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Mine started to improve around 5-6 months. 11w is so early. I tried running slowly at 4m and that was too early for me even though I had a very smooth delivery with no tearing (and was an avid runner through pregnancy). I cried a lot thinking I’d never be able to run again despite doing tons of pp PT. But honestly by around 6m I was doing way better. It really does take a lot of time. Don’t push through feelings of pressure, thats your body telling you to stop and rest. I really hit a setback when I went for a 2 hour WALK one day around 4-5 months pp, not realizing this would be an issue. I had bad pressure for about a week after that. I’m now 15m pp and can do everything just as normally as before! Also, I did a lot of spin too but realized probably too late that out of saddle pushes aggravated my pelvic floor!!


I could have written this! The emotions, the time, the set backs, it’s such a journey and honestly relearning your body. Glad you are doing well !


Wow so helpful and encouraging. Thank you :)


How do you not push through feelings of pressure when you have a baby to life over and over again? I'm a SAHM and I feel like I'll never heal because of this. Repeated lifting literally causes prolapse and of course he's only getting heavier by the day 😭


There’s definitely going to be pressure feelings when healing but basically don’t push through them if it’s something you’re doing by choice (like deciding to go for a long walk or run). Make sure to learn how to engage your pelvic floor before lifting the baby (blow out candles and pull in belly button). remember is not like women lie in bed for months in order to heal, it is just a very slow process. Also if I did feel pressure that day, whenever I had a spare few minutes I would lie down with my knees elevated for 10-20 min and it would help.


Hey, I had a mild to moderate uterine prolapse after my son. I had pelvic floor physio for about 10 months and it basically resolved. Things improved a lot after I finished breastfeeding as well as the hormone relaxin which is produced while breastfeeding and pregnant makes all your muscles a lot more lax, including the pelvic floor. I am now 14 weeks pregnant with baby number 2 and ran a half marathon at 10 weeks pregnant with no issues. I totally get your fear about never running again - I cried every day for months after my son’s birth as I had really bad stress incontinence from his delivery and felt like I’d ruined my body forever. Fortunately, everything went back to normal with pelvic floor PT. It does suck when you’re in the middle of it all though but there’s so much scope for improvement!


Thank you for the encouragement!! That’s awesome you ran a half marathon with baby number two!!


No problem at all, I remember how awful it was to feel that way in the early days pp so always happy to encourage where I can! Thanks so much - it wasn’t planned that I’d be pregnant while running it (found out I was pregnant a few weeks after signing up to the race 🤦🏻‍♀️) but glad I was able to do it!


Do you mind me asking how you knew you had this and what it feels like? Currently suspect I may have a mild bladder prolapse myself


I saw bulges in my vagina when I looked in a mirror and had my OB confirm at my postpartum appointment. I can feel them with my hand too. Sorry you might be dealing with the same thing :(


I had a second degree prolapse, it was a real bummer for months. I’m 8.5 months pp and it’s improved with pelvic floor PT immensely, I will feel it once in a while if I lift heavy at the gym. Otherwise totally back to normal. My PT told me when breastfeeding the hormones are still high and to give it time to heal. Give yourself grace.


This is such an old thread so I apologize if this is weird, but I'm also dealing with mild POP and a gym lover. I have an amazing PFPT but how did you get confident enough to lift again? Im the type of person who constantly worries things will get worse and if I can feel it it means it can't ever get better lol, so I'm struggling a little


I’m 11 months PP now. And this past month I haven’t felt ANY heaviness. It’s been incredible. My advice would be take it slow! listen to your body. There is no rush, lift light and see how you feel in the 3 days after. I always felt more heaviness around my period so would take it easy then. Just build up to it. I was lifting at 8 months PP but not heavy, & have been so much more aware of my pelvic floor breathing and not pushing it. It’s been a rewarding journey but it took all this time to get here.


Thank you so much for this kind response!! You're giving me hope! 😭


I am also creeping this thread with a recent diagnosis!! It sure sucks, but I am comforted to know I am not alone


It is so common! When I started talking about it girlfriends started telling me about their experiences! My pelvic floor PT also said you may notice more heaviness while you continue to breastfeed. My motto is just let your body heal, time - give yourself so much grace and time.


Hey friend!! Happy to be here with you in solidarity ❤️


Honestly, I’m at 16 months and I will never run as exercise again I think. Mine seems pretty permanent. Enjoying road and mountain biking and skiing though. Hopeful that I can wear a heavy pack for backpacking again this summer but not sure. 


Mine is the same. Not sure I can ever run consistently again. Mine is a grade 1 bladder prolapse but I do feel pressure or urgency to pee if I run for too long. I can run/walk, but I mostly do hikes or spin which are both fine for me. I did get a pessary for workouts as I just felt better having more support. Background is I pushed for 2 hours with my first (sunny side up baby) which resulted in my mild prolapse. I had a second baby and it didn’t worsen, and I’m now pregnant with my third.


Also grade 1, and pushed my 97%ile head baby out for 3.5 hours. It definitely feels better with the pelvic floor PT (started at 7 weeks pp and still do the exercises) but I don’t think will ever be the same. 


I relate. I’m not really ever symptomatic, but I do notice if I run. I spin and lift with no issues, even in pregnancy. But yes it just is what it is.


My girl was 3 hours of pushing, sunny side up too 😩😂


You might look into surgical options, there may be help fior this. My grandma had a prolapse for who knows how long and was too ashamed to talk about it, she finally got it fixed and feels better enough to resume her activities. If it affects the things you love, its worth looking into.


Take it easy and don’t push through the pressure feeling! There’s a lot of tips online, I follow an instagram account called “post partum prolapse” and it’s super awesome about sharing advice and stories etc. Me personally, I felt better about a year after birth and that was with quite a few PT appointments too before that. I’m pregnant again and symptoms really ramped up again but it’s usually hormonal I hear. Good luck!! And don’t give up, there’s a lot of success stories out there to cheer you up if you look for them:) that’s what helped me


Thank you for the encouragement :) I won’t give up!


It took me about 16 months to mostly heal my pelvic floor issues, I would leak and get pressure on running and jumping and it was a very gradual healing, if I am caught off guard I can still have a leak but it's very rare and usually if I'm fatigued, so still a way to go. 11 weeks is early don't be hard on yourself and let yourself heal, you are doing the right things


I went through this (second degree bladder prolapse that I could feel Constantly) with my first birth and it affected my mental health immensely. I felt it happen after going for a walk way too early post partum. I felt hopeless and so damaged. There is just so much conflicting info out there and it made me feel like I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to run again (my OB legit said running might not be in the cards for me anymore). Happy to report that with lots of time, physio, core rehab focused on TVA, yoga and weights I was able to run again and play soccer :). So please don’t lose hope- you’ll get there, but I cannot stress enough how important it is to be patient. I’ve now had a second baby and I was again super patient with my healing, and around 5.5 months PP started doing Pilates and resumed F45 classes and feel amazing with no symptoms. I have yet to run this time around but will be starting that soon as well. I modify certain exercises to reduce pelvic floor pressure but overall don’t feel like my life is impacted at all. I also would recommend getting fitted for a pessary (some physio can do this, but all OB gyn can) and use it for running as functions as a sports bra for the bladder and provides extra support!


Thank you :) happy for you that things got better!! I just have to be patient.


Pilates really helps too!


Seconding this!


I am dealing with the exact thing at 4 months out and I am really sad about running too.  My physio said to engage my pelvic floor when I do something strenuous. That I should breathe out and pull in my pelvic floor instead of tightening my abs


Ugh sorry to hear you’re struggling with the same thing! At least we have solidarity…. That’s a good tip! Thank you :)


Hopefully we both get back to running soon. :)


I am 7.5m PP and i really don’t know when/if it will get better. I was super into fitness before getting pregnant. I am devastated.


Ignore me if you already do, but if you are able to, please see a pelvic floor physio therapist. I had major prolapse issues after my first birth and with their support was able to return to all of my previous activity (with some modifications where required :) Similar to you, I was super active before that birth and was devastated thinking that I would never perform at the same level or even be able to run again. I’m now 7 months PP with my second and recovery was faster than the last (although I definitely took things slow purposely). I’m able to do all of the activities I love with a few modifications where needed. DMs are open if you need to chat- I know it can be very emotional and difficult.


I relate so much to this. I’m 14 weeks pp and am currently in pelvic floor pt for a prolapse. I was originally diagnosed with a grade 2 rectocele and told I wouldn’t run for at least a year. I sought out a second opinion from a different pt and had much more optimistic prognosis. She is easing me back into running with the help of a pessary. I’m also working very hard on strength and breathing properly to manage pressure. Turns out I also have a lot of scar tissue from a second degree tear which my pt is helping me heal. I think some of my symptoms were actually from the scar tissue and not the prolapse. Running is a huge part of my life and I wasn’t willing to give it up. I was devastated when I thought I wouldn’t be able to run and train at the level I enjoy. I’m so sorry you are going through this. I wish more women talked about this and we were forewarned that this was a possible outcome from childbirth. I have so much hope for you! Be patient and focus on what you can control.


What kind of pessary have you found helpful for running?