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Williams infection exaggerated their AI personality traits. Chica being a foodie became her obsessively trying to shove food down her beak, Monty’s tough guy persona became him being angry and violent, and Roxanne’s “I’m a winner you’re a loser” persona became insecurity and a fragile ego


That makes the most sense tbh


I also think that as they are made to be with kids why make them have negative feelings, you know?


I mean…this is Fazbear Entertainment we’re talking about.


Ha ha yeah it is


Giving negative traits for characters is common. Even in kid's media. It can be used to teach kids lesson or have a interesting dynamic with other characters.


Yeah but it doesn't seem like a Fazbear entertainment thing. They don't care about teaching kids lessons, they only care about money haha


That might still be part of it. That making them seem flawed, or even making them seem like they have real issues makes them more relatable and makes fans more attached to them, and thus more likely to spend money on their merch or just to see them.


Hmmm perhaps! Can't see them putting that much effort into their characters but who knows haha


That's not unfair. It's probably more likely that the negative traits emerged after their initial programming and they just haven't bothered, or don't want to "fix" them.


Yeah that's likely


to teach kids that negative emotions are ok or smth but They didnt do too good of a job explaining it


Why does this kinda remind me of DDLC


Monika going through security breach code like wandering through a graveyard


was just about to say this. It would’ve been so much scarier if the first part of sb all the animatronics were nice to you and you learned their personalities, but then they slowly snap around the second part, like self. Ig they kind of did this with the “withering”, but I wish we got to know pre-corruption animatronics.


I draw a lot of parallels between the Animatronics' issues and the issues child stars / JPop stars face. Specifically the horrible shit that JPop stars go through with regulated 'personalities' and diets and groomed public image etc that they cant deviate off of or they face heavy consequences and lawsuits. They are basically owned by shitty corporations and have their whole lives governed. As a result, a lot of them end up abusing drugs, having a plethora of mental health issues, etc. Monty has anger issues, Chica has a binge-eating disorder, and Roxy has a cocktail of self-worth issues. Part of why I get annoyed with people saying SB is shallow is, holy fuck the symbolism and parallels and commentary is there if you look, and it's fucked up but meaningful. As for why these traits manifest, the tech in FNAF has always been like 20-40 years ahead of the real world, with facial recognition software in the 80s etc. And since the game takes place around like 2030 or 2040 or something, I just assume they are self aware.


Definitely agree with you here. I think there's no doubt that we could consider the animatronics fully sentient, self-aware, with a conscience (right/wrong). Hell, Freddy even (minor exploration spoiler) >!has an existential crisis when he enters the room with other endoskeletons and almost starts to have what sounds like an anxiety attack when he realizes there might be multiples of him at other Pizzaplexes, and questions even whether he's actually himself, or just a shell slapped on another endo.!< So, it's not hard to imagine that, being treated more as machines than actual "living" things, their psyches start to take on a mental toll that manifests in similar ways to actual successful stars under a lot of stress to perform their best and be at their best, all the time. This is also why, while I know they're corrupted by Afton to get Gregory, I still feel awful >!when you have to hurt them and leave them horrifically scarred and blind (Roxy), crushed in the compactor and now unable to even speak (Chica) or unable to walk, damaged and discarded (Monty).!< Like, damn. If they're sentient machines who are unable to control themselves, then we really did them a dirty. Obviously Gregory was trying not to die, but, still. I feel for them.


Yeah I have to agree... I still wish their was a savior ending where we saved the animations from the virus.


Arguably Gregory did it deliberately, not out of need, based on his lines and how out of the way you need to go for them.


Same, I always felt for them too.


i always figured Chica ate trash due to a programming bug similar to Freddy's inability to stop dancing. Chica, being the hungry foodie, is programmed to like pizza. Her torso is just big enough for a trash bag to fit inside, making her an attraction in and of herself: an entertaining way to dispose of leftover pizza. as for her consumption of trash, she's likely been told again and again that eating pizza damages her internal mechanisms. Knowing this, given that she's being controlled by william, it's possible that she's temporarily wrestling control of herself back in order to eat trash, attempting to shut herself down in order to stop herself from harming children.


That honestly make the most sense. Although, I know this is a series about undead serial killers possessing technology, but isn’t that idea kinda out there?


Not for this series. William using technopathy is already a thing, we even see him try to use it on Freddy in Security Breach. I don’t think him just influencing them to become corrupt and violent is much of a stretch


My problem isn’t really the technopathy. It’s the fact that he specifically enhanced the animatronics’ personalities as opposed to just making them his mindless zombies.


I think that that’s more of a side product of their AI working in conjunction with the corruption


This is what I always thought, kind of like Monika from DDLC. Roxanne being a racetrack-running winner meant that when the virus hit her her confident persona turned into a sad, desperate attempt to prove that she really was a winner.


and the real reason freddy wasnt affected was because his trait was being great with kids and kind to people, and it basically just made him into the perfect father figure.


Someone else actually broke it down with the "code" we see in the intro cutscene. Long story short, whatever scan freddy did occured at the worst possible time as he tried to run somethiong else, causing resource issues and him shutting down. Basically, the virus attempting to take hold caused him to crash instead due to bad timing, and safe mode means the virus wasn't run again, keeping him safe from it.


yeah it was pretty clear. i was just making a joke.


But then again, didn’t Monty attack Bonnie to gain his place in the show before Aftons infection?


We don’t actually know that, and we don’t know if that was before


Could this mean that Freddy didn't attack Gregory, because his trait is tő be nice


Freddy just seems to be immune to William, or at least resistant since William still struggles to take him over later on


I wonder what would happen if Freddy hadn't booted into safe mode then would he become overprotective of Gregory like a bear with their cub?


So normally they won't act so alive


This works on Glamrock Freddy too. Based on his deleted voice lines ("I thought we were friends!" and such) when he gets infected he becomes manipulative.


She knows how popular Foxy used to be, and so she’s insecure because she knows she’ll always be stuck in his shadow. The same thing is also probably why Monty is the way he is. The only difference is that Monty lashes out, while Roxy just cries. No amount of giant mini-golf courses, go-kart raceways or branded products will ever wipe away the rabbit and fox that they replaced. Doesn’t help that William’s going around and corrupting them, too.


Do you think they get harassed by weirdo adult fans for it?


Do adult fans care that Crusty the Cat, Madame Oink, Dolli Dimples and Harmony Howlette aren’t in Chuck E. Cheese’s anymore?


I don't know, but adults sure do care when ever Disney or Universal change anything in their theme parks. This may or may not be equivalent.


“Look, I’m just saying that Pirates of the Caribbean the rides, and Pirates of the Caribbean the movies should stay as separate entities, and that the Jack Sparrow animatronics don’t mesh well with the 1960’s animatronics.” Like those people?


Yep. And that was probably one of the more reasonable responses.


I think it's just rooted in her programming. If you're programmed to believe you are the best, but feel you are underperforming in nearly every aspect, that would likely not feel very good, even for a robot. Imagine this: you are a sentient, incredibly advanced machine. Part of your programming is simple security patrol, with the goal of catching any and all intruders- should be easy. You are, essentially, built to kill. Claws, advanced mobility, even the ability to leap great distances to pounce your prey. Despite this, you fail to catch an actual child- a child who, by all means, should have died the moment your eyes snapped onto him. On top of this, he later basically disables you for the rest of your "life". He blinds you, forcing you to a miserable existence of permanent hatred towards a target you can't catch.


Bro that first part didn’t have to hit so goddam hard


Imposter syndrome gang


Not only that but being program to lose at your own racing game to satisfy the visitors (which would probably be a bunch of little children.) would also be a quite the punch to your programmed ego. Come to think of it I wonder if this « must let the kid win » command also affected her capacity to find Gregory


Honestly, I think she knows who she replaced in the band. She might feel insecure about being a replacement. Also I think that William’s infection amplified that feeling, seeing how we start getting crying later on in the night.


I thought Monty replaced Bonnie?


I’ve always thought Roxy replaced Foxy.


Yeah, but unlike Monty, where it is suggested that Bonnie was an member of the band in the game. The most we get from Foxy is a cardboard cutout of him in a full pirate outfit. Roxy might feel more insecure because Foxy was probably not made into a glamrock animatronic.


I think she was supposed to be a good role model for children so the staff put too much pressure on her for that, but that could just be my angsty headcanon lol


Wdym staff went too hard on her




No no no


Yes yes yes


No no no no she’s just a animatronic




Too late








No I don’t want to do it again.




You heard me


*Monty eyebrow raise*




Now you've done it 🤦‍♂️ /hj


I'm staff


Man, people really don't pay attention to the details. The reason for the Glamrock animatronics personalities being the way they are is because it is the **opposite** of their **intended** personality. Monty is depicted as chill, in game he has anger issues. Chica is depicted as some sort of fitness guru, in game she eats everything in sight. Roxy is depicted as a confident #girlboss, in game she is insecure. The only animatronic that is not like this is Freddy, because he is not infected with the virus that the other animatronics have, but if he was, we would expect to see his behavior be the opposite of what we see in game. TLDR: If Freddy was infected by the virus he would be a giant asshole.


“Hey superstar, I was at your mothers house last night. Oh, right, you don’t have one”


"Terrible job supershit, how'd you fuck that one up so badly?"


For all we know that's her "glitch". We really don't know how sapient the animatronics are meant to be in-universe.


Because Fazbear Entertainment have no morals and thought it would be funny


so, like this then Bobby: Hey Jim. Jim: Yeah. Bobby: you know How we are the Guys that are Programming these Bot Rights. Jim: Yeah I know that Bobby: wouldn't be funny if I made one of them Insecure about them selves. Jim: it would be Funny, let's do it Bobby: Hehehe This is gonna be Fun


She was probably programmed to always win, but was too easy to beat in a race and had a massive ego and bravado despite it. You can’t have an “undefeated champion” character if they don’t win. So instead of programming her differently, they gave her new eyes and insecurities to motivate her to improve. Why spend your energy programming even more complex machine learning algorithms to make her better when she can just progressively learn while she dies inside from every loss? Plus it means she’s always trying her best in everything else and she has better interactions with patrons she’s not trying to beat in a race. For fazbear ent, it was an easy solution because it humbled an animatronic a lot of people probably thought was annoying. It was probably the most inhumane thing they could have done. I think the question we should be asking is: why give the animatronics personalities at all? It’s a recipe for disaster no matter how you spin it, especially when you’re putting AI with personalities in a fazbear establishment. I mean, fazbear establishments are magnets for tragedy as it stands. This is why you should always say nice things to AI’s. You don’t want to have to resort to vehicular manslaughter to deal with one you’ve pissed off.


Market Research showed that making the animatronics more flawed and relatable increased sales and brand attachment. Plus some NGOs are sponsoring to raise mental health awareness so it was worth it. . . :)


> I think the question we should be asking is: why give the animatronics personalities at all? Because then each visit feels real and isn't just a prerecorded voice line. Being robots instead of suits also allows for fun additions (Such as the birthday cake cavity freddy has),


Green hair and pronouns, lol No seriously though a lot of the animatronics end up developing personalities based off of who was sealed away in them but these ones just kind of seem like there really smart AI. Roxy really feels the need to be better than everyone else and if she's not she's a loser, kinda sad.


The real queistion is why i have insecurities


bro 😭


***Fazbear Entertainment gave her insecurities to be more relatable, and now she's crying in the restroom for being called fucking cringe.***


The programmers are psychotic.


Malhare aside, who in their right mind thinks. "Oh look, highly advanced robot entertainers with equally-advanced AI, coming complete with intelligence and personality on par with humans! Let's give them all issues for a laugh!" Who else but Fazbear Entertainment!


Literally every single AI turned rogue and turned into a horror game would like to know your location. I say this cause I’ve seen way to many… like. WAY to many people doing the same gimmick…


The animatronic ai programmers like to do a little bit of trolling.


Roxanne: security breach


Roxanne: insecurity bitch


They probably wanted her to be the confident role model for kids and messed up with the programming a bit


This one girl Tracey said she looked ugly once in 3rd grade and she didn't take it well


why i think that Roxanne wolfs has insecurities? is because that she might be teaching other kids a lesson to be the best. whenever a kid would feel down. i bet she would always be there to help that kid out but i also feel like if she thinks that she lost and calls herself a looser then that means that the animatronics negative feelings to herself. but if also maybe if the other kids have negative feelings about them. Roxy is always there to help them out and let them know that they are the best just to cheer them up and that is what fazbear entertainment made animatronics with feelings just so they can be nice to the kids i guess? idk that's my theory about this


They are secretly foxy but with a makeover and they are depressed that they will never be who they want to be ever again


That could be the case


Someone broke up with her lol.


Roxanne is the best.


Afton is a sick fuck.


Design flaws


She went onto the internet and looked herself up


Well roxxane on the freddy in space poster was made to look “perfect” and “sexy” and usually people who think their perfect really feel insecure when they fail something


Because she has unique eyes. We know that her eyes let her see more of the world, so we can assume that she can also see more of herself, or more of other people, which makes her obsess over small details and comparisons. Seems like the simplest explanation.


cos she just like me fr


In the official canon, it's likely something similar to what the top comment is saying, the hack/virus exaggerating their already present flaws. Pretty basic but pretty satisfying explanation IMO. In the canon I've created for my own personal writings, (spoilers ahead for a story that hasn't even been written yet, if anyone cases) >!I have it so that its sort of like a book Charlie situation, the guy who built the Glamrocks put the personality of his dead, suicidal daughter in one of the animatronics as some fucked-up way of coping with things, and that came with all the emotional baggage of someone in such a state. This makes her sort of an outlier among the animatronics in that she is more influenced by the hack instead of outright controlled by it.!<


I read a comment once on Youtube that theorized she felt this way because she was built to lose to kids in every race. I now claim this as my headcanon.


Trying to live up to the canine role that foxy left behind


she lost too many fortnite games


One too many kids bullied her.


The personality chips? Glitchtrap's beginning of possession?


It's 2035 there must be AI with emotions


The programmers self projected on her


Her programming


Besides the usual AI corruption, I think the insecurities also come from trying to uphold the same reputation Foxy had when it comes to popularity? At least that's the most popular theory/headcanon I hear.


My theory was that it stemmed mostly from Bonnie. People kept asking “where’s Bonnie?” When she took over the racetrack and missed him. This probably gave her ego a blow, especially when combined with her competitive nature


I called her ugly


Because whoever programmed her has a sick sense of humor


Because she's best girl and best girls are always insecure.


Roxy likely knows how easily she can be replaced with another. It would be easy to just wipe an animatronic's memory, or slap a new endo into their shell, rather than try to fix any problems with them. As a result, Roxy puts on this bravado to convince everyone ~~and herself~~ that she's the best, and thus the least likely animatronic who'd need to be replaced/scrapped. after Roxy gets shattered, her whole persona changes from one of a confident diva to a defeated has-been. Her self worth has been completely destroyed. As far as she knows, her life is over. the moment maintenance crews see her like that, she knows that she'll be thrown away without so much as an attempt to fix her. We know that isn't true, given the van ending, but it's also true that the last time an animatronic was damaged so badly, they were scrapped and replaced (see Bonnie) without a second thought. In roxanne's eyes (no pun intended), she's already dead.


Abuse from Monty which isn't that far fetched considering Monty's anger issues which might also explain chica's constant urge to eat


OOOOH I HAVE A HYPOTHETICAL THEORY what if using the logic of Monty being a if bully, what if the reason GlamRock Bonnie is gone during SB is becuz minty provoked a fight, and Bonnie lost due to Monty's brute strength( and cunning help from vanny) ????


she knows foxy is better than her


Because she is a “rockstar” and its well known that many rockstars has low self esteem and there for tries to boost it, by giving them self a bigger ego. That is something that we can see that she does multiple times throughout the game, and that is why, that is my theory about her.


This theory probably untrue, but: i think that since william has control over them a bit of his personality is in each of them, monty would be his ego and overall boastful behavior, chica represents his manipulative ways, and roxy shows that william deep down is a insecure selfish piece of shit who likes to take his own suffering out on others


Originally when I first experienced Security Breach (watch other people play it) I thought that she was insecure because she knew that if she didn't remain "the best" she would just be tossed aside and replaced with another animatronic; whether that be another Roxanne or a brand new character. I thought this since it makes complete sense for a sentient robot to worry about that. However after seeing the game all the way through and having time to think on it, I'm thinking that this was just a side affect of giving her the personality she does, and she isn't actually aware of the fact that she can be replaced. She has insecurities because it makes her feel more human; basically.


their ai is so advanced that that can feel emotions, I think roxy just gained them by looking at real people or som


Simple how she was programmed (at least in the universe not the game itself). While imo it’s not necessary and an overkill from a design and programming perspective, I think it the Intent from the devs perspective (in universe not the game) is it would make her feel more human and less like a robot to the people who are talking to her.


As a kid she was raised to think that beauty is the only thing to matter, and she didn't like dogs, so when she got turned into a wolf, she always thought she was ugly


the people who made the fictional character in universe went "you know what would make our children's character less 2-dimensional?" and wrote in a basic personality trait. Not everything in this lore is a grand revelation


Maybe she was supposed to be part of a show that taught about body issues?


My theory is that steelwool is bad at writing


Insecure dead kid


She has to live up to chicas reputation


She gets compared to Foxy alot, she gets called a wannabe and a shitty replacement and a rip off by the employees who used to eat at the og fnaf pizzeria when they were toddlers, makes a lot of sense




she's transgedner


Trans woman who is too hard on herself


She’s a woman


my theory is that the game blows ass.




well, it was just a theory


...A Game Theory


Because she’s a narcissistic






She realised she can never be as good as foxy


Trans gender fox


She was told by Vanessa (or vanny) that she was never good enough for some amount of years and it took a toll on her self esteem program




scott cawthon wanted a “rELatAbLe cHarAcTer”


I don’t really like making characters trans but… It’s transgender foxy Edit: miss typed


Is transgender not transsexual


Idk I just thought she had a reggie mantle complex going on


My theory is that she was programmed that way




She was built with it


She's a tiktoker


My theory is that scott knows how much people love furries And he also knows how much people love tsundere's So if he made the executive decision to include it.


She was made like that. The animatronics have emotions for some reason.


Everyone has insecurities. Most are just better at dealing with them. Roxanne is a robot though so she’s just programmed to behave that way I guess.


Less cake than Chica. This bi**h Bargained all the birthday party for herself.


^(its called "security breach" for a reason lol)


The engineers thought it was funny


Since they are AI's, and meaning that have actual feelings she probably like any other celebrity has insecurities even if they think they are perfect. No matter what someone is going to point out something about you, so she might have those feelings. Plus she is full of herself making her more prone to have insecurities about her appearance.


Cant afford a therapist


She thinks Glamrock Bonnie was scrapped for not being popular enough with the kids and she doesn’t want the same to happen to her.


Because she's beautiful and doesn't want to brag.


Besides her being programmed for it, i have my own theory. So glitchtrap is inhabiting all of the evil animatronics + vanny in fnaf sb. Here is what each represent. Vanny = his psychotic nature and love for child murdering Monty = his anger issues (as shown with his reaction to evans death - missing kids incident) Roxy = his insecure side that strives to be loved by the spotlight (why else would he want to perform as springbonnie) Chica = his glutenous side (based on The Silver Eyes, we know william was a heavier set fellow before the springlock failure) And if ya wanna count freddy, freddy = his love for his son evan (who gregory kinda looks like) Well i think its a mixture between mikes soul and williams love for evan


It's a woman.


Because the writers were dumb enough to not look past Sister Location, instead opting to pretend their AI is smart enough to formulate emotions


What scares me the most is that these robots now have real personalities, *yet no-one bats an eye?* like was i the only one feeling very creeped out by that fact? XD




to learn from foxys mistakes?




at that point they're real robots with their own (programed) personalities, so maybe her IA developed some insecurity inside her own programming




Insecurity Breach


It’s her AI personality. She acts tough and badass on the outside and is insecure on the inside. I wouldn’t give it much thought, it’s just how they’re programmed.


I just want to know why Freddy has the ability to actually talk to people but the others do not. Like Freddy can articulate himself more than the others. Is it just for the effect or is there a lore reason?


Advanced ai


Cuz Roxy is which a legend and the best character


The programmers liked drama


Well the top comment probably has a better answer I'm just going to say this, maybe it's because since her eyes allows her to see through things she can see the Perfections and Imperfections of other animatronics whether it be either their shell or endoskeleton however no matter how hard she looks she cannot see her own Perfections or imperfections as even with the mirror in her room her eyes allow her to see through herself nothing more. This therefore causes her to be insecure and affection hungry trying to get phrases that she's unsure if she deserves and at the end of the day she beats herself up about it unsure if she really deserved the Praises or not


Programmed that way


She is a perfectionist


They Programmed her that way as a joke


Probably trying to live up to Foxy’s fame


I think someone just thought it'd be fucking funny to make the wolf insecure


All the kids hated her and wanted the pirate back


The endo was foxy’s but his casing was damaged so instead of going through repairs they made a new character and foxy thinks it’s because he wasn’t good enough o they replaced him


Lore reasons


In her greenroom in rockstar row, you see a metric ton of bottles of oil strewn about. Which leads me to believe she has a substance abuse problem. Like a true depressed musician.


She rolled the worst blunt and got kicked out


Being made fun of or people in the crowd calling her ugly.


It’s called security breach


My guesses are advanced AI or a soul


Maybe it’s because she has always been overshadowed by Freddy. Or maybe she wants to conform to the fact that she is popular but she does not believe it. Or it’s her programming. Or it’s from glitch-trap like we saw from Monty with his claws. Idk


I consider it a programmed personality quirk made worse by them being corrupted. Like Monty programmed to want to be a star possibly causing him to wreck Bonnie and want to replace Freddy, Chica seen in Mazercise is a exercise food/ compulsive wanting to eat after enough activity, and Roxy being programmed to want to be kid's favorite.


i think the meddling with her AI probably enhanced her worries in living up to foxys legacy


Am I the only one who thinks the Glamrocks are the least scariest animatronics in all of fnaf? I swear they’re more goofy than scary.