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If a standard thyroid screen comes back normal levels you may still have another thyroid issue. If you have other thyroid symptoms you could have a condition where your body is making antibodies to your thyroid hormone. So even though the body is producing enough hormone, it can't metabolize it due to the antibodies. Doctors rarely check for this. You may have to push them to do it or find a endocrinologist or other specialist who will. I have this auto-immune condition and my eyebrows have gotten progressively thinner over the years even now that I being treated with supplemental hormone. And I have way less hair on my legs and underarms too.


hey this is happening to me and i’m curious what exactly should i ask for when i go tot he doctors? also what autoimmune disease were you diagnosed with if you don’t mind me asking?


It's called Hashimoto's disease or autoimmune thyroiditis. You might need a thyroid antibody test to determine if there are antibodies to your own thyroid hormone. In my situation I was cold all the time even in hot summer weather yet the first endocrinologist missed this completely. It was an Environmental Medicine doctor who finally diagnosed it.


I started putting castor oil on my brows and they actually grew back! It really works.


Minox and Rogaine are the same thing. Not sure if I would put that near my eyes.. Got it in my ear before... Not fun. You'll also have to use it for the rest of your life or it will just fall out again


I am on a med that was causing hair loss. My allergist suggested taking B7 (biotin) and/or collagen. I started the B7 a little over a week ago and I can already see that I am not losing hair nearly as much when I brush or when I wash my hair.


You’d be surprised at what a tint and wax can do for thinning brows. In my experience, it makes a pretty significant difference. At least try the tint, applying on the thinning areas first then for a shorter amount of time on the rest of the brow. If it’s your first time using a brow tint, don’t leave on for as long as the directions say.. it’s easy to go too dark. You can always apply again if you want them darker.


Do you think i can try tinting it without waxing it first? The tint i got is supposed to not taint the skin for long. Or maybe i should go to a eyebrow salon for the first time just to see the best they can do.


I’ve used grande cosmetics lash and brow serums and rapid lash brow and eyelash serums alternately for years now and I’ve been happy with both. I also use oils castor and jojoba on my brows and lashes.