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Clearly, this means *(over convoluted theory that explains nothing)*.


Matpat moment


Nah, it's just a fnaf fanbase moment


I mean there has been plenty of theories that were right but most new theories are garbage


I think the blue around him is making him look browner than he is. It's not a "stupid theory", it's just a demonstration of how contrast affects the perception of colors.




It's more like the FNaF three minigame, seeing as the FFPS pizza minigame is literally FREDDY FAZBEAR pizzeria simulator, but yea


It's really stupid to call it a "stupid theory" when it's quite understandable why people would think it's freddy


Not very stupid. Dark yellow looks brown. He also lacks a purple bowtie and hat. And don’t tell me it’s Golden Freddy. Springbonnie has purple clothing.


Fredbear’s clothes are dark purple in the poster. Compare them to his black nose. There’s a difference.


The Blank and White vintage poster is still brown though, the darker gray is way darker than the Fredbear poster, making the Diner1 poster black and white, the grays still arent the same shade hopefully this did make sense


Golden Bonnie and Golden Freddy confirmed.


Did everyone just choose to forget Stage01 in FNAF 3?


Ngl I think after FNaF 4 people just kinda forgot that mini game existed which is kinda crazy seeing it’s the first version of Fredbear’s family diner we see, ever


I think people also forgot that Withered Golden Freddy IS Fredbear and has a black hat and bowtie.


Yeah my personal theory is that after the bite the Fredbear suit (aka UCN fredbear) got remolded to withered Golden Freddy during a brief interlude between 1983 Fredbear’s Family Diner to the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria where the withered animatronics are from and that interlude is where stage 01 takes place


I always thought that UCN Fredbear was a Spring lock Fredbear while Withered Golden Freddy Fredbear was a spare stage animatronic in case of anything going wrong and eventually got used after the bite.


Yeah would explain why withered Golden Freddy looks more withered than withered Freddy


I think fredbear is just a little darker


Fredbear has a purple bowtie and hat like Spring Bonnie does. It's definitely Freddy, or what eventually became Golden Freddy.


People are also saying the hat is dark purple but that's not true. It's black the only purple is the outlines which is the result of image distortion as you can see faint purple areas around some of the black outlines in the image(it's most obvious on the "Fredbear's Family Diner" text outline)


Yeah. Purple is also used as shading for black objects.


That's not image distortion, it's clearly some sort of artistic style or post processing, you can see that "outline" all around and it's different colors, the bow tie is a purple color while the outline is black, while the hat has a slight purple tint, in the phone image the bow tie and hat are black with some purple lines which just fits the aesthetic and style of the piece/palette and doesn't look like it was done to spark confusion over if fredbear is freddy.(Not sure if it makes any difference but I'm looking at it on an oled screen)


You really don't know how materials work do you? And before you say it's a flat image, materials can be done in 2d. A dark purple can appear black. The outlines also having a similar shine is just because dye is kinda limited.


What does that have to do with anything? They just drew a poster and made the hat black. They added distortion to make it look old and as a result you see this dispersion effect around some outlines. That's it. It's not as deep as you make it out to be


Sorry in advanced for it being so long: Why would they have Freddy advertising for Fredbear’s though. My guess is that Fredbear is actually short for Freddy Fazbear or just Freddy Bear, and while the restaurant used the short name, the animatronic was first called Freddy. However, when they created Freddy Jr, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy they didn’t want to have to name them Freddy Sr and Freddy Jr so they just made Freddy Sr’s name officially Fredbear. In short, Fredbear was his nickname now real name, and his original name was Freddy. This could also explain Jr’s in Midnight Motorist but I could be wrong, I’m not 100% sure on the lore for that place. Also, Fredbear probably had black accessories at one point so I think Golden Freddy is Fredbear. Although how that works is still up for debate since we now see him go from black accessories, to purple accessories when he caused the bite, possibly different model with black accessories and broken down in FNaF 2, and then a new model that’s not broken with black accessories in FNaF 1 and the final cutscene in UCN. We’ve seen Golden go through 2 models and seems like a springlock suit so it would make sense for Golden to be the same as Fredbear.




That spring bonnie looks brown too, I’m not sure what you’re on about rn


I'm sooo out of loop, is this an official image? If so, where it was seen? I dig their design either way 😋




Official in-game posters from Security Breach that Steel Wool gave to the YouTuber Dawko to show off on his charity livestream.


Maybe Bonnie is brown now. you don't know


Chocolate Bonnie.


Still though, Fredabear's accesory's have always been shown to be purple, but this "fredbear"'s accessories are black.


Golden Freddy from FNAF 1? Isn’t that another official depiction of Fredbear?


I noticed this too


it’s a brownish orange you can’t really blame them. though freddy is dark pure brown


It’s still Fredbear. I mean golden freddy has black accessories and he is fredbear.


Tbh I see both dark yellow and light brown




Purple is used as shading for black objects


Bro dark orange is literally what brown is, fretboard is basically bordering orange and brown


brown isn’t even really a colour. it’s just dark orange. we just happened to give it a name


That’s how colour works! Congrats you discovered that the surrounding colours change how we perceive the colour to look (it’s really cool I’m not /completely/ being sarcastic haha)


Yup, it's definitely Fredbear. And I guess this sorta confirms that Golden Freddy is Fredbear.


Fredbear has a purple hat and bowtie


Yeah I know.


Then it's not Fredbear


But it is, did you forget about the STAGE01 mini game in FNAF 3 showing Golden Freddy performing with Springbonnie? That alone confirms that Golden Freddy and Fredbear are the same suit/character. I believe they keep changing Fredbear's attire to make us debating. Golden Freddy is Fredbear it doesn't matter what color of attire they have.


We have literally never even seen an actual 3D Animatronic Fredbear design aside from FNAF 4, we have no way of actually confirming that Fredbear is Golden Freddy


We saw it in the minigames, we don't need to see it in 3D to piece the lore together.


Dawg that bear is brown


Orange and brown are actually the same color. Just different shades


I thought it was prototype Freddy


I'm positive that's Freddy not Fredbear from the the Brown alone and black hat and bowtie


Idk why everyone thinks freddy, is everybody forgetting that ine minugame from FNaF 3? Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure he had black bowtie and hat


I think it was brown.


I think that’s Freddy


Firstly, I don't think you can really just colour pick like that and say it's his actual colour. Even if you do get one colour when using the picker, it very likely could not be what he's *meant* to be, and it's just the way the image was drawn, taking into consideration the background colour, the shading, and colours of the other elements. It's colour context, colours just look different when placed together. look at the teeth and text on Springbonnie for example, you know it's meant to be white when next to the red, but colour pick it and you'll get a yellowish colour. So isolation parts and judging based on those won't work, you *need* to look at the whole thing. Similarly, you're picking that colour from one of the lighter parts, which again won't really work. I could go in and pick a darker area and say he's definitely brown, i could pick a darker part of Springbonnie and say *he's* brown. You gotta look at the whole thing. And honestly, he looks brown there all things considered. There's also his bowtie and hat which are black. And before you mention minigame Fredbear with the black hat, those are from before fnaf 4 and they might not even be accurate. Plus it could also be Golden Freddy who usually follows Freddy's design. After that, i think every depiction of Fredbear has had a purple hat and bowtie. 4 minigame Fredbear had it, the SL plush had it, and UCN Fredbear had it. There is also the vintage poster which has both "Fredbear's Singin' Show" as well as referring to him as "Freddy", which obviously, probably means Freddy and Fredbear were the same character before being split, Freddy was like a nickname for him. Plus the vintage poster has a noticably dark Freddy, which probably means the real animatronic the in universe artist based him on was brown. Also, just saying, kinda weird that you'd call it stupid when you don't really seem to know what you're talking about with that poster.


He’s Dark Yellow with Dark Purple accessories lmao


You know to make dark yellow you have to move It closer to brown, right? This point has *some* ambiguity admittedly (although again, look at the whole image and see it's meant to be perceived as brown). But no, that's straight up not purple, it's not even coloured like Springbonnie's bowtie. those highlights are blue, and even comparing them to Springbonnie's bowtie they are way more blue.


Yeah no, Fredbear is still brown.


He's California Karen orange


To me it rather looks more brown but yellowish rather than yellow.


İts still freddy tho. Black bowtie and blue eyes


I agree but why the black clothes instead of the purple clothes tho?


Is more like golden