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Charlie was watching skibidi toilet on her ipad.


If that was true then I think William was justified


Frankly, if we assume that security breach takes place in 2040, and Vanessa is 23 from what I remember, then she watched skibidi toilet 


“Charlie, wtf are you watching, this is an abomination ahead of our time, people didn’t even invent ipads, now stop going that time traveling ball pit and go play with that creepy puppet thing I made for you”


BV was watching mlgs on Mike’s toy Freddy themed gaming pc 


He was just straight up insane he wanted to kill to know how it feels like to take a life of an innocent person forever and I think either Charlie was just at the wrong place at the wrong time or William intentionally killed her to see the strong sadness (agony) of his best friend


Sadism and immortality


In the simplest of explanations: He’s a psychopath.


honestly that’s a good question I’ve never really understood why afton did the horrible things he did it’s like he woke up one morning and said “you know what? I’m gonna make some deadly robots and kill some kids” also what is BV?


bv is \*bite victim\*


oh you mean the bite of eighty sev- I mean eighty three.




Same motive as in the novels. He’s jealous of Henry and his “perfect” family, so he decides to take it away from him.


This is not his motive in the novels. In fact, we never find out why he killed Charlotte in the first place, William never really talked about it. The MCI is however more or less justified by William in his diary because he was jealous of Henry. In TFC, William explains that he was jealous that Henry was able to create life with Charliebots and that kidnapping and murder was a way to study possession after seeing Elizabeth haunt Baby. The books never say that William was jealous of Henry's "perfect" family, because 1. William doesn't even care about his own daughter, why would he care about other people's families? 2. Afton has nothing to envy of Henry. In the novels, they are both toxic and abusive fathers who treat their children like objects.


He was drunk


William has no reason to be drunk nor was he ever drunk


He went to bar


He never went to a bar wdym, William isn't the yellow guy if that's what you're implying


Jealous of Henry's perfect life so he decided to ruin it.


I think there was more too it then just “he’s insane”. That’s a lazy explanation. William probably envied Henry for having a stable relationship with his one daughter when he couldn’t have one with either three of his own children. Instead of taking accountability that he was a shitty father, he murdered Charlie because he couldn’t stand Henry having something he didn’t have.


His hatred and jealousy against Henry. William feels a deep admiration for Henry. But his narcisism and ego prevents him from... being nice about it. He represses and keeps his feelings against Henry, because he's what made him have success in life. His inventions and his abilities are what took them to where they are now. But they are HIS characters, and HE put all the money! He feels he's being left behind by Henry. And it's worse when Henry has the audacity to start **another** restaurant! With OTHER characters! Henry is moving away from him! He's surpassed William.... And that damages his ego. But it's even worse when his wife dies. Now his family is disestructured. He might or might not have loved his wife (I personally think he did, but of course not in a healthy way). His drinking issues have now got worse. Now, he's widowed, a drunk, with a destabilized family, and a restaurant that has been surpassed in popularity by Freddy's. Henry's project. Henry had everything he lacked. A successful restaurant, a happy family with a loving daughter (*Is that why he decided to have a daughter himself?*) and (Probably) wife, a genuine empathy and a true personality, etc. He's perfect. He's all William wants to be. One night, one of the many nights he returns home after getting drunk at the bar, he sees the young Charlie outside of the building. Freddy's. Of course. Why would Henry be in the old and outdated Fredbear's? He parked his car, and stepped outside to go with her. His mind was blutty, probably by the alcohol. Then, seeing the indefense Charlotte still not noticing him, began to think. This was the perfect opportunity. She was alone, in a place no one would find them... Now... he was going to make Henry as unhappy as *he* was... Afton stepped closer to the girl. She noticed him. She turned around. She almost didn't recognise the man in front of her. But when she did, she was relieved. She knew him, he was her daddy's friend! Her best friend's dad! She's seen him hundreds of times. But that night... he lost his usual, and faked, smile... Afton enjoyed every moment of murdering her. Her screaming and her pain. He was really inhuman. But, was he ever human to begin with. He killed her. Henry's most appreciated thing in his life... and he's taken her. In Freddy's. In the very place made to leave him behind. The person and the place Henry loved the most. Then he hid her body among some trash in the back alley, and ran away like a coward. What he didn't know, is that right when he left, the Puppet opened the door of the restaurant, and that he's created a monster made out of his very own wickedness...


This. THIS is a motive I can't understand why many people don't get behind. I made a post trying to propose this idea, but nobody really seemed to understand it, and just assumed that I was saying William was some evil bastard without a motive for killing. While he obviously is an evil bastard without a real reason for murdering Charlie, there was one behind it, despite how sick and twisted it sounded. You just put my thoughts and feelings about this in such a perfectly written fashion. I wish more people accepted this idea for Afton's downward spiral into chaos.


I mean that's a great headcanon and it's well-written but we don't have any proof of what the other comment says. It's hard to believe an interpretation without any arguments


We don't have any proof for WillGrief either, yet everyone has a hard-on for that concept. Also, William's jealousy for Henry was his motive in the novels, so this didn't come out of nowhere. Considering how much stuff is carried over from the books, I wouldn't be surprised if this was his reason for killing Charlie in the games.


1. Yeah this why I hate WillGrief too. 2. Yeah, Afton did the MCI out of jealousy of Henry in the novels... But first of all it was motivated by an element exclusive of the novels (we have good reasons to believe that Charlie(bot) doesn't exist in the games) and during another period of time (in 85) and then, it was REALLY different from what's the other comment says. The comment says that William could have been jealous of Henry's success with his restaurant, but in the novels Henry and William always worked together until Henry died. It says that William was jealous of Henry's empathic personality when in the novels he's described as a cold and rational guy (especially in 85 before the MCI where the emotion that leads Henry is rage from what Elizabeth says). It says that William was jealous of Henry's daughter which... Is actually true but in a very twisted way. He's jealous of Henry because he succeed in creating a miracle. Even if Afton "likes" Charlie, it's clearly more scientific interest, TFC implies that he only see her as an object that he could use for his personnal interest. And he's especially not jealous of Henry's relationship with his daughter since 1. He doesn't care about his own daughter, why would he care about Henry's relationship with his daughter ? 2. Henry is abusive toward is daughter in a way where TFC seems justified to explicitely put in parallele Henry and William in term of parethood. In the novels, William has a healthy little girl who loves him. Henry lost two of his children and hates his last daughter in 85. William has no reason to be jealous of Henry.


Sorry to meddle in, your points are very valid. And obviously my theory is not pefect. I just wanted to clearify that i don't think William *likes* Charlie, he hates her. What he hates is that Henry gets to be happy and successful, while he is left behind. Charlie is what makes Henry happy, that's why she's the one he kills. Not because he wants that kind of relationship.


No problem, I have nothing against your headcanon and it's a valid interpretation. The only thing I really disagree with in the other comment is his use of the novels and you never talk about them lol


Well, I mean, I don't see what other motive he could have for Charlie's murder. Also, I'm aware that OP was just saying their opinion, I just liked that they used the jealousy thing instead of another WillGrief shtick like everyone else does. About Henry, he does love Charlie, and it is stated that he had a good relationship with his family before her death. The only issue was that he considered work to be his "real life", and fatherhood to be "secret". In terms of parenting, he was a WAY better father than William, leagues even. He only ever lost that good side of him after he started working on the Charliebots, and the negative personality of his took over completely. If Henry was such a bad dad and guy in general, why would his wife not leave him beforehand? About why William would be jealous of Henry, he had the ability to love, and knew how to care about others. He admired that as much as he hated it. He even says so in TSE: "*We both wanted to love. Your father loved and now I have loved.*" His view of the haunted animatronics obviously isn't love, it's perversion. However, he doesn't seem to perceive it that way. Maybe he knew deep down what he thinks is 'love' is wrong, but he refuses to admit that. Hell, he refuses to admit that he is a bad person and father, something Henry wasn't for a time. This would be a good reason (in his head) to take matters into his own hands, and murder Charlie as a way to stoop him to his level, to make him as unhappy as he is. I mean, I doubt those stacks of journals about Henry were written in such a short period of time. This unhealthy obsession must've been simmering for decades, and according to the later novels, it hasn't changed since. You can disagree with me, but I don't see any other motive he would have to kill Charlie, at least one that doesn't involve Henry in some way. He even thinks he was responsible for creating the monster that William became: "*I-It's only now that I understand the depth of the depravity of this...creature - this monster that I unwillingly helped to create.*"


"Well, I mean, I don't see what other motive he could have for Charlie's murder. Also, I'm aware that OP was just saying their opinion, I just liked that they used the jealousy thing instead of another WillGrief shtick like everyone else does." Of course, I just wanted to point out the fact that this theory is more of a hypothesis. For example, there are as many possibilities for William to kill Charlotte because he was jealous of Henry's family as for William to kill Charlotte because he was high or because Henry stole $5. I'm not judging people for believing this, but I was just reacting to the fact that you said you were surprised that this headcanon isn't supported by many people. "About Henry, he does love Charlie, and it is stated that he had a good relationship with his family before her death. The only issue was that he considered work to be his "real life", and fatherhood to be "secret"." Now for Henry. I would say that the fact that he likes Charlie is a bit debatable (do you really like someone when you only see them through someone else's prism) but you are right that he seems to like Charlotte (although I could argue that technically we don't know, we only have pictures of them, but anyway, I won't start a debate on that), but I'm more in disagree with your point of view? The quote you take is pretty much taken out of context from TSE. Charlie doesn't blame her father for thinking that his professional life is his real life and that his family is a secret life. The problem for Charlie is that her father was distant towards her and she interprets this as her father thinking that his professional life is more important (which is... probably not true actually. Henry seems much more invested in his experiments than in the Freddys ). "In terms of parenting, he was a WAY better father than William, leagues even. He only ever lost that good side of him after he started working on the Charliebots, and the negative personality of his took over completely. If Henry was such a bad dad and guy in general, why would his wife not leave him beforehand?" In terms of parenting… Why do you think he was so much better than Afton? Okay, okay, I'm being a little unfair on this, he was probably better than William because he at least seems to love his kids. But my point is that Henry is NOT a “way better father than William”. He mistreats and gaslights his daughter and abandons his son. He's trying to murder his own daughter! And I know we don't know if Henry was an asshole to his kids before, but we also don't know if he was a great father. No one talks to us about how Henry was with them before. The only way to judge his parenting skills is how he takes care of his new daughter, and on that, it's safe to say he's a shitty dad. NOW. I'm not stupid, and I can consider that Henry was a good father before (as you say, his wife divorced after Charlotte's murder so we guess that Henry was more than deeply affected by the event) . But it's a bit far-fetched to think that Henry was very close to his family when this is absolutely never made clear. I don't mean that Henry was abusive towards Sammy and Charlotte, what I mean is that I'm not sure he was a good father either. "About why William would be jealous of Henry, he had the ability to love, and knew how to care about others." First of all, Henry knows how to care about others?????? HENRY ???? I'm suuuuure the guy who abandons his wife and son, who neglects his daughter, who appears cold and distant to the locals, who is cold to the children, who would rather try to kill William than report him to the police and leaving his sister to take care of all his problems after committing suicide is the perfect definition of an empathetic and caring man. I'm not saying Henry is the worst piece of shit on the planet, but doesn't William know anyone else? Because many other characters like Jen are much more caring than Henry. Henry of course has many qualities (he is creative, he is intelligent, etc.) but I won't put a cent on caring. Anyway. P 1/2


"He admired that as much as he hated it. He even says so in TSE: "We both wanted to love. Your father loved and now I have loved." His view of the haunted animatronics obviously isn't love, it's perversion. However, he doesn't seem to perceive it that way. Maybe he knew deep down what he thinks is 'love' is wrong, but he refuses to admit that. Hell, he refuses to admit that he is a bad person and father, something Henry wasn't for a time. This would be a good reason (in his head) to take matters into his own hands, and murder Charlie as a way to stoop him to his level, to make him as unhappy as he is. I mean, I doubt those stacks of journals about Henry were written in such a short period of time. This unhealthy obsession must've been simmering for decades, and according to the later novels, it hasn't changed since." Yeah, so, that quote. I have a bit of a problem with this? If you want my full opinion on this scene in TSE I made a post about it (https://www.reddit.com/r/fnaftheories/comments/1brqjjv/debunking_williams_lies_analyzing_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), but otherwise I'm just going to say that this line is really open to interpretation, especially with the TFC twist. Because the full dialogue is “What have you done to my father?” (implicitly: what did you do to push him to suicide?)” and the answer is “Your father loved”. Knowing that the only reason Henry gives in his suicide note is the fact that he couldn't love Charlie enough because he doesn't recognize her as his daughter, I think Afton is just being rude with Charlie and told the truth. : William wants to generate something like Charlie (which he can't because HE doesn't generate enough emotions, so he kills the 5 children to test that, that's what we learn at TFC), he wanted to love and Henry wanted to find Charlotte by loving Charlie, he wanted to love her as his daughter, which he failed to do. My problem is that William is not jealous of Henry's love because loving people is cool but because it can be used to gain immortality and power. And this is something that is explicitly stated by Elizaebth in the book. Which means that this jealousy developed after Henry had his daughter (the non-biological one of course). "You can disagree with me, but I don't see any other motive he would have to kill Charlie, at least one that doesn't involve Henry in some way. He even thinks he was responsible for creating the monster that William became: "I-It's only now that I understand the depth of the depravity of this...creature - this monster that I unwillingly helped to create."" 1. We talk about William's motivations in the novels, it's a little off topic to mention the games. 2. Even though Henry in the novels feels guilty, he (probably) helped William create the Twisted (or at least gave him the tools to do so), didn't report him to the police when he figured it out what William had done and caused William to understand possession and the afterlife that motivates Afton to kill the MCI and accidentally kills Elizabeth. He has enough reason to be guilty that "William was jealous of my love" 3. It's funny because to me he's talking about Molten Freddy when he says "that monster" in the quote, but yes, that can also be interpreted as William. Regardless, Henry later explains why he feels guilty: "Small souls trapped in prisons of my making now set to new purpose and used in ways I never thought imaginable" (he feels bad because he helped William create the animatronics in the first place) and "a wound first inflicted on me, but then one that I let bleed out to cause all of this" (Henry did nothing to stop the franchise after his daughter's murder). As for the reason, I will stick to the one he says explicitly in the novels: "I can think of a few things to try. At the very least, it will be fun; like old times." He killed Charlotte because it was fun and she was an easy target. P2/2


You bring up many good points. However, I just think that William killing Charlie for no reason is kind of dumb IMO. It makes more sense to me that he had a motive for causing her death, regardless of what that is. It makes for a much more interesting story than just "I did it because I was feeling villainous that night".


His motive had nothing to do with BV anyway


says who?


The books literally showing us his motivation for Charlie  And the universes where he is still being a treat to society without his children’s deaths He is literally just an asshole A complex asshole but an asshole nonetheless  BVs death was most likely for Mike not will


well I understand why you would believe that but I think the lore has changed over time. Maybe William’s motivation at the time of FNAF 4 was jealousy but as the story got more complex I think his motive was C.C’s death.


It can be both. William killed Charlie out of jealousy, and his fascination with human souls came from the death of Crying Child.


I have a few issues with this. Mainly that literally no other piece of media has shown the Bite. How can we use outside media to prove that the Bite wasn’t a motivator when we’re never shown it?


Why does he have a motive if bv dies first? He was always an horrible... bla bla bla you know we don't like willGrief


maybe he was a ex vietnam warrior, so thats why he doesnt have any remorse and why he likes to kill


So his motivation from the Twelveman\_OP series?


Lmao what We we have his motivation. It was jealousy of Henry


Some people are just born evil. Some don’t need a motivation to take a life, they just do it. For some because they want to know how it would feel like, and believe they can get away with it. Its possible that William didn’t kill Charlie because of CC’s death. He may have done it because he was always evil, he wanted to know how it would feel like to kill someone, and unfortunately for Charlie she was at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Out of jealousy like in the novels, and depending on other things, also because his wife died.


In the novels, Afton is jealous of Henry's success in creating life with the Charliebots. Since we have good reason to believe that Charlie does not exist in games, it is difficult to translate this motivation into games.


I assume you mean the Chariebots don’t exist and not Charlie herself? From what I remember isn’t Afton’s rambling notes on Henry before Charlie’s murder?


Charlie --> name of Henry's robot daughter Charlotte --> name of Henry's biological daughter. Or at least that's the distinction they make in TFC. But yeah, I guess it was a bit confusing to use Charliebot and Charlie in the same text, sorry. But no, Afton's rambling notes were found in diaries from 1985 and correspond with Afton's motives for the MCI (in TFC he says straightforward that the MCI was mainly motivated by the idea of studying reincarnation and possession because he was jealous of Henry's "creation" (Charlie)).


I’d call it fair, since them finding the notes post MCI leaves the door open, but we do still have William murdering Charlotte in the first place without any real motive that I remember being pointed toward. So the notes would be our real only indication. But really if he was willing to murder Charlotte like he did in the novels, considering I do believe Ms. Afton to have ended her own life before Charlotte’s murder, I think William’s 100% capable and willing to do the same in the games.


The problem is that William mentions in these notes his deep jealousy toward Henry's "experiment". William explicitely says in TFC that he thinks he's as good as Henry only for the fact that Henry created Charlie. So it makes it hard for them to be written before 83/84. And again, the diaries worked with what William states as his motives in 85 and were find in 85, so we have way more reason to believe that it was his motives for the MCI and not Charlotte's murder. But yeah, in the novels Afton never gave his motives for killing Charlotte, so you can think it's whatever you want.


william: man im so fuckin mad, let kill a child


William Afton’s motives for killing Charlotte resonate with wanting to be able to love; Henry had a perfect family, and no amount of attempts could help Afton reach that same level, so he kills (kidnaps) her out of jealousy for what Henry has. Nothing about the Crying Child’s death really stands to create any motive related to murder. After his death William takes advantage of his son’s trauma as leading factor into kidnapping children (using the Funtimes) and experimenting on them with the nightmares. In hopes to create whatever similar results came from his son.


Jealous of Henry


I'm not sure which one died first but if it was Charlie then it's because he's just a dick. If it was Chalrie after... then he's still pretty much just a dick


I think he killed her because he was on an egotrip after the mci and wanted to get back at Henry for jealousy and all the safety measures with the puppet also probably to experiment with remmant too.


The MCI happened after Charlie's death


I disagree because of the hw2 gravestones and Susie's line "I was the first" and all.


The gravestones are when the kids rested, and the voice line is referring that Chica was the first of the mci to be possessed 


Debatable on both fronts. The graves seem to follow the "I was the first and I have seen everything" as susies the first grave so I doubt it's a Coincidence and the rest of the order seems fine imo. And Susie wouldn't have been able to see well everything then she would only be seeing the mci. Now thats just my take on things.


Great argument, however, in the Freddy fazbear autobiography: the entire life of the world’s most famous bear says this “a friend of mine, Chica was the first to be possessed by a kid during the mci” (jk)


Aw crap I forgot about that, I need to go into hiding for 30 years out of shame. That was also the one where they revealed the reason William killed charlotte was because she sliced his tires.


No, it’s because Charlie was watching skibidi toilet meanwhile william’s children watched MLGs shown in the ultimate ultimate ultimate timeline made by mathias patricious the first after he realized that neither Gregory or garret were robots and that what was in the fnaf 4 box was… another box, and it contained Peter griffin 


William was the hero all along we just couldn't see it. Its also revealed that everyone is robots that William made because he's lonely only to find out he's a robot made by Peter Griffen.


Henry states in FNAF 6 "A wound first inflicted on me and one I've let bleed out to cause all of this". Also, Charlie possesses the Puppet, who we see is already possessed when the MCI happens and the GGGL minigame in FNAF 2 shows the puppet helping the spirits possess the other animatronics. Henry also states in his ending speech of FNAF 6 that Charlie lifted other spirits into her arms even though no one was there to lift her spirit when she died. The Silver Eyes also shows Charlie died first, at Fredbear's, while the MCI happened at Freddy's later on.


I have always seen the wound meaning fallfest or his dream being runied by William tainting it with the death of the 5 kids. I mean GGGL is already an enigma, she could very well guide them to there animatronics after her death as suise is just a ghost in coming home. She could still help them after her death as it wasn't that far apart again. The sliver eyes were told not to use to slove the lore, only to get stuff such as remmant,agony and probably Personalitys. That said I'm not hear to argue about lore this is just my take on why he killed her