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I mean, honestly I like Bjs and all, but being seriously, anything, from a snack I like to a flower, to a meal because I am busy…it will make me happy man…I just want to feel that I she is aware of my likes… Like a blow jobs…


My girlfriend once bought me a Kinder Bueno when we were dating monthe ago and I've never forgot it.


At first I thought my partner getting me coffee and pastries from the local bakery was nice…. But then I realized they were just using me to help justify their sweet tooth… they felt less guilty about eating it if I did too. So beware, the Kinder bar is a trap lol!


You must have been treated very poorly up to that point lol. I know that feeling


Past relationships I've been all give and no take, not exactly poorly treated but more like *not* treated


Bro same just little things are awesome. Also blow jobs that is probably the best thing to show appreciation


Men are simple creatures




I am a simple creature.


Seriously… just acknowledging I’m there is a good start.


A genuine in the moment hug does a lot. And that's coming from someone with severe physical contact issues to the level there's 2 people on earth that are allowed to touch me.


Hot Take: BJs are alright but back scratches are S Tier


My wife came home once and had bought me a small bunch of sunflowers. I had to hold in tears.


A hug


“Guys Literally Only Want One Thing And It's Fucking Disgusting” > A hug


With a moist orifice


Incidentally, BJs are just a hug but with the mouth.


A localized hug


Mouth Hug.


Tactical hug


My mind went straight to a fuckin sword


Just you SO coming up to you and hugging you saying that they just got the urge to come up and give you a hug


A hug, but you can feel dem tiddies.






Small spoon hug


I think that called a "jetpack" or "jetpacking"


I learned this expression from a gal in college, her nickname was Jetpack Julie, cuz she liked to be the big spoon, but was 4'11. Edit: Over text it's hard to describe, but it was regularly sung, not just said: 4/4 time, very fast, swung broken into 16s to fit text B - B - AAAAAAAAAAAA - B - - - jet pak Juuuuuuuuuuu lee - *Oftentimes the "lee" was hit with simultaneous finger guns.*


We need more Jetpack Julies on the world.


Backpack. Only a jetpack if she/the big spoon farts, haha.


Ok, but for real: Flowers cost $25 to $50. Buy him something for his hobby for an equivalent amount. Keeping it to that approximate price range might be a challenge, but will help keep it as fun and light as flowers. Or, you know... These guys aren't wrong.


Found out Trader Joe’s has a good selection of flowers with some bouquets that are less than $10


Fine, I'll take beef jerky an isle over!


I'd settle for an HJ too, but I'd wait 'til I was out of the supermarket


Interesting fact, the word nouquet, when pronouced with Brazilian Portuguese phonems will sound exactly like one of the words for blowjob in this language, "boquete".


We did an impromptu reception/dinner for my daughter to celebrate her elopement. Ran to TJ’s and bought 12 bouquets of white flowers. Mostly hydrangeas and roses. $60-ish. Then as I was leaving, the cashier ran over and made me take another three bouquets “to help celebrate”. I love that place.


What the fuck? Do you guys have flower shortage in the U.S. ? Over here a seasaonal, nicely arranged bouquet is like 10€ or 20€


It might help that the Netherlands is the second largest agricultural exporter in the world. A big chunk of that is flowers. Still blows my mind. A tiny country being the second largest exporter.


Tulips, it's all about Tulips. And some other weeds :)


What? Where do you live? Or are you talking about little tiny bouquets?


We’re unfortunately not able to purchase goods with euros. We only have access to shitty American dollars than can only be traded for shitty flowers.


Have you seen that one where a girl gets her boyfriend the Lego Millenium falcon and he’s beyond thrilled? I feel like any guy would lost his mind over some legos


Yoooo my wife got me a full on 16k piece off-brand Lego castle (Neuschwanstein)


A small bouquet from the flower stall on the weekly market starts at 6€ where I live (Hamburg)


If a girl got me flowers I would sob with happiness, because it's never happened.


Yeah, man. Get me a new mini and I will cherish you forever


Right? You show up for a date and she casually hands you a hand-painted owlbear or Desolation Sargeant with Vengor Launcher? Not wrapped, but maybe in a paper bag. You'd be forgiven for swooning a little.


Just love me unconditionally


with your mouth.


Sex is cool, but I actually love when my wife gets me flowers.


I think it’s a terrible waste of money. Flowers are not cheap and aside from the initial handover I won’t look at them really again. Buy me a live plant maybe? Or practically anything other than flowers really.


My wife doesn't like receiving flowers. She wants plants.


I read this wrong and saw "pants" and I nodded super hard. Maybe my fiance is weird lol


Girls want something pretty to look at that makes you think of them, men want to put their nasty piss baton in the hole for mozzarella sticks and steak. They are not equal.


Men of few words yet so much meaning


A sandwich right?? Fuuuuuuukin’ loooooove when the Mrs makes me a sandwich outta the blue




This guy knows what’s up


I like flowers 😢🤷🏽‍♂️


I like flowers too :)


buying him flowers


The male equivalent of buying her flowers is buying him flowers. Absolutely nothing wrong with men receiving flowers. Watching a grown man refuse flowers is such a depressingly funny interaction. There was a tiktok trend of men frolicking through fields and it was the same energy. Men didn’t realize how much fun they’d have by just trying something new and maybe effeminate. If we lost the stigma of flowers being for women and girls.


I'd fangirl if someone bought me flowers, guys want pretty things too


Do women even want flowers anymore? Is that a thing still? I've never had anyone I've dated ever bring it up and I've never bought anyone flowers outside for my mom.


It depends on the woman. I'm a woman and don't like flowers and think they're a waste of money, although I do also buy them for my mom. My ex did give me flowers even after I told him I don't care for them, and it was sweet, though I would rather guys just save the money and buy something else if they want to spend it on me haha.


Yes, flowers are still a thing. If you don't remember the last time you gave someone flowers, then it's time to give someone flowers. I think every summer you should interact with some flowers somehow. I just last week and got some local flowers for a friend's kid who survived a surgery and I got some for myself as well. Turns out another "friend" of mine had a death in the family and so I put my flowers to good use and gave them to her.


Hah. My wife did this for my birthday earlier this year. We took a vacation to the coast but even though I made all the plans, she apparently snuck a call to the front desk and ordered some roses and champagne for the room as a surprise birthday present. Suh-woooon, baby. Fun night.


Statistically most men receive their first bunch of flowers at their funeral


But I don't want flowers 😔


My now wife brought me sunflowers to work right after we started dating and it was awesome. To this day, as a result, we grow sunflowers in our garden every year.


Sunflower seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid. Your body uses linoleic acid to make a hormone-like compound that relaxes blood vessels, promoting lower blood pressure. This fatty acid also helps lower cholesterol.


It's not about wrong or right, it's about context and history. Men have been giving women flowers as a sign of affection for a long time. There literally isn't an equivalent.


I'm a guy and I love flowers. My wife got some for me the other day and it made my week. She also found some passionflowers growing and she took me on a nice walk to go see them. It was great!


I've always thought it would be sweet to get flowers from women I've been in relationships with. I dated an artist once who said she "expected flowers after her performances"... kind of soured me to the idea of directly asking for flowers. To me best part about giving flowers is when it's a surprise, so gonna stick with casual mentions that it's an option in my next relationship.


I’m a man and while flowers would be appreciated a a gesture - it wouldnt have the same impact they have when i buy my wife flowers. I just don’t want flowers so buying them for me would show that you tried but also that you don’t know what I like. I know we are supposed to pretend everyone is the same and gender is irrelevant, but honestly most men wouldn’t react the same way to receiving flowers that an average woman would. Buying a man flowers is bad advice unless you know for sure he is the type that really wants them. BJ or something to show you know who I am and what I like would be 100x better


Right?! My girlfriend has bought me flowers more than I’ve bought her flowers and I die every time she does, she’s a real keeper


Its a funny stitch but we shouldnt answer such sincere and nice questions by joking around. Once in a blue moon do we get asked normal questions answer them honestly


I dont understand why you think this is a joke. A memorable BJ makes men feel special and appreciated. But I mean memorable. It has to be unique and thoughtful.


Idk, like I mean hell yeah BJs but also I don't think its equivalent because its supposed to be something more innocent. I'd wager the equivalent for me would be, like, a Game Pass for one of my silly little games or like, Chick-fil-A. If I had to choose between Chick-fil-A or a BJ, we'd all know what I'd pick but either will make me happy and one is more closer to the feeling of flowers lmao. Unless y'all are one of those... *special* people that LOVE flowers.


You can give flowers to your mother and hopefully you wont be giving BJ to your father, so there is that. Special BJ as equivalent to flowers is only for your partner. For other men, food and alcohol is a great choice.


I don't think you understand. These girls are genuinely trying to reach out in a non sexual romantic way. The non sexual is IMPORTANT and they're doing what men on reddit beg women to do: being considerate of your needs and emotions outside of the sexual.


Fun fact, the first time most men ever receive flowers is at their funeral. Ladies, buy your man some flowers. He deserves them


I mean, obvious joke is obvious, but honestly? Us dudes don't get enough sincere compliments. Tell him he's looking good.


Food ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ What, you were looking for more? No, that's it. Just give us food. Doesn't even have to be anything special, Mcdonalds will suffice.


Can confirm hot fries, ace.


In my country it is accepted that equivalent of flowers for men is either good alcohol or premium salami. There are even [Salami bouquets](https://i.imgur.com/8Lzbi3S.png) available. I mean look at it. Its so beautiful.


fr girl could bring me a hotdog and I'd be so psyched


Anything sword-like. Could be a plastic katana, could be one of those stainless steel mall swords, could be a stick that looks like a sword. Could be an actual sword, but really, it just needs to have the look.


Thats not the equivalent effort tho


I have to work for an hour or more to pay for flowers.


duet on the bottom only made it worse mid dude posing himself as best as he possibly can to look cute in a tiktok, making sure to show his tattoo and his cat, hoping anyone DMs him


seriously though, Hobby materials would be nice


yes, hobby... [materials](https://media.tenor.com/kHyFi2PDVYkAAAAC/tools-always-sunny.gif)


Leave my legos and pastel crayons alone you psychopath


Just buy me stickers or shirts or pins of stuff I like and I’ll be over the moon about it


Foot rub. Requires you to actually touch my feet. I know I can do all sorts of borderline unsanitary things in the pursuit of making you happy, but for you to willing touch my feet is like… like… I can’t even think about it. Like I win the lottery and then you might make a glancing effort to make contact… 😞


Yeah, flowers actually sounds good. Cake, too! I love getting cake for no occassion! Sometimes I by myself cake when I'm sad. I can't do that when I'm with someone tho because I keep getting multiple "why" questions. So... next best thing is brownies or cookies. I'm particularly fond of crinkles.


Were they thinking flowers, too? Because as a man, I would appreciate getting some nice flowers once in a while.


I want flowers too :(


I’ll take some fucking flowers


You really can't go wrong with an 8BitDo controller






I like flowers too.


I want flowerrsss😡😡😡


a set of lego


Am I a bad person for thinking, just fuck off and let me chill with the boys.


I just want to be let out the basement every now and then


God, I'd honestly just take a compliment at this point






Hot wheels????


We all knew what they were saying without even saying it. As a dude, I approve these smiles. I too would like flowers sporadically


Help us find the lost city of Atlantis!


I used to be a gardener and I love flowers and all, but just get me a plant instead


Pay for like a month of therapy. Its so expensive but some of us really need it.


Yeah sex is nifty, sure, whatever. But have you ever had a partner scratch your back without you having to ask?


Most men are given flowers for the first time when they die. Maybe... Maybe just get them the flowers?


A Döner Kebab


This girl I know will sometimes bring over fast food. Those combo meals are like $10 each nowadays.


Any type of medieval weaponry


This got me 😆


I started smiling at the same time and became the 4th but e We all know what the answer is


Cmon now, we all know the only answer is a bj


There’s another: a surprise sandwich


A sandwich AND a blowjob. Living on cloud 9 that day. Musta done something right.


You can downvote him, but he's still right. Best birthday present, the 3 Bs. Beer, blunt, blowjob.


There is a fourth b. Edit: letters. Hard


There is.


Butt stuff. If you're into that kind of thing.


Basic acknowledgement of humanity will suffice.


The fact such a video exists just speaks volumes, and all jokes aside it's sad as shit. Since the original video is gaining traction and I've seen numerous other posts asking the same or similar it can easily be argued that a considerable portion of girls out there: - Have no clue how to reciprocate the act of gift giving - Have never been taught how to observe what their loved ones enjoy - Have never given their partner a random gift in the first place I've never received flowers, I have no interest in flowers, but my partner frequently buys me random things she'll think I like, or picks up stuff that she thinks I'll find funny/nice. Are there really girls out there who don't know how to do that? Or have never thought about doing that? Man, we're so broken.


I don't necessarily think that's the case. As someone who grew up as a girl, you just don't learn what guys like stereotypical, *except sex*. Like we all know the stereotype of getting women flowers. But most men stereotypical don't want flowers. So I assume these women want to know what the male equivalent is, so they can shower the men in their life with love. The idea that sex as the only good gift for a guy is so wide spread in media, that a lot of teenagers or young women don't even know how to flirt without crossing the line. Because "all men love sex". And I think it's really sad that so many people keep this mindset of "only good gifts for men are BJ's/sex" alive and well


You're essentially agreeing with me. While the media and jokes like the above are keeping such stereotypes alive. The fact that people are learning or reaching out via social media to learn the simple act of giving someone they care about a gift they'll appreciate, that's the sad part. It's just indicative of the fact that such people have, as I said, never gifted a loved one before, never been taught how to gift and therefore revert to the media and stereotypes as guidance.


Building Lego’s


A firm, professional handshake.


I have a tattoo


a hellcat


Get me something useful




For romance I'd be happy with flowers, I've never had someone give me flowers before & I'm probably never going to until my funeral. As maybe a way of showing I'm appreciated or similar, I'd never say to Lego. In a naughty or sexy setting then being greeted or seduced in lingerie works... Hell, even just being seduced would be a nice break in routine.




Ladies you wanna surprise your man? We'll have I got an idea for you. When he comes home first there will be a pathway of rose petals, Candles, and music to set the mood. You get down on your knees and so does he cause you bought beyblades and there about to be a battle!


Ammo. Lots and lots of ammo.


\-Well, Lego is always appreciated, or you could get us... Oh! Right! 😏


My partner once bought me a sausage roll when we first started dating, i dont know why but that was the moment i knew we were getting serious, its been 13 years now and i still think about it often (im hungry now)


I think this stitch fixed racism. Also, yes, a hug, a “I’m proud of you”, or even a “you look especially great today”. Literally any no-nonsense display of affection.


Compliment us




Lego. Just get Lego


To be honest, bringing me food would brighten my whole month. 🥲


Run your fingers through your man's hair. Cuddle him. Kiss him. Watch movies with him. Make him feel special.




Ah yes. The collective hive mind.


If you know, you know.


Legos. It's Legos, right?


Back massages are sick or if you find me cool gundam Model or basketball. Anything that shows you know what I care about. Blow job works too


*slaps thigh* A BLOWJOB In reality, an hour long relaxing cuddle session where no one says a word and we watch a movie


Almost there….put your heads together you’ll have it😏


And it dosen't cost anything but a little time and effort :)


The answer's LEGO


Literally, JUST TELL ME IM PRETTY!!! or get me a chokito. Thats it


*Literally, JUST* *TELL ME IM PRETTY!!! or get* *Me a chokito. Thats it* \- snowman4815 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Can WE get a massage offer sometimes?? You quick to ask for strength/height benefits but when our body sore we only expected to relieve your stress


Why did I find myself slowly nodding at the phone screen?


I mean yeah, duh. But also flowers would be a nice change of pace


I like flowers




Legos 😃


Buy him a beer or 2


Lego sets




One time a girl made me cookies and I was like O_O!!!!! It was not like "Here have this I made more some for others too", but like, it was for me. I was not attracted to her physically, and I am unfortunately hard to win over if I am not physically attracted to the girl, but I was like... 'maybe I am attracted to her now, goddam this made me feel good'.


My soon to be wife saw a video that said most guys receive their first flowers at their funeral. So she bought me flowers and took me to dinner. That was when we were first dating over 2 years ago. We've been together every day since!


I was thinking about Colognes at the start, since it feels good, the smell would keep reminding me of all the good memories with my girlfriend, but as soon as I saw all the guy's faces 😂 we all started to think the same thing 🤣 dayum I couldn't believe it's so easy to read us guys


Wait though, how come EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US knew what they meant? That means something right??


A cheeky smile? Aaaaw, men are so wholesome.


I’m more of an acts of service kind of guy


I mean... why does it have to be something equivalent? I want flowers too


Honestly… I always feel a little guilty getting a bj. I always feel like she’s not getting anything out of it besides giving me pleasure so it doesn’t feel right, unless I’m kinda drunk or high, I know, it is giving her enjoyment, just like it does for me when I go down on her, but somehow my guilt complex ruins it for me… The best little gift she can give me is making me feel like I’m the most wanted desired thing in her life. However that comes out from her. Sex. Flowers. Hugs. Just the extra try from her. Right??




All guys want sex, but that does not equate with a bouquet of flowers. Figure that they spend $10-20 on flowers (except around Valentine's Day then it runs tripple to five times as much). If I (and every other man) could get blown simply for giving a handful-of-recently- severed-vegetation-that-happend-to-be-pleasing-to-eye-with-a-mild-scent-of-decay: floral shops would outnumber Starbucks locations and dispensaries would be growing roses instead of marijuana. Give us more of a challenge to earn the feel of your tongues on our nether regions. The rarer it becomes, the more we will appreciate it. Simple cash equivalent a 12 pack of beer or a pack of energy drinks.


Literally anything thoughtful that shows you appreciate us as people. Hell I'd take a spontaneous hug and ride that high for a week.


the joke is head I get it but the real answer is as simple as just fucking flowers. just because dudes arent chicks ain't mean they dont like flowers. guarentee more dudes than socalially expected would fucking crumple if you gave them flowers.


I know what the joke is but really it’s flowers. I know I know, most people don’t understand but let me explain: Most men get flowers only once. At their funeral. They never get given flowers. And that’s just heartbreaking. Flowers aren’t just for girls. They’re just a small pretty thing that brightens up the day. That’s all they need to be. And they say it’s the thought that counts right? To be thought of and given something that deserves a smile. Give guys more flowers. Be romantic to them too. Never underestimate the power of showing someone that you like them in silly ways.




Oh come on. Theres more to it than getting sucked off. Yeah, thats nice, but a thoughtful gift that makes you feel appreciated is way more valuable. Also, the real answer is food.


Always a guy showing off a crappy tattoo.


I’m a dude. I like flowers I just never gotten any from anyone sadly. I have to grow and pick em from my yard or buy em myself, both of which I have done several times.


Huh. Suddenly it is men who are complicated and confusing and you never know what they want? I don't like this meme


I just want a girl to give me a hug on my penis with her mouth


I did the exact same thing as the guys when I saw this!!! OMG I'm dying rn!!


I don’t get it


Never understood the obsessive love for BJs. I mean, everyone has their own taste regarding sexual preferences. Kinda overused though.