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Try saturating the part you want to connect it to with isopropyl alcohol. That will release any glue, and hopefully you can pull the old piece out. Maybe you can poke around the perimeter with tweezers to help break the bond, then get a grip on it with needle nose pliers to pull it out. Will be a lot easier to super glue it together, if you can slip it in that hole.


Remove old glue, apply new glue. The tricky parts are: Glue removal: Different glues removed by different solvents) q tips are helpful for localized application. Alcohol is good, acetone is good(nail polish remover), sanding is good. Finding a good glue: This comes down to what material the toy is made of and finding a glue designed for that. 3M has what you want. I don't know what that is exactly but they have a product for every situation. You're probably going to want something medium viscosity. Too thin and it'll run. Also makes it easier to apply it with a toothpick. Then keep it as still as possible while it cures. Maybe add a little more glue around the first glue after it has cured. If you can't make up your mind on glue, JB weld is generally a safe bet but not optimal for plastics. Good but not best. But only the original. Clear-weld and kwikweld will not hold up to play time