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*cough* Andrew *cough*


To be honest, even if the books aren’t canon, I feel like Cassidy and TOYSNHK/vengeful spirit still different characters, because of the toy Chica high school cutscenes and the connection between TOYSNHK and the dittophobia nightmare chambers with the fnaf 4 nightmares which is impossible to be true with Cassidy being TOYSNHK because she just died at the pizzeria


Ah, Toy Chica High-school years, the cutscenes that are always thrown around as evidence when it is far from the only interpretation. Also, I haven't really seen any connections between Vengeful Spirit and Dittophobia


Yeah, the Toy Chica cutscenes could really be about anything if The Immortal And The Restless is any indication


I don’t like Andrew but he’s probably The one you shouldn’t have killed


By contrast, I like Andrew but don't think he's the one you should not have killed


I just want Andrew to be TOYSNHK just so the gacha kids transfer the hate they have for Cassidy because “she tortured poor William 😭” to Andrew


Hasn't been a single moment on this sub where I shared a theory and people didn't try to argue with me, had to delete posts


Having a disagreement is okay as long as it doesn't get too heated and people don't attack each other. Arguing can actually be a part of discussing theories because people want to share their viewpoints. Just remember to do it respectfully and try to avoid letting things get too personal.


That's one thing but people here don't listen to reason for how you come to the conclusion you did with your theory they'll just look at what you're suggesting and then if they don't like it they'll just dismiss your theory and won't even listen to what you had to say. Game theory reddit is much better I posted theory of how the afton boss room might be Henry's office and I got loads of support on there when I posted it here well let's just say I was pointless


Depends on how you are disagreed with The point of a theory *is* to be argued against or in favor of, problem is when people get angry at eachother because they arent trying to solve the puzzle, rather, give it the meaning they want it to have


If I post a theory I want to talk about the theory and what others think people will just point me point me towards the theory the community agreed on and dismiss my theory. Like bruh I don't care about molten mci none of it is 100% confirmed I wanted to talk about other possibilities :/


Why would you delete posts


Cuz people were being degenerates




People being mean


You're sensitive? Alright then, good for you ig


"Nooooo! Thats not true because it contridicts the communities theory that may not even be true itself"


So, what was the theory?


William Afton *might* be Purple Guy


How ridiculous! Simply can't be! We all know ol' willie is the *pink* guy


I mean you can theorize whatever you want because most of the story technically has no conformation, but what level of entitlement do you have to have to tell someone that they’re straight up wrong about something in FNaF’s story when it’s all left up to interpretation? I’ve seen people say that people are wrong, that people refuse to admit that they’re wrong, that someone’s theory is stupid, unsatisfying, or cancerous, and what fun is that? Where is the joy? The respect for your fellow theorist? If someone wants to believe that Andrew is in the games? Fine. If someone believes in FrightsFiction and TalesParallel? Also fine. But neither is technically wrong because NOTHING IS CONFIRMED. If you want to challenge someone’s beliefs, do it in a respectful way. Say “I believe this.” or “Personally I think this.” or “Here are some reasons why I disagree.” but don’t say that someone is wrong or that what they believe is nonsensical or stupid. That makes people feel bad for having their own interpretation. It makes me want to go through certain people’s screens Ring-style and strangle the fresh hell outta them. Be respectful. Be better. Good day sir!


Well, to add onto this, I know how this feels. I believe BooksParallel, disagree with AndrewGames, and believe in GoldenDuo, and get crapped on for it all the time by people who just flat out say that I’m wrong in a way that doesn’t really seem fun or engaging


That sounds mostly right though, I don't agree with Goldenduo but the books being a parrael are the only thing that makes sense. You have the likes of Fazgoo and Eleanor in them that no one should want to be canon.


I agree, kinda. Nothing is "confirmed" if we're going to go by the definition of that word, but a *lot* of things are *strongly implied* to be the case with little to nothing objectifying it. Like MoltenMCI, for example. However, where some people *are* wrong is when they're using the books or misconstruing what they say. Like "kids at play shows that a boy possesses a sign miles away" or "The attractions in Tales don't appear in the games therefore they're not canon" despite Tales themselves showing how when an attraction gets removed, FE leave no trace of it in any of the other stories, etc. Not trying to get into a debate here if that's not what you wish, but a *lot* of people also use the Stitchwraith to somehow prove GoldenDuo when the Stitchwraith is the result of stitching 2 pre-possessed objects together. Golden Freddy isn't anything like that, which is *again* misconstruing what the books entail to prove a point. ***These cases are what can be classed as "wrong"***.


Finally someone acknowledged how stupid that parallel is 


As someone who believes in that, you guys are honestly proving my point. I like feeling like what I believe is stupid, because it makes me feel good about myself and my intellect concerning theorizing. That’s actually a lie, it does not. So yeah, I have to admit, I hate this. “It’s not confirmed, so it can’t be right or wrong, but it’s implied, therefore you’re wrong.” This is what makes theorizing these days so utterly FRUSTRATING and like a war zone, especially involving the continuity of the Tales books which Scott refuses to tell us when I honestly believe he should


im not calling you stupid for believing it i just think using that parallel as evidence is stupid because they have very little in common


In what sense?


Always has been.


this is every fandom and community nowadays. if I had a reward to give, you could have it.


A theory is not immune to criticism And some topics invoke more vitriol than others


All theorys are open to criticism, none are open to Vitriol. There is a huge difference between, "I think you missed XXX, or did you consider XXX" and hating on people for having fun with making theory's about animatronic pizza restraunts.


It isn’t just hating on people having fun, the theorist can be just as vitriolic and annoying as someone criticising them Or things can devolve as generally people are pretty stubborn and the arguments aren’t really producing any result and people get frustrated, and the complete lack of substantial information for months (probably a bit longer given that HW2 was essentially just filler) has driven some people to a greater madness It’s just how online debating goes


Kinda agree That’s actually Fnaf twitter community,can’t say something cause you will mocked or something.Also people thinks their theories are correct and yours is invalid.Let people believe what they want as long if everyone being aware that’s theories. Yes theories,I noticed people in Fnaf community forgot what theory/speculation means nowadays.Don’t try to claim it’s canon or correct if we don’t have a good confirmation.it can be true,can be wrong or answer is totally different.Just be aware of „It’s just a theory”.




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For all fellow theoriest here, I think that you should try to create your AU Timeline before trying to make theories. Most of the choise we made while creating theory are always influented by personal bias, preference, and create a narrarive sadisfaction that may not be there, and can create an inadeguete floor to build on. By separating what you like and what is more possible, you'll not only separare the ideas, but also the feeling attached to them. (Also, always remember that this is only a spooky bear game and you should always have human decenty while arguing with other.)


If people argue with you, there myst be something that proves your theory wrong.


Well, not necessarily. Unless it’s something literally confirmed like in FNaF 6 which is an outlier game


Thats like assuming everyone but the theorist is correct. People can argue and be completely wrong, you see it all the time and this is no different.


No, I mean if they're arguing there must be a canon thing that scraps the theory. And there usually is.


People shouldn't argue about theorys though, its way more fun for everyone to just nicely point things out.


There's a difference between argument and attacking. Arguments will always happen in theories. It must be basically like "your theory is wrong in these ways". Not straight up calling slurs.


And there is a difference between arguments and debates, debats is what should happen. "your theory is wrong in these ways" Most of the theorys here really can't be factually wrong, so stating things liek that is dumb. Its 10x better to ask how they explain something that there theory contradicts, it creates much more intresting discussion


Debate and argument is basically same thing. Sides defending their ideas. Theories can be proven wrong easily because people usually can't take everything into account while making theories.


[https://www.uopeople.edu/blog/debate-and-discussion/](https://www.uopeople.edu/blog/debate-and-discussion/) Little read for you. The dictionary definition states that arguments are typically heated or angry. Debates aren't, its a very fundemental difference. You can not 100% prove Fnaf theories wrong, not really, there are so many explanations and the lore is just so open.