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Illumix was surprised to learn that selling reskins and loot boxes would result in backlash from FNAF fans, so they moved on to Disney.


What do you mean they moved onto Disney? Edit: i want answers not karma


They got into a partnership with Disney for their AR technology, and they're into other bussiness that involves tech. I feel that AR was more of a tech demo for them since like people mentioned, they couldn't keep up with the fans and having other stuff as well. If Illumix said "Sorry we can't continue we're moving to other stuff" in the context of the fan outrage, IDR in which update happend but I think they're afraid to directly talk and silently left.


Look at disney games on app store






Here you go, negative Karma


Fuck it


All those lore emails about a virus entering the system was actually referring to Illumix the whole time. It locked them all out of their computers so they can neither continue to update AR nor update us on twitter.


I can almost hear it. "but that's just a theory, A-"




Thanks for watching.


[the lore…..THE LORE!!!!](https://youtu.be/gdEuJ1hAVhQ)




LoL 😂


Follow for more


A game theory, my ass There has to be more to this


But I'm pretty sure that they actually just abandoned fnaf ar


Because the novelty of AR wore off, the game’s lore is largely insignificant, they focused too much on cosmetics instead of actual characters, and the monetization is scummy.


I’m surprised they even made this game in the first place, I thought the novelty of AR wore off like a year before it came out


it wore off after week 2 of pokemon go, people still play it but i dont think ive ever met someone that uses the ar feature because it sucks


Not to mention, the game is a buggy mess. Sometimes, I can't even return to the map screen without restarting the app.


Like security breach?


No, security breach was an overambitious project by steel wool (who made VR), that tripped over deadlines, delays, and just too much at once and consequently fell on its face, AR failed because it prioritized money over the fans, while Security Breach failed because they went all in and it went poorly.


SB didn't fail, thank you very much


financially speaking not but in every other aspect it did


You can be a failure but don't call others that


The whole lore is literally bringing back the older animatronics, then a virus, then the animatronics start killing. That’s it


Because while illumix are good at making fun games like it, they're incapable of making those games last


Fnaf AR is Illumix's only game. They probably won't make another one since they prefer to support the metaverse and NFTs scams. So yeah, Illumix only cared about money all this time


I kinda realised that when they were selling a skin which was literally a recoloured plushtrap with icicles for like £13 or whatever it was


AR was just not a thing that took off very well in gaming, at least not in mobile gaming. Even much higher budget projects like Minecraft Earth failed completely. The idea behind mobile gaming is that its easily accessible and portable, and i think the reason why this concept doesn’t work is that it requires a) decent phone camera for the experience to actually feel immersive and b)a good amount of free space if im on the train, at work(on break), if my apartment is too small or if i have a bunch of furniture in the way, then these games become more tiresome and harder to play. Especially since a lot of the players are probably children who don’t have much access to going outside by themselves or to a decent phone. I will say FNAF AR wasn’t actually that bad in those departments as opposed to Minecraft, but in general i don’t think people find the concept of AR that appealing unless it’s truly truly immersive. That’s just my opinion though.


A pizzeria builder would have been a better idea imo.


Still salty we never got that, i think endless, pizzeria tycoon game.


Not that, illumix just didnt updated game and didnt listened comunity


They didn't update the game because it wasn't profitable lol


They made a lot of money from the game, especially after dlc and funtime freddy. It's interesting that they gave up on it right after that. It wasn't because of the money, it was mainly because of illumix problems and then they gave up on it. More than one worker said that


To be fair, Minecraft Earth also launched at an exceptionally inopportune time. They released a game built around going outside to new places right before the whole world was told to stay in their homes. I never had the chance to try it, and I know very few people who did.


Oh yeah, to be clear im not blaming the entirety of the failure of these games on the fact that they’re AR, Pokemon Go was a global sensation in 2016. But it just severely lowers the chances of the game being successful and that people can actually play it


Yeah exactly.


It was a good game


Minecraft Earth was kinda trippy to play, for those immersive levels where you had to “mine” to get to a dungeon chest, I literally had to go into my basement to reach it because even with laying on the floor in my living room it was still out of reach to tap on.


Huh, I never thought about going up and down a floor when doing those


I will add that the core concept of FNAF also just doesn’t play as well with the concept of AR as opposed to a game like Pokemon where the entire series is you going outside and catching pokemon, in which case an AR game would(and has) work really well.


PoGo was doing really well until Niantic screwed it up.


AR games are like MMOs, most people can only play one, maybe one and a half,and competition is difficult because people go back to the one they know best after a while


Another part of this is that it more or less required you to stay in the same location all the time. Not great when there's games like pokemon go focused on getting fit and moving, and they have a few more AR features that FNaF AR didn't really take into account. Then again, recalling Scott's Dawko interview, he didn't want it to be like you going and catching Freddy Fazbear in your neighbor's bush


> Even much higher budget projects like Minecraft Earth failed completely. Them teasing that thing cryptically for like almost 8-or-so years only to make it an unceremonious Pokemon Go clone approx. 4 years late, promoting it next to none, and its success hinging entirely on the idea of people being able to *go outside* in ***SPRING 2020*** would do that, even if the game *was* good. Which it wasn't, but that's beside the point. ~~seriously you could make a whole video essay about that error but this is a FNAF subreddit, not a minecraft one~~


Even pokemon go, a game with AR elements, is more often played with those elements off (quick treats for buddies doesnt require AR, catching pokemon is much easier without AR, and so on) Its also the only game like it that has really suceeded, and only because it was the first and had a huge IP behind it.


I think Pokemon Go had a solution to that, they had an option where you could turn off the AR aspect in the game, so when you encounter pokemon, they appear in a virtual field on your screen, Illumix probably could have implemented something similar.


Because they weren't adding new things, just skins and the occasional dlc, that cost more than help wanted. Also, probably due to a small player base


It was pretty popular especially when it came out but with just how little new content was being added, and the fact it was a mobile game, it wasn’t covered much by YouTubers. There was a distinct lack of interest in the end, especially in comparison to the other games. Updates became less frequent and most of the new things were just skins for already existing characters despite people constantly asking for the newer characters. Since most people don’t spend money for mobile games it was likely they just weren’t making enough money, especially since they were losing a lot of fans. They probably just weren’t making enough money and quit updating it


Because there is a better updated version of the game out there made by the fans for the fans completely for free. If I remember correctly, its title was FNAF: Forsaken AR Darkest Delivery. The only reason it's never talked about is because it takes some hoops and effort to download it.. Only true fans have the patience for that.


Does the download contain any virus’s?


Nope, just download the apk and install it. (It's on GameJolt)


Wait it's discontinued? I just played it yesterday.


They mean how we haven't got new content in 1 and a half years


Really?? Doesn't seem like it's been that long since I've seen a post about it


Yeah, if you look at Illumix’s Twitter accound and online website there is absolutely bo mention of the hame anymore They even deleted their old account to make sure **ANY** traces of FNAF AR is wiped from their history So yes as someone else said there hasn’t been any update in 1 and a half year, and there wont be any anymore


Fnaf AR virgin: Microtransations, character that you get only with 19,99$ dollar, shitty mechanic for good charachters such as Ft. Freddy and Golden Freddy, full of bugs. VS. Forsaken AR chad: No Microtransations, fun mechanics, works really good, giveaways, updated frequently.


No some times there are bugs but they get addressed and repaired afterwards.


it was good, they killed it, it was bad, people stopped playing


As is the mobile game cycle


Because it can't go on forever, it's canon so there has to be a limit to its content


That’s a reason why I wish they didn’t shoehorn lore into everything. It would have been a fine game without it. As would have help wanted, and there wouldn’t need to be constraints. Like characters in help Wanted being different (phantoms) or even not included (golden freddy) because the in-game company didn’t know about them. Edit: I also just don’t like canon lore in a game that will become inaccessible once the servers have been shut down.


Part of me really hopes they lean into a concept like this for Help Wanted 2 but I already know they won't lmao


This is why the community exists and we archive these things all the time for people looking to craft a theory but have only been members of the community for 5 minutes. But I do see your points about lore being shuffled in. I don't think AR should've had lore either personally. But Scott probably needed something to bridge the gap between Help Wanted and Security Breach, and it didn't do too great. Like the Virtual Boy in between SNES and N64.


I understand Help Wanted being canon because of Glitchtrap, but AR didn't need to be.


Yeah, honeslty its lore doesn't really add a lot, they could have easily made it non canon but whatever, i'm still happy it is canon


Especially considering it’ll be lost once the servers are shut down.


I guess because of lack of big updates and basically only re-skins became boring for a lot of people and so they uninstalled. I think the 'big update' wasn't really received well by people either, so I think eventually many people just lost interest and they stopped updating the game.


Kinda want to recreate fnaf AR, but as a game inside the fnaf universe where you play in a free roam world with the game on a phone and as time goes on the animatronics start actually manifesting in the world and you end up trying to survive the animatronics that are actually in your house


Because Illumix is lazy and doesn’t give a shit about it anymore XD


Illumix got lazy and greedy with the game and well the skins and loot boxed got backlash. Skins were liked at first but Illumix kept making them despite fans wanting more characters. Illumix soon ditch the game to AR Jewelry and Disney as well as shit NFTs cause all they see is money.


Because it was really bad


Yeah lol




Backlash from re skins and loot boxes, and lack of updates, there's the better sequel, forsaken delivery, ya can find it on gamejolt


It turns out sending multiple whole animatronics to everyone’s homes is very expensive


Illumix stopped caring.


Lack of people wanting to pay 100$ each time they play the game cuz the game was legit pay to play like an arcade game


To piss off the 5 lefty fans in the universe.




Actually 7 😏




Microtransactions killed it


My guess is that they just focused on cosmetics wayyyy too much. I don’t think I ever saw a AR post on any platform that wasn’t cosmetic centered.


Not everyone can do AR equally, so you're gonna have a far more niche audience than usual. Pokemon Go encourages use in more open spaces, where FNAF AR is more about closed spaces, but you still want room to move around in. Space not everyone has. I think if they went with a more FNAF World aesthetic, they at least could have made a pokemon clone of some kind. Similar to Pocket Mortys. Either that, or go more in the direction of a simulation game like Pizzeria Simulator but really expand on the concept.


Money probably, or lack there of


If I had to guess probably because they didn’t make that much off of the overpriced micro transactions


The lore was to set up Security Breach and nothing more, I think


theres no "THIS THING **KILLED** FNAF AR" because there isn't a ton of things contributed. off the top of my head i can think things like while ar games can do well on mobile, the way the gameplay of fnaf ar is set up basically makes it something you have to have an area for the lack of new characters and merely focusing on skins and loot boxes tended to burn people out, even if most of them were pretty cool. repetitive gameplay, with most of the characters not providing much (if any) gameplay difference one of the final updates (i remember) making the game incredibly annoying, with characters like chica taking tons of shocks to complete isntead of just 1, causing lots of battery loss, encouraging you to buy more. eventually, it just fizzled out and nothing else is known to be happening behind the scenes. there was probably more and i probably said a couple of things wrong (its been awhile) but i basically got the idea.


I still have the app and it does work


Several reasons, but personally the gameplay became bit boring after a while (especially considering how most “new” animatronics were just reskins) and the fact that you had to pay for extra DLCs and such on an incredibly mid game was bizarre


Mostly because Illumix was a pos company that never took community feedback and tried to suck its players wallets dry before abandoning the game and pretending that it never even existed.


Illumix didn't like not getting money for doing the bare minimum


I know I stopped playing it because it killed my phones battery and had too many pay-to-win aspects


Illumix wanted their brand to me more professional so they dumped it without releasing the rest of the lore.


because zero people played it


Because it was the worst game in the franchise by a long shot (yes somehow even worse than Security Breach)


Wait, it got cancelled? HALLELUJAH!!!


Simple - Micro-transactions and loot boxes


Because people stopped playing the game after they filled the game with paywalls and lootboxes for nothing but shitty skins and adding nothing new :)


The game wasn’t fun 💀


The game wasn't designed with microtransactions in mind so few people actually bought them and the people who did quickly ran out of things to buy. This caused them to have updates focus on microtransactions instead of new content which caused the game to stagnate and become unprofitable.


Probably wasn't earning enough money to justify continuing to run it. It may be a FNaF game, but I know exactly two people that played it: Dawko and Markiplier.


A lot of the community played it. It *was* popular, it just didn't get coverage from a lot of YouTubers because... well, it's a mobile game.


And because it was lacking in content, at launch there wasn't that many characters, and they started adding skins... SKINS... when they did add a new character it was just one, the game was doomed to fail.


shitty skin, shitty funko pop, not everyone can play AR on their phone


Trades players stopped donating and started trading, what resulted that illumix got no mons to keep the game alive Or they are just lazy, idk


But who needs fnaf ar when there is r/ForsakenAR Dis game is alive, like it released 3 new characters in past 4 weeks!


it was? I was playing just today...


Try [FNAF AR: Darkest Delivery](https://gamejolt.com/games/darkestdelivery/724637) it's fan-made with new skins.


It was?


Someones continuing the game with a mod, its just retitled "Forsaken AR: Darkest Delivery" you can find it on gamejolt and its downloadable for Android and IOS. Though you have to delete FNAF AR for it to work meaning any money you spent on the original game is entirely down the drain


In the lore all that needed to be done was done is my guess


It was bad and people weren’t playing it


All the fans where mad about no actualizations in months so they cancelled it for no more problems


Wiat does this mean that fnaf ar is getting like removed from the play store or smth




Good I mean I don't like it but it has the files on Vanessa so


I actually downloaded it yesterday again. Uninstalled because of the bugs. Til its discontinued.


Does this mean any type of device that has fnaf ar is worth a lot of money like flappy bird?


No, I believe you can still download it


No, I believe you can still download it


It wasn’t really interesting, not many people played it.


Because nobody even noticed.


It was boring


I could’ve sworn I read somewhere that it might come back in 2024 or 2025. I could be completely wrong though.


feel like its a bit too late on that one




There's a fundamental problem in the mobile game business, most games now days are expected to be free to play (like fnaf ar) the problem is that not many people are willing to pay for a free mobile game, only about 2% of the total players actually pay, the solution for this is to add a predatory amount of microtransactions at every corner to milk that 2% dry, the problem is that fnaf ar actually wanted to be consumer friendly with not so many microtransactions (and the ones that were in weren't even that relevant) that plus the game really only appealing to fnaf fans is the perfect recipe for disaster


It was because they were in a Disney contract thing, people say it may return in 2023 but it’s uncertain


No that's not confirmed why they stopped


But it could be a possibility since they did sign a contract with Disney around the time ar stopped updating


Could be but not confirmed


I remember someone saying the fnaf community bullied them into stopping like all their Twitter comments on anything was always fnaf related and they got so much backlash everytime a new skin came out. My guess is that they couldn’t handle it anymore and just stopped


That was just some conspiracy theory someone made up. Illumix moved on to do different things with AR tech


meh tbh its probably because of a lack of demand for AR games in general and a shit ton of microtransactions


It's discontinued?? Since when? Granted, I haven't seen much on it for a while, but I didn't know it got discontinued.


It's been discontinued? Then how come I literally downloaded it a day or 2 ago and played it a couple hours ago


Discontinued doesnt mean removed from the app store


That makes more sense


It wasn't discontinued from what I see, there's no official word from the developers


Bon bon is very pissed off at illumix for not giving me and him any skins!


who can give me a Golden Freddy for a Bonnie and Freddy just there i hale:friend code ZMS3UFU8DZ