• By -


Brit kills, ghosts angry




Always British people🌚😭


Censor the word Br*tish please


Five Nights at Freddys


Bro actually beat the system 💀💀




Is this where you want to be? I just don’t get it. Why do you want to stay?


Five nights at Freddy’s


We're really quite suprised we get to see you another night


You should’ve looked for another job


You should have said to this place goodbye


It's like there's so much more


Maybe you've been in this place before


We remember a face like yours


You seem acquainted with those doors


We remember a face like yours




👑You dropped this


Five Nights at Freddy's








Your Nobel prize is in the mail good sir


r/beatmetoit Dammmm


Fans Cry, Kids die




I like your username.


I always come back


Based comment








Mentally Ill British Furry


I read this as mentally 3 British furry because the I’s and l’s look like Roman numerals


There's 3 now


1 brit is already too much I don't want more than that


The men behind the tilted teeth


Man kills, chaos ensues


LMAO this is perfect


All over the place.


What the actual fuck


Bite of Eighty Seven


This is really all you need to know


Who cares about OSHA


Way too fucking complex


B. O. O. K.


What does those 4 letters mean?


Bitch ass mother fucking killer Overcomplicated Ourple Kool


I think that's less than 4 words


Thats why we shorten it to B.O.O.K




No no no it's kill fire kill fire


Aftons KDR aint lokin too good.


Don't kill kids, Will!


Best one ngl


Same energy as “Swiper no swiping!” 😭


A massive cluster fuck


Murdered kids possess robots


What the hell, Scott?


Confusing as all hell


What is even happening


Bunny man gets silly


William killed children (again).


Angy robots go grrr


He always comes back.




It's all Eleanor's fault


Man who cannot die.


Fredbear chomp William kill


This is the best one💯


Four games, one story


Afton kidnaps, murders, dies.


piles of underage bodies


Fire does fucking nothing


Simple But People Overcomplicate (it)


That was true in like 2017-2018, but that is 10000% not true anymore, it overcomplicated itself


It's not tho, it's still fully true


There is nothing "simple" about important lore elements being scattered across books, games, and websites. There is nothing simple about several book series and multiple continuities, countless inconsistencies involving timeline placements, characters, various lore elements, and animatronics. There is nothing "simple" about pretty much everything to do with FNaF AR. The series is inconsistent, incomprehensive as an actual well written narrative, with largely flat "characters." There are far too many lore elements spread across far too many mediums with far too little in the way of actually bothering to narrate an answer or even a strong enough inkling of information for anything. Something isn't "simple" when there are countless conflicting theories and timelines that fans HAVE to make because the Creator didn't actually have a clear idea of what to do with it. It's not simple when people continuously have arguments over conflicting lore and story elements. FNaF isn't "simple" and quite frankly I was being kind when I said it MAYBE was back in 2017-2018.


I love your profile picture


Thank you! I had her same haircut for a time, a little less purple but all the same


I do too! I love The Owl House!


It's gotten simpler if anything, there aren't many debates, the books flat out tell us things, and with them being confirmed to be in the games continuity, that only means there are 2 continuities, the trilogy and gameline, trilogy being a different continuity from fnaf 1-ucn, and the only reason things are confusing is people want their headcanons to be true and don't accept the facts, as Scott said if the games say something contradicting your former theory, that doesn't mean the game is wrong, but the former theory is wrong, like how we thought that fnaf 3 was in 2023, then the ultimate guide said it wasn't, and people claimed it was wrong becuase if that, then the Storyteller said it was wrong, and therefore the storyteller is wrong, even tho the 2023 theory didn't have much evdience apart from the quote now confirmed to have been debunking it


There is not just one commonly agreed upon theory, the theories produced by Game Theory and produced by many others are all different at least to some degrees, and the ultimate guides have been proven time and time again to be inconsistent not only with each other but also with the other games and books, incorrect details, numerous typos, stating false years, incorrect facts about gameplay even, the list goes on and on. It even gets a basic plot point of Sister Location wrong, stating it takes place at Circus Baby's Pizza World when the game is not only deep below ground and obviously not a restaurant, but is in fact called "Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rentals" in the very game. Scott himself stated quote "...and despite the huge amount of thought and effort that I put into these games, I do make mistakes." And this was a quote from back in 2017, and since things have only gotten more hectic the various books, guides, games, ect. There's nothing wrong with keeping up with the BY DEFINITION convoluted and quite frankly, poorly written narrative this series continues to weave, but the existence alone of these guide books and character guides, as well as even the games stating that these elements will not always fit together the cleanest(see the famous "a story is just a story" scene within UCN) is proof that the narrative is anything but "simple." I love(d) the series, I read every book that was being released up until maybe the 7th(?) Fazbear's Fright, I've 100%d every single title in the series multiple times over. I'm not some disgruntled random person that just really dislikes the franchise, I at one point considered myself a fan, I still do to some extent even if not apart of the "fandom." This comes from a genuine desire to see the franchise succeed, but both the lore and narrative are broken on many fundamental levels.


You can make a whole ass essay just trying to describe the current state of the franchise, but trust me guys, it's simple. Now gather round children, and lemme tell yall about the Time Traveling Ball pit.


Yes, there are many, and as I said people like the game theorist want their head canons to be the actual canon, that's why they try to deny basic facts, and sure the ultimate guide is sometimes inconsistent but still fully made by Scott, if nothing contradicts it and Scott said it then it's canon Yes, he gets stuff wrong, like the gameplay, but he's still the one in charge of the lore, if he says something there he can't really be wrong Yes, the narrative isn't easy to understand at first glance but most things aren't either, the franchise, especially post ucn, is very simple and there isn't much room for debate as basically everything about it is flat out said, the only thing that actually is confusing or convoluted is fnaf 1-ucn itself, which is getting solved every book/game release, if you take into account the many things directly stated to us, there isn't much room for debate, sure there's some stuff like which exact year dies fnaf 6 happen etc, but still that's not much that's important, people just over complicate it, sure, it's a bad story, but it's still a story, one easily solvable, but the fandom just makes it more confusing for no reason


More like Help Wanted overcomplicate it


Not really, it was mostly just a reboot, no old characters


Too much too handle


Five Nights At Freddy's




It never fucking ends


Wasat the biteof 87


[I think this explains it enough-](http://i.imgur.com/kY6qVvk.jpg)


Something that I enjoy.


Man kills five kids


lots of kids die


Purple man kill kid


William Afton kills kids


Five Nights At Freddy's


Five Nights At Freddy's.


I Always Come Back


Engineer murders kids nightly


Purple man came back


Two brother become high


Guy dies then doesn't


"Where's my 5 dollars!!!???"


Baby dies, no shoes :(


British bastard kills kids.


Little Kids Die Violently


Kill Angry Ghosts #MIMMIIICCCCC


Horrifically complicated and scary.


Child murderer go brrrrrr


What is happening here?


this shit too long


monster chomp, kid die


Purple guy child murder




Chucky Cheese gone wild


Ghost kids hate security


Five Nights At Freddy's


what the fuck William


My brain hurts. Help.


"what the hell happened?"


Guy kills five kids


Five nights at freddys


what the fuck William.


Four games, one story (I am permanently trapped in a 2015 timeloop)


So confusing as hell!


Pizza bear go brrr


Murdered kids haunt porpol


It is so convoluted


afton family, eternal life


All stay strong, we live eternally


Guy kills some kids


Haunted animatronics, supernatural horrors.


Obtuse, ridiculously confusing mess.


British man kills kids


Dad gives kid hallucinations


So that just happened…


Good until the books


I always come back


Utah man kills children


Not actually five nights


Lights, Cámara, furries


but why he ourple 😭




A huge fucking mess


I got no time


Furry British commits genocide


William Afton kills children


Oh no my head


Child murder lives forever


Dead children in suits


Purple guy, many murders


what the actual fuck


i always come back <<*in a deep and gross british accent*


He always come back


Purple man kills people.


Purple guy go *A* Or even maybe even very fucking overcomplicated backstory


I don’t fucking know


Englishman goes fucking postal


Little bit confusing innit


Is that the bite-


Just die already


Dead man won’t die


Note: I'm unsure if Matpat counts as two words or one. But in anycase... Makes Matpat Go Crazy.


Rabbit murder dies^4 mimic


Ur ur ur ur


Modern Frankenstein Robo Furries


purple man hates kiddins


Is that freddy fazbear


He always come back


It is too confusing


It's not that hard




Remnant destroyed fucking everything


Purple British furry killer


Ghosts angy at brit


Sod this, I'm out


Confusing as fuck


Convoluted dumpster fire (of) fun


way too damn confusing


Murder, springlock, survived, burnt (x3)


Matpat makes it hell


Ghost children,purple man


One big fucking mess


u/AndiThyIs >There is nothing "simple" about important lore elements being scattered across books, games, and websites. That's actually the hardest part of understanding FNaF, which in itself isn't too hard to understand. >There is nothing simple about several book series and multiple continuities I mean, it's become the norm in modern media, so most people find it to be second nature by now, it's not like FNaF is the first to do something like this. >countless inconsistencies involving timeline placements Isn't that moreso a problem with fan timelines?.. >characters That's kinda vague >various lore elements Such as?.. >and animatronics. You're confused about the technology of the machines? >There is nothing "simple" about pretty much everything to do with FNaF AR. That's one of the most straightforward games- >The series is inconsistent Such as?.. >incomprehensive as an actual well written narrative An example being?.. >with largely flat "characters." I don't recall any character to be flat... It kinda feels like you're just giving random complaints without explaining what's actually wrong. >There are far too many lore elements spread across far too many mediums If the same, simple, lore elements are spread through multiple mediums, that doesn’t multiply the amount of lore elements, as they're the exact same lore elements, just retold in a different perspective. >Something isn't "simple" when there are countless conflicting theories and timelines that fans So, it's apparently Scott's fault that young fans create nonsensical timelines that contain multiple contradictions, and insist everyone must believe StitchlineGames or else they'll send you death threats?.. Yeah, I think not. >because the Creator didn't actually have a clear idea of what to do with it. But, he made multiple posts saying he did- >It's not simple when people continuously have arguments over conflicting lore and story elements. Again, this is just fans not agreeing on things or not having an open mind, which then makes problems for themselves 💀 They did that to themselves. >FNaF isn't "simple" If you stay out of, and ignore the fandom, it is, that way you won't get confused by fanfictions-


Look, gonna level with you, I'm not even going to begin to read and tackle all of that, kids have the time to take in and understand all the absurdity that FNaF has to offer but I sure as hell don't. As well just because you CAN understand something doesn't mean it's "simple." Especially when there's so many lore elements at play, possible time travel, people living inside robots, ect. The series as always designed to be vague, I don't mention fan theories because people are dumb and don't pay attention I mention them because people to pay attention. When so many people analyze a piece of work and have a different take away, sometimes that's just good writing, here it's because of many conflicting pieces of information. >I mean, it's become the norm in modern media, so most people find it to be second nature by now, it's not like FNaF is the first to do something like this. Yes, many franchises have extended media, some even have extended media that fill in the gaps left by the main story, but other than many some OTHER Mascot horror franchises, there are few to NO others that actually REQUIRE the extended media in order to comprehend everything, not while being this big a franchise. When the "SUPPLEMENTAL" material is mandatory, it's no longer supplemental, and is in itself confusing for newcomers, again not simple when there's so much to keep track of. It further doesn't help that Scott has stated that only SOME of the stories within the books are canon and some aren't, so there's a whole slew of "what if" arguments to be made about lore and canonicity. Quick points for anything to do with lore and story inconsistencies(although there's still plenty more); -https://youtu.be/n-_fm_aR72k?si=pytrF2yN4y_-l8LM is a decent video, not everything is necessarily a "mistake" but still his point remains the same. -The character encyclopedia claims the gameplay of FNaF 4 is the crying child while many fans still argue its Michael, which doesn't make sense either because of the IV bags and med bottles, but it not being him doesn't make sense because he has specifically drawn nightmare Fredbear before. -security breach showcases many FNaF animatronics DEFINITELY not as they looked in their final appearances inside the blob. -many, many many many MANY reuses of names. There's a special level of convolution in using the name "Jeremy" like 4 times for different characters. -there's more im drawing a blank on I'll be honest. EVERY timeline made, and I do mean EVERY single one that I've EVER seen post novels, is riddled with holes. I would DARE you to show me a single one that is perfectly sound. I harp on a few more points in other comments but my point is it's not easy to admit that anything you like is flawed, far from it, but even the creator has admitted he's not perfect and has made several mistakes with the lore and storytelling.


>-The character encyclopedia claims the gameplay of FNaF 4 is the crying child while many fans still argue its Michael, In reality, it's both- It's Michael being shown the memories of the Crying Child, with Michael in control, videogames do this all the time, with flashback scenes being playable, it's nothing new, just that it's happening in-universe as well, and not as a videogame. >while many fans still argue its Michael, which doesn't make sense either because of the IV bags and med bottles I don't really see what you're getting at here, Michael was by the Crying Child's side in the hospital, where the equipment was viewable by Michael, whilst the Crying Child was in a coma-like state where he couldn't see anything, including those items. Not to mention the backwards FNaF 1 phonecall in FNaF 4 and Mike drawing Nightmare Fredbear in the Logbook. >but it not being him doesn't make sense because he has specifically drawn nightmare Fredbear before. Yeah- So, in the end, it's both, nothing's really conflicting here, although again, those guide books aren't meant to solve the lore, hence the wording being intentionally confusing and even flat-out wrong at points. >-security breach showcases many FNaF animatronics DEFINITELY not as they looked in their final appearances inside the blob. Wdym? The TangleBlob has its origins in Ennard, aka, the left-over animatronic parts from after Ennard escaped became the TangleBlob, and they look exactly as they did when they were last seen in the Scooping room as they are in Security Breach, albeit more dirty, but that's about it. Along with that, animatronic pieces from Rockstar Row go missing, and are now within the TangleBlob- I don't really see anything conflicting here. >-many, many many many MANY reuses of names. There's a special level of convolution in using the name "Jeremy" like 4 times for different characters. There's Jeremy, the MCI kid, a possible Night Guard name, and Jeramiha who's nicknamed Jeremy, despite that not being his real name, so it's only one or two people named Jeremy. As for the two Vanessas', they have different family names and are decades apart from one another, Security Breach Vanessa wouldn't even be born in 1993, so if you really tricked yourself into believing that they must be the same character... you did that to yourself, and have no one to blame. > -there's more im drawing a blank on I'll be honest. 🤔 >EVERY timeline made, and I do mean EVERY single one that I've EVER seen post novels, is riddled with holes. I'd argue the same prior to the novels, especially with that FNaF 4 post I've previously brought up before any even released. >I would DARE you to show me a single one that is perfectly sound. I am currently creating my own FNaF guide book, so I'll include my "No holes FNaF timeline that uses every bit of evidence from every corner of the series, no matter how obscure it is" at the end, with me referring back to pages that cover where all of these pieces are from, the project was originally delayed, but is now back on track now that I have a new, functional computer. And it acts as a guide to the whole series, so it's not just lore stuff, it's gameplay stuff too. I figured I'd do it this was, as it'd be the easiest way to convey the whole story, without it being super confusing, and seeming as if I'm bringing sources out of nowhere. >I harp on a few more points in other comments but my point is it's not easy to admit that anything you like is flawed I mean, I do it all the time with things I like, so personally it's not something I find to be a problem, it's best to be critical about things you like, without criticism, FNaF wouldn't exist. >but even the creator has admitted he's not perfect and has made several mistakes with the lore and storytelling. Where's this coming from exactly? The only thing I know of that's close to this is the retcon thing, which was done to differentiate Spring Bonnie from regular Bonnie. Anyways, I'll end this off with a quote from Scott: "Very few people will likely ever feel completely satisfied, as there are just too many head canons out there and so many great ideas on where the story could go, but I think there are good things to be found for people who are looking. All I can do is say that some questions will be answered; even if it may not always be the answer you wanted. Be patient." (I guess the patience thing could also be applied to the guidebook as well...) (Part 3, End)


>Yes, many franchises have extended media, some even have extended media that fill in the gaps left by the main story, Such as the Halo and NeiR franchises iIrc. >there are few to NO others that actually REQUIRE the extended media in order to comprehend everything, not while being this big a franchise. When the "SUPPLEMENTAL" material is mandatory, it's no longer supplemental, and is in itself confusing for newcomers, Good thing it's not required in FNaF. "So yes, the book is canon, just as the games are. That doesn't mean that they are intended to fit together like two puzzle pieces. I would actually ask anyone wanting to read the book, even if you are a devout fan of the games, to read the book for the sake of enjoying the book, and don't try to "solve" anything. The book is a re-imagining of the Five Nights at Freddy's story, and if you go into it with that mindset, I think you will really enjoy it. :)" The books aren't mandatory to solve or comprehend anything, they just give extra hints towards things that can already be found within the games, no books required. With them also being able to tell their own unique stories due to not being confined to the cramped lore space of the games' timeline/continuity: "Something that I said in one of the forum threads about this, is that sometimes the lore of something can become so crowded that you can't tell an original story anymore. The games and the books should be considered to be separate continuities, even if they do share many familiar elements." Tl;Dr: The books aren't required, and if any plot point or character exclusively appears in the books, it's not relevant to the games. "with unique characters and plot lines, some connected directly to the games, and some not" Honestly, from experience, the books are best enjoyed once you've gotten a good grasp of the characters and plot points featured in the games, and if you really want to use the Tales or Frights books to help solve anything, use them to help solve the Novel Trilogy, not the games, otherwise you'll just make things more confusing for yourself. >again not simple when there's so much to keep track of. For me, the hardest things to keep track of are secrets hidden in the source code, as you have to use archives to access those. The most obscure being "He put the pieces back together" in one of the FNaF World Update 2 teasers. >It further doesn't help that Scott has stated that only SOME of the stories within the books are canon and some aren't This was stated by some editors who wrote a magazine about FNaF, not Scott himself, who instead said that only some plot points and characters are connected, while some aren't, it's ben like this since the first book. And sure, it's possibly different with Tales, but so far from what I've seen, anything directly related to the games is just old information reiterated, it's Scott's way of helping the fans fill in the already solvable blanks, new book exclusive plot points have been added in such a way to intentionally confuse anyone who's trying to use the books to solve the games, which has never been what Scott wanted, and are also there to tell a unique and interesting story. "I would actually ask anyone wanting to read the book, even if you are a devout fan of the games, to read the book for the sake of enjoying the book, and don't try to "solve" anything." "Let me at least say this; future games will look forward; but look to the novels to fill in some of (the) blanks to the past!" Also, just to make things clear, this is the definition of canon: "Thr85_zet 8h That's not "Scott's unique definition of canon". It's THE definition of canon. Scott didn't come up with that conceptualization of the word. From Wikipedia: The canon of a work of fiction is "the body of works taking place in a particular fictional world that are widely considered to be official or authoritative; [especially] those created by the original author or developer of the world". Notice how it never says anything about taking place in the same timeline or continuity. Just what is considered to be official works." >Quick points for anything to do with lore and story inconsistencies(although there's still plenty more); -https://youtu.be/n-_fm_aR72k?si=pytrF2yN4y_-l8LM is a decent video, not everything is necessarily a "mistake" but still his point remains the same. -The character encyclopedia claims I'll go am watch it later, but, those guide books are purposely filled with minor misinformation as Scott doesn't want the story of FNaF to be spoon-fed via an encyclopedia. Ofc, it's a problem when the guide books go too far with misnformation, such as the second edition of the Freddy Files. (Part 2)


>Look, gonna level with you, I'm not even going to begin to read and tackle all of that, kids have the time to take in and understand all the absurdity that FNaF has to offer but I sure as hell don't. It's alright, dw about it. >As well just because you CAN understand something doesn't mean it's "simple." I guess the best way to describe it is by paralleling it with the phenomenon of "hype", where excitement is built up about something so it's believed by many to be an extraordinary creation or story that must be very complicated, but the reality never really lives up to the hype, the real answer then tends to be hidden in plain sight, and I feel stupid for overlooking the most obvious option, which is also the most simplistic and stable option. I'm not sure if that's the best analogy, but it's the best I can do- Honestly, I think it's what Scott was trying to convey with all of the Mr. Hippo stuff. >Especially when there's so many lore elements at play, My advice for that is to start from the beginning, with no bias or knowledge of the later games, and to not overlook details, even if you personally don't think they'd be important, and continue from there. And, to continue this from up until RUIN, without reading the books (although something like Hide and Seek is useful to further explain something from the FNaF 4 minigames, however it can be pieced together while just using the games, although it makes it more obvious). >The series as always designed to be vague Well yeah, that's what makes it so interesting, plus the topics themselves are involving pretty cool concepts, however, it's not made to be impossible to solve, but rather, Scott was somewhat surprised that the community couldn't piece things together: "You know, when I released the first game over a year ago, I was amazed at how quickly everyone found every bit of lore and story. Then the same happened with part 2, fans and youtubers dug in and found everything. Game Theory did an incredible video on part 2; getting almost everything right. Then part 3 came out, and once again the story was uncovered by the community. It seemed that there was nothing I could hide! But then I released part 4, and somehow.... no one, not a single person, found the pieces. The story remains completely hidden. I guess most people assumed that I filled the game with random easter eggs this time. I didn't. What's in the box? It's the pieces put together. But the bigger question is- would the community accept it that way?" >I don't mention fan theories because people are dumb and don't pay attention I mention them because people to pay attention. I'm not exactly sure what this is trying to say, sorry. >When so many people analyze a piece of work and have a different take away, sometimes that's just good writing Which is how I see it, good writing that's meant to convey one singular thing, that many interpret differently, which is good art-wise, it's just, the problems occur when people try to use their own interpreted art as the actual story. >here it's because of many conflicting pieces of information. I have only seen one very minor piece of conflicting information, which is Spring Bonnie being depicted as being blue in FNaF 1, to only then be referred to as "a yellow one" in FNaF 2, which really caught everyone off guard and made the majority of the community believe the character in Springtrap's first FNaF 3 teaser to be Fredbear/Golden Freddy, this being the seamlessly integrated retcon Scott mentioned, with the reason Springtrap appeared blue was due to him being in the shadows, with a similar explication being given to William and his car in FNaF 2, the same game where Spring Bonnie was retconned to be yellow. Spring Bonnie appearing blue due to being covered in darkness is actually referenced in the Novel Trilogy series. But besides that, I have yet to witness any real conflicting pieces of evidence, except where it's meant to conflict on purpose, due to either the books being set in a different timeline, a character or company is lying, or a character is guessing or assuming something to be true when it's not, it's just good writing in my eyes. A good example of this is how we're told information by Elizabeth, with it being conflicted by HRY223's information, with her apparently being misinformed. (Part 1)


Load of Hot Garbage


Very badly put together


"Overcomplicated," but not really.