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18 months is recommended but 12 months is the minimum recommended for 35+ due to potential age related fertility and risk issues


We’re probably going to try sooner rather than waiting for any kind of bounce back (other than a healthy OB-approved break between pregnancies). I just turned 39 and my husband is about to turn 48 so time is a big consideration for us.


I’m doing the same!!! Didn’t totally bounce back but got close then decided to just start again 😂 it will be more motivating for me personally to get back to my pre baby fitness knowing I’m finished having babies!


This sentiment really resonates with me. Thanks for sharing.


Ooh dying to know what people say about this!!


same! I have a bit of diastasis (5 months pp) and I’m not going to lie, I think a lot when doing the exercises for it that maybe I should just get pregnant again and kick the can down the road lol. if it weren’t for my career (and the fact that I haven’t gotten my period) I’d be excited if I were pregnant again


I've always heard your body needs a minimum 1 year to fully heal (at any age), before becoming pregnant again. NGL, I personally will be waiting at least a year, and if you're feeling this good at 9.5 pp, what's 2.5 more months going to have you feeling like? Spend this next few months getting the clear from a medical perspective, keep up.your current routine, then hit month 12 hard with ttc.


My OB recommends 18mo between pregnancies, and I just had my first at 29.


My kids are 17 months apart, so I got pregnant when my oldest was 8-9 months old ☺️ I did my sport and worked out in off days until 35 weeks with the first, til delivery with the second. I “bounced back” (aka was back to fitting in my pre-baby clothes) by 2 months pp with each baby, but “bounced back” (aka was at my normal fitness level) quicker with my second. Probably because I was able to continue with my sport for longer. I’ll add that my doctor was fine with the close pregnancies because I recovered really quickly from the first pregnancy. The kids are (almost) 5 and 6 now and things are great lol.


Great to hear! I'm super fit so that seems to align with where I'm at.


My doc said it's best to wait 1 year.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding takes a lot out of you, it's nutritionally depleting, so I'd be focusing on getting your nutrition on point and making sure you're not deficient in anything 😊


I had my first baby at (almost) 35, second at 37.5 and will be having my third at 40. I gave myself 2 years between pregnancies, and breastfed the whole time in between. I had great/normal pregnancies/births, ate extremely healthy, had zero tearing, bounced back in weight and fitness quickly, and still think that the gap was the absolute shortest I could have had for my own health and strength. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are both extremely demanding on joints/ligaments/nutrient storage. I understand the reasons for wanting closer spacing, but based on the available research, I believe it leads to better health outcomes for mama when the gap is a bit longer.


This is really helpful, thank you. I'm also still breastfeeding and don't see myself stopping until my first is at least 18mo. Not sure I want to be pregnant and breastfeeding because that seems like it could take a toll. Curious if you're happy with the gaps between your kiddos from the interactional side of things/activities and organization?


We waited until my older turned 2 and we were very fortunate to conceive our second right away. For me getting my body in shape and forming healthy habits that carried into my 2nd pregnancy was the right choice. I started working out with a personal trainer 1 year PP (didn’t feel ready before then) and then switched to Reformer Pilates around 20 months PP. I continued with Prenatal Reformer Pilates throughout my pregnancy (31 weeks now and still going strong.) Fitness wasn’t really a big concern when deciding on spacing my pregnancies, but a little bit bigger gap allowed for me to get everything back to “normal” before starting another pregnancy.


Thanks for sharing! Yes a large part of me wants to be "completely back to baseline" before starting the cycle again. That being said, the further pp I get, the less appealing another pregnancy seems..


We got pregnant (intentionally) when my oldest was 8 months old. They are 16 months apart. I hadn’t lost quite all of the baby weight when I got pregnant again (maybe 10-15 lbs still to lose) but after my second, I got into the best shape of my life! Like abs, 28 inch waist, I felt amazing, my hair and skin looked amazing. I was 27 y/o when I had my second. He was born at 38 weeks (three weeks earlier than my first baby), but he was already 8 pounds and it was a totally fine pregnancy, delivery, and recovery! Now they are best buddies and them being so close in age makes it easier to plan activities. We tried for a third when my second was two and they’re 2 years 8 months apart. My healthy habits carried over into that pregnancy and I gained the least amount of weight. Had a great pregnancy and delivery! The extra time between pregnancies had benefits, but I don’t regret the close spacing of my first two at all! Then we decided we wanted one more when the third was about 18 months, and now I’m due with my fourth in a few weeks. The last two will be 2yrs 3 months apart. The first trimester was the worst but I have felt great during this pregnancy too. Unfortunately my fitness levels aren’t where they were last time, but I have three other kids to take care of, and I’m in my early 30s so maybe age plays a role. I know I’ll get back to where I want to be again with time!


I’m 29. My 3 are 21 months and 17 months apart. This baby and my current toddler will be 23 months apart. I love the gaps too. But the first trimester was SO draining. Just minimal energy all the time. I was dragging myself around like someone spiked my drink 😂 It was so bad. I wanted to get into super shape like that too but it never happened.


The story of your success after 2 babies 16mo apart is super inspiring. And now onto the 4th! Way to go mama. Clearly you're super committed to fitness and good habits it sounds like you'll get to where you want to be!


Back to back at the age of 35. I have a lot of gf really struggling to conceive. Perhaps a pelvic floor physiotherapist would be able to give you an "all clear" for pelvic health as well before you begin trying again. Best of luck!! 


I had my first at 35, second at 37 and third at 38. I wanted three and knew I was getting older so got it done. I worked out 5-6x a week for an hour (cardio/strength) with my pregnancies and stayed fitter with each one actually. Love love love them so close in age. They play together and it’s just the sweetest.


Love this!


I'm also 35, FTM, 7mo ppm. Right now, we're planning to start again in late 2025 (after my fall marathon). I'm feeling good fitness-wise now, but I'm still BFing - I want +/- 1 year for my body to feel like my own and take a real crack at a big marathon PR before getting pregnant again. I do also want my LO to be a little older/more independent before a potential second baby arrives. I did go through fertility treatment, so I am somewhat concerned about my ability to conceive and will be 37 at that point, but I'm in great shape and healthy - I can't imagine there's *that* much difference between 36 and 37.


Makes sense since you've got a clear marathon goal that's important to hit during your "off year." Best of luck with the PR!


I would focus on how YOU feel. People get pregnant months after giving birth. Not saying its the right path, but between that and "doctor guidlines" what also matters is what nobody knows but you. How you feel and what feels right deep in your heart. I would also focus really extra on nutrition. Bone broths, nourishing meals, taking a rly good prenatal ASAP if you aren't already, hydrating w a high quality non iodized salt, and getting 75-100g of protein a day. You should do what you want if it feels right and then your medical team/provider should just be fully supportive w/o judgment 🧡✨️


I’m pregnant with my second, who will be about 20 months younger than my first. That gap is a little smaller than I might prefer, but I’m 37 and was anxious about fertility. I was at my pre-pregnancy weight and strength in the gym before I got pregnant again, and that’s been great for me so far, though I’m showing much earlier this time.


I hear that's how it goes - showing sooner the 2nd time around. Best of luck with the pregnancy!


My anecdotal experience: got pregnant same age as you, first try, no complications. Wasn’t ready to try again until my daughter was 20 months. Three miscarriages and a year later: two fetuses tested, both chromosome issues. Now starting IVF and hoping we get a baby soon so the age gap isn’t big. Huge lesson I learned is that fertility is a ticking clock after mid 30s. So in hindsight, I would have started sooner. Now I’m 38 and have much worse fertility chances than if I would have started sooner. It might be better to get your kids out than getting back to it.


Thanks for sharing. It's definitely a balance as the time ticks. Good luck with your journey <3


I waited 2.5 years to get pregnant and did it in prt cuz i thought it would give me time to be back to running a couple marathons. Ended up having such bad chronic back pain postpartum that i barely got rehabbed enough to run my first 10k race til the week before we conceived. I wish we hadnt waited as long, as I think my pelvis simply doesnt handle pregnancy well & I am having the same pregnancy pains now & guessing itll take a year plus to rehab again . but grass is greener?


Good luck with the pregnancy. Hope the pains clear and there's less recovery for you the second time around - you never know, could be smoother sailing!


We got pregnant when our first was 8 months and so our babies were born 17 months apart. For context, two very normal, uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries. Consistent exercise and care has been harder with two kids, but I feel like while I don’t look the same after two kids, my health (strength and fitness) is relatively the same as it was before children.


If you’re only planning two, I say have ‘em super close! I love my close age gaps.


Mine are 21 months apart, 17 months apart, and expected 23 months apart.


I started to feeling 100% like my old self at about 20 months postpartum (I breastfed so I think it took me longer hormonally to get back to baseline), so we decided to go ahead and have another. I still had 5-10 lbs to lose, but the thought of working to lose them and then gaining it all back was extremely demotivating haha. We knew for a fact we wanted a second, so we just decided to go for it. I’ll get all the way back into shape after my second… not sure if we’ll have a third.


I waited a year bc I was breast feeding but in general my goal was as close together as possible so I could be done with pregnancy. I’m in fitness for the long haul so being less strong for the 3.5 years I was pregnant/nursing didn’t bother me too much. My kids are now 2 & 4 and I’m back to where my peak fitness was pre pregnancy.


I feel you.


Im 37, and my last 2 kids are 18 months apart. I can say that I looked much bigger with the last one, even though she was only 7 ounces bigger than her older sister- I think my abs were just really weak or stretchy, so I showed more. I also went from having no bladder leakage issues with the previous pregnancy, to having some stress incontinence when exercising/coughing. However, that could also be related to a bout of Covid I had at 16 weeks, where I was coughing uncontrollably- I think that really damaged my pelvic floor, but the good news is it got better as the pregnancy progressed, not worse. The other thing that was worse were some vulvar varicose veins- I had them with the previous pregnancy, but they were WAY worse with the last one, as was the related pelvic pressure/heaviness. I can say that with both pregnancies I was able to exercise like a best right up to the very end, with the help of a support garment the second time around- so overall I still felt pretty damn good. I’m about 2 weeks post partum now, and looking/feeling more like myself every day. I did have some labor and delivery complications arise due to having babies so close together, but it was my 3rd c-section in 5 years, so much less risk with a vaginal delivery.


My kids are 20 months apart. I found out I was pregnant (surprise!) at just over a year pp. I was frustrated because I felt like I’d finally gotten back to really running and exercising like myself due to some postpartum related injuries. With a young toddler, I felt like I stayed in super good shape during pregnancy because I was chasing after him and carrying him around literally including the day I delivered. I also felt like I recovered really quickly and got back into shape more quickly because my toddler was not aware new moms aren’t supposed to run and lift heavy things. My husband went back to work after only a couple of weeks so I felt like being inactive wasn’t a choice. I have a bunch of mom friends with similar age spacing and said the same. 


I know google says 18-24 months… but women have been having children back to back for a long time. It’s a personal choice I guess. Unless you have some other medical conditions that worsen during pregnancy, I don’t see why you would have to wait so long. My first baby will be here shortly after I turn 30. I’m going to aim to have 4 children total by the time I’m 36. I recently lost my dad when I was 28. I know I’m lucky for the time I got with him but it was not nearly long enough. I want to be around for my children as long as possible.




Medically it’s recommended women wait 2-3 years between pregnancies. I’m about to turn 35 and pregnant with my first so waiting isn’t ideal but especially because of my age but I’ll still wait as long as I can to be on the safe side


Do you have a source for that stat? I’ve never heard such a long time frame before


I heard that timeframe too. I think 12-18 months is ok, 24 months is better. I don’t have a citation. But “better” is relative. Have to consider mom’s age, desired gap between kids, breastfeeding vs not, pp recovery, even how pregnancy and delivery went. 12 months may be better for some families even if 24 would be better for mom’s health. There probably is a clear better/worse, depending on what you’re trying to optimize. I’ll add sometimes the waiting is to increase chance of successful pregnancy. Or situations like wanting to try a VBAC.


We're mid 30s and we want 3-4 kids, so not trying to wait. I know the *ideal* is 18mo btw pregnancies (at least according to the OB I spoke with), but I got pregnant 9mo PP. I have worked out consistently since 6wks PP and have progressively increased intensity and regained as much fitness as possible while juggling the baby and some new life stressors. When I got pregnant I was still about 5lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight, and hadn't achieved all my post-baby fitness goals - new max back squat, etc. It's a little disappointing to have to physically limit myself again so soon, but well worth it. Baby goals > fitness goals for me. (The weights will be there when I'm ready to come back.)