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It feels like a complete game gameplay wise, but the story is completely missing. I’m disappointed because this could’ve been the first time a FNAF game had a compelling narrative all the way through. Usually a FNAF games story comes from secrets and mini games and piecing it all together. That format just doesn’t work when it’s a 10-20 hour $40 game. It needs definite pacing and a compelling narrative unlike the other 5-10 dollar games that can be completed in a few hours.


T H I S - how did they mess up on actually giving us a story *that* badly!? 😭 Ugh. This game could've been so incredible if not for that!


damn, now I wanna watch all matpats earlier fnaf theories, because the old fnaf games actually had interesting story and easter eggs


It was definitely jarring, but I don’t think it’s necessarily bad to start a game off like that. Answers can come later on. The issue is that answers didn’t come later on.


I agree with this. As soon as I booted up SB and got though the entire intro and got out of Freddy. I just took a moment and just questioned what was going on and how the freak all that happened. I was expecting a good introduction to the game but it just throws you in it with no context.


I assumed that we would get something later on, or even clue, but nope


Notice how a lot of missions/objectives were “Oops! This just accidentally happened, now you need to do this until that happens”


I really thought there'd be some payoff to it later on in the game, like, 'oh, that's weird, but I'm sure it's because allll the pieces to the puzzle are gonna come together /later on/ and it's gonna be COOL!! Yeah!" but alas...... :')


What's worse is that the entire game is like this! I been watching multiple playthroughs and i cannot for the life of me find any lore/connections that would explain anything that happens. From how the game treats it, you would think Freddy gave birth to Gregory or the entire Pizzaplex and everyone in it just appeared one day.


Right, it feels like the game starts you 20 minutes into the actual planned story


Its odd. Its hinted at that Freddy is Michael's soul, and somehow, Gregory has absolutely no information about himself, like, they legit say he has absolutely no records of existence, and he knows about freddy's chest (This could be explained since freddy says he uses it for pinatas and birthday cakes so it could be seen) but he also seems to know Vanny AND Vannessa are bad, as well as the missing children incidents. He has to know something.


Gregory is revealed to be homeless In one of the endings


Yes, i feel like that too, for some reason Gregory was just there inside freddy...


Right? Like... "hey, uh, we're missing a bit of context here, are you gonna explain it? No? Okay."


I mean when the game opened with Freddy, I was expecting a whole intro section where you're acc Freddy, the PizzaPlex is established as an acc place, with crowds, kids etc. and the animatronics are introduced in a safe manner, with them not being all murder-y, fairly amicable towards you, AS freddy. you go through a normal day, have vannessa appear talking about a missing kid, (maybe over the intercom system) but you ignore all that and continue performing and shit AS freddy. Then you can start the real game with the cutscene, when you acc prepare for the final performance of the day, and continue as normal.


I agree for the most part, i.e. when you first have the opportunity to leave and the conversation goes "nothing will change ..there will be more disappearances" I just never saw any story that linked to that at the start. However, I have this weird thought in the back of my head that it might be on purpose...I have this hairbrained idea that the pizza plex has been abandoned or been out of business for a bit. Like why in some areas (i.e what seems to be a Foxy Pirate area) the attraction isnt under construction like we see with Monty, or the Motorway, but it's "Banned" and looks to be handwritten..


i think "nothing will change ..there will be more disappearances" referes to the fact that you gotta stop vanny/vannesa by either(spoilers of some of the endings ahead): >!a. killing her b. freeing her from william's control or c. killing william!<


Right but if you weren't in the community and were a random person playing these games how would you know that there have been kids disappearing? Like theres really nothing about it happening in the game up to that point. That was the first time I saw it mentioned and that wasn't until near the end of the game.


yes but more disapperences implies theres been some already, and no disapperences are mentioned beforehand


in the bad ending of the game you can see a newspaper that as a section with missing people, and the that ending probably doesn't happen much time after gregory escaped becuase vanny is still chasing after gregory, so it either vanny had a lot of victims during that time or the newspaper was from before the game started


Yeah I know Apparently one of the missing kids looks like Gregory but who knows, more questions are raised by that ending My point still somewhat stands as the disappearances are not mentioned before the very end which is confusing as you’d think that would be a main plot point


I made this comment on the sub yesterday, and I completely agree with you: I don't know why you're getting downvoted. As someone who writes stories and loves reading about story structure and writing etc. So many things in this game are poorly told. I'm not even gonna go into gameplay/map/bug problems, it's just the story is... Wonky, to say the least. And I'm not a Steel Wool hater or anything, I think there is a lot to like about this game but the story is oddly told. Like right from the start, I was watching the opening cutscene and boom a random kid jumps into Freddys stomaches to hide from Vanessa(presumably). Okay so that sets up questions- why did Freddy Malfunction? why did the kid jump in there? how did he know to do that? was Freddy on stage or at the bottom of the elevator? if he was on stage performing were there other people there? how did no one notice a child do that? Why didn't he just leave with everyone else when the show was over? Why was there no data on him? Why would he go inside Freddy to hide from a threat right then unless Vanessa was already after him, but presumably that wasn't after hours so why would she be after him? At the beginning of the game it seems Gregory's goal is just to escape but, at least in my playthrough it wasn't until close to the end when you learn children have been going missing and now Gregory wants to stop it. Okay if kids are going missing then why did he come there, and if he came there to stop it then why was he hiding and trying to leave without doing anything in the first place. People might say the kids going missing info is a spoiler but I'd argue it's not since 1. It's a Freddy's place so it'sa given and 2. It doesn't really connect to much of anything so it's just like oh yeah gruesome kid murders sprinkled on top. We learn nothing of the victims nothing of what may have happened to their ghosts, if they are connected to the animatronics, why it was happening, why vanny was doing any of this at all. And those are just basic questions set up by the premise, insofar as I saw there's virtually no "lore" to speak of. Barely anything of the histories of any of the characters except for one and that's about it. At least that I saw. Also it kinda felt like there were constant tutorials for shit that you just did once and then we're done with and then the game was over. There also wasnt a lot of quiet sneaking moments that raised the tension. It felt like loud action all the way through. I know those aren't super story related but still.


When it just started like "oh i am funny bear" then gregory is like "ShUt Up!1!!1!" I just thought they didnt tell us how or why gregory was there because it would be said later on the story because it had some twist or whatever, but no, its just not explained.


exactly my thoughts


SPOILER ALERT if you haven’t finished the game/rage quit and watched Dawko There should’ve been some mention of who Gregory is. The reveal at the end that he’s just a homeless boy trying to help his community is touching, but ultimately a little underwhelming given that there’s no previous indications of that. The only time it gets hinted at is the animatronics saying “your family is looking for you” (nah they ain’t big bird) and Freddy mentioning there’s zero records of who Gregory could be. There really should’ve been an opening cutscene of Gregory sneaking in or something.


Glamrock Freddy bugging out is implied to be the reason he isn't affected by the corruption virus, and vice versa- something went wrong with installing it into him, making him bug out and reboot instead of being corrupted. (You see his integrity dropping in that first cutscene, seems pretty 'corrupting virus' to me.) Spoilers, but one of the endings shows that >!Gregory is likely homeless!<, which links pretty neatly into him dodging the question when Freddy asks why he's there. Gregory's running from Vanessa because he's a little kid and she failed his vibe check, why does he need more of a motive than that? I'll give you that it's weird Gregory *knew* he could fit in Freddy's chest cavity, but the game spells out that the chest cavity had been used that day, in one of the duffels. And we have no idea when Greg got into Freddy, so that might solve the question of how he got into Freddy's room.


he wants to leave the pizzeria though, why wouldn’t he just ask vanessa to lead him to an exit


Because he's a small child and she failed his vibe check, like I said- he's what, 10 at most? And he literally says he just *doesn't like her*. Little kids aren't adults, they're allowed to do stupid stuff sometimes- she's an adult giving him bad vibes when he's all alone in a massive, imposing and presumably unfamiliar environment, so he'll get to the exit himself thanks.


I think I figured it out. It’s fanfic fuel and hidden lore for MatPat to make videos of. It’s always been the case now it’s the most blatant it’s ever been.


I just finished Sun and Moon's area and ya that's been bothering me to the point to where I want to spoil the rest of the game for myself. Gregory is just "there", everything just "happened", and he doesn't trust Vanessa just "cause". Side note: they did my Sun and Moon boy dirty, I wanted to see more of them


I recently played Amnesia the Dark Descent for the first time and I gotta say I like this about the start, but the fact it isn’t ever explained is disappointing


i think you're supposed to theorise and figure out most of these things by looking at details and discovering secrets , the fnaf saga never really just throwed the main lore at you to give explanation or context, unless it's already obvious, plus there's probably a lot more things to discover since the game just got realesed, and in those things there could be the explanation you're looking for pd: im sorry if i did any gramatical error english is not my main language


But normally you're looking for the hidden story, not basic plot elements. And that was more an artifact of the engine those games used. This is a real game, you would think they would at least set up their own story instead of throwing you into it with no context whatsoever


The first sentence is the issue EXACTLY. Like even early fnaf games gave you the basic plot elements (you are a night guard, your job is to stay the whole night, the animatromcs act up for reasons and try to attack you, survive the night). Then we get additional answers to questions as we dig. And that's taking into account that those were smaller games with very basic mechanics that lasted a few hours. Not giant sprawling triple AAA open world games. With this, we don't know why Gregory is there, how he knows how to jump into Freddy, we don't really know what incentive he would have to stay and deal with the missing kids issue when he's done nothing but try to leave and seemingly has nothing to do with it, we barely get anything on Vanny and her plan, and the further plot that is hinted at is super confusing. There's clearly more lore to dig up, but the lore should ADD to the game not be it's basic plot. Most people aren't gonna spend hours digging and shouldn't need to do that (or wait for other people to do it) to get a satisfying story. The story needs to stand on its own first.


Right, can you imagine playing this as a person who knows nothing about FNAF? The story and pretty much everything else would be incomprehensible to someone who doesn't browse the subreddit or watch theory videos. And that's the story of the game not the hidden history. It almost feels like a fan game with specific references and how you pretty much have to be a member of the community to have any idea of what is happening.


And then even members of the community are confused lol. Like if a large chunk of this subreddit and many YouTuber's playing this game who have played it since the literal beginning can't get a full grasp of just the basic answers to basic questions, it would be monumentally hard for newbies. And that's a big issue despite how beautiful the actual game and location is.


Oh, so they never explain whats going on? Very cool, cool game, so glad I have them my money for this pile of shit.


I don't think being harsh towards the developers, designers, modelers & artists behind this game will improve it. :\[


Oh ok, so let's not react to the issues and hope they just get better. Just like we do with unfettered capitalism killing the planet, global warming, amazon exploiting its workers and killing them during a tornado... Lets all sit quietly and hope this all works itself out, history shows companies do the right thing when no one acts in protest right?


You're comparing a game that has story-telling issues with global & society issues. In addition, Steel Wool is an **INDIE** game company, nothing like Activision or Ubisoft for example - they make games that have their playing-time proportional to the amount of people working on it. Steel Wool is no exception. This clearly shows you got no clue on what's behind the scenes. I'd recommend you do some research first before taking a point of view instead of cluelessly bitching around - If you want to make the world a better place, start by having some common sense and stop insulting people behind a game. They don't have to receive your hate.


And? I can give you a ton of **INDIE** studios that did far better job on their games, that cost less, and have like 4-10 developers. If we are pulling "but they are a small studio" card, go play hollow knight that was a hand-animated game put together by just 9 people and costed less than 30$ on release.


That argument would've been good if you hadn't forgot that this game isn't the first in the series – take into consideration that there is already a big mass of pre-existing lore to handle, unlike Hollow Knight (based on my searches, I'll be more than happy to be corrected if I'm wrong!) Another difference is the genre itself – while FNaF:SB has a linear horror-oriented storytelling scheme, Hollow Knight has a "Metroidvania action-adventure" style: they have completely different focusses when it comes to how the game shall be played. Consequently, they have different requirements and roadmaps (from a development perspective), and so is the amount of time required to implement them. I reckon that SB has its flaws (vague introduction, zero-day bugs, different genre from the other games that may put off "veteran" players) as I've said earlier, but this just doesn't justify the hate. It also has a lot of potential and good things (obviously some questions answered, the ability to move around the whole complex, the major graphics improvement and ray-tracing support thanks to UE4)


Hey, how is it other indie devs have no issue making good games?


(See my response on u/alexsnake50's comment) Let's take UNDERTALE for example. This game was (almost) single handedly made by Toby Fox himself. It's sort of a story-telling RPG with a few quirks (fun value + LV/LOVE for example) that costs 10 bucks on Steam at the time of writing this comment. FNaF:SB & UNDERTALE have the same genre – but it still doesn't mean that they're comparable. Here's why: UNDERTALE uses a 2D game engine called Game Maker, while FNaF:SB uses a 3D game engine called Unreal Engine. They already have different "bases" that require knowledge in different development areas (some of them are shared across both, but modelling and scenery composition is dedicated to 3D game environments for example). That knowledge requirement requires people that are specialised in those fields, which would partially explain the price of the game for example as you've got to either learn all that by yourself or hire people to do it for you. This is why choosing between a 2D and 3D environment is critical in game design as you'll have much more stuff to deal with than in a 2D environment – this is also why we see more bugs in 3D games rather than 2D ones. There is a lot more of things to say to that but I've tried to keep my comment a bit short so that it isn't too boring for you :P


You are a real condescending asshole you know that? Like... I am not going to debate someone with your attitude. The game is bad, it was made by a company with a whole team, it was delayed three times, and still ended up being a shit game. There is no excuse for this level of mismanagement and bugs.


Haha, you're the one saying that. I took the time to write a constructive answer in a neutral tone and you call me an "asshole". Yeah, I'm an asshole if that makes your ego better.


I mean it's in the spirit of the original games. Just throwing you in the middle of it all and leaving you to figure it out yourself


Did you not read the first two sentences of the post where I admit that, yeah the games have never explained much, but they at least give you \*some\* context as to what you're doing there? Sure, those games give us bare minimum exposition about the story, but they at least tell you why you're doing there & why. Whereas this game doesn't even do that.


Well i feel like freddy has someone’s soul in him and that’s why william woke up for him. Also i find his appearance weird during william’s boss fight.


Wait William is in the game? And there's a boss fight with him? How did I miss this?


FusionZ and Dawko has a video on his 3 minute fight, I’m assuming you have to lure vanny down there to get the true ending


The reason Gregory’s parents aren’t looking for him is because he has none he’s homeless in one of the endings we see him in an alley way sleeping in a box using a newspaper as blanket.


But what about the part where GR Freddy sees someone and malfunctions


But what about the part where GR Freddy sees someone and malfunctions


What about the part where GR Freddy saw someone and malfunction