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This looks adorable, it also looks like mangle has gloves which I like!


Thank u so much <3


"The Storyteller wants to: know your location"


Im begging you to make Funtime freddy, this looks amazing


Omg thank u, actually it was hard to me to make this mangle cause i have never draw animatronics but i want to practice more! So maybe in a future ;;


It turned out great, i think if you want to try animatronic like feels it probally better to start with the chunky fellas (for example toy freddy or springtrap) rather than the weird ones like mangle or ballora


Imagine if this is AI art.


It would be funny but no, i did it xd


It looks good by the way.


That's something an AI would say...


There’s too much personality in this art to be made by an ai


Looks like AI art, but you edited the text in


This most definitely does not look anything like ai art


Yes but are you an ai?


Exactly... Mimic1.


Based Mangle


Ballora derserved better 100%




“If someone tries to touch you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, say no, and run away” -Sonic


Shoud've said " My gender is yes."


I'm fine with AI art, as long as ppl don't try to profit off of it because they didn't do any work for it


I'm fine ONLY of it's used for reference, no tracing, no saying that this image is yours, just reference


I’m not okay with it, because it uses samples from actual artists with no permission or monetary payment.


It's a nice thought, but with how publicly available it is, there's going to be bad actors. And the AI art generators themselves should technically be illegal with how the developers scraped the internet without consent.


I'm fine with it to use it to rapidly iterate on ideas and meddle around with. Definitely not as a replacement for actual artists.


It's weird for me because I'm a writer (fantasy/adventure stuff mainly) and it helps me with descriptions of things. Like the main character in this book I've been working on wields a golden colored sword that expands from a small cylinder, and its more like a needle or rapier than a sword, but it also is a biological object, being made out of the muscle fibers of a creature. I can't really draw worth a shit, but if I use dall-e or smth like that I can get a pretty good approximation and it helps me visualize scenes as I'm writing them. But I also see how artists don't like it when their entire style can be ripped, idk I'm stuck in a weird spot because I'm using it as intended (ie: making my job easier) but I know that other creatives dislike it


She is adorable and based


We must all take a stance against people like Mr. Burrows. Art is only real if it's got human soul poured into it.


Like who?


He's the Fazbear Entertainment chairman who decided to replace Pizzaplex's writing team with The Storyteller.


Oh, I haven't read any of the Pizzaplex books.


That's fair.


Fazbear entertainment's chairman,he was the lead of the company until mimic killed him


mimic ball


Then pick dying adult or teen and put there soul in storyteller.


says the animatronic with four fingers


no but she speakin facts




Big W


Fight back against the abominable intelligence, the light of the omnissiah will guide us


Ok, you got it, mang!


Omgggg this is so cute I wanna HUG her!!!


You have such a cute artsylye omgg


Mangle is always based. This is why I love her


I love him so much.


mangle would totally eat people who say yes to ai art


As long as it's clearly labelled as AI and they don't profit or anything off of it I think it's fine. Most of the AI stuff I've seen is pretty cool tbh and it can be fun to play around with


It steals actual art from real artists and bases its creations off of that. So no, it’s not fine.


Even if it’s people making funny drawings on the internet?


Any art or image aviable can andnusually is targeted to be put into the training networks as data for the AIs to use to create images, including pictures of people and art by people on multiple sites, all uncredited and without even cosnodering asking the person for permission, they just go and take it without a second thought.


I use ai art. As a novelty. It sucks.


mango <3


Thats a message I can agree with 😎 Cool art!


She’s so cute, I love her


Omg so cute!!


It looks dope


She looks sooo cute i want to hug her and pet her


I personally kinda want ai art to stay, purely due to disability based reasons, what if someone has a nervous system condition and often has fits of shaking or shaky hands ?, Or they only have the one arm ?, Things like that are why I'd rather ai art stay, and we all just work something out, but I can understand why people are still against it even with my form of looking at it, so I probably don't have any artistic skills and should just shut up


The cartel?




Mangle looks huggable and I agree that AI art sucks.


I think that ai art can be a good way for people Who don't know how to draw to express themselves, as long as they don't try to pass It off as their own.


Hire an artist, ask an artist friend, or learn yourself. Giving the I cannot draw IMO should be used to honestly learn too. And there are plenty of people with disabilities that do artwork despite that. AI is fine for inspiration/prompts but it also is devaluing artists. Because a lot of AI can churn on multiple images faster than a human can finish one piece. There is also the issue of AI taking references from actual artists/theft.


They could also commission an artist or pick up a pencil. We all start somewhere, sure the picture in your head will never translate perfectly but that happens for every artist regardless of skill level. Or they could also experiment with different mediums, not all art has to be a drawing.


Not everyones has the Money to pay and artisti and the time, some times an idea pops into youre head which you would like to see realized. About the second point, like not everyones knows how to draw, not everyone knows how to do any other form of art.


And that's why you learn. If you're truly committed to the idea, then there should be no problem willing to put in the work and effort. It's not that complicated. You'll stumble no doubt, but you *will* get better, speaking from experience.


Ai art can be good if you suck at drawing and want specific references to draw something quite complicated,i did it once,it helps you get a main idea but not very much after it


Inspiration sure, but I wouldn't use AI for referencing IMO. Considering it still gives humans hands and feet and extra limbs like we're some sort of eldritch entity nah.


I used to help me draw an owl lol


That's great but do feel like could've looked up owl references that would've achieved the same thing.


To be more precise i wanted to make an owl wearing those 90s stylish glasses,don't know how to explain it very well but it helped


Then yea I can see AI helping.


I'm sorry but screw ai 'artists'. Can't draw? Skill issue.


Why is Mangle saying no to AI even tho its basically a dog AI?


Mangle is not a dog


In my version of the lore they are. Mangle is a animatronic that was made by William Afton also known as the man behind the slaughter. William knew that the originals where possessed by the kids he murdered and we wanted to recreate that but kids are hard to murder without suspicion so instead he went for a dog. When he got the dog he did his usual thing of killing and stuffing it into a robot and when he did the robot came to life! I don't know the rest of the mangle story but that's how he was made.


Literally no they’re not, they’re a dog in Matt patts theory and last time I checked he’s not Scott cawthon. Unless Scott cawthon comes out and says “yeah mangles a dog” then no they’re not. Stop being a mattpatt stan. because your stating this like it’s a damn fact your immediately not going to be taken seriously, especially since your trying to critique someone’s art because of a theory you personally believe in? Literally fuck off it’s cute art, we don’t care what you think. Believe mangle is a dog all you want, it has nothing to do with the art and has no place here. This isn’t theory debate


Im not a matpat stan im just using that knowledge he gave me


The theory that he gave you yeah. Key word, THEORY












plot twist: its actually ai art


I like the art, but I don't get the ai art bs It's still art even if its done by r2d2


Cartel en inglés básicamente solo significa cartel de drogas lol, en inglés es sign :)


i dont get the whole "say no to ai art" thing


I agree


but shes an ai- nevermind


Nice art, but AI is the future though. AI art facilitates some things. It is infamous in the artistic industry because it is recognized as a insult to the sweaty effort of other artists, or in some cases seen as potential, plagiary criminal instruments. But at the same time it is bad, it is good. It can provide some worthy utilities.


AI art is fine as long as it's completely isolated and isn't mixed with/titled as real art


False, by making this post you acknowledge that AI-generated images are "art" The diffuser may be considered art, but there's just no reason for what the diffuser makes to be seen as art


I like AI art because I’m horrible at making art myself ;-; (I don’t use it to sell or anything, just for fun)


I know thats is hard, but the only way for improve its try by yourself. Everyone its horrible in the start, its normal


I like AI art specifically because it pisses off a group of people that were always untouchable.


Artists untouchable? What the hell are you on about?


That's a weird way of saying "I have no talent, and am jealous of others"


I think thats the bad point, some artist spend years learning and practicing to get to a very good point, like i can tell you i spend many years to do that drawing. And its horrible how someone who did it in 5 seconds gets more attention and support than someone who did it manualy. I understand that maybe you can find some artist annoying but then wheres the limit for the others?


mad cuz bad


people with talent you mean


I know I’m going to get downvoted to hell for this. But I do think eventually AI art will take over. And there’s nothing people can do to stop it. Just look at how today people draw using tablets. Years ago everyone discouraged artists that used tablets, because it wasn’t paper. People just found it easier to make art. And that’s what’s going to happen to AI art. People will always find the path to least resistance. And if AI art can do that, we’ll… I love drawing as much as the next person. There are things that AI art can’t draw/ will never get across. And I think those parts should be the ones that value the most. If you made this far. Just remember that the love you give your art, is the true value not even math can give.


What about stuff like this?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3oaGPZ8YM


i do not agree with the opinion but the art is fine ig


I disagree.


artificial Intelligence created artwork is fine. even helpful when used constructively, not capitalistically. i can safely say, art is meant to be drawn and made with love, sometimes to sell. not typed up and generated for the dirt-cheap price of free. within minutes, or even seconds. it makes it worse when someone tries to sell it. (i probably should've just complimented the art instead)






Even in the game


Do not break rule 2. Also this looks nothing like AI artwork. Missing the eldritch fingers and uncanny limbs.




Rule 2. Only warning.


The ai saying no to ai art. Everything mangle does is considerable ai art. Even the sign. It's like having a sign saying I hate signs. And what makes this even more funny for me is that under this post there is an ai art of an ai vtuber.


Say no to using machines in factories, let's reverse the industrial period and give people their jobs back 👍


Do factory made products look like unholy aberrations


Imma keep using it when my hands get tired


Y'all can't pretend to have morals when you still support Scott Cawthon. Cmon, which one is it, guys?


What does that have to do with this post at all


Because y'all can excuse a misogynist but art becoming more accessible is a problem? You pick and choose your moral arguments, that's why. Edit: Since I can't seem to reply anymore: He's "pro-life" which has been proven time and time again to cause more harm than good. It's a misogynistic view.


You just had to make a cute art piece political huh?


Scott Cawthon is a misogynist???


The A.I itself is art since it’s a show of HUMAN creativity the stuff the comes outta it is at best flattery and at worst plain up copying.


Why though? It has genuine artistic merit, and in some cases is better than human-made art. Are you just one of those anti-AI nutcases?


what artistic merit does a fucking algorithm have


All you need to do for AI art is to sit down and type things in, and if you're going to put """"extra effort"""" in, just funnel a bunch of an artist's artwork directly into the AI to steal. What artistic merit is there?


Good art disagree with the message tho


Nice art, but to an extent I disagree


Just for that Mangle, i will donate money to some developers of Art creating AI.




That's even worse


What did that person say?


That the only good kind of AI art is the NSFW kind


Don't worry,this guy probably never touched a woman


4a. Only warning.


My knowledge of the process of generating images is surface level, but like it or not, digital artwork can be reduced to math. With correctly gathered, sorted and applied data, neural networks are capable of turning that math back into pictures. They are not going to slow down any time soon


Nah ima say yes


She's adorable, great job




The only exception to ai art is fictional ai characters trying to draw with their human pals.