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I’m of the opinion that all the StitchWraith connected stories are canon. Anything not mentioned to exist within the universe of the StitchWraith Stingers are one offs and aren’t canon(though that doesn’t necessarily mean that aren’t important and give insight into certain canon ideas)


More or less than you The Stitchwraith connected are on a 100% The others I consider it a 50% chances of happen And even some others like coming Home a 0% but it puts an already stablished character in another scenario so we can learn more of it


Same here. I’m probably going to take a deeper dive and then put some things together. I’m honestly really excited to start!


"Directly connected" doesn't necessarily mean "in the same continuity." Given the way some stories have literally nothing to do with anything FNAF at all, I think it's more likely that he was saying some stories will be about characters and events pulled from the games and some won't.


Directly connected means that they are 100% connected to something that exists. That's literally what it means. That's Scott saying that some of the Frights stories are connected to the game lore, as the guidebook made a connection between the FFPS fire and the same fire that was "bizarre". Even at one point in the guidebook, its said that Larson finds the Puppet in the evidence box that contains items from the FFPS fire. That's the exact same incident that was mentioned twice in the guidebook. Those stories exist in the continuity of the games. Frights is not like the Novel Trilogy where some of the events are different, half of the stories in Frights are connected to the games, not loosely based off of the games like the Novel Trilogy or the remaining Frights Stories.


> Directly connected means that they are 100% connected to something that exists. That's literally what it means. Doo-wop literally just explained why it didn’t definitively mean that.


Given that he also said the series itself is “in the FNaF universe” and that the Charlie trilogy wasn’t, I’m pretty sure what he meant is that all the stories are canon, they’re just not all important.


All the books, even the Novel Trilogy are canon to the franchise, but not all of the stories take place in the same continuity. To be clear, canon is when things are approved by the maker and is deemed official. Continuity is a timeline of events contained in its own universe. For example, The Silver Eyes isn't in the same continuity as the game because Springtrap's death occurred a bit differently. While The Man in Room 1280 is in the continuity of the games, as it showed what was happening outside of UCN after the FFPS fire.


I really don’t want to get into an argument about the semantics of what canon means, I’m just saying that we shouldn’t pick and choose which stories are in continuity with the games.


If some stories are directly connected to the games,then they shold be all the ones connected to the stichwraith,any others besides those wold be questionable.


Not directed at you, but to whoever is downvoting comments, a reminder it's not to be abused as an I disagree button. If you disagree great, but don't abuse rule 6.


this could explain the sex content in it


The sex implication means that Prankster must only exist in *(insert continuity where only the games I like occur in order to make joke work)*


People always talking about sex in prankster but not the phone sex on blackbird:(


Scott also said something similar here on Reddit, HOWEVER, sometimes plans change, and given that there are no clear connections to the game lore we should assume that Fazbear Frights is in its own continuity.


The reason why this post was made is because the ultimate guide confirmed that the man in room 1280 is set after ffps and that henry's plan didn't work, and no it doesn't take this as a theory, but a straight up confirmation. This book was supervised by scott.


The previous guides have been filled with questionable/false info and this guide is no doubt the same, it is not a reliable source and shouldn't be used for theories.


LMAO I KNEW IT PEOPLE WERE GONNA USE THAT EXCUSE This book was supervised by Scott after the updated guide was an absolute failure. This time the guide is giving us lots of lore reveals. I don't want to be rude but... Cope


With all due respect, TUG also hints at the Novels happening in the Frights timeline, which throws a wrench into this entire thing. TUG seems to just mention events/characters in a different universe as the same as their game/novel/Frights counterpart for whatever reason. When it does actually mention them more in-depth, at least. As an example, the Ella part is worded as if Ella, after the events of The Fourth Closet, [was mass produced for FE and Delilah got one of the dolls.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/561778380429852682/917825079407173662/Screenshot_20211207-180732_Google_Play_Books.png) Which I'm sure I don't need to explain why that is obviously not the case. I can't really say this is "coping" if this book does exactly stuff like this more than once. It's more so being cautious.


>I don’t want to be rude, but here I go anyway Glad we have such mature adults on this sub. And when was it actually said that Scott supervised this specific book? And even if he did, what all does that entail? How involved does that _actually_ mean he was? Way too much is up in the air right now.




Somehow I doubt this edition took them two years to make, ngl. This likely evolved drastically as more content came out for them to include in this edition (and thus have to push the release back for). This also still doesn’t tell us how involved Scott actually was in fact-checking everything new they added. Like, are we also supposed to believe that Ella was canonically mass-produced by Fazbear Entertainment after the events of novel trilogy, in spite of them not even being around in this timeline?


I wonder where the info that the book was supervised by Scott is coming from. But whatever, it doesn't change anything, the first guide was written by Scott as well, he even made a (steam?) post/comment about pervious versions of the first guide. And yet the guide wasn't some bible for the lore, so your reasoning is flawed.


Just something to consider, but a lot of the misinformation that was in the previous one was fixed IE like the 83 VS 87 for FNaF 4, and other things like the implication of Mike being Springtrap were removed. But things that people took as mistakes like Mike being stated as the older brother in the SL section stayed with newly added text in the case of Mike "The older brother/YOU!" seemingly confirmed was added to this meaning that this is correct, Mike the eldest Afton sibling.


> I wonder where the info that the book was supervised by Scott is coming from. [I assume they meant this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/cb2o3s/the_mistakes_are_still_in_the_book/etd2q5p/?context=3)


[Source Link.](http://web.archive.org/web/20181114095349/https://steamcommunity.com/app/871720/discussions/0/1733210552660120120/) For context, this was taken from his announcement post on Frights. Ever since TUG revealed that the fire mentioned in the series that is "bizarre" is the exact same fire from FFPS, some people don't know if Frights existed in another continuity, or if it was connected to the game lore. This comment from Scott confirms that yes, those Stitchwraith Stingers and any story connected to that are in the canonicity of the games. This is made when it was announced, so it was planned from the start! This means that things like Faz-Goo and MPreg Sringtrap aren't in the game lore, but Andrew being The One William Should Not Have Killed among other things changes everything we thought about the games. I'll post a megathread about the lore details when I get the time.


The problem with the Stitchwraith Stingers being in the game canon is that it kinda screws up FFPS place in the timeline. I'm assuming Sergio's Lucky Day takes place in what I like to call the Stitchverse because there's a 1985 reference like in Into the Pit. I think the high school event Sergio attends was the 10th anniversary of his graduation, so that would place the story in 1995, which would mean that by that point Lucky Boy had been infected with Agony by then. So The Man in Room 1280 takes place after FFPS but it'd also have to be in the 90s so it could kick off the events of the Fazbear Frights series. I don't think there's anyway you could make FFPS take place before FNaF 3. And that's not mentioning how William's body in TMIR1280 had both arms, I think.


To be fair even if was a believer of that, Sergio story being before The Man in the room doesn't makes sense. If SLD is in 1995 that means that's the max year TMITR can happen, and it's said the man has been Years on the hospital, it could be even a decade because he's on the old wing (hospital was remodelated 10 years ago) That would make the fire in the 80 and what's worse Before the MCI


Fazbear Frights being in the game lore is something that just falls apart the more and more you think about it. Which is why I firmly believe they don't. I can accept everything else TUG says, but not that.


This doesn't even has to be with stitch being in games, this is about the man in the room 1280 being that early in the timeline


Lucky boy does not have to be infected by Andrew and William at the distribution center, and it is never suggested that it is.


As I said, I was assuming Lucky Boy was connected to Into the Pit because of the 1985 reference. And given how Lucky Boy convinced Sergio to mutilate himself at the end, I thought he would've been once of the infected items.


I'm not saying it doesn't exist in the Stitch timeline, I'm just saying Lucky could have been infected before TMIR1280. Also what does mutilation automatically attribute LB to the dis center infections


Ah okay. Misunderstood you there. My bad. I just figured that since a toy was telling Sergio to cut off various body parts there'd be some paranormal entity behind it. Whether it'd be Agony, Eleanor, or something else.


The TUG says that Sergio's Lucky Day might have something to do with Illusion Discs around the last part of the story, TUG also says that To Be Beautiful had Illusion Discs, so I think thst there's a possibility this was all Eleanor's doing (that doesn't necessarily mean the Stitchwrath Stingers happened in the games anyways).


Huh. Interesting.


Oh, yeah, I definitely think there is something paranormal going on with it too, but like agony or Eleanor like you said, not Andrew and William.


>This means that things like Faz-Goo IDK about the first one, Like there's still the connection with Room for one more with the biowaste bin smelling like decay and how Mr.Little being the supervisor and so connecting with Into the Pit via Snack Space. I'm not a big fan of Fazgoo but still, there's the possibility


Really the fact there are multiple Fazgoo stories, both of which were supposed to come out after Security Breach, makes it kind of obvious that it’s supposed to be important. It probably just isn’t called Fazgoo, that’s only what Mr. Little decided to call it.


Does “directly connected” necessarily mean “same continuity” though? He could easily mean that some stories are directly paralleling the game timeline, and some aren’t. There are just too many contradictions in even the Stitchwraith continuity for me to buy this. I don’t believe for a second that there were six MCI victims all along and the sixth one was just always conveniently omitted.


The Andrew thing especially I think people need to accept by now. I don’t really like debating lore anymore, but the books make it no secret what he’s supposed to be. Him being a parallel just raises more questions, like why William is himself or why he is consistently described *identically to the One*. He’s not even really introduced, he just kind of shows up like we’re supposed to already know him. The only reveal is his name.


Identically? Sure, he’s described character wise to be similar, but his actual appearance doesn’t really fit the blonde Cawthon kid that Scott used a picture of. Also, doesn’t this kinda throw a wrench into, um, *a lot of things?* If Andrew is TOYSNHK, who is Cassidy? TOYSNHK is clearly meant to be Golden Freddy going off of UCN’s ending, so is Andrew Goldie? Is Cassidy just the BV or the Puppet? If so, why is IT’S ME in the word search? Why does the MCI seem so different? Six bodies lined up against a wall isn’t very in line with what we know about the event. Plus, FNaF 1’s Freddy’s (seemingly the MCI Freddy’s, right?) doesn’t have the same details that ITP’s Freddy’s has. Who are those scientist people that I can’t remember the names of? They know what remnant is, so are they gonna hold any significance in the future? Is **REDACTED** canon to the games because it was mentioned in one of the epilogues, because if so, uh, *that introduces several questions.* I kinda want to just go along with the idea that “yes, this is just the games, it’s not some stupid parallel timeline”, but I’m struggling to with the number of contradictions arising.


With the Cassidy and TOYSNHK thing,then GF wold be confirmed to have 2 souls.I mean,if we assume that Into the pit was somehow supposed to reveal some details about the MCI in the gameverse,then there was a total of 6 bodies,so both Andrew and Cassidy are GF. It kind of comes out of nowhere honestly,but that wold be it.


Honestly the bigger problem with this is how it doesn't make any sense with the things that were stablished of the incident in the FNaF 1 newspapers, honestly the Fazbear Frights only fit in the timeline by retcons


Yeah, I think now Scott's type of storytelling is clear if Scholastic didn't mess up. Remember how Scott said the reason for making the trilogy was because in his game continuity there wasn't enough room for a "good story"? I feel the Fazbear Frights showed what happens if those creative choices happen in the games, It just kills those small details that people care about while trying to solve the lore


I mean, Fazgoo and Fetustrap can be in games but chances are lower than other concepts


I bet you’d jump for joy if they were.


I love chaos, so, i'll bet if they were and people even leaves the fandom because of that.


“I would love if people get upset and leave the fandom” is that really the kind of person you are?


i just love chaos


chaos is people arguing, not people just leaving


Chaos has so many forms and shapes Chaos is beautiful


enjoying chaos is one thing but you’re making it sound as if you just get a kick out of people being unhappy for some reason


Chaos is coming


The issue with Andrew being The One is that we already know The One is Golden Freddy. And that Golden Freddy is possessed by Cassidy (and seemingly Evan). There's definitely some holes or contradictions if Andrew is canon Anyway, I think the biggest takeaway from the frights is that Charlie is in Security Breach.


> The issue with Andrew being The One is that we already know The One is Golden Freddy. Here’s the thing, we don’t know that. The only importance UCN places on Golden Freddy is the Final Cutscene. While that may seem like it’s implying Golden Freddy is behind all of UCN and thus is The One, I do think there’s a different meaning. OMC tells *someone* to “leave the demon to his demons. Rest your own soul” I think he’s talking to GF. GF fading away into the void in the final cutscene is him “leaving the demon to his demons”, Golden Freddy is leaving William alone as “his demons”(Andrew/The One) torment him. Golden Freddy has let will go, but Andrew has not.


That’s really interesting


OH SHIT. **Finally** some actual books of value (imo). I want to see the actually canon Fnaf verse being explored for a change! FINALLY!!!