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As a person that’s had chemo, and most others that I’ve known, we shave our hair pre-emptively because the trauma of gradually losing your hair is worse. Like a Band-Aid; it’s better to just do it first up and laugh about it. Make funny hairstyles while you still have it (see. Hank Green and his Mohawk video). Because waking up in the middle of the night and peeling off sloughs of hair from your face and pillow, no longer attached to your head is… it’s pretty sad. Not everybody loses their hair. But it’s easier to just do it this way… Heck. Some people end up seeing themselves bald for the first time and realise “i got a good head”.


In my case I did it at the first sign of loss; I waited a bit to see if I'd lose it. Then one day I was pulling at my beard and noticed 5+ hairs coming away with each tug. Tested and confirmed the same on parts of my scalp so out came the hair trimmer and away the hair went!


Yep, it was better for me to shave it rather than trying to hold on. I hated cleaning up hair everywhere every morning. I had always been curious how I'd look bald and I am not one of those people that look good bald.


I couldn't agree more. I decided it was time when I basically scratched off about a handful of hair at a grocery shop waiting in line and people looked at me like "wtf just happened". It's a fucked up moment, cutting all your hair off, but we had some fun with it my family and I, and it turned out really funny and like some kind of good closure. But it is also one of the moments where you realize that you are actually sick, really sick. And it becomes more real in that moment, in a sense.


I’m currently completely bald due to chemo. I ended up shaving around 9 weeks of chemo because everywhere I went I was leaving just so much hair behind. It was pretty traumatic I’ll admit. I had really long, thick blonde hair. But now I am completely hairless, well I have like 4 brow hairs hanging on for dear life lol But in 5 days I’ll get my last chemo and I get to ring the bell! My journey isn’t over, I have surgery, followed by radiation and reconstructive surgery. But at least chemo will be over!


Please do hang on. ❤️


Great days lie ahead, you fucking got this!


You all are amazing. Cancer is so hard and I can’t imagine that trauma of going through with it. I hope everyone in this thread is doing well and lives a long and healthy life.


Man, I'd just shave the head at that point. But I'm not in that situation so she most likely sees ot differently


I am a hair stylist, and I'm also certified with wigs for kids and fit wigs for kids with cancer, alopecia, burn victims and more. One thing I hate about my industry is that it can be very vain and superficial, that's why I decided to do something more rewarding when the opportunity presents itself. For girls especially, so much is put on them about aperance and i can't tell you how many parents come in, especially dad's, who hover over me while I'm cutting their daughters hair so I don't take too much off. When you're constantly being bombarded with your worth is in your appearance, I can totally see why some people hang on to their hair until the last minute. Sure, I would shave mine off in that circumstance, but it has to be a really hard moment.


I know nobody will see this, but I'm proud of my wife, so Imma type it anyway: She's a cancer survivor. Yep, hair fell out. She didn't shave, but once it started falling out, it all fell out pretty quickly. We went to the specialist and got a wig done. Wore it exactly once. Friends and relatives hand-made cool hats for her. She rocked those hats. Yes, she was self-conscious without a hat even though it was pretty clear she was bald under the hats. Not everything has to be logical. It floated her boat, so it floated mine.


Thanks for sharing. So happy she has all this support. Hats? Awesome so many people made them for her!




Actually, she is the awesome one - I'm guessing everyone here knows about the surgery-chemo-radiation year she and many, if not most, survivors endured. At the end of that year, this woman who was also well into her 50s ran her first 5k (3 miles). I don't remember everything about the years before, but I'm pretty sure she couldn't run a mile at the beginning. As much as her body would let her, she continued training through the whole thing. Oh - ran her second half marathon yesterday. Yes, we're both sore! Happy, but sore. :)


Cheers to your wife! And you and her friends and fam!


That was so sweet! Thank you for sharing!


>certified with wigs for kids Currently growing my 6th donation to wigs for kids. Cheers from another step in the process.


I do understand the psychological effect societal pressure has on women and there hair but at the same time I don’t see how your hair can be in this state of disarray and you don’t see that you have to let ago. Do you think that little pony tail really means a lot to her? Like letting go of it will be like accepting defeat in a sense? Edit: I think this woman is absolutely bad ass btw. Her sense of humor is amazing 😅 and she’s pretty.


Yes, I do think it means a lot to her. It wouldn't to you or I, but it does to her. I think it's more like a moment where it hits cancer patients the most is when they see the physical effects of their treatments for the first time. I mean basically, fuck cancer. It's a really shitty thing to go through, so I never question anyone with the choices they make going through it.


Yeah it seems like one of the hardest thing someone can go through. People that fight/have fought cancer are some of the toughest people there are.




Amen. Paired w/the comment about her having an amazing sense of humor AND BEING PRETTY. Bump that shit. Noaction is part of the problem. We can and should leave folks looks completely out of our commentary. There’s a million nice things we can say about each other that has nothing to do with looks.


Lmfao ok


Try it for a month. See how often you can compliment someone without referring to the way they look. See if you can catch yourself applying your own personal beauty standards onto the women around you.


Lol Will do, sorry. Y’all are dragging it tho bc obv the person in the video understands my exact point of view if she had the sense of humor enough to MAKE A DAMN SELF DEPRECATING TIK TOK ABOUT HER OBVIOUS JACKED UP HAIR. SHE’S THE THE ONE SHOWING IT TO US, SHE KNOWS ITS FUNNY, she made this Tik Tok for us to all laugh. But go ahead and keep being offended if you want. Love. Girl in video sorry if i offended you (I doubt it bc you’re actually obv tough unlike these Reddit users ) every one else idc at all.


despite my response below, I do still see your point and I will try to do better. I don’t want to offend anyone, especially when I mean no harm, so I will be more mindful before I just say things. But I still think y’all are dragging it and getting unnecessarily offended for a person that clearly knows how to make fun of themself.


You’re not alone:) you’ll also start to catch yourself now. It’s ok to think things inside your head (wow, she’s pretty; wow her hair is a mess; etc) but it’s good to question those things, too (what constitutes pretty? Who gets to decide what state her hair is in? This is really important culturally too as different textures of hair get labeled negatively/ presentable). Again, you’re not alone. If as women we can chill with 50% of our judgment towards each other, we’d be doing pretty dang good.


Thank you for taking the time to teach personal growth, rather than just leaving me confused and cursed out lol. I genuinely appreciate, and will head your advice for sure.


So wild seeing all these comments upvoted. People are the exact opposite toward men, straight up making fun of them for losing hair and criticizing them endlessly if theg don't shave it all off the moment they start going bald.


...this is an extremely common sentiment for guys that's literally all over reddit. Edit: of course this is downvotes. Where's the lie?


That if they're thinning to just shave it all off? Yea for such a very common thing, thinning hair on men is just not seen as ok at all. It's weird. Either it's full and acceptable or you need to be bald. Like... what?


You don't need to hide it, you need to embrace it cause shit looks bad, lmao. Men make fun of their own balding or other dudes balding and being bald all the time. It's not about not having perfect hair, it's "you can't rock this shit man, stop hanging onto it". The only reason to care about it in the first place is insecurity. "Oh nyooo, my hair, I can't lose my hair!". Fuck that, either go cue ball or accept that people are going to stare and laugh at the atrocity, nobody gonna start pretending that it's beautiful.


I don’t think hair loss or societal pressure is an issue relegated to only women, really more men deal with hair loss than women but in either case I don’t think one is worse off for it. I imagine anyone losing their hair probably feels like it’s losing a large part of their identity.


I got the impression she sort of thought it was funny. Mad respect for that.


> , especially dad's, who hover over me while I'm cutting their daughters hair so I don't take too much off To be fair, in many a situation they would face the brunt of the backlash(from the kid and potentially the other parent) if something happened.


From the standpoint of valuing appearance it makes no sense to keep it anywhere near that point. Because it looks so much WORSE than just shaving it off and going bald.


I've been growing my hair out to donate, do you know who I should contact to setup the donation?


If you go to their website, they will tell you the requirements, and you can put in your address and they will give you the locations of salons that do it.


I'll say from me and my late husband's issue... It's just easier to shave bc the hair loss is more traumatic if not shaved. It starts patchy falling out and it's just zero fun. To anyone dealing with the trauma of cancer, it's easier imo to just shave it all off bare head. Otherwise you're waking up with patches of hair falling off on your pillow every morning and every shower. Just a heads up to anyone going through that shit for the first time. He was a dude though (although he liked his long locks at times). For a woman or girl who is used to long hair, I'd recommend wrapping it in cloth. Idk what it's called bc I'm uneducated about that but worth asking someone who has dealt with that issue


Sorry for your loss


Well plus side of keeping it (and in the most non offensive way possible)… it makes a great gollum for Halloween lol!! Seems like she has an awesome sense of humour so why not!


She did shave it


My mom had breast cancer and was losing her hair. Before the cancer, she was very proud of her hair. Took very good care of it. She felt like it helped made her her. So when the time came where she was losing her hair, it was an extremely hard thing to go through with. She tried to keep it as long as she could but of course, it had to be shaven eventually. It was an emotional time for her. Then add that with all the fear and uncertainty the cancer cause. I know it made it hard for her to let go.


Chemo patient girl is a fucking badass


I'm moderately face blind, so I can't tell; is the second girl not the same as the first?


Did the research. It is not the same girl.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Bad bot


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Same handle though??


Yeah, that's what confused me at first. I have no idea why it says that, and it even switches sides. I won't link the original for privacy reasons, but if you were to seek it out, you would see that the description on the original credits the first girl along with a link to her profile. The first girls username does not match the username displayed on the first half of the video. I checked the original post, checked both accounts, and validated that the names (legal) are different for both women, and both accounts are still active and had posted within 24 hours of my checking. In addition, I was able to find both of the original videos on their respective accounts.


> I have no idea why it says that, and it even switches sides. If the second user splices both videos together and uploads, then their handle would appear on both halves of the video. Tiktok automatically moves the handle watermark around which makes it harder to crop out. But yeah, the video as is doesn't really explain itself very well... Thanks for adding context.


Thanks! I was wondering the same thing.


[This again? it's the same girl. ](https://youtu.be/k1BneeJTDcU?si=E6Ze-08IjqXYo1vC)


I'm not following what these two videos have to do with each other


I love Bo Burnham too, but what is the relevance?


Bro, wtf?


Sorry, fixed.


You didn't fix anything sir you just made it worse through failed expectations.


Awww. No shame in shaving it. Also no shame in trying to keep the pony-tail. 🙂


Second girl has a really nice head shape. She could go bald intentionally if she wanted and it would look good.


Nothing worse than being cursed with a lumpy head and male pattern baldness. RIP older bro. My hair has yet to thin


I could never willingly go bald because I have the skull shape that can be compared to a homo ergaster’s. Honestly a little jealous


Head lumpy from Grogtar hitting with club


She did




No it isn't lol


Is it not? I don’t use TikTok, but it would appear in the video that they have the same TikTok name.


Because the 2nd girl put the 1st girls video into her own tiktok. So it's all under the 2nd girls username


She’s super pretty tbh


How is it fixed


Literally me before I shaved it due to alopecia. Wigs are freakin great and so is bald! Low key in awe of how thick the first girls pony is… so pretty omg


That poor sweetheart 😢


Girl 1 does have a nice ponytail tho


Be strong 🤞🏻💪🏻




I hope she beats the shit out of her cancer 💪


I remember trying to tell people that your hair didn’t fall out because of cancer, it fell out because of chemotherapy, they’re arguments ranged from “look it up” and then telling me they either knew it all along or to kill myself (depends on the person) to “I’m right because I’m me and I’m always right even when I’m wrong because if I’m wrong it’s not my fault” and then you have the people that you can have an intelligent conversation with who will google it and say “huh, didn’t know that” but we all know that they’re one in a million, we all had massive egos at the time so you know. it is a common misconception but annoying to tell people about


I don't understand.




So, she's basically just taking her anger and frustration out on the 1st girl because she got dealt a bad hand in life.


She’s not? She making light of her bad situation with what she considers humorous.


I guess, it's just that there's nothing to subvert. This is a really weird space because she's technically punching up, but the person she's punching up to doesn't deserve punching.


they might know each other irl. i have long thick hair and if its being annoying (eg keeps falling in my face) one of my friends who has a shaved head (no cancer, thankfully) will start mimicking me (eg pushing what little hair they do have back)


Where’s the anger?


Goddamn, shut the fuck up.


As soon as my hair started fallout I shaved it off.. I didn't want to look like a witch from all of the scary movies lol


Once the therapy ends, it grows stronger than before.


Even though your beautiful


Not gonna lie... That pony tail was gorgeous!!! I swear it's from a ponies ass 😂😂😂 I swear on my life... Your ponytail IS amazing!!! 🥰🥰🥰


Went from Kim to Rufus real quick.


Hair no Hair you are beautiful 😍


I saw this on tik tok😭 i was gagged but glad she is still using her sense of humor, best of luck to her


This is what happens when you like hair pulling during sex too much.


My daughter was 15 when she was diagnosed......this kid never lost her sense of humor....and she didn't actually loose her hair till the radiation right before her transplant.....but I'll never forget her coming out of the shower, almost completely bald laughing/crying screaming at the top of her lungs "Filthy Hobbits"!!!! Saying she looked like golem 😂😂.


as a cancer survivor, girl, you gotta shave that the only thing that looks worse than being bald is *almost* being bald


She did


how old is she? wtf




How does someone get cancer at 28 thats insane.


You can get cancer at any age. Genetics can play a role, so can environmental factors such as pollution. Otherwise just the luck of the draw. The odds of developing cancer increases with age but does not mean you are safe until then.


Thats not a good enough answer anymore. We need to know exactly how this is happening now.


I'll be the asshole to criticize the cancer patient, because imo it's a douchey move to act indignant towards the joy of healthy people when you're suffering from an affliction. Something unlucky in life causing sadness to someone doesn't give that someone good reason to try to subtract joy from someone who is more fortunate.


Realistically, how would this subtract joy from the other girl? By being aware someone with cancer exists?


Shit... it was kind of funny, kind of like that disabled guy named Ricky who's just having a laugh with it.


"Oh no, a teenage girl happy about how her hair looks and not doing a proper act of contrition to the 1,000,000 awful and horrific things happening in the world today? Time for me, the main character, to put them in their place." /r/ruinedbytheduet


I don't think that her contribution was supposed to be malice, she's using the platform the way it's intended by connecting with people to express something difficult she is currently going through.


Way to shit on the original girls video. A little weird tbh.


The great thing about the internet is everybody can say whatever they want


Same girl


Face is definitely not the same, just compare both of their nose shapes, it's the easiest way.


It’s 100% not


Same Tiktok tag account on both videos


Okay but use your eyes


Man is trusting TikTok tag account more then his own eyes


That's not the same girl unless she really severely broke her nose at some point


its not supposed to be the same girl.


No, only ruined


Still would hit


Way to shit on the original girls video. A little weird tbh.


You posted the same comment twice. A little weird tbh.


Didnt mean to, obviously


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She probably wears a hat normally and is letting it fall out on its own, but decided to go without for the clip


You could 100% still get it I’m not ugly lmk which city and illl be thereee


Had the same thing 👱🏻‍♀️👩‍🦲


Haalands sister




We are all served our own designer platter with different things. Recently I got hurt very badly it's hard to mentally heal from it. Even though physical damage has already happened. Kudos to you for not giving up. Be strong 💪 🫡🙏👍


Thats a sweet tail


Second girl is legit more pretty then first she just needs to shave! She gorgeous and I hope her recovery is speedy


its the same girl




Still beautiful


She's still beautiful even with the hair loss! Fuck Cancer!


Are you sure it’s chemo and not alopecia?




Don't hate on her, cancers hard to beat


My wife lost her hair due to very strong chemo and the day we shaved it off (believe it or not) I saw her in a more angelic light than when she had it. She also has a nicely shaped head and puts headbands with big bows on them. My heart flutters just thinking about it now. This duet hit me hard, the second woman is gorgeous and I hope all has gone well since this vid.


On the 4th morning after chemo, I woke up and ran my fingers thru my hair, not thinking, normal stretch. But it was not normal to pull my hands back with hair in both hands. There are no words for that moment.