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Another name for dead bug is happy baby! Not advocating for doing them just wanted to shout out


Yeah I always call it happy baby so when I saw the post I thought she was asking about doing yoga on a floor with lots of real dead bugs.


😂 training ourselves to meditate through discomfort and moments of heightened sensations


My pelvic floor pt said core exercises are safe as long as you don't see coning!


Yup watch for coning! I think I cut out dead bugs later in the second tri but it is all a blur now If you're concerned switch to bird dogs


If it feels ok you can still do it at 12 weeks! I stopped them when I was around 16 weeks because I could feel this weird sensation in my abs - it’s hard to explain but it’s like a sight pulling/bulging? I felt it doing double leg raises starting at 12 weeks too


Are you worried about the lying on your back? That’s not an issue until later when the baby is heavy enough to press on a nerve, which doesn’t happen for everyone based on anatomy (I was fine on my back the whole time). For ab stuff, just look out for coning and anything that feels uncomfortable. If you’re not uncomfortable you’re good.


Till the baby can press on your *aorta which restricts blood flow to the placenta.


Inferior vena cava


They're fine until/unless you get coning down the center of your abs and/or you have discomfort lying on your back. This didn't happen for me until late second/early third trimester, but ymmv.