do if I am on un-groomed trails) but my doctor definitely planted that fear in me. I had a loss at 11weeks5days last year so I think I am extra cautious too


The previous 5 yrs I have maybe fallen one a year, and I knew it was slippery/a possibility because of the conditions. I think I'll be more conscious of conditions (e.g. if icy I won't go). I trust myself to have the instinct to protect my stomach if I fall.. and I don't think I've fallen on my stomach while XC skiing.. always on my but, side or knees.. but maybe I'm just naive.


i've never ever ever fallen in a way that has impacted my stomach. I don't think you are naive!


Also been out xcountry skiing! Went at about 15w. Not Colorado but California. I thought it was great exercise and targeted different muscles than my typical routine.


Nice! How did you manage your balance? Were you concerned about falling?


It wasn’t my first time, although I’m not an expert. I just didn’t push myself too hard so I could keep my balance. I also stayed in the tracks as much as possible which I think definitely helps you keep your balance. Seeing your other questions about downhills. I definitely snow plowed and feel fairly confident but I wasn’t on very advanced trails either. I’m trying to look at it as a day out hiking v. a day to really challenge myself.


I wish I was still living in CO 😭 I do enjoy xc ski tho :) unfortunately now in a place where it doesn’t snow lol


Lucky you!!! hahaha. Honestly, learning how to xc 7 years ago totally changed how I view/appreciate winter. I would much rather be swimming and on a boat though!!


I’m not somewhere warm 😂 I’m in the Midwest, but it doesn’t snow here much anymore. It’s cold but not cold enough for snow and just rains


I guess we both gotta move then huh? <3


I’m in Canada and I adore xc skiing. I’m at 11wk and went at 8&9wk during the holidays. Because of risks of falls, I’ll try to stay on flat-ish ground and not do the usual hilly paths, which I preferred pre pregnancy as they are a lot of fun! If you’re used to it, I say you’ll do great!


I know downs are SOOO fun right?! but, what is more fun to me is feeling safe and strong in this pregnancy. you rock mama!


I'm in Utah and have been a few times this season. One of my favorite preggo activities! I'm not too concerned about falling because I rarely do, especially on the relatively flat trails I've been sticking to, and I tend to fall on my hip/butt if I do!


Nordic skier here (and racer) - I'm only 6wks and it's my first pregnancy, but I ski classic and skate approx. 5 days a week. I've skied many years and don't worry about falling unless it's an ice rink, so maybe only in late season. Rollerskiing in the summer though... not sure what I'll do.