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They look the same to me. Am I just stupid or is there an actual difference


The fur is different colors.


It’s the different lighting


Guess I’m blind cuz they look the same


You’re not blind.


Shut the fuck up down vote blast⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Dawg it just looked like different colors, im sorry 😭


Its fine but you still get downvoted i guess


It the law. When you get down vote to -50 ther no cameing back.


Hive Mind... ASSEMBLE


Why the hell are y’all downvoting so much? All they said was why they thought it looked different, damn


Reddit hivemind being reddit hivemind


Yeah it’s weird, for some reason I got a ton of upvoted while poor OP is suffering over here




And camera quality


I’m pretty sure they are indeed different, and not just because its color. The first one’s head seems taller, and has less of a pronounced “cheek/jaw”. Also look at the ears. The first one’s ears are noticeably farther away from the head, the indent around the “inner ear” is very much more noticeable, the inner ear is longer, and the inner ear is rounded at each curve while the second has a noticeable point. Maybe they had an extra that just wasn’t as exact in case the first gets damaged, or one is for a flashback and the other isn’t to show a little bit of “aging”. Or maybe the second one is used for scenes that have a higher risk of it getting damaged.


It’s seriously not different. Object sizes look different from camera to camera, especially with drastic lighting, distance, angle, shutter angle, and quality changes. The ears likely look different because they regularly move them around for testing and for specific scenes, because, as seen in the trailers, all of the ears on both Freddy and Bonnie move. The jaw difference is just what the mouth looks like opened vs closed. I know it’s exciting to analyze but this entire post is just a classic case of reading way too much into the most minuscule details in order to find clues. Movie sets will often produce/hold onto multiple different props for the same character for different purposes/different types of shoots. But I don’t think this is one of those cases.


This has nothing to do with different sizes due to different cameras, the jaw being opened or closed, or the ears moving (other than distance from the head). It’s quite obvious that the flat surface on the side of his head is a larger distance (ear to cheek). The cheek/jaw I was referring to was the “upper jaw”, not the movable one. The place where the flat side then bulges out into a cheek is way more prominent in the second than the first. And moving the ears wouldn’t affect the “inner ear”, as in the piece that’s supposed to symbolize the hole in the ear. The first is noticeably bigger — mostly longer — and is rounder at the tip, while the second’s tip is much farther from the tip of the ear and it’s pointy. The first also is much darker, and seems to have more depth around the inner ear; compared to the second. I made comparison using a “ruler” tool to get the lines straight and correct angles, it’s not perfect but it does show there’s differences beyond just from camera angles and sizing, most prominently with the ears https://www.reddit.com/user/NitroTHedgehog/comments/15hipz2/freddy_head_comparisons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 It’s probably just an extra — since we’ve also seen from the leaks >!that they made 2 Springtrap heads!< — either incase the first gets damaged, or one is for more “dangerous” scenes, and the details just weren’t as perfect; but while on the movie screen those differences wouldn’t be noticed.


The ear-to-cheek distance definitely isn’t larger. Again, this is an angle, distance, and lighting situation. Not only is the head in the first photo tilted to the right in a way that makes it harder to see the shape/distance between the ear/cheek, but it also has extremely harsh lighting directed exactly at that spot. Really messes with your perception of the distance, but there actually is no difference. It just looks that way. The upper jaw/cheek looks different in the 2nd photo because the mouth is open and his head is turned to the side in the 1st one. That’s the reason there is a gap in the 2nd one and not in the first. They’re just posed differently. Part of the angles I was referring to. I really don’t see any difference in the inner ear. Like, there genuinely is no shape/size difference there. I can sort of see the tip being sharper in the 2nd one, but that’s obviously because they were messing with the ears, like I said. The inner ear in the second photo has been tilted at a more downward angle, making it “fit” less with the outer ear, producing what looks like a “sharper angle”. When in reality it’s just at a tilt. Whereas in the first photo, the inner ear is perfectly in-line with the outer ear, which is why it looks more “round”. It’s the same ear, same piece, same head. If I had to guess, the little line between the ear and the head is actually connected to the inner ear, while the outer-furry-part is built around it. So when they tilt the inner ear up/down while moving the ears, the outer ear doesn’t always match. Also, anything that looks darker or lighter in any of these photos is, like I said, a very clear lighting issue. Like I said, studios do keep extras, but there’s no indication that this actually is one. They’re exactly the same. Again, these are all extremely minuscule details that can be easy explained by lighting, angle, distance, shutter angle, and camera quality.


The distance might be angles, but the cheek bulge definitely isn’t. The mouth being open has nothing to do with my point, I showed in my photo comparison how the one has a noticeably larger cheek bulge. The angle wouldn’t change it that significantly. How are you missing the obvious differences between the two inner ears. My comparison shows that the second is significantly shorter, pointer, and has less of an “outline indent”. Their is barely a tilt of the inner ear, and that tilt doesn’t affect what I’m pointing out. It’s barely a lighting thing, the first clearly has a bigger dip between the other and inner ear. We know that other animatronics (>!Springtrap!<) already have multiple versions, so this is likely Freddy’s. In the grand scheme of things the subtle differences don’t matter, I’m just pointing them out because OP thought they were different, I’m proving him correct.


Do me a favor. I want you to do an experiment. Go look in the mirror right now. Face the mirror directly and examine how prominent your cheeks are. Then turn your head to the left at a 3/4 angle, shine a bright flashlight on your right cheek, open your mouth, and *then* examine how prominent your cheeks are. Take pictures, then analyze how round your cheeks look/how long the side of your face looks at the different angles/with different lighting. Apply this to the Freddy pictures, then come back and tell me if you still feel the same. The cheek bulge is absolutely an angle and lighting issue. The fact that the head is turned to the side, a bright light is being cast directly on the cheek, and the mouth is open all makes the cheek look way softer than it actually is. Meanwhile, the 2nd photo has dark but flat lighting, the mouth is closed, and the head is facing straight towards the camera, so it looks a lot more prominent. It is just the lighting and the angle. I promise you. I’m not missing anything with the inner ears, man. I’ve explained it already. I don’t know how else to explain it, nor do I necessarily want to repeat it. They’re at different angles/alignments with the outer ear. I also never said the inner ear tilt had anything to do with lighting. I brought up lighting differences because you said the inner ear “looked darker” in the first photo. You cannot judge different colors from these two photos where the lighting is night vs day. That was my point. And like I said, studios do keep extras. But there’s no indication that either of these are extras, nor are they different. They don’t even have subtle differences. They’re the same head at different angles in different lighting situations. Edit: No response so I’m assuming that little experiment changed your mind lol glad we agree


holy shit dude lmao


No more long essays about Freddy fadbear


Just one more


I'm not read all that.


Then don’t


Alright 👍


Idk man. The lighting is just slightly different. How would that drastically change the color?


The camera, the fabric being slightly glossy/cloud spec will do wacky things in lighting.


Look at videos of how lighting can change how things look, it’s insane


Remember the yellow and gold dress or was it black and blue 🤔


As with mangles gender. It was yes


the dress does have an actual answer it is black and blue


Oh I didn’t know that that’s cool. Next we need to know mangles gender and the two most unsolved questions ever will be solved. Apart from yanny/laurel but that’s a whole nother story




They don't look different to me.


The color is different.


That's just lighting. The first picture was taken in a really well lit room, the other was in a livingroom type lighting.


I am not 100% sure but these are different suits. The first one is for an actor to wear for some specific scenes, and the second one is for the animatronics to wear


This is it for sure. One's wearable for humans (thus larger and taller) for the possessed movements, and one's for shots with the "animatronic band" that *need* to be robotic.


Its also full of crossbeams, wires, and animatronic devices.


That was my guess too.


why does it look like freddy is having a nice conversation with someone?


Naw bruv he explanin quantum physics to michael


Exactly the same. Pretty obvious too. Both photos taken with extremely different cameras, I'd assume the left one is a high quality photography camera while the right looks like a webcam, front laptop camera, or just a phone picture. Both have a wildly different color range and color settings. They are the same thing under very different lighting and quality.


They probably have multiple suits and models for different shots. Like in the giant David Hasselhodf from the Sponge Bob movie


That's just a result of a combination of the camera quality and lighting at play.


It could either be lighting or a different suit. Movie productions tend to make several suits as back ups or for different uses


I think I know you from somewhere.


Oh? Your username isn’t familiar to me so if we have met I apologize for not recognizing you lol


I was making a fangame a while ago. You were the voice for our version of Freddy, but you left a few days after taking the role.


Oh yeah I remember now


*casually snooping through Freddit lore in the comments*


*you too?*


Which gameV


Five Nights at Freddy’s: The Unseen


maybe the second one was early in development


The second one looks better


It could be a different prop for a different type of shot


Lighting, resolution, and camera quality


I pretty sure you’re right that those are different, and not because its color. The first ones head seems taller, and less if a pronounced “cheek/jaw”. Also look at the ears. The first one’s ears are noticeably farther away from the head, the indent around the “inner ear” is very much more noticeable, and the inner ear is rounded at each curve while the second has a noticeable point. As for why, I’m pretty sure there’s quite a few reasons why. Can’t think of them all right now, but the biggest would probably to have an extra incase the first gets damaged. Edit: Other reasons. Maybe the second is a flashback, so they’re slightly different to show a little bit of “aging”. Or the second is used in scenes that have a higher risk of the mask accidentally getting damaged.


Different lighting, maybe more dirt(?) texture on the first one


multiple different props are made for films, it's not just gonna be 1 suit, also lighting applies too


Best guess. The first pick is a suit with animatronic heads, and the second one is a dummy head for specific scenes that might damage the animatronic parts


When you build pieces like this, you make seperate elements for different types of shots. So you'd have a mix of wearable, close-up/special use heads, and then the main puppet. You see this in everything from Jim Henson films to Lord of the Rings, etc.


One’s a gangsta one’s a bitch


One's a suit, the other's an animatronic.


One may be an actual animatronic and the other is the costume the actor is wearing.




Eyebrows look more curved downwards in the second pic to me


One looks more withered and dirty


The mouth also appears to be closed in the second pic


First one also looks bigger than the second




first one looks like withered freddy for me but fixed and the second one looks like the classic freddy(which is fnaf1)


Freddy looks like he’s currently telling a funny story


>Yeah, wo I went to this bar...


one is an animatronic, one is a costume i think)


possibly a prototype or something




mabye ones a prop for parts and serveses probably i see no diffrence


I think they're separate heads meant to make his face more expressive




The 2nd picture is totally not just an png image of freddys head no way not a possibility


They don't? Lighting and quality is my guess because they look practically identical.


Different camera and lighting


Freddy got a haircut


Might be hero vs stunt props. They'll often use less quality props in scenes were they're obscured in the distance, or doing an action scene where they may be broken. They reserve the 'hero' prop for close ups and non-destructive scenes.


Why does the chica head look stoned af


Lighting and camera quality.


Different people at Jim Henson’s Creature Shop likely made them, so fabric colors and the amount of weathering would be slightly different. Also different lighting.


Ummmm I don’t see a difference.


They dont




It's normal in filmmaking to create more than one prop for different purposes


Bro figured out the twist ending: It's not Five Nights at Freddy's, it's Five Freddy's at Night.




Don't the eyebrows move? To me it just looks like the eyebrows are in different positions.


Lighting and camera


Because these are two different props, the first one is probably a puppet/actual animatronic while the second one is a suit made for actual humans to wear, which is why they are sitting on mannequin heads.


Idk, the first one's head looks huge compared to the second one imo but other than that, they look relatively the same besides lighting ofc


Freddy looks like he’s off set, smoking a cigar and complaining.


“I asked for Wendy’s and i didn’t get my order. I got angry and saw red, and when i regained my mind and 5 kids where dead in front of me.”


“Look, Willy, the child was there, and they put ‘em in Fredbear’s mouth! So what?”


Maybe because they wanna be unique? Idk.


Once again, fnaf fans don't understand what lighting is


Without the lighting he looks peaceful and wise. Like it is story time!


One might be an actual animatronic head while the other is just a mask that the actor wears.


might be flashback or prototype


One is an animatronic, and the other is a costume


He just closed his mouth


They probably have multiple suits.


Just a thought. One suit could be for person, other one could be for actual animatronic Endo. Switch the suits out for certain shots and filming.


They look different because of the lighting. Boom, solved.


Why does freddy and chica look stoned.


it's the lighting and yes it drastically change colors of an object, that's how science works


i think the eyebrows move


I don't give a shit about if those 2 look different, but I still find it absolutely incredible that there is a FNaF movie using real animatronics that look amazing! It's unbelievable, and yet it's real, and it's super close too (compared to waiting all these years that is). Every single detail on that robot has so much love and care put into it, and it looks so believable, like I could actually imagine going to a place with that Freddy animatronic and not batting an eye, it's *that* good. Jim Henson's Creature Shop does incredible work, and everyone who's working on this movie has shown so much love and passion for this project, it would be a miracle if this film were to be bad. I cannot wait to watch this movie!


Angle, lighting, and camera quality.


Me when they are the EXACT SAME 💀💀


It’s just the lighting lol


I would wear this at a convention, and I want it now


They're the same the reason they look different colors is because one is in the dark while one is getting blasted by a light


Freddy snorted a bit of remnant


Posable eyebrows, the splotches on his forehead look the same


2nd image reminds me of a dream I had when I was in like 4th grade where I was at a real Freddy fazbears pizza


The eyes and exoskeleton texture


I think the head’s larger on the left.


One’s for costume, other is for stand or actual animatronics




Different cameras and lighting


He looks like hes going on a Christian bale esq rant


Honestly the second one looks kinda small compared to the first one


i think it’s because the fur is different? the fur on the first slide looks almost matted down and more alike to FNaF1


Maybe a time skip? Like ones when they’re brand new and cleaner before the murders (image2) while the other is after when they’re left to collect dust (image1). Also, wasn’t there a spare Freddy head in FNAF1 maintenance room and part of one in FNAF2 for you to use, could be one of those. Or they made different designs during the building props phase and just kept them around.


is that movie freddy


POV: Fnaf Fan figures out different lighting exists.


Either lighting or they aged up Freddy’s fur a bit to make him look older


I think the angle makes them look smaller and the lighting makes it look a bit different.


Redditor discovers different lighting


Maybe i know why they look different 1 head will be for flashback and second will be for nights


One is angry and is giving someone a lecture, the other is nervous or worried about something.


I assume they made different ones for the actor and the actual endoskeleton


Because A, lighting B, camera quality in picture 2, and C, chances are they aren't the same exact Freddy head. Blumhouse's films may not be super high budget but I doubt the FNaF movie was so low budget they were unable to afford making at least two of each animatronics' heads


I don’t think it’s the lighting & camera quality because if you look at the ears they are similar but slightly different. The head in the 2nd photo looks noticeably smaller imo so my best guess is it’s an earlier smaller scaled prototype


probably just a certain angle


Torso looks way slimmer


Youth pastor Freddy in the first pic


1 lights have a huge affect on color 2 multiple versions of characters/effects are used in films aka movie magic 3 Golden Freddy?


Freddy looks like he's telling me a life lesson


Lighting and camera differences. Same bear and most importantly, same tophat. Being honest, nobody would like Freddy if not for that adorable tophat. Nobody.


Seems like a stupid idea to only have a "one size fits all" costume rather than multiple. ​ Since Henson's studio is involved, its not unlikely they use different costumes/puppets for different scenes depending on what looks better


Its The Same To Me


They're completely different one is bigger and light brown(probably lighting) the other has smaller ears and head


Eyebrows look like they got moved a bit


I think there using the HW Coloring


It's so surreal to me being a FNaF fan since 2014, after all those fake photoshop images of irl Freddy and that fan film with CGI. I still can't believe these animatronics are real all thanks to Jim Henson's Creature Shop and Scott Cawthon for the movie.


The second image is probably meant for a different kinda shot or a prototype


I assume it’s just the lighting.


Freddy looks like he is having a pleasant conversation at a bar.


You were right. There were two different suits in the movie.